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Family names starting with MO

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Last nameFirst nameDetailsTree
?/ Moze Jacob Salomo ashkenazi
Mocatta/ jr Elias died 1896 asser
Mocatta Abraham birth 1797 - died 21 Apr 1880 35 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, England asser
Mocatta Abraham birth 1797 - died 1880 ndbeli
Mocatta Abraham Lambrozo De Mattos birth 1730 - died 1800 asser
Mocatta Cecil D. birth 8 Jun 1859 LONDON - ENGLAND asser
Mocatta Constance Augusta birth 1838 LONDON - ENGLAND asser
Mocatta Daniel asser
Mocatta Daniel cohen_amers
Mocatta David asser
Mocatta Elias birth 1804 - died 1896 asser
Mocatta Frederick David birth 15 Jan 1828 LONDON - ENGLAND, died 16 Jan 1905 LONDON, ENGLAND asser
Mocatta Jacob asser
Mocatta John cohen_amers
Mocatta John birth 1819 - died 1875 asser
Mocatta Marian Helen asser
Mocatta Rebecca cohen_amers
Mocher-Jajin Hijman Chaim Barend de Beer Gloge birth 2 Jun 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Alexander Ziskind died MRT 1722 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Baruch Jacob Kosman Benedictus birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1795 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim David Alexander Ziskind birth ONG 1700 ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Hartog Hirts Benedictus Baruch v.Embden birth 6 Jan 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Hartog Hirts Jacob Kosman Benedictus birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 24 Jun 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Jacob Kosman Benedictus Joseph-Baruch birth 1717 Amersfoort - died 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Jacobus Kosman Benedictus Baruch v.Embden birth 19 Jan 1788 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1847 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Jechiel Yechiel Susskind Alexander-Ziskind Boekverkoper birth 1712 Amsterdam - died Sep 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Judith Jettele Alexander Ziskind ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Meyer Alexander Ziskind died Apr 1748 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Mozes Hartog Hirsch Cohen birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Sfarim Sara Jacob Kosman Benedictus birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 12 MRT 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Abraham Anshil Hartog Hirts Erdinge birth 1709 Uerdingen - died 13 Nov 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Andries Anshil Barend Ber Wijnman birth 12 MRT 1791 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Barend Ber Isaac Itsak Wijnman birth ONG 1740 Amsterdam - died 14 Nov 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Betje Brein Barend Ber Wijnman birth 30 Jun 1789 Amsterdam - died 24 Jul 1832 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin David Barend Ber Wijnstok birth ONG 1778 Amsterdam - died 6 OKT 1832 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin David Mozes birth 26 Jul 1775 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Eliaser Lazi Mozes Bergs birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 3 Jan 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Francijntje Frumet Mozes Simon Bergs birth ONG 1755 Amsterdam - died 15 Apr 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Hartog Hirts Isaac Itsak Wijnman birth ONG 1746 - died 27 Dec 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Isaac Itsak Barend Ber birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Isaac Itsak Marcus Mordechai Wijnman birth 14 Aug 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Jannetje Jent Isaac Itsak birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 10 Jan 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Jechiel Mozes Bergs birth 31 MRT 1762 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Joseph Jozale Barend Ber Wijnman birth 4 Aug 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Magnus Man Eliaser Lazi Bergs birth MEI 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Marcus Gumpel Eliaser Lazi Bergs birth 3 Jan 1775 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Marcus Mordechai Barend Ber Wijnman birth 26 Nov 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Mozes Isaac Itsak Wijnman birth ONG 1751 Amsterdam - died 11 Feb 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Mozes Simon birth 1719 Cronheim - died 31 Dec 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Naatje Jent Barend Ber Wijnman birth 15 Nov 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Nechama Barend Ber Wijnman birth 13 OKT 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Rachel Isaac Itsak birth Sep 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Rachel Mozes Bergh birth Sep 1772 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Roosje Reizche Barend Ber Wijnman birth Apr 1776 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Shabtay Mozes birth 12 OKT 1768 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Simon Mozes birth 7 Feb 1766 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mocher-Yajin Sipora Tsipor Isaac Itsak birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 26 Jul 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mock Abraham hakker
Mock Abraham ndbeli
Mock Abraham birth 24 Dec 1907 Amsterdam tal
MOCK Abraham Appie birth 24 Dec 1907 Amsterdam - died 12 Aug 1992 Den Haag degen
MOCK Adam Max degen
MOCK Benjamin Leon degen
Mock Betty Mariella birth 1 Jun 1946 Amsterdam - died 1 Jul 1992 Amsterdam trompetter
MOCK David degen
Mock Geertruida frank_veendam
Mock Harry heiligers
Mock Harry ploeg
Mock Harry tal
MOCK Harry Johan Sietse degen
Mock Hartog birth 16 Jan 1892 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz dessaur
Mock Herman tal
Mock Herman trompetter
Mock Herman birth ONG 1880 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mock Hermanus birth 22 Mar 1848 Amsterdam - died 11 Aug 1912 Amsterdam dessaur
MOCK Hester Hanna degen
Mock Isaac birth 27 Apr 1926 Amsterdam - died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor dessaur
Mock Jacob birth 12 Jun 1895 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor dessaur
Mock Jetje birth 5 Jul 1887 Amsterdam - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz dessaur
Mock Kitty birth 24 May 1876 London - died 21 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOCK Leon degen
MOCK Leon degen
Mock Leon birth 18 Feb 1915 Amsterdam - died 25 Mar 1967 Amsterdam trompetter
Mock Marianna birth 12 Apr 1924 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1944 Auschwitz dessaur
Mock Marianna birth 15 Jul 1889 Amsterdam - died 6 Nov 1916 Amsterdam dessaur
Mock Marianne Abraham birth 21 Nov 1886 Amsterdam - died 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor living Den Haag hakker
Mock Maurits Abraham birth 9 Jun 1882 Den Haag - died 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor living Den Haag hakker
Mock Moses Hermanus birth 30 Oct 1805 Amsterdam dessaur
Mock Mozes birth 3 Feb 1885 Amsterdam dessaur
Mock Mozes Hermanus Mendele birth 1 Nov 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOCK Naor degen
Mock Roy heiligers
Mock Roy birth NA 1 Jan 1900 ploeg
Mock Saartje hakker
MOCK Sarai Dowrat degen
Mock Sidney heiligers
Mock Sidney birth NA 1 Jan 1900 ploeg
Mocoviter Keetje birth 31 Jan 1882 Amsterdam - Holland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Modder Antje ndbcore
Modder Antje ndbeli
Moderow NN vantijn
MODIJEFSKY Charles souget
Modijefsky Charles Yecheskel ndbeli
Modijefsky Hans ndbeli
Modijefsky Harriet-Jetty birth 27 Sep 1924 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Modijefsky Harriet Jikke Wilhelmina ndbeli
Modijefsky Iman Isaak ndbcore
Modijefsky Iman Isaak birth 2 Aug 1890 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Modijefsky Iman Isaak birth 2 Aug 1890 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor philips
Modijefsky Iman Isaak Hijman Chaim Jitschak birth 2 Aug 1890 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Modijefsky Kitty Chaja ndbeli
Modijefsky Meier birth 5 Jan 1918 Nijmegen - died 30 Nov 1943 Dorohusk philips
Modijefsky Meyer birth 5 Jan 1918 Nijmegen - died 30 Nov 1943 Dorohusk ndbeli
Modijefsky Philip ndbeli
Modijefsky Rachel-Chelly ndbeli
Modijefsky Sara Rebecca birth 13 Jul 1915 Arnhem - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor philips
Modijefsky Sara Rebecca birth 13 Jul 1915 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Modijefsky Wilhelmina Judith Christina ndbeli
MODIJEFSKY Wilhelmina Judith Christine souget
Modrigo Ester David ashkenazi
Modrzew Zlata Rywka birth ± 1899 Warschau POL denbosch
MOEED Jacques gelder
Moeller Gertrud Margrete frankMeppel
Moeller Victor Joseph birth ONG 1809 Hamburg ashkenazi
MOELLERICH BERTHA birth 08 Apr 1847 - died 17 Jan 1922 mogendrf
MOELLERICH BERTHA birth 08 Apr 1847 - died 17 Jan 1922 noach
Moellerich Frederika deventer
Moellerich Frederika Rika ndbcore
Moerel Adolf Salomon ndbcore
Moerel Adolf Salomon birth 22 MRT 1859 - died 10 Jan 1918 hollande
Moerel Albert Adolf birth 9 Jun 1897 Breda - died 12 Jul 1943 Sobibor Pol hollande
Moerel Albert Salomon birth 18 Aug 1854 hollande
Moerel Alexander Maurits birth 7 Apr 1882 Breda drukker_nijm
Moerel Alexander Maurits birth 7 Apr 1882 Breda hollande
Moerel Anna birth 15 Jul 1841 Breda - died 24 Sep 1920 Rotterdam hollande
Moerel Anna birth 24 Dec 1842 - died 27 Jan 1855 Breda hollande
Moerel Anna Paulina birth 31 Jan 1846 Breda zeldenrust
Moerel Betje birth 3 Jul 1841 - died NA 1861 hollande
Moerel Caroline Josine birth 9 Nov 1909 Tilburg - died 25 Jan 1943 Auschwitz Pol hollande
Moerel Charles Maurits birth 8 Apr 1883 hollande
Moerel Charles Maurits birth 8 Apr 1883 Breda drukker_nijm
Moerel Charles Salomon birth 17 Nov 1848 - died 21 Feb 1929 Breda hollande
Moerel Eduard Maurits birth 17 Nov 1884 Breda - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor Pol hollande
Moerel Eduard Maurits birth 17 Nov 1884 Breda - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor wonende Amsterdam drukker_nijm
Moerel Eduard Salomon birth 16 Sep 1852 - died 8 MRT 1904 hollande
Moerel Elisabeth birth 16 Mar 1798 Reusel N-BR - died 18 Mar 1876 's-Hertogenbosch denbosch
Moerel Elizabeth Joseph birth 16 Mar 1798 Reusel - died 18 Mar 1876 Den Bosch NB vlijmen
Moerel Ellen Margaretha birth 27 Sep 1934 Amsterdam - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor Pol hollande
Moerel Emanuel birth 1806 Roosendaal hollande
Moerel Emma Josina birth 30 Apr 1879 hollande
Moerel Emma Josina birth 30 Apr 1879 Breda drukker_nijm
Moerel Esther Pauline birth 11 Jul 1845 Breda - died 1 Nov 1914 Rotterdam hollande
Moerel Esther Pauline birth 11 Jul 1845 Breda - died 1 Nov 1914 Rotterdam ndbeli
Moerel Esther Pauline birth 11 Jul 1845 Breda - died 1 Nov 1914 Rotterdam vanvollenhoven
Moerel Frits Gustaaf birth 23 OKT 1898 Breda - died 19 Jan 1945 Germany hollande
Moerel Gustaaf birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Gustaaf Salomon birth 8 Jan 1863 - died 20 Dec 1915 Rotterdam hollande
Moerel Hartog hollande
Moerel Henri birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Henriette Josine Emma birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
MOEREL HENRIETTE PAULINA , * 04 aug 1861 Breda heyman
Moerel Henriette Pauline birth 3 Aug 1861 - died 11 Nov 1910 hollande
Moerel Henry Salomon birth 18 Aug 1859 - died .21 Feb 1883 hollande
Moerel Herman birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel John birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Joseph hollande
Moerel Joseph birth 30 Apr 1840 - died 2 Dec 1861 Breda hollande
Moerel Joseph Moses ashkenazi
Moerel Joseph Moses zwolle_regio
Moerel Joseph Moses birth ± 1759 Weiler - Bad Kreuznach, Duitsland, died 16 Nov 1821 Roosendaal vanvollenhoven
MOEREL LOUISE PAULINE , * 12 sep 1856 Breda heyman
MOEREL Louise Pauline birth 12 Sep 1856 - died 13 Oct 1913 joachimsthal
Moerel Louise Pauline birth 12 Sep 1856 - died 18 OKT 1913 hollande
Moerel Marie birth 4 Feb 1844 Breda - Netherlands, died 27 Aug 1912 Rotterdam, Netherlands bosman
Moerel Maurits Barend birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Maurits Herman Eduard birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Maurits Salomon birth 16 Sep 1850 hollande
Moerel Maurits Salomon birth 16 Sep 1850 ndbeli
Moerel Maurits Salomon birth 16 Sep 1850 Breda - died NA 1910 drukker_nijm
Moerel Maurits Salomon birth 16 Sep 1850 Breda N-BR - died after 1920 denbosch
Moerel Michel Salomon birth 3 Jan 1869 - died 1899 Amsterdam hollande
Moerel Mietje Marie Sally birth 4 Feb 1844 - died 27 Aug 1912 Rotterdam hollande
Moerel Moses hollande
Moerel Mozes Joseph birth Rensel - Hilvarenbeek ashkenazi
Moerel Paul Gustaaf birth 6 Aug 1897 hollande
Moerel Pauline Josine birth 25 Mar 1881 Breda ndbeli
Moerel Pauline Josine birth 25 MRT 1881 Breda hollande
Moerel Peter Gustaaf birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Pouline Josine birth 25 MRT 1881 Breda drukker_nijm
Moerel Rachel hollande
Moerel Robert Jacques birth NA 1 Jan 1900 hollande
Moerel Rosina Joseph Cheintje Sientje birth 22 Jun 1805 Roosendaal - died 11 Jan 1869 Breda hollande
Moerel Salomon birth 14 MRT 1810 Roosendaal - died 29 Jun 1878 Breda hollande
Moerel Salomon birth 14 MRT 1810 Roozendaal drukker_nijm
Moerel Salomon birth 25 Mar 1810 Roosendaal - died 29 Jun 1878 Breda vanvollenhoven
Moerel Salomon birth 1809 Rotterdam ashkenazi
Moerel Salomon Joseph bosman
Moerel Salomon Maurits birth 24 Nov 1877 Breda - died 6 Sep 1944 Auschwitz Pol hollande
Moerel Salomon Maurits birth 24 Nov 1877 Breda - died 6 Sep 1944 Auschwitz wonende Tilburg drukker_nijm
Moerel Salomon Maurits birth 24 Nov 1877 Breda N-BR - died 6 Sep 1944 Auschwitz denbosch
Moerel Sientje birth ± 1802 Roosendaal - Noord Brabant, Nederland zwolle_regio
Moerel Sophie Sally birth 26 Jan 1847 - died NA 1914 hollande
Moerel Walter Adolf birth 26 MRT 1890 Breda hollande
Moerel Walter Adolf birth Breda - Noord-Brabant, Nederland enschede_regio
Moerel Walter Adolf birth Breda - Noord-Brabant, Nederland ndbcore
Moerel Walter Albert birth 25 Aug 1928 Amsterdam - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor Pol hollande
Moerman Femmigje frankMeppel
Moes Anna Hendrika izak_meijer
Moes Anna Hendrika ndbeli
Moes Berend Willem birth 13 Nov 1885 Oude Schans - Groningen, died 16 Jul 1962 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Moes Berend Willem birth 13 Nov 1885 Oude Schans - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1962 Groningen, Nederland izak_meijer
Moes Christina Berendina birth 1 Jan 1931 Appingedam - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Nov 1966 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Moes Christina Berendina birth 1 Jan 1931 Appingedam - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Nov 1966 Groningen, Nederland izak_meijer
Moes Hendrik Willem Christiaan birth 1 Jun 1923 Appingedam - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Oct 1958 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Moes Hendrik Willem Christiaan birth 1 Jun 1923 Appingedam - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Oct 1958 Groningen, Nederland izak_meijer
Moes Hilda Anna birth 8 Apr 1919 Appingedam - Groningen, Nederland, died 10 Jul 2006 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Moes Hilda Anna birth 8 Apr 1919 Appingedam - Groningen, Nederland, died 10 Jul 2006 Groningen, Nederland izak_meijer
Moesman Catharina Maria fresco
Moet Louis Johanna de birth 12 May 1876 's-Gravenhage speelman
Moet Petronella Joanna Wilhelmina birth 23 Jun 1834 Den Haag - died 26 Dec 1877 Amsterdam voss
Moeton Hendrik trompetter
Moeton Hendrik birth 7 Jun 1873 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Moeton Hendrik birth 7 Jun 1873 Amsterdam trompetter
Moeton Hendrik birth 1847 ndbeli
Moeyon Amalia birth 25 Jan 1834 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Amalia birth 25 Jan 1834 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Amalia birth 25 Jan 1834 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Betje birth 11 Mar 1829 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Betje birth 11 Mar 1829 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Betje birth 11 MRT 1829 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Betje birth 26 Jan 1825 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 5 May 1828 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Betje birth 26 Jan 1825 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 5 May 1828 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland hoogeveen_regio
Moeyon Betje birth 26 Jan 1825 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 5 May 1828 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Betje birth 26 Jan 1825 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 5 MEI 1828 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Jitschak birth 22 Jul 1843 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Jitschak birth 22 Jul 1843 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Jitschak birth 22 Jul 1843 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Joèel birth 20 Mar 1832 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Joel birth 20 Mar 1832 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Joel birth 20 MRT 1832 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Lea birth 7 Feb 1823 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland hoogeveen_regio
Moeyon Lea birth 7 Feb 1823 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Lea birth 7 Feb 1823 Hoogeveen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Saartje birth 25 Sep 1840 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 6 Aug 1842 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Saartje birth 25 Sep 1840 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 6 Aug 1842 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Saartje birth 25 Sep 1840 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 6 Aug 1842 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Samuel Simson ndbcore
Moeyon Samuel Simson birth 1793 Warsaw - Poland ndbeli
Moeyon Samuel Simson birth 1793 Warschau - , Polen assen_regio
Moeyon Samuel Simson birth 1793 Warschau - , Polen ndbcore
Moeyon Schoontje birth 10 Feb 1827 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Nov 1897 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Schoontje birth 10 Feb 1827 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Nov 1897 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Schoontje birth 10 Feb 1827 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Nov 1897 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Simson birth 31 Oct 1837 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moeyon Simson birth 31 Oct 1837 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Moeyon Simson birth 31 OKT 1837 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moeyon Simson Samuel ndbeli
Mof Abraham birth 3 Mar 1934 The Hague - died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mof Abraham birth 16 Sep 1864 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mof Abraham birth 16 Sep 1864 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mof Abraham birth 18 May 1896 Amsterdam - The Netherlands, died 2 Apr 1945 BERGEN BELSEN asser
Mof Abraham Hartog birth ONG 1809 - died 24 Jun 1849 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mof Abraham Hartog died 24 Jan 1849 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mof Abraham Hartog Hirsch birth 22 Sep 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mof Abraham Salomon birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mof Anna Salomon birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 6 Dec 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mof Beetje birth 20 Apr 1876 Amsterdam - Holland, died 1 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mof Betje willing
Mof Ester Abraham birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mof Ester Hartog birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam - died 7 Nov 1824 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mof Esther Abraham birth 1814 Amsterdam slagter
Mof Ganda Hartog slagter
Mof Hartog birth 6 Jul 1889 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor flessedrager
MOF Hartog birth 6 Jul 1889 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor pruym
Mof Isaac asser
Mof Jacob birth 4 Mar 1886 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mof Judic Salomon ndbcore
Mof Judic Salomon ndbeli
Mof Judith Jettele Salomon Zelig birth 30 Sep 1810 Amsterdam - died ONG 1847 ashkenazi
Mof Levie Abraham birth 22 Aug 1836 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mof Levie Abraham birth 22 Aug 1836 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mof Mirijam Seline asser
Mof Naatje Samuel slagter
Mof Renee Roosje asser
Mof Roosje birth 7 Dec 1867 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mof Roosje birth 7 Dec 1867 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
MOF Roosje birth 9 Jul 1874 Amsterdam - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor halberstadt
MOF Roosje birth 9 Jul 1874 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 28 May 1943 Sobibor pruym
Mof Roosje birth 10 Apr 1916 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor flessedrager
Mof Saartje birth 12 Feb 1870 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mof Saartje birth 12 Feb 1870 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mof Saartje birth 12 Feb 1870 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland winschoten_regio
Mof Salomon Jonas Jacob birth 23 Dec 1942 Amsterdam - The Netherlands, died 13 Apr 1944 BERGEN BELSEN asser
Mof Salomon Salomon birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mof Sara bak
Mof Sara trompetter
Mof Sara birth ± 1845 haringman
Mof Sara birth 6 Dec 1879 Amsterdam dessaur
Mof Sara Mozes birth 17 MEI 1830 Amsterdam - died 8 MEI 1897 slagter
Mof Sientje birth 30 Sep 1872 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mof Sientje birth 30 Sep 1872 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mof Sientje birth 30 Sep 1872 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mof Sientje Hartog ashkenazi
Moff Hanna Gana Hartog Hirsch birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moff Hartog Hirsch Salomon Zalman birth ONG 1765 - died 12 Jan 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moff Levie Hartog Hirsch birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam - died 1849 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moff Mozes Hartog Hirsch birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moff Salomon Zalman Hartog Hirsch birth 21 Dec 1803 Amsterdam - died 22 Jan 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moff Salomon Zelig Salomon Zalman birth 1774 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1829 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moffat Dominic beck
Moffat Julian Mcclaren beck
Moffie Aaron birth 22 May 1866 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 Jan 1867 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Abraham birth 14 Apr 1869 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Moffie Abraham birth 14 Apr 1869 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Moffie Barend slagter
MOFFIE Barend birth 17 Mar 1884 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 20 Mar 1943 pruym
Moffie Betje birth 22 Jun 1863 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 May 1864 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Betje Jonas birth ONG 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moffie Branca birth 22 Jul 1920 Amsterdam - Holland, died 7 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Moffie Carolina Mina birth 27 May 1937 Amsterdam - Holland, died 5 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Moffie Duifje birth 27 Jul 1894 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor flessedrager
MOFFIE Duifje birth 27 Jul 1894 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor pruym
Moffie Eliazar Jonas birth 14 Dec 1813 Amsterdam - died 7 Aug 1898 Amsterdam vischschraper
MOFFIE Eliazer Jonas pruym
Moffie Eliazer Zoes Jonas birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moffie Emanuel birth ± 1855 haringman
MOFFIE Emanuel birth 8 Aug 1850 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 7 May 1929 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Moffie Emanuel birth 13 Apr 1911 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Feb 1943 Schoppinitz, Germany haringman
Moffie Emanuel Salomon slagter
MOFFIE Esther pruym
MOFFIE Esther birth 3 Oct 1910 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Oswiecim PL halberstadt
Moffie Eva birth 22 Nov 1872 Amsterdam - Holland, died 24 Mar 1907 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Grietje Barend birth 3 Apr 1879 Amsterdam slagter
MOFFIE Hartog birth 12 Oct 1889 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 16 Mar 1921 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Moffie Heintje birth 6 Jul 1859 Amsterdam - Holland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Moffie Israel Salomon birth ONG 1781 Amsterdam - died 2 Sep 1840 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moffie Jachomijne Salomon birth ONG 1767 Amsterdam - died 26 Sep 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moffie Jacob trompetter
MOFFIE Jacob birth 5 Jan 1879 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 24 Mar 1939 pruym
Moffie Jacob birth 20 Oct 1933 Amsterdam - Holland, died 5 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Moffie Jacob birth 1879 - died 24 Mar 1939 haringman
Moffie Jonas birth 4 Aug 1864 Amsterdam - Holland, died 25 Feb 1893 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Jonas Salomon birth ± 1800 - died before 1866 haringman
Moffie Jonas Salomon birth 1788 Amsterdam - died 1 Nov 1833 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOFFIE Klaartje birth 9 Sep 1882 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 25 Nov 1933 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
MOFFIE Levie birth 13 Mar 1896 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 22 Aug 1896 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Moffie Levie Jonas birth 26 Feb 1822 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Jan 1907 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Martje hakker
Moffie Matje birth 11 Jan 1862 Amsterdam - Holland, died 6 Dec 1938 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Matje birth 11 Jan 1862 Amsterdam - Houtstraat Buurt P no. 337/geb. om 16.00 uur, died 6 Dec 1938 Amsterdam emmerik
MOFFIE Mozes birth 6 Dec 1890 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 13 Nov 1942 Auschwitz pruym
MOFFIE Naatje birth 29 Sep 1880 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 28 Sep 1942 Auschwitz pruym
Moffie NN birth ± 1873 Amsterdam - Holland, died ± 1873 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moffie Rachel huisman
Moffie Rachel birth 5 Oct 1874 Amsterdam denbosch
MOFFIE Rachel birth 8 Oct 1874 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor pruym
Moffie Rachel birth 9 Sep 1873 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz* speelman
Moffie Rachel Emanuel birth 1875 Amsterdam slagter
Moffie Rebecca abas
Moffie Roosje Reizche Salomon Zoesman birth 1769 Kleef ashkenazi
Moffie Saartje Salomon died ONG 1824 ashkenazi
MOFFIE Salomon birth 16 Jan 1877 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz pruym
MOFFIE Salomon birth 26 Jun 1892 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 10 Sep 1892 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
MOFFIE Salomon Haim birth 28 Sep 1888 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 22 Oct 1888 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Moffie Salomon Samuel birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 30 OKT 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moffie Salomon Zoesman Asser ashkenazi
MOFFIE Schoontje birth 1 Oct 1886 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 19 Sep 1887 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Moffie Vogeltje birth 26 Feb 1900 Amsterdam - died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mofje Emanuel Mendele Jacob birth 1771 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mogendorf Leentje ndbcore
MOGENDORF Sonja vazdias
MOGENDORFF AALTJE birth 01 Apr 1850 EIBERGEN - died 01 Apr 1902 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Aaltje birth Eibergen - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Aaltje birth Eibergen - Gelderland, Nederland zwolle_regio
Mogendorff Abraham "Black Bram" birth 23 May 1891 Gouda - died 24 Jan 1945 Bergen Belsen ndbeli
Mogendorff Abraham "From Goor" birth 1 Nov 1841 Doetinchem - died 16 Nov 1927 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM "ROOIE BRAM" MOGENDORFF birth 06 Mar 1891 GOUDA - died 18 Sep 1956 GOUDA mogendrf
Mogendorff Abraham deventer
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM birth 1 Nov 1841 DOETINCHEM - died 16 Jan 1927 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Abraham birth 15 Jan 1886 Groenlo - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM birth 15 Jan 1886 GROENLO - died 14 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Abraham birth 25 Sep 1814 Culemborg - died 29 Nov 1874 Nijmegen glaser_nijm
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM birth 25 Sep 1814 CULEMBORG - died 29 Nov 1874 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Abraham birth 25 Sep 1814 Culemborg - Holland, died 30 Nov 1874 Nijmegen, Holland beck
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM birth 25 Sep 1814 CULEMBORG ? - died 30 Nov 1874 NIJMEGEN ff2
Mogendorff Abraham birth 25 Sep 1814 Culemborg ? - died 30 Nov 1874 Nijmegen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM birth 28 Sep 1869 NIJMEGEN - died 11 Sep 1930 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Abraham birth 28 Sep 1869 Nijmegen - died 11Sep 1930 Nijmegen ndbeli
Mogendorff Abraham birth Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Abraham Abraham uit Goor birth 1 Nov 1841 Doetinchem - died 16 Jan 1927 Amsterdam deventer
MOGENDORFF ABRAHAM DAVID birth ± 1 Feb 1907 AMSTERDAM - died 15 Feb 1907 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Abraham Simon birth 1 Jul 1911 Hengelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 25 Dec 1944 Duitsland , KDO Stuttgart ndbeli
Mogendorff Adella birth 26 Jan 1881 Groenlo - died 1 Feb 1955 Brussels Belgium voss
MOGENDORFF ADELLA birth 26 Jan 1881 GROENLO - died 31 Jan 1955 BRUSSEL mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ADOLF birth 09 Jan 1929 DEN HAAG - died 11 Jul 1992 WATERLOOBLG. mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ADOLF birth 9 Jul 1908 AMSTERDAM - died 15 Dec 1962 ALMELO mogendrf
Mogendorff Adolf birth 9 Jul 1908 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Dec 1962 Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ADOLF birth 10 Feb 1902 NIJMEGEN - died 12 Oct 1926 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Adolf birth 11 Feb 1902 Nijmegen - died 13 Oct 1926 Nijmegen ndbeli
Mogendorff Adolf Andreis vos
MOGENDORFF ALEXANDER birth 11 Jul 1897 NIJMEGEN - died 09 Nov 1941 LEUSDEN mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ALEXANDER birth 11 Jul 1897 NIJMEGEN - died 19 Nov 1941 LEUSDEN ff2
Mogendorff Alexander birth 11 Jul 1897 Nijmegen - died 19 Nov 1941 Leusden ndbeli
Mogendorff Alexander birth 11 Jul 1897 Nijmegen - died 19 Nov 1941 Leusden Kamp Amersfoort deventer
Mogendorff Alexander birth 11 Jul 1897 Nijmegen - Holland, died 19 Nov 1941 Leusden, Netherlands beck
Mogendorff Andrew Michael Alexander ndbeli
Mogendorff Andrew Michael Alexander vos
Mogendorff Andries birth 23 Dec 1872 Nijmegen - died 27 Mar 1939 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ANDRIES birth 23 Dec 1872 NIJMEGEN - died 27 Mar 1939 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ANNA LOUISE birth 19 Jul 1911 ARNHEM - died 09 May 2002 HERZLIA,ISR. mogendrf
Mogendorff Anna Louise Judith-Zus ndbeli
Mogendorff Antje-Elka birth 10 Nov 1905 Hengelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 14 Oct 1956 Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ANTJE-ETJE birth 11 Aug 1824 GROENLO - died 28 Nov 1917 DEVENTER mogendrf
Mogendorff Antje-Etje birth 11 Aug 1824 Groenlo - died 28 Nov 1917 Deventer ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ANTJE-ETJE birth 11 Aug 1824 GROENLO - died 28 Nov 1917 DEVENTER noach
MOGENDORFF ANTJE birth 10 Nov 1905 HENGELOOV - died 14 Oct 1956 ROTTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Antje birth 11 Aug 1824 Groenlo - died 28 Nov 1917 Deventer deventer
MOGENDORFF ANTJE birth 16 Jan 1848 DOETINCHEM - died 24 Apr 1925 HENGELOOV mogendrf
Mogendorff Antje birth 16 Jan 1848 Doetinchem - died 1926 Hengelo ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ANTJE birth 21 Jan 1880 GOOR - died 04 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Antje birth 21 Jan 1880 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Antje birth 21 Jan 1880 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Antje or Mietje birth 1824 Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland, died 28 Nov 1917 Deventer, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Arnolda denbosch
Mogendorff Arnolda ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ARNOLDA birth 11 Mar 1937 's-HERTOGENBOSCH - died 22 Jan 2011 VLEUTEN mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ARON birth 17 Jul 1840 GROENLO - died 15 Mar 1845 EIBERGEN mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ARTHUR MAX birth 29 Jul 1931 ARNHEM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ASSER birth 13 Nov 1874 ALMELO - died 02 Jul 1928 APELDOORN mogendrf
Mogendorff Asser birth 13 Nov 1874 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mogendorff Asser birth 13 Nov 1874 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Asser birth 13 Nov 1874 Almelo deventer
Mogendorff Benjamin Eduard Michael birth 26 Jul 1911 Utrecht - died Denia SP denbosch
MOGENDORFF BENJAMIN EDUARD MICHAEL birth 26 Jul 1911 UTRECHT - died Nov 1982 DENIA,SP. mogendrf
Mogendorff Benjamin Eduard Michael birth 26 Jul 1911 Utrecht - died Nov 1982 Denia, Spain ndbeli
Mogendorff Bernard-Berty birth 4 Jun 1932 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF BERNARD birth 04 Jun 1932 ARNHEM - died 26 Feb 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Bernard birth 4 Jun 1932 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen izak_meijer
MOGENDORFF BERNHARD birth 9 Mar 1885 VREDEN,DTSL. - died 26 Jun 1959 MONTEVIDEO mogendrf
Mogendorff Betty Sera birth 12 Dec 1929 Doetinchem - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF BETTY SERA birth 12 Dec 1929 DOETINCHEM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF BRANCO birth 28 Nov 1908 ARNHEM - died 23 Jan 2002 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Branco birth 28 Nov 1908 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Branco birth 28 Nov 1908 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Carolina birth 8 Mar 1881 Groenlo - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF CAROLINA birth 8 Mar 1881 GROENLO - died 14 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF CAROLINA birth 16 Jun 1859 GROENLO - died 14 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Carolina birth 16 Jun 1859 Groenlo - died 14 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
MOGENDORFF CAROLINA birth 21 Mar 1827 GROENLO - died 08 Oct 1880 GROENLO noach
MOGENDORFF CAROLINA birth 21 Mar 1827 GROENLO - died 8 Oct 1880 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Carolina birth 21 Mar 1827 Groenlo - died 8 Oct 1880 Groenlo ndbeli
Mogendorff Carolina birth 21 MRT 1827 Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland, died 8 OKT 1880 Groenlo, Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Carolina birth 21 MRT 1827 Groenlo deventer
Mogendorff Carolina birth 21 Sep 1889 Gouda - died 17 Sep 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Carolina birth 21 Sep 1889 Gouda - died 17 Sep 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
MOGENDORFF CAROLINA LIEN MOGENDORFF birth 21 Sep 1889 GOUDA - died 17 Sep 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Catharina birth 21 Dec 1870 Nijmegen - died 26 Aug 1919 Amsterdam frank_nijm
MOGENDORFF CATHARINA birth 21 Dec 1870 NIJMEGEN - died 26 Aug 1919 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Catharina birth 23 Dec 1870 Nijmegen - died 26 Aug 1919 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Catharina birth 23 Dec 1870 Nijmegen - died 26 Aug 1919 Amsterdam maarssen
MOGENDORFF CECILIA birth 5 Nov 1926 AMSTERDAM - died 30 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Cecilia birth 5 Nov 1926 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Celine izak_meijer
Mogendorff Celine ndbeli
MOGENDORFF CHARLES birth 21 Dec 1897 DOETINCHEM - died 03 Mar 1945 BERGEN-BELSEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Charles birth 21 Dec 1897 Doetinchem - died 3 Mar 1945 Bergen Belsen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF CIENTJE birth 08 Mar 1850 NIJMEGEN - died 15 Jan 1929 DEN HAAG mogendrf
Mogendorff Cientje birth 9 Mar 1850 Nijmegen - died 15 Jan 1929 Nijmegen glaser_nijm
Mogendorff Daniel ndbeli
Mogendorff Daniel vos
Mogendorff David vos
Mogendorff David Martin James ndbeli
MOGENDORFF DINA birth 26 Sep 1891 NIJMEGEN - died 07 May 1892 NIJMEGEN ff2
MOGENDORFF DINA birth 26 Sep 1891 NIJMEGEN - died 07 May 1892 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Dina birth 26 Sep 1891 Nijmegen - died 7 MEI 1892 Nijmegen deventer
Mogendorff Dina birth 26 Sep 1891 Nijmegen - Holland beck
Mogendorff Dina birth 26 Sep 1891 Nijmegen ndbeli
Mogendorff Dolf Andries ndbeli
Mogendorff Dolf William Reinier ndbeli
Mogendorff Eduard birth 30 Dec 1940 's-Hertogenbosch - died 1 May 1980 Kerkrade LIMB denbosch
Mogendorff Eduard birth 30 Dec 1940 's Hertogenbosch - Noordbrabant, Nederland, died 1 May 1980 Kerkrade ndbeli
Mogendorff Eliaser birth 16 Jul 1852 Nijmegen - died 6 Nov 1854 Nijmegen glaser_nijm
MOGENDORFF ELIASER ABRAHAM birth 16 Jul 1852 NIJMEGEN - died 06 Nov 1854 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Elie-Eduard Estael birth 12 Feb 1881 Borne - died 1962 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ELIEAZAR birth 11 Feb 1855 GROENLO - died 1931 VREDEN,DTSL. mogendrf
Mogendorff Elie Estael birth Borne - Overijssel, Nederland groningen_regio
Mogendorff Elie Estael birth Borne - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ELIE ISRAEL birth 13 Oct 1878 GROENLO - died 11 Jul 1949 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Elie Israel birth 13 Oct 1878 Groenlo - died 11 Jul 1949 Groenlo ndbeli
Mogendorff Elisabeth birth 6 Sep 1873 Goor - died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Elisabeth birth 6 Sep 1873 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Elisabeth birth 25 Oct 1875 Nijmegen - Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ELISABETH birth 25 Oct 1875 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ELISABETH BETJE MOGENDORFF birth 06 Sep 1873 GOOR - died 02 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ELISE birth 28 Jun 1906 WARNSVELD - died 13 Mar 1963 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Elise birth 28 Jun 1906 Warnsveld - died 1963 ndbeli
Mogendorff Elise Christine Yvonne ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ELIZE MARIANNA birth 6 Feb 1919 AMSTERDAM - died 18 Mar 1943 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Elize Marianna birth 6 Feb 1919 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 18 Mar 1943 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Ellen Suzanne Gita ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ELLY birth 21 Jun 1927 GROENLO - died 5 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF EMANUEL birth 14 Jul 1874 NIJMEGEN - died 29 Nov 1943 HAARLEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Emanuel birth 14 Jul 1874 Nijmegen - died 29 Nov 1943 Haarlem ndbeli
MOGENDORFF EMANUEL birth 14 Sep 1842 NIJMEGEN - died 11 Mar 1923 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Emanuel birth 16 Sep 1842 Nijmegen - died 11 Mar 1923 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Emanuel birth 16 Sep 1842 Nijmegen - died 11 Mar 1923 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
MOGENDORFF EMANUEL MEIJER birth 06 Jan 1879 BORNE - died 03 Dec 1950 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Emanuel Meijer birth 6 Jan 1879 Borne - died Dec 1953 ndbeli
Mogendorff Engelina deventer
Mogendorff Engelina birth 13 Nov 1854 Nijmegen - died 3 Feb 1908 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Engelina birth 13 Nov 1854 Nijmegen - died 3 Feb 1908 Arnhem glaser_nijm
MOGENDORFF ENGELINA birth 13 Nov 1854 NIJMEGEN - died 3 Feb 1908 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Essbella ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ESTELLA birth 24 Aug 1883 GROENLO - died 08 Oct 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Estella birth 24 Aug 1883 Groenlo - died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ESTELLA STELLA MOGENDORFF birth 04 Jun 1886 GOUDA - died 27 Nov 1969 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Ester-Etje birth 15 Apr 1857 Groenlo - died 14 Nov 1888 Deventer ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ESTHER-ETJE birth 15 Apr 1857 GROENLO - died 14 Nov 1888 DEVENTER noach
Mogendorff Esther birth 15 Apr 1857 Groenlo - died 14 Nov 1888 Deventer deventer
Mogendorff Esther birth 1857 Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland, died 14 Nov 1888 Deventer, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ETJE birth 15 Apr 1857 GROENLO - died 14 Nov 1888 DEVENTER mogendrf
Mogendorff Eva ndbeli
MOGENDORFF EVA birth 13 Oct 1916 AMSTERDAM - died 22 Sep 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Evaline Susanne birth 2 May 1900 Stad Doetinchem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 10 Oct 1989 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Evaline Susanne birth 2 MEI 1900 Doetinchem - died 10 Jan 1989 Amstelveen deventer
Mogendorff Evaline Susanne birth 2 MEI 1900 Doetinchem - died 10 OKT 1989 Amsterdam cohdelft
Mogendorff Evaline Susanne birth 2 MEI 1900 Doetinchem Stad - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF EVALINE SUZANNE birth 2 May 1900 DOETINCHEM - died 10 Jan 1989 AMSTELVEEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Ewoud Marco ndbeli
MOGENDORFF FREDERIKA WILHELMINA birth 16 Oct 1895 NIJMEGEN - died 20 Aug 1949 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Frederika Wilhelmina birth 16 Oct 1895 Nijmegen - died 20 Aug 1949 Nijmegen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF FROUKE birth 18 Sep 1904 AMSTERDAM - died 23 Oct 1931 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Frouke birth 1904 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Oct 1931 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Frouke Renee ndbeli
MOGENDORFF GERARD birth 18 Jan 1921 ROTTERDAM - died 2 Mar 1945 BERGEN-BELSEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Gerard birth 18 Jan 1921 Rotterdam - died 2 Nov 1945 Bergen Belsen ndbeli
Mogendorff Gerdine Hendrika ndbeli
Mogendorff Gideon ndbeli
Mogendorff Grietje birth 17 May 1857 Nijmegen - died 15 Dec 1927 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Grietje birth 17 May 1857 Nijmegen - died 15 Dec 1927 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
MOGENDORFF GRIETJE birth 19 Feb 1896 GOUDA - died 9 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Grietje birth 19 Feb 1896 Gouda - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor vanburen
Mogendorff Grietje birth 26 Feb 1896 Gouda - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Grietje birth 26 Feb 1896 Gouda - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor vantijn
MOGENDORFF GRIETJE GRE MOGENDORFF birth 10 Oct 1887 GOUDA - died 21 Jun 1974 VELP-GEM.RHEDEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Hanna-Annie birth 26 Mar 1899 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Hanna denbosch
Mogendorff Hanna ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HANNA birth 26 Mar 1899 ARNHEM - died 20 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Hanna Anna birth 26 Mar 1899 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen avereest_regio
MOGENDORFF HANNA BRANCO birth 21 Feb 1907 ARNHEM - died 31 Jan 1908 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Hanna Branco birth 21 Feb 1907 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 31 Jan 1908 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Hanna Branco birth 21 Feb 1907 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 31 Jan 1908 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Hanna Joseph birth 26 MRT 1899 Arnhem - died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor spier
Mogendorff Hans deventer
MOGENDORFF HANS birth 2 Apr 1922 GROENLO - died 5 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HANS birth 16 May 1916 UTRECHT - died 12 Oct 1941 MAUTHAUSEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Hans birth 16 May 1916 Utrecht - died 12 Oct 1941 Mauthausen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HANS birth 25 Jun 1922 DUSSELDORF - died 10 Apr 2012 BEER SHEVA,ISR. mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HANS birth 31 Jan 1929 ARNHEM - died 27 Apr 1948 ISRAEL mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HARRIE birth 1919 - died 1920 mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HARTOCH birth 24 Oct 1876 ALMELO,STAD - died 08 Nov 1877 DEVENTER mogendrf
Mogendorff Hartoch birth 24 Oct 1876 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mogendorff Hartoch birth 24 OKT 1876 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Heiman-Hein birth 4 Jun 1894 Gouda - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HEIMAN birth 4 Jun 1894 GOUDA - died 9 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HELENA birth 19 Apr 1895 GOUDA - died 30 Mar 1896 GOUDA mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HENDRIK ANDRIES HELEEN birth 04 Feb 1903 AMSTERDAM - died 31 Mar 1904 ZEE mogendrf
Mogendorff Hendrik Andries Heleen birth 4 Feb 1903 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1904 Op zee aan boord van het Duitsche schip "President" ndbeli
Mogendorff Hennie birth 7 Dec 1908 - died 11 Dec 1963 vos
MOGENDORFF HENRI birth 21 Oct 1906 DOETINCHEM - died 28 May 1995 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Henri birth 21 Oct 1906 Doetinchem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 28 May 1995 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Henri birth 21 Oct 1906 Doetinchem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 28 May 1995 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HENRI birth 24 May 1908 WINTERSWIJK - died 11 Apr 1942 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Henri birth 24 May 1908 Winterswijk - died 11 Apr 1942 Groenlo ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HENRIETTA birth 29 Jan 1906 GOUDA - died 19 Feb 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Henriette-Jet birth 29 Aug 1908 Hengelo - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Henriette-Jetta-Jitele birth 5 Jun 1861 Groenlo - died 12 Oct 1928 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Henriette birth 5 Jun 1861 Groenlo GLD - died 11 Oct 1928 Arnhem denbosch
Mogendorff Henriette birth 10 Jul 1911 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HENRIETTE birth 23 Nov 1925 AMSTERDAM - died 30 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Henriette birth 23 Nov 1925 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Henriette Hanna-Henny birth 7 Dec 1908 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1963 Borger, TX ndbeli
Mogendorff Henry-Hans-Zvi birth 31 Jan 1929 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 27 Apr 1948 Israel ndbeli
Mogendorff Henry Donald birth 1 Nov 1928 Rotterdam - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HENRY DONALD birth 1 Nov 1928 ROTTERDAM - died 9 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HERBERT birth 24 Mar 1905 ARNHEM - died 31 Oct 1984 ARNHEM mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HERMANN birth 6 May 1886 VREDEN,DTSL. - died 14 Dec 1967 MONTEVIDEO mogendrf
Mogendorff Hertog ndbcore
MOGENDORFF HERTOG birth 1 Jan 1811 HEKROT,DTSL. - died 17 Nov 1879 EIBERGEN mogendrf
MOGENDORFF HERTOG birth 23 Oct 1852 GROENLO - died 08 Dec 1905 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Hertog birth 23 Oct 1852 Groenlo - died 8 Dec 1905 Groenlo ndbeli
MOGENDORFF Hertog birth NN - died NN wijler
Mogendorff Hertog birth ONG 1852 Groenlo - died 8 Dec 1905 Groenlo deventer
Mogendorff Hester-Etje birth 9 Nov 1874 Groenlo - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF HESTER birth 9 Nov 1874 GROENLO - died 14 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Hester birth 19 May 1869 Goor - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz fresco
Mogendorff Hester birth 19 May 1869 Goor ndbeli
Mogendorff Hester birth 19 MEI 1869 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
MOGENDORFF HESTER ESTHER ? MOGENDORFF birth 19 May 1869 GOOR - died 05 Feb 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Huibrecht Andries ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ISAACK birth 1700 - died 1770 MOGENDORFNASSAU-DTSL. ? noach
Mogendorff Isaac or Isak birth Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mogendorff Isaac or Isak birth Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ISAAK ISRAEL birth 26 Feb 1838 DOETINCHEM - died 20 Apr 1891 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Isaak Israel birth 26 Feb 1838 Doetinchem - died 20 Apr 1891 Groenlo ndbeli
Mogendorff Isak birth 9 OKT 1863 Groenlo - died 28 OKT 1943 Sobibor vantijn
MOGENDORFF ISAK birth 19 Oct 1863 GROENLO - died 28 Oct 1943 WESTERBORK mogendrf
Mogendorff Isak birth 19 Oct 1863 Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland, died 28 Oct 1943 Westerbork ndbeli
Mogendorff Isak birth 19 OKT 1863 Groenlo - died 28 OKT 1943 Westerbork deventer
Mogendorff Isidora-Do Frederika birth 21 Jun 1907 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died NA 1965 ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ISRAEL ? birth 07 Nov 1875 GOOR - died 05 Sep 1944 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Israel birth 7 Nov 1875 Goor - died 5 Sep 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Israel birth 7 Nov 1875 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 5 Sep 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ISRAEL LEVIE "RELLETJE" birth 20 Aug 1875 BORNE - died 11 Jan 1942 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Israel Levie birth 20 Aug 1875 Borne - died 11 Jan 1942 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Israel Levie birth 20 Aug 1875 Borne - Overijsel, Nederland, died 11 Jan 1942 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Israel Machiel ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ISRAEL MACHIEL birth 21 Jan 1809 FRANKFORT AM MAIN - died 16 Sep 1889 HENGELOOV mogendrf
Mogendorff Israel Machiel birth 21 Jan 1809 Frankfurt - Duitsland, died 16 Sep 1889 Hengelo deventer
Mogendorff Israel Machiel Elingezer behr
Mogendorff Israel Machiel Elingezer birth 21 Jan 1809 Frankfurt Am Main - Germany, died 16 Sep 1889 Hengelo, OV, The Netherlands ndbeli
MOGENDORFF IZAAK birth 09 Jan 1887 GOOR - died 30 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Izaak birth 9 Jan 1887 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Izak-Ies Simon birth 11 Jan 1918 Enschede - died 10 Sep 1941 Mauthausen ndbeli
Mogendorff Izak-Izaak birth 9 Jan 1887 Goor - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF IZAK birth 06 Dec 1884 GOUDA - died 18 May 1966 GOUDA mogendrf
Mogendorff Jaantje birth 11 Jan 1860 Nijmegen - died 20 Dec 1933 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
Mogendorff Jaantje birth 11 Jan 1860 Nijmegen ndbeli
Mogendorff Jacob ndbcore
Mogendorff Jacob ndbeli
Mogendorff Jacob birth 14 Apr 1889 Groenlo - died 17 Sep 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JACOB birth 14 Apr 1889 GROENLO - died 17 Sep 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Jacqueline birth 10 Sep 1892 Nijmegen - died 26 May 1956 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JACQUELINE birth 10 Sep 1892 NIJMEGEN - died 26 May 1956 AMSTERDAM ff2
MOGENDORFF JACQUELINE birth 10 Sep 1892 NIJMEGEN - died 26 May 1956 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Jacqueline birth 10 Sep 1892 Nijmegen - died 26 MEI 1956 Amsterdam deventer
Mogendorff Jacqueline birth 10 Sep 1892 Nijmegen - Holland, died 26 MEI 1956 Amsterdam, Holland beck
MOGENDORFF JACQUES birth 06 Aug 1882 GROENLO - died 28 Jul 1942 DACHAU mogendrf
Mogendorff Jacques Isaac birth 16 Oct 1889 Gouda - died 4 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JACQUES ISAAC birth 16 Oct 1889 GOUDA - died 4 Aug 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Jacques Isaac birth 16 OKT 1889 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen enschede_regio
Mogendorff Jacques Isaac birth 16 OKT 1889 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Jacques Johan deventer
MOGENDORFF JACQUES JOHAN birth 12 Dec 1898 GROENLO - died 01 Aug 1961 DEN HAAG mogendrf
Mogendorff Jan Herman Michiel ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JEANETTE birth 14 Apr 1893 GROENLO - died 9 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF JEANETTE ENGELINA birth 13 Feb 1915 ARNHEM - died 9 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Jenny birth 2 Sep 1926 - died 10 Jan 2000 deventer
MOGENDORFF JENNY birth 2 Sep 1926 - died 10 Jan 2000 mogendrf
Mogendorff Jenny birth NA 1 Jan 1900 heildinx
Mogendorff Jesaia dejong
Mogendorff Jesaia birth ONG 1823 Groenlo - died 30 MEI 1897 Groenlo deventer
MOGENDORFF JESAJA-JULIUS birth 30 Dec 1883 VREDEN,DTSL. - died 3 Sep 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Jesaja deventer
Mogendorff Jesaja ndbcore
MOGENDORFF JESAJA birth 06 Feb 1822 GROENLO - died 30 May 1897 GROENLO noach
MOGENDORFF JESAJA birth 6 Feb 1822 GROENLO - died 30 May 1897 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Jesaja birth 6 Feb 1822 Groenlo - died 30 May 1897 Groenlo ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JETJE CARLA birth 26 Sep 1921 GOUDA - died 30 Sep 1944 MIDDEN EUROPA mogendrf
MOGENDORFF JETTA birth 5 Jun 1861 GROENLO - died 11 Oct 1928 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Jetta birth 5 Jun 1861 Groenlo - died 11 OKT 1928 Arnhem deventer
MOGENDORFF JOACHIM birth 09 Jul 1900 ARNHEM - died 05 Jul 1943 WESTERBORK mogendrf
Mogendorff Joachim birth 9 Jul 1900 Arnhem - died 5 Jul 1943 Westerbork deventer
MOGENDORFF JOHANNA birth 12 Aug 1871 GOOR - died 06 Sep 1944 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Johanna birth 12 Aug 1871 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 6 Sep 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Johanna birth 12 Aug 1871 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 6 Sep 1944 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JOHANNA birth 20 Feb 1877 NIJMEGEN - died 29 Sep 1877 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Johanna birth 20 Feb 1877 Nijmegen - Gelderland, Nederland, died 29 Sep 1877 Nijmegen, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Johanne-Annie Eleonore ndbeli
Mogendorff Joseph ndbeli
Mogendorff Joseph Gustaaf Eduard ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JOSEPHINA HENDRIKA ADOLPHINE birth 30 Nov 1900 NIJMEGEN - died 12 Feb 1992 mogendrf
Mogendorff Josephine Hendrica Adolphine birth 1 Dec 1900 Nijmegen - died 30 Nov 1992 ndbeli
Mogendorff Joseph Paco birth 17 Mar 1958 Delft - died 1 Jul 1980 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JOSEPH PACO birth 17 Mar 1958 DELFT - died 1 Jul 1980 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Joyce ndbeli
Mogendorff Joyce Meerle izak_meijer
Mogendorff Jozef-Joseph birth 10 Mar 1873 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Jozef avereest_regio
Mogendorff Jozef deleeuw
MOGENDORFF JOZEF birth 10 Mar 1873 ALMELO - died 16 Jul 1944 BERGEN-BELSEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Jozef birth 10 Mar 1873 Almelo - Overijsel, Nederland, died 16 Jun 1944 Bergen Belsen, Duitsland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Jozef birth 10 Mar 1873 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 16 Jun 1944 Bergen-Belsen, Hannover, Duitsland almelo_regio
Mogendorff Jozef birth 10 MRT 1873 Almelo - died 16 Jul 1944 Bergen Belsen spier
Mogendorff Jozef birth 10 MRT 1873 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 16 Jun 1944 Bergen-Belsen, Hannover, Duitsland ndbcore
Mogendorff Jozef birth 10 MRT 1873 Almelo deventer
Mogendorff Jozef Karel ndbeli
Mogendorff Judith Annie birth 19 Jul 1911 - died 2002 vos
Mogendorff Judith Sientje-Tutie ndbeli
Mogendorff Judith Sientje deleeuw
MOGENDORFF JUDITH SIENTJE birth 25 Apr 1916 ARNHEM - died 2012 HERZLIA,ISR. mogendrf
MOGENDORFF JULIE birth 30 Jun 1895 NIJMEGEN - died 03 Sep 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Julie birth 30 Jun 1895 Nijmegen - died 3 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mogendorff Julie birth 30 Jun 1895 Nijmegen - died 3 Sep 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF JULIE birth 30 Jun 1895 NIJMEGEN - died 3 Sep 1943 AUSCHWITZ ff2
Mogendorff Julie birth 30 Jun 1895 Nijmegen - Holland, died 3 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Mogendorff Julius birth 30 Dec 1883 Vreden - Duitsland, died 3 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mogendorff Justus birth 23 Jan 1897 Doetinchem - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
MOGENDORFF JUSTUS birth 23 Jan 1897 DOETINCHEM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Justus birth 23 Jan 1897 Doetinchem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
MOGENDORFF KITTY birth 11 Nov 1930 DEN HAAG - died 31 Aug 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Kitty birth 11 Nov 1930 The Hague - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Lea Grietje birth 30 Apr 1919 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Feb 1960 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Leentje leefsma
MOGENDORFF LEENTJE birth 13 Apr 1870 GROENLO - died 6 May 1943 VUGHT mogendrf
Mogendorff Leentje birth 13 Apr 1870 Groenlo - died 6 MEI 1943 Vught deventer
Mogendorff Leentje birth 27 Jan 1833 Groenlo - died 22 Nov 1904 Arnhem deventer
Mogendorff Leentjen-Leentje Chaya-Lea birth 27 Jan 1833 Groenlo - died 22 Nov 1904 Died in the Vossenstraat, Arnhem ndbeli
MOGENDORFF LEENTJEN birth 27 Jan 1833 GROENLO - died 22 Nov 1904 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Lena birth 30 Nov 1928 Arnhem - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
MOGENDORFF LENA birth 30 Nov 1928 ARNHEM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF LILLI ANNA birth 02 Mar 1919 BRESLAU,DTSL. - died 19 Sep 2003 AMSTELVEEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Lily Anna ndbeli
Mogendorff Louis-Louw birth 13 Mar 1877 Borne - died 31 Aug 1929 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Louis ndbeli
Mogendorff Louis vos
Mogendorff Louis birth ± 1877 Borne - Overijssel, Nederland coevorden_regio
Mogendorff Louis birth 13 Mar 1877 - died 31 Aug 1929 vos
Mogendorff Louis birth ONG 1877 Borne - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF LOUIS LOUW MOGENDORFF birth 13 Mar 1877 BORNE - died 31 Aug 1929 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Machiel Isaac-Megol birth 4 Sep 1764 Mogendorf - died 1 Oct 1843 Groenlo ndbeli
Mogendorff Machiel Isaac deventer
Mogendorff Machiel Isaac leefsma
Mogendorff Machiel Isaac ndbcore
MOGENDORFF MAGCHIEL birth ± 28 Feb 1845 EIBERGEN - died 13 Mar 1845 EIBERGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Marco Henri izak_meijer
Mogendorff Marco Henri ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MARCUS birth 18 Nov 1931 DEN HAAG - died 31 Aug 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Marcus birth 18 Nov 1931 The Hague - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MARCUS birth 31 Dec 1819 GROENLO - died 25 Jan 1821 DOETINCHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Margaretha-Greetje ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MARGARETHA birth 17 May 1857 NIJMEGEN - died 15 Dec 1927 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Maria Hendrika Johanna ndbeli
Mogendorff Maria Theophila ndbeli
Mogendorff Martin Sander ndbeli
Mogendorff Martin Sander vos
MOGENDORFF MARTIN SANDER birth 22 Apr 1914 ARNHEM - died 24 Jun 1999 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Maud deventer
Mogendorff Maurits ndbcore
Mogendorff Maurits birth ± 1870 izak_meijer
Mogendorff Maurits birth 9 Mar 1932 Doetinchem - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MAURITS birth 9 Mar 1932 DOETINCHEM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Maurits birth 22 Mar 1868 Groenlo - died 27 Aug 1941 Arnhem or Doetinchem ? ndbeli
Mogendorff Maurits birth 22 Mar 1868 Groenlo - died 27 Aug 1941 Doetinchem dejong
MOGENDORFF MAURITS birth 22 Mar 1868 GROENLO - died 27 Aug 1941 DOETINCHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Maurits birth 22 MRT 1868 Groenlo - died 27 Aug 1941 Arnhem cohdelft
Mogendorff Maurits birth 22 MRT 1868 Groenlo - died 27 Aug 1941 Arnhem deventer
MOGENDORFF MAURITS IDO birth 16 Dec 1933 ARNHEM - died 23 Jun 1969 DOETINCHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Maurits Ido birth 16 Dec 1933 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 23 Jun 1969 Doetinchem, Gelderland, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Maurits Ido birth 16 Dec 1933 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 23 Jun 1969 Doetinchem ndbeli
Mogendorff Max birth 10 Nov 1906 Arnhem - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
MOGENDORFF MAX birth 10 Nov 1906 ARNHEM - died 23 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF MAX LOUIS birth 05 Jun 1923 GROENLO - died 05 Jan 2001 WASSENAAR mogendrf
Mogendorff Meijer Maurits birth ONG 1889 deventer
MOGENDORFF MEYER MAURITS birth 20 Aug 1888 GROENLO - died 5 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Michael-Max birth 16 Apr 1911 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 23 Sep 1968 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Michael-Max birth 16 Apr 1911 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 23 Sep 1968 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael-Michel birth 30 Jul 1901 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 28 Feb 1945 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael deventer
Mogendorff Michael frank_nijm
Mogendorff Michael ndbcore
Mogendorff Michael ndbcore
Mogendorff Michael ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael vos
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL birth 5 Feb 1883 GROENLO - died 29 Aug 1931 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Michael birth 5 Feb 1883 Groenlo - died 29 Aug 1931 Groenlo ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael birth 13 Dec 1844 Nijmegen - died 4 Feb 1914 Nijmegen glaser_nijm
Mogendorff Michael birth 13 Sep 1848 Groenlo - died 25 Jan 1925 Arnhem deventer
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL birth 13 Sep 1848 GROENLO - died 25 Jan 1925 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Michael birth 15 Sep 1847 Groenlo - died 25 Jan 1925 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL birth 16 Apr 1911 ARNHEM - died 23 Sep 1968 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Michael birth 29 Sep 1893 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 19 Dec 1893 Goor, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mogendorff Michael birth 30 Jul 1901 Arnhem - died 28 Feb 1945 Midden-Europa deleeuw
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL birth 30 Jul 1901 ARNHEM - died 28 Feb 1945 MIDDEN DUITSLAND mogendrf
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL birth 30 Jun 1894 WIJHE - died 3 Jun 1954 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Michael birth 1848 ndbcore
Mogendorff Michaela ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL ABRAHAM birth 13 Dec 1844 NIJMEGEN - died 03 Feb 1914 NIJMEGEN ff2
Mogendorff Michael Abraham birth 13 Dec 1844 Nijmegen - Holland, died 4 Feb 1914 Nijmegen, Holland beck
MOGENDORFF MICHAEL ABRAHAM birth 23 Dec 1844 NIJMEGEN - died 03 Feb 1914 NIJMEGEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Michael Abraham birth 23 Dec 1844 Nijmegen - died 3 Feb 1914 Nijmegen ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael Abraham birth 23 Dec 1844 Nijmegen - Gelderland, Nederland, died 3 Feb 1914 Nijmegen, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogendorff Michael Isaac glaser_nijm
Mogendorff Michael with the big ears birth 30 Jun 1894 Wijhe - died 3 Jun 1954 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MICHEL birth 15 Jan 1891 GROENLO - died 24 Aug 1913 MADLOWDTSL. mogendrf
Mogendorff Michiel birth 10 Mar 1901 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Feb 1960 Harderwijk ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MICHIEL HENDRIK birth 10 Mar 1901 AMSTERDAM - died 23 Feb 1960 HARDERWIJK mogendrf
MOGENDORFF MIEP birth 26 Nov 1925 GROENLO - died 5 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Migchael dejong
Mogendorff Migchael birth ± 1845 izak_meijer
Mogendorff Migchael birth 11 Dec 1845 Doetinchem - died 27 Jan 1925 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MIGCHAEL SALOMON birth 11 Dec 1845 DOETINCHEM - died 30 Sep 1921 ARNHEM mogendrf
MOGENDORFF MINA birth 2 Aug 1887 VREDEN,DTSL. - died 1 Jan 1952 EINDHOVEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Mirjam deventer
MOGENDORFF MOZES birth 13 Jan 1908 AMSTERDAM - died 29 Aug 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Mozes birth 13 Jan 1908 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1942 Germany ndbeli
MOGENDORFF MOZES LEVIE birth 03 Jan 1866 GROENLO - died 10 May 1936 GROENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Mozes Levie birth ONG 1860 Groenlo - died 10 MEI 1936 Groenlo deventer
MOGENDORFF NAATJE birth 19 May 1836 GROENLO - died 17 Jun 1867 GROENLO mogendrf
MOGENDORFF Nanny rooselaar
MOGENDORFF NATHAN birth 02 May 1880 DEVENTER - died 21 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF NATHAN birth 07 Dec 1850 GROENLO - died 22 Feb 1934 GOUDA mogendrf
Mogendorff Nathan birth 2 MEI 1880 Deventer - died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mogendorff Nathan birth 2 MEI 1880 Deventer - Overijssel, Nederland, died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Nathan birth 7 Dec 1850 Groenlo - died 22 Feb 1934 Gouda ndbeli
Mogendorff Nathan birth 1850 - died 22 Feb 1934 Gouda deventer
MOGENDORFF NETTY birth Jul 1922 VREDEN,DTSL. - died 7 Mar 1932 VREDEN,DTSL. mogendrf
MOGENDORFF NICOLAS birth 24 Jun 1899 GROENLO - died 28 May 1977 SYLVANIA,OHIO,USA mogendrf
Mogendorff Paul ndbeli
MOGENDORFF PAUL birth 12 Jul 1932 ARNHEM - died 03 May 2006 AMERSFOORT mogendrf
MOGENDORFF RACHEL birth 4 Oct 1924 ARNHEM - died 30 Nov 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Rachel birth 4 OKT 1925 Arnhem - died 30 Nov 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mogendorff Richard Arthur John ndbeli
Mogendorff Richard Arthur John vos
Mogendorff Robin vos
Mogendorff Robin Paul Neilson ndbeli
Mogendorff Ronald ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ROOSJE birth ± 1847 GROENLO - died 13 Dec 1849 GROENLO mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ROOSJE birth 18 Jun 1839 DOETINCHEM - died 07 Jul 1912 GROENLO mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ROOSJE birth 19 Oct 1863 GROENLO - died 11 Nov 1863 GROENLO mogendrf
MOGENDORFF ROOSJE birth 23 Jan 1843 EIBERGEN - died 30 Dec 1876 ZUTPHEN mogendrf
Mogendorff Roosje birth 1847 Groenlo - died 13 Dec 1849 Groenlo deventer
Mogendorff Roosje birth Sep 1863 Groenlo - died 11 Nov 1863 Groenlo deventer
MOGENDORFF ROOSJEN birth 20 Sep 1867 GOOR - died 12 Oct 1926 DEVENTER mogendrf
Mogendorff Roosjen birth 20 Sep 1867 Goor - died 12 OKT 1926 Deventer deventer
Mogendorff Roosjen birth 20 Sep 1867 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 12 OKT 1926 Deventer, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF ROOSJEN birth 21 Sep 1867 GOOR - died 13 Oct 1926 DEVENTER ff2
Mogendorff Roosjen birth 21 Sep 1867 Goor - died 13 Oct 1926 Deventer ndbeli
Mogendorff Roosjen birth 21 Sep 1867 Goor - died 13 Oct 1926 Deventer speelman
MOGENDORFF ROOSJEN birth 21 Sep 1867 GOOR - died 13 Oct 1926 DEVENTER vomberg
Mogendorff Roosjen birth 21 Sep 1867 Goor - Netherlands, died 13 OKT 1926 Deventer, Holland beck
MOGENDORFF ROOSJEN birth 21 Sep 1867 GOOR-NL. - died 12 Oct 1926 DEVENTER noach
MOGENDORFF Roosjen birth NN - died NN wijler
MOGENDORFF ROSA birth 17 Oct 1894 GROENLO - died 8 Oct 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Rosa birth 17 Oct 1894 Groenlo - died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz ndbeli
Mogendorff Rosa birth 17 OKT 1894 Groenlo - died 8 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mogendorff Rosa birth 17 OKT 1894 Groenlo - died 8 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Polen leefsma
MOGENDORFF ROSA CATHARINA birth 21 Jun 1907 AMSTERDAM - died 27 Oct 1969 LARENNH mogendrf
Mogendorff Rosa Catharina birth 21 Jun 1907 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 27 Oct 1969 Laren, NH, The Netherlands ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ROZA birth 1 Dec 1932 AMSTERDAM - died 30 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Roza birth 1 Dec 1932 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Rozetta-Rosetta birth 11 Nov 1847 Nijmegen - died 13 Aug 1917 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ROZETTA birth 11 Nov 1847 NIJMEGEN - died 12 Aug 1917 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mogendorff Rozette birth 11 Nov 1847 Nijmegen - died 13 Aug 1917 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
MOGENDORFF SAARTJE birth 02 Oct 1884 GOOR - died 26 Feb 1938 RIVERA, ARGENTINA mogendrf
Mogendorff Saartje birth 2 Apr 1884 Goor - NL, died 1938 USA ndbeli
Mogendorff Saartje birth 2 OKT 1884 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF SALIJ EMILE birth ± Nov 1909 WINTERSWIJK - died 08 Feb 1910 WINTERSWIJK mogendrf
MOGENDORFF SALOMON birth 06 Jun 1882 GOOR - died 29 Oct 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Salomon birth 6 Jun 1882 Goor - died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Salomon birth 6 Jun 1882 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 29 OKT 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Salomon birth 23 May 1876 Groenlo - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Salomon Israel-Sally birth 10 Jul 1904 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF SALOMON ISRAEL birth 09 Apr 1850 GROENLO - died 12 Jan 1872 GROENLO mogendrf
MOGENDORFF SALOMON ISRAEL birth 10 Jul 1904 ARNHEM - died 13 Dec 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Salomon Israel birth 10 Jul 1904 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1942 Polen izak_meijer
Mogendorff Salomon Israel Michael-Sally birth 20 May 1872 Borne - died 8 Apr 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Salomon Israel Michael birth ± 1871 Borne dejong
MOGENDORFF SALOMON SALLY MOGENDORFF birth 23 May 1876 GROENLO - died 14 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF SANETTA NETTIE MOGENDORFF birth 27 May 1903 ARNHEM - died 11 Jun 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette avereest_regio
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette deleeuw
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette birth 25 Feb 1929 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen izak_meijer
MOGENDORFF SARA ANTOINETTE birth 25 Mar 1929 ARNHEM - died 26 Feb 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette birth 28 Jul 1873 Borne - died 22 Jul 1942 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF SARA ANTOINETTE birth 28 Jul 1873 BORNE - died 22 Jul 1942 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette birth 28 Jul 1873 Borne - Overijsel, Nederland izak_meijer
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette birth 28 Jul 1873 Borne spier
Mogendorff Sara Antoinette Sonny birth 25 Mar 1929 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOGENDORFF SIEN-SIENTJE birth 19 Jul 1878 DEVENTER - died 21 May 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Sientje frank_nijm
Mogendorff Sientje birth 9 Mar 1850 Nijmegen ndbeli
Mogendorff Sientje birth 19 Jan 1878 Deventer - died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mogendorff Sientje birth 19 Jul 1878 Deventer - Overijssel, Nederland, died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mogendorff Sientje birth 31 Oct 1910 Winterswijk - died 29 Aug 1994 ndbeli
MOGENDORFF SIENTJE birth 31 Oct 1910 WINTERSWIJK - died 29 Aug 1994 DOETINCHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Simcha Suzan Pauline ndbeli
Mogendorff Simon birth 2 Feb 1890 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 6 Apr 191 Goor, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF SIMON birth 1890 GOOR - died 06 Apr 1892 GOOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF SIMONE JEANETTE HENRIETTE birth 26 Aug 1915 GOUDA - died 2 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Sonja birth 30 Dec 1923 - died 7 Feb 2013 deventer
MOGENDORFF SONJA birth 30 Dec 1923 DOETINCHEM - died 08 Feb 2013 HERZLIA,ISRAEL mogendrf
Mogendorff Sophia ndbcore
Mogendorff Sophia birth 6 Dec 1843 Doetichem - OV, NL, died 19 May 1917 Bersenbruck, Germany ndbeli
MOGENDORFF SOPHIA birth 6 Dec 1843 DOETINCHEM - died 19 May 1917 BERSENBRUCK,DTSL. mogendrf
Mogendorff Sophia birth 6 Dec 1843 Doetinchem - died 19 MEI 1917 BersenbruckD behr
Mogendorff Sophia birth 28 Dec 1877 Goor - Overijssel, Nederland, died 27 MEI 1881 Goor, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
MOGENDORFF SOPHIA birth 1878 GOOR - died 27 May 1881 GOOR mogendrf
MOGENDORFF SUSANNA birth 08 Oct 1883 GOUDA - died 22 May 1944 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Mogendorff Susanna birth 8 Oct 1883 Gouda - died 22 May 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mogendorff Susanna birth 8 OKT 1883 Gouda,ZH - died 22 MEI 1944 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mogendorff Suze birth ONG 1898 deventer
Mogendorff Suze Amalia birth 5 Sep 1889 Groenlo - died 18 Nov 1988 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
MOGENDORFF SUZE AMALIA birth 5 Sep 1889 GROENLO - died 18 Nov 1988 ARNHEM mogendrf
MOGENDORFF Suze Amalia birth 5 Sep 1889 Groenlo - died 18 Nov 1988 Arnhem wijler
MOGENDORFF SUZE SUUSKE MOGENDORFF birth 23 Oct 1897 GROENLO - died 5 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mogendorff Tal ndbeli
Mogendorff Veronica May ndbeli
MOGENDORFF VERONICA MAY birth 23 Sep 1939 SOERABAJA,INDONESIA - died 1998 mogendrf
MOGENDORFF WALTER birth 16 Nov 1920 VREDEN,DTSL. - died 30 Nov 1951 MONTEVIDEO mogendrf
Mogendorff Wilhelmina Etiene ndbeli
MOGENDORFF WILHELMUS ANDRE birth 14 Feb 1904 NIJMEGEN - died 3 Nov 1944 VENLO mogendrf
Mogendorff Wilhelmus Andre birth 14 Feb 1904 Nijmegen - died 3 Nov 1944 Venlo ndbeli
MOGENDORFF ZANETTA birth 28 Oct 1897 ARNHEM - died 15 Jan 1977 ARNHEM mogendrf
Mogendorff Zanette birth 28 Oct 1897 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1977 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mogilyansky Ivgenia Jenny birth NA 1 Jan 1900 canes
Mogliner Gerald asser
Mogliner Joel asser
Mogliner Reiss asser
Mograby Abraham Gaim ndbeli
MOGRABY Abraham Gaim troostwi
MOGRABY Adolph Herman Jacob Dolph birth 5 Jan 1926 Amsterdam,NH,NLD - died 16 Jun 2000 Toulon,Fr,NLD troostwi
Mograby Adolph Herman Jacob Dolph birth 5 Jan 1926 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Jun 2000 Halle-Zoersel, Bl ndbeli
Mograby Edith ndbeli
MOGRABY Edith troostwi
MOGROBY Lea souget
Mohr Rene asser
Moijse Michel Sijbille birth Gulpen LIMB denbosch
Moijses Samuel birth 19 Mar 1806 Dulken - Duitsland, died 2 Jun 1885 Heerlen cohen_e_m
Moijses Wilhelmina birth 13 Mar 1860 Heerlen - died 12 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Polen cohen_e_m
Moijses Wilhelmina birth 13 Mar 1860 Heerlen - died 12 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Moinat Wouter vanos
Moira Rachel abas
Moira Rachel abas
Mois Esther ndbeli
Moises Franck Mendel birth 1772 Venlo - died 22 Aug 1864 Venlo hoorn_regio
Mois\Mors Esther ndbcore
Mojel/ de Winte Johannes Anthonius abas
Mojel/ de Winte Mietje abas
Mojel/ van Krugte Wilhelmus Cornelis Hendrikus birth 12 Jun 1893 Rotterdam abas
Mojel Johanna Maria ossendrijver
Mojel Johannes Anthonius ossendrijver
Mojel Johannes Anthonius Reijnier abas
Mojel Johannes Anthonius Reijnier birth 18 Feb 1865 Rotterdam - died 10 Jul 1929 Rotterdam ossendrijver
Mojel Mietje ossendrijver
Mojel Nelly ossendrijver
Mojel Wilhelmus Cornelis Hendrikus birth 12 Jun 1893 Rotterdam ossendrijver
Mojel Willem Louis ossendrijver
Mok/ de Vrie Mijntje birth 1 May 1856 - died 28 Sep 1918 abas
Mok/ Knokker Rachel abas
Mok Aaltje birth 4 Feb 1906 Haarlem - died 16 Feb 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mok Aaltje birth 4 Feb 1906 Haarlem - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor flessedrager
Mok Aaltje birth 4 Feb 1906 Haarlem - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
MOK Aaron troostwi
Mok Aaron birth 24 Jul 1877 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor bak
Mok Abraham mok
Mok Abraham mok
MOK Abraham peeper
Mok Abraham birth 4 MRT 1914 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz bak
Mok Abraham birth 8 MRT 1846 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1886 Amsterdam bak
Mok Abraham birth 10 Sep 1886 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Abraham birth 12 Oct 1894 Amsterdam - died 1 Jul 1969 Naarden mok
Mok Abraham birth 13 Mar 1881 Haarlem - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz ricardo
Mok Abraham birth 18 Mar 1881 Haarlem - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz denneboom
Mok Abraham birth 18 Mar 1881 Haarlem - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Abraham birth 24 Jan 1863 Haarlem - died 17 Jul 1876 Indian Ocean mok
Mok Abraham birth 30 Nov 1861 Haarlem - died 18 Jun 1894 Nieuwer-Amstel mok
Mok Abraham Charles birth 5 Oct 1916 Amsterdam - died 26 Aug 1941 Mauthausen mok
MOK Abraham Emanuel peeper
Mok Abraham Emanuel Mendele ashkenazi
Mok Abraham Meijer ndbcore
Mok Abraham Meijer ndbeli
MOK ADELE birth 21 Apr 1861 AMSTERDAM - died 09 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Mok Albert Lous mok
Mok Alexander berends
Mok Alexander mok
Mok Alexander ndbcore
Mok Alexander ndbeli
MOK Alexander pruym
Mok Alexander birth 6 Dec 1831 Haarlem - died 12 May 1890 Haarlem mok
Mok Alexander birth 8 Jan 1900 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Alexander birth 9 Aug 1886 Amsterdam - died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Alexander birth 14 Jan 1861 Haarlem mok
Mok Alexander birth 26 Sep 1849 Haarlem - died 17 Feb 1925 Haarlem mok
Mok Alexander birth 26 Sep 1849 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 17 Feb 1925 Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Alexander birth 26 Sep 1849 Haarlem vriesman
Mok Alexander birth 27 Oct 1894 Beverwijk - died 28 Jan 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Alexander Benjamin birth 14 Feb 1820 Haarlem - died 11 Aug 1821 Haarlem mok
Mok Alexander Philip birth 8 Jan 1900 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Mok Alexander PRIVACY FILTER ndbeli
Mok Alexander Samson died 23 Apr 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Alida vantijn
Mok Alida birth 25 Apr 1881 Amsterdam mok
Mok Ammon Levie birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Andries voss
Mok Anna birth ± 1864 Amsterdam denbosch
Mok Anna birth 2 MRT 1886 Amsterdam - died 26 Sep 1886 Amsterdam bak
Mok Anna birth 4 Dec 1830 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Anna birth 4 Dec 1830 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Anna birth 4 Dec 1830 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Anna Isaac birth 28 Dec 1876 Amsterdam - died 19 Nov 1943 Auschwitz Polen slagter
Mok Anna Joseph devries_nijm
Mok Anna Joseph birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1877 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mok Antje birth 14 Dec 1895 Beverwijk mok
Mok Aron birth 4 Feb 1879 Haarlem - died 26 Oct 1882 Haarlem mok
Mok Aron birth 23 Dec 1852 Haarlem - died 22 Aug 1924 Haarlem mok
Mok Aron Abraham birth 5 OKT 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Aron Abraham birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam - died 23 Sep 1889 Amsterdam bak
Mok Aron Mozes birth 14 Mar 1799 Haarlem - died after 1846 mok
Mok Aron Mozes birth 15 MRT 1799 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Aron Salomon birth 1 Nov 1867 Haarlem mok
Mok Ary birth 28 Oct 1823 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Ary birth 28 Oct 1823 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Ary birth 28 OKT 1823 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Augustina Henriette ricardo
Mok Barend willing
Mok Barend birth 27 Aug 1883 Haarlem - died 19 May 1907 Haarlem mok
MOK Barend birth 28 Apr 1882 Amsterdam - died 9 Oct 1964 Antwerpen degen
Mok Barend birth 28 Apr 1882 Amsterdam - died 9 Oct 1964 Antwerpen Belgie speelman
Mok Barend birth 28 Apr 1882 Amsterdam - Holland, died 9 Oct 1964 Antwerpen, Belgium haringman
MOK BAREND birth 31 Jul 1829 HAARLEM - died 11 Aug 1889 AMSTERDAM mogendrf
Mok Barend birth 31 Jul 1829 Haarlem mok
Mok Barend Ber Levie birth ONG 1827 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Benjamin hoos
Mok Benjamin Mozes birth 20 May 1791 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1866 Haarlem mok
Mok Benjamin Mozes birth 20 MEI 1791 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOK Bernard degen
Mok Bernard haringman
Mok Bernard willing
Mok Bernard Alexander birth 4 Mar 1858 Haarlem - died 27 Feb 1929 Amsterdam mok
Mok Bertha birth 3 Dec 1888 Haarlem - died 20 Aug 1889 Haarlem mok
Mok Bertha birth 18 Aug 1861 Haarlem mok
Mok Betje birth 12 Apr 1887 Amsterdam klei_berg
Mok Betje birth 13 Nov 1866 Haarlem - died 26 Mar 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Betje birth 20 Apr 1884 Amsterdam - died 26 OKT 1942 Auschwitz bak
Mok Betje birth 20 Apr 1884 Amsterdam deventer
Mok Betje birth 27 May 1838 Haarlem mok
MOK Branca peeper
Mok Claartje ndbeli
Mok Clara birth 4 Aug 1908 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1945 Trobitz kanis
Mok Clara birth 4 Aug 1908 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1945 Trobitz Germany mok
MOK Clara birth 4 Aug 1908 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1945 Troebitz peeper
MOK Clara birth 4 Aug 1908 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 27 Apr 1945 Troebitz pruym
Mok Clara birth 18 Jun 1841 Haarlem mok
Mok Clara birth 24 May 1904 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Clara birth 24 May 1904 Amsterdam - Holland, died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mok Clara birth 27 Aug 1829 Haarlem mok
Mok Clara Levi birth ± 1817 haringman
Mok Clara Levie birth 6 Aug 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Clara Philip birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Mok Cora Benedictine Philippine mok
Mok Daniel voss
Mok Daughter of Michiel birth after 1717 - died 1729 Amsterdam mok
Mok David birth 15 Jan 1916 Amsterdam - died 15 Oct 1941 Mauthausen tal
Mok David Michiel birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 1 Aug 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Debora birth 6 Feb 1866 Haarlem mok
Mok Dina Jette mok
Mok E died Rotterdam ZH vlijmen
Mok Eduard birth 22 Sep 1882 Haarlem - died 10 Nov 1882 Haarlem mok
Mok Eleonora Antoinette Elisabeth mok
Mok Eliane Olga mok
Mok Elias birth 17 Sep 1885 Rotterdam ossendrijver
Mok Eliaser birth 17 Feb 1841 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Eliaser birth 17 Feb 1841 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Eliaser birth 17 Feb 1841 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Eliazar birth 16 Jan 1890 Amsterdam - died 2 Mar 1945 Mauthausen denbosch
Mok Eliazer birth 5 Jan 1924 Nijkerk - died 30 Apr 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Eliazer birth 28 May 1882 Haarlem - died 11 Jan 1884 Haarlem mok
Mok Elieser Liepman Benjamin birth 24 MEI 1822 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Elisabeth mok
Mok Elisabeth voss
Mok Elisabeth birth 2 Oct 1907 Haarlem mok
Mok Elisabeth birth 3 Nov 1910 Amsterdam - died 22 OKT 1943 Auschwitz bak
Mok Elisabeth birth 9 Feb 1904 Amsterdam - died 30 Jun 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Elisabeth birth 13 Mar 1912 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz snapper
Mok Elisabeth birth 13 MRT 1912 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz bak
Mok Elisabeth birth 15 May 1889 Haarlem - died 21 Jun 1889 Haarlem mok
Mok Elisabeth Jetje birth 23 Dec 1879 Haarlem mok
Mok Elisabeth Jetje Machiel birth 23 Dec 1879 Haarlem slagter
Mok Elizabeth Betje Emanuel birth Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1873 Beusichem ashkenazi
Mok Ellen Cornelia Geertruida mok
MOK Elly Leentje birth 11 MRT 1938 Amsterdam,NH,NLD - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor,POL troostwi
Mok Elly Leentje birth 11 MRT 1938 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor bak
Mok Elsje birth 23 Jun 1865 Amsterdam - Holland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mok Emanuel trompetter
Mok Emanuel birth 10 Dec 1876 Haarlem - died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Emanuel birth 29 May 1874 Haarlem - died 1 Oct 1902 Haarlem mok
Mok Emanuel birth 30 Nov 1825 Haarlem mok
Mok Emanuel Jacob birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Mok Emanuel Machiel birth 10 Dec 1876 Haarlem - died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz Polen slagter
Mok Emanuel Mendele Abraham birth 10 Nov 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Emanuel Simon birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam - died 24 Apr 1840 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Emmanuel birth 18 May 1904 Antwerpen Belgie mok
Mok Engelina birth 14 Sep 1865 Haarlem mok
Mok Enny vlijmen
Mok Esperance birth 11 Sep 1890 Rotterdam - Alkemadeplein, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Pl duizend
Mok Esther hakker
Mok Esther birth 3 Jan 1864 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Mok Esther birth 3 Jan 1864 Amsterdam - Muiderstraat V 259 8, died 7 May 1936 Apeldoorn duizend
Mok Esther birth 5 Oct 1883 Haarlem - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Esther birth 17 Aug 1904 Amsterdam - died 14 Nov 1992 Amsterdam mok
Mok Esther birth 18 Sep 1877 Haarlem - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Esther birth 18 Sep 1877 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mok Esther birth 21 Sep 1912 Nijkerk - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Esther birth 24 Aug 1893 Amsterdam - died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Esther birth 25 Jan 1907 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Esther PRIVACY FILTER speelman
Mok Eva birth 2 Dec 1928 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Eva Alexander birth 2 Dec 1928 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Mok Eva Roosje birth 26 Jun 1936 Groningen - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mok Eva Roosje birth 29 Jun 1936 Groningen - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Ezra haringman
Mok Femmetje birth 2 Sep 1870 Haarlem - died ± 1940 Gouda mok
Mok Femmetje birth 6 Apr 1826 Haarlem - died 2 Nov 1895 Amsterdam mok
Mok Fijtje birth 17 Jan 1850 Haarlem mok
Mok Fijtje Fegle Simon Financier birth 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Fijtje Feile Isaia Jesaya birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam - died 1847 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Floortje trompetter
Mok Floortje birth 18 Jan 1863 Haarlem - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mok Floortje birth 18 Jan 1863 Haarlem - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Floortje Jacob birth Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Flora deventer
Mok Flora birth 27 Mar 1896 Amsterdam - died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Flora birth 28 Oct 1872 Haarlem - died 28 Jan 1929 Haarlem mok
Mok Flora Ester birth 30 May 1919 's-Gravenhage - died 30 Nov 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Francis Henriette voss
Mok Freddy birth 1 Feb 1942 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor bak
Mok Frederika birth 31 Jan 1873 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mok Frederika Mirjam mok
Mok Frederika PRIVACY FILTER speelman
MOK Gerrit peeper
MOK Gerrit peereboom
Mok Gerry Philip mok
Mok Gezina birth 16 Dec 1917 Haarlem - died 25 Jan 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Gezina birth 16 Dec 1917 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mok Gezina birth 16 Oct 1916 Haarlem - died 21 Mar 1983 Kibbuts Ramat Hakovesh Israel mok
Mok Gezina birth 16 Oct 1916 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 21 Mar 1983 Kibbouts Ramat Hakovesh ndbeli
Mok Grietje birth 18 Sep 1880 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Polen trompetter
Mok Grietje birth 18 Sep 1880 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1942 Oswiecim ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mok Grietje birth Sep 1917 Nijkerk - died 8 Oct 1917 Nijkerk mok
Mok Grietje Gittele David birth ONG 1750 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Hadasse birth 25 Apr 1931 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Hanna Salomon Zeligman ashkenazi
Mok Hartog birth 13 Feb 1826 Haarlem mok
Mok Hartog Hirts Jesaja Yoshua birth 11 MEI 1799 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1862 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Hartog Hirts Samson birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 1 MRT 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Hartog Philip birth 21 Mar 1839 Haarlem - died 3 Mar 1840 Haarlem mok
Mok Hartog Samson birth ONG 1813 - died 12 Jun 1838 Leeuwarden ashkenazi
Mok Hartog Simon birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Heintje birth 11 Nov 1865 Haarlem - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Helena Abraham birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOK Helena AbrahamPatr. pruym
Mok Helena Samson birth 1812 slagter
Mok Helena Samson birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Hendele Philip Liepman died 13 Apr 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOK Henriette vazdias
Mok Henriette birth 6 Jan 1877 Haarlem - died 27 Apr 1929 Amsterdam mok
Mok Henriette birth 10 Aug 1882 Amsterdam bak
Mok Henriette Emanuel birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Mok Henriette Sientje PRIVACY FILTER ossendrijver
Mok Hijman birth 12 May 1879 Haarlem - died 8 Apr 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Hijman Philip hakker
Mok Hijman Philip ndbeli
Mok Hijman Philip birth 8 Nov 1843 Haarlem - died 2 Jul 1922 Haarlem mok
Mok Hijman Philip birth 21 Jun 1916 Haarlem - died 30 Apr 1943 Middle Europe mok
Mok Irene Line Selien mok
Mok Iris voss
Mok Isaac birth 24 Sep 1884 Haarlem - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Isaac birth 1886 slagter
Mok Isaac Aaron birth 20 MRT 1845 slagter
MOK Isaac Hartog degen
Mok Isaac Itsak Michiel Michel birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Isaac Itsak Valentijn Falk birth 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Isaac Jacob birth 1 Sep 1899 Hilversum slagter
Mok Isaac Machiel birth 24 Sep 1884 Haarlem - died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Mok Isaac Mozes birth 17 Jul 1801 Haarlem mok
Mok Isaac Mozes birth Jul 1801 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Isaias Simon birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam - died 12 Apr 1821 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Izaac birth 7 Jul 1922 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Izaak birth 5 Jun 1863 Haarlem mok
Mok Izaak birth 18 Sep 1872 Haarlem - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Izak birth 1 Sep 1899 Hilversum - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Izak birth 15 Jun 1874 Haarlem - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Izak birth 19 Nov 1833 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 24 Feb 1902 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Izak birth 19 Nov 1833 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 24 Feb 1902 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Izak birth 19 Nov 1833 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 24 Feb 1902 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Izak birth 22 Jun 1916 's-Gravenhage - died 14 Oct 1995 's-Gravenhage mok
Mok Izak Philip birth 15 Oct 1841 Haarlem mok
Mok Jacob trompetter
Mok Jacob willing
Mok Jacob birth ± 1850 haringman
Mok Jacob birth 7 Jul 1897 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1943 Middle Europe mok
Mok Jacob birth 8 Dec 1875 Haarlem - died 6 Apr 1944 's-Gravenhage mok
Mok Jacob birth 9 Mar 1897 Amsterdam snapper
Mok Jacob birth 10 Apr 1889 Amsterdam - died 1 Apr 1959 Amsterdam mok
MOK Jacob birth 10 Jun 1863 Amsterdam peeper
Mok Jacob birth 12 Dec 1883 Haarlem - died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Jacob birth 18 Dec 1892 Haarlem - died 25 Aug 1942 Haarlem mok
Mok Jacob birth 20 Sep 1859 Haarlem mok
Mok Jacob birth 28 Jun 1866 Haarlem - died 15 Apr 1918 Amsterdam mok
Mok Jacob Machiel birth 8 Dec 1875 Haarlem slagter
Mok Jacob Machiel birth 10 Jul 1865 Haarlem - died 13 Jul 1865 Haarlem mok
Mok Jacob Machiel birth 29 May 1833 Haarlem mok
Mok Jacob Philip ndbcore
Mok Jacob Philip birth 23 May 1901 Haarlem - died 10 Mar 1919 Haarlem mok
Mok Jacob Philip birth 28 Mar 1828 Haarlem - died 26 Jan 1891 Haarlem mok
Mok Jansje birth 28 Jan 1916 Nijkerk - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Jansje birth Jan 1911 Nijkerk - died 28 Dec 1911 Nijkerk mok
Mok Jesaija birth 21 Feb 1887 Amsterdam speelman
Mok Jessaija slagter
Mok Jet voss
Mok Jetje birth 10 Sep 1881 Haarlem mok
Mok Jetje birth 22 Oct 1898 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mok Jetje Machiel birth 10 Sep 1881 Haarlem slagter
Mok Jette birth 3 Apr 1839 Leeuwarden ndbeli
Mok Jetty vlijmen
Mok Johanna ndbcore
Mok Johanna ndbeli
Mok Johanna birth 26 Jun 1903 Amsterdam - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Johanna birth 31 May 1846 Haarlem mok
Mok Jonas behr
MOK Jonas italiaander
MOK Jonas vandervelde
Mok Josef birth 29 Aug 1889 Haarlem - died 28 Jan 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Josef birth 29 Aug 1889 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 28 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mok Joseph mok
Mok Joseph birth 2 Jun 1910 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Joseph birth 14 Jul 1878 Haarlem - died 22 Dec 1937 Amsterdam verdoner
Mok Joseph birth 14 Jul 1878 Haarlem - Holland, died 21 Jan 1937 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mok Joseph birth 19 Jul 1878 Haarlem - died 22 Dec 1937 Amsterdam mok
Mok Joseph Machiel birth 19 Jul 1878 Haarlem slagter
Mok Joseph Machiel birth 21 Jul 1864 Haarlem - died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Jozef birth Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland groningen_regio
Mok Jozef birth Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Jozef birth Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOK Judik troostwi
Mok Judik birth 27 Nov 1833 Haarlem mok
Mok Judik birth 29 Mar 1838 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Judik birth 29 Mar 1838 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Judik birth 29 MRT 1838 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Judith mok
Mok Judith birth 26 Feb 1916 Amsterdam - died 22 OKT 1943 Auschwitz bak
Mok Judith Abraham birth ONG 1795 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Judith Gezina mok
Mok Judith Gezina PRIVACY FILTER ndbeli
MOK Kaatje peeper
Mok Kaatje birth 2 Nov 1835 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Kaatje birth 2 Nov 1835 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Kaatje birth 2 Nov 1835 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Kaatje birth 21 Apr 1896 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mok Kaatje birth 26 Sep 1868 Haarlem - died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Kaatje Kitty birth 23 Aug 1942 's-Gravenhage - died 6 Mar 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Karel birth 11 Oct 1909 Haarlem - died 26 Oct 1973 Djenar denneboom
Mok Karel birth 11 Oct 1909 Haarlem mok
Mok Katharina Geertrui mok
Mok Keetje birth 8 Jan 1868 Haarlem - died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz mok
MOK Keetje birth 8 Jan 1868 Haarlem - Netherlands, died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz pruym
Mok Klaartje birth 12 Apr 1851 Haarlem mok
Mok Klaartje birth 27 Jul 1863 Haarlem - died 31 Jan 1937 Haarlem mok
Mok Klara ndbcore
Mok Klara ndbeli
Mok Klara birth 1 Jan 1859 Haarlem mok
Mok Klara birth 19 Mar 1835 Haarlem mok
Mok Klara birth 24 Sep 1828 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Klara birth 24 Sep 1828 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Klara birth 24 Sep 1828 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Lea willing
MOK LEA birth 10 Oct 1869 HAARLEM - died 26 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR ff2
Mok Lea birth 10 Oct 1869 Haarlem - died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Lea birth 10 OKT 1869 Haarlem - Holland, died 26 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Poland beck
Mok Lea birth 27 Feb 1894 Haarlem - died 3 Sep 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Lea birth 30 Jul 1868 Amsterdam - Holland, died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Poland beck
Mok Leendert Jessaija birth 1802 Amsterdam slagter
Mok Leentje birth 21 Aug 1906 Nijkerk - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Leentje Rella Hartog Hirts birth ONG 1776 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1839 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Leman ndbeli
MOK Leman birth 23 OKT 1912 Amsterdam,NH,NLD - died 7 Jul 1942 Mauthausen,POL troostwi
Mok Leman birth 23 OKT 1912 Amsterdam - died 7 Jul 1942 Mauthausen bak
Mok Lena birth 17 Jun 1781 Amsterdam - died 20 Mar 1838 Haarlem mok
Mok Leo birth 30 May 1939 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 31 May 1939 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Leo birth 30 May 1939 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 31 May 1939 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Leo birth 30 MEI 1939 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 31 MEI 1939 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Leon Salomon birth 19 Jun 1843 Haarlem - died 28 Nov 1917 mok
Mok levenloze dochter birth 3 Nov 1907 Nijkerk - died 3 Nov 1907 Nijkerk mok
Mok Levie birth 9 Mar 1852 Haarlem - died 29 Mar 1852 Haarlem mok
MOK Levie birth 12 Feb 1901 AMSTERDAM - died 31 Mar 1944 MIDDEN EUROPA peereboom
Mok Levie birth 12 Feb 1901 Amsterdam - died 31 Mar 1944 Middle Europe mok
MOK Levie birth 12 Feb 1901 Amsterdam - died 31 MRT 1944 Midden-Europa peeper
Mok Levie birth 14 Jan 1861 Haarlem mok
Mok Levie birth 20 Nov 1859 Haarlem mok
Mok Levie birth 26 Apr 1866 Haarlem mok
Mok Levie birth 28 Dec 1862 Amsterdam - died 12 Dec 1931 Amsterdam speelman
Mok Levie birth 28 Jan 1918 Amsterdam - died 24 Oct 1941 Mauthausen speelman
Mok Levie birth 1792 Amsterdam - died 16 Aug 1820 Haarlem mok
Mok Levie birth 1843 trompetter
Mok Levie Amnon birth 17 Jan 1839 Amsterdam - Holland, died 1867 beck
Mok Levie Benjamin birth 28 Jan 1827 Haarlem - died 26 Feb 1827 Haarlem mok
Mok Levie Jesaias birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam - died 17 Aug 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Levie Joseph Juzpe birth ONG 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Levie Philip birth ± 1794 mok
Mok Levie Philip birth 22 Aug 1819 Haarlem - died 5 Mar 1885 Haarlem mok
Mok Levie Philip birth ONG 1793 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Levie Valentijn Falk birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Liesbeth Willy Rose mok
Mok Louis ndbeli
Mok Louis voss
Mok Louis birth 4 Feb 1879 Haarlem - died 12 Jan 1941 Haarlem flessedrager
Mok Louis birth 4 Feb 1879 Haarlem - died 12 Jan 1941 Haarlem mok
Mok Louis birth 4 Feb 1879 Haarlem - died 12 Jan 1941 Haarlem trompetter
Mok Louis birth 7 Sep 1886 Haarlem - died 7 Sep 1942 Auschwitz mok
MOK Louis birth 7 Sep 1886 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 30 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Polen blomhart
Mok Louis birth 11 Oct 1887 Amsterdam mok
Mok Louis Machiel birth 7 Sep 1886 Haarlem - died 7 Sep 1942 Auschwitz Polen slagter
Mok Machiel ndbeli
Mok Machiel trompetter
Mok Machiel birth 2 Aug 1887 Haarlem mok
Mok Machiel birth 5 Apr 1889 Haarlem - died 9 Apr 1889 Haarlem mok
Mok Machiel birth 9 Dec 1874 Haarlem - died 9 Jan 1935 Amsterdam mok
Mok Machiel birth 27 Dec 1875 Haarlem - died 21 Dec 1945 Medemblik mok
Mok Machiel birth 27 MEI 1875 Haarlem - died 21 Dec 1942 Medemblik cohdelft
Mok Machiel birth 27 Sep 1880 Haarlem - died 21 Dec 1887 Haarlem mok
Mok Machiel Jacob birth 24 May 1868 Haarlem - died 4 Oct 1868 Haarlem mok
Mok Machiel Mozes birth 23 Aug 1796 Haarlem - died 25 Oct 1836 Haarlem mok
MOK Machiel Philip blomhart
Mok Machiel Philip birth ± 1855 haringman
Mok Machiel Philip birth 14 Feb 1751 Amsterdam - died 31 Jan 1831 Haarlem mok
Mok Machiel Philip birth 17 Jan 1848 Haarlem - died 16 Jul 1906 Amsterdam verdoner
Mok Machiel Philip birth 17 Jun 1848 Haarlem - died 16 Jul 1906 Amsterdam mok
Mok Machiel Philip birth 17 Jun 1848 Haarlem - died 16 Jul 1906 Amsterdam slagter
Mok Machiel Philip birth 21 Feb 1832 Haarlem - died 17 Jan 1900 Haarlem mok
Mok Machiel Robert mok
Mok Machiel Yechiel Philip birth 24 Aug 1796 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Magiel Philip birth 21 Dec 1823 Haarlem - died 31 May 1897 Haarlem mok
Mok Manuel birth 26 Oct 1902 Amsterdam - died 30 Jun 1944 Midden-Europa tal
Mok Marc haringman
Mok Marcus ndbeli
Mok Marcus birth 23 Jan 1855 Haarlem mok
Mok Marcus birth 23 Jun 1879 Amsterdam - died 5 May 1937 Amsterdam snapper
Mok Marcus birth 23 Jun 1879 Amsterdam - died 6 MEI 1937 Amsterdam bak
Mok Marcus birth 1855 trompetter
Mok Marcus Machiel birth 31 Jan 1872 Haarlem - died 17 Apr 1872 Haarlem mok
Mok Marcus Philip birth 29 Apr 1817 Amsterdam - died after 1839 mok
Mok Maria abas
Mok Maria Hendrika birth 1 Nov 1909 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Mok Mariana Philip birth 20 Mar 1834 Haarlem mok
Mok Mariane Aaltje birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Marianna birth 5 Nov 1881 Haarlem - died 21 Jan 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Marianne mok
Mok Marianne birth 27 Dec 1874 Haarlem mok
Mok Marianne birth 28 Dec 1874 Haarlem ndbeli
Mok Marianne Hijman birth 28 Dec 1874 Haarlem hakker
Mok Marianne Louise mok
MOK Marianne Louise peeper
MOK Marianne Louise Marlous peereboom
Mok Marianne Simon birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Marie birth 3 Nov 1918 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Marinanne birth 20 Oct 1908 Nijkerk - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Martha birth 18 Dec 1909 Amsterdam bak
Mok Martien Jacob mok
MOK Mathilda peeper
MOK MATJE mogendrf
Mok Matje ndbcore
Mok Matje ndbeli
Mok Maurits abas
Mok Maurits abas
Mok Maurits birth 10 Dec 1914 Amsterdam - died 31 Mar 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Maurits birth 20 Dec 1907 Amsterdam, - died 20 Jul 1992 Antwerpen willing
MOK Maurits birth 20 Dec 1907 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1992 Antwerpen degen
Mok Maurits birth 20 Dec 1907 Amsterdam - Holland, died 20 Jul 1992 Antwerpen, Belgium haringman
Mok Maurits birth 26 Jun 1899 Amsterdam - died 12 Oct 1899 Amsterdam mok
Mok Maurits birth 30 May 1939 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 31 May 1939 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Maurits birth 30 May 1939 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 31 May 1939 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Maurits birth 30 MEI 1939 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 31 MEI 1939 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Max Frans birth 17 Feb 1928 Arnhem - died 12 Oct 1942 Auschwitz mok
MOK Max Frans birth 1928 ARNHEM - died 20 Oct 1942 AUSCHWITZ sternfeld
Mok Meijer birth 4 Jan 1822 Haarlem - died after 1839 mok
Mok Meijer birth 9 Oct 1902 Amsterdam - died 27 Jul 1996 Rotterdam mok
Mok Meijer birth 9 Oct 1902 Amsterdam - Holland, died 27 Jul 1996 Rotterdam, Holland haringman
Mok Meijer birth 26 Jun 1890 Haarlem - died 19 Dec 1890 Haarlem mok
Mok Meijer Abraham birth 1790 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 3 Nov 1859 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Meijer Abraham birth 1790 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 3 Nov 1859 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Meijer Abraham birth 1790 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 3 Nov 1859 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Meijer Samuel birth 6 Oct 1896 Haarlem - died 26 Mar 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Mendele Joseph Juzpe birth 9 Jul 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Meyer mok
Mok Michael birth 22 Oct 1887 Amsterdam mok
Mok Michel birth 12 Apr 1898 Hilversum - died 28 Feb 1943 Neukirch mok
MOK Michel birth 14 Dec 1919 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Polen blomhart
Mok Michel birth 21 Dec 1898 Amsterdam mok
Mok Michel Jacob birth 12 Apr 1898 Hilversum slagter
Mok Michel Philip birth 21 Dec 1898 Amsterdam slagter
Mok Michiel Philip birth 1751 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Michiel Valentijn Falk died 6 Feb 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Michiel Yechiel-Michel Philip Elieser-Liepman died 1750 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOK Mietje peeper
Mok Mietje birth 4 Jan 1872 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1934 Amsterdam mok
Mok Mietje birth 30 Aug 1864 Haarlem - died 21 Jul 1940 Haarlem mok
Mok Mietje birth 30 Jan 1896 Amsterdam abas
Mok Mijntje birth 7 May 1856 Haarlem - died 28 Sep 1918 Haarlem mok
Mok Mordechai Leon birth Aug 1914 Nijkerk - died 3 Sep 1914 Nijkerk mok
Mok Mozes birth 6 May 1864 Haarlem - died 21 Jan 1938 's-Gravenhage mok
Mok Mozes birth 7 Aug 1878 Haarlem - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Mozes birth 7 Nov 1907 Haarlem - died 7 Feb 1989 Bergen mok
Mok Mozes birth 8 May 1857 Haarlem - died 13 Dec 1912 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mok Mozes birth 15 Dec 1870 Haarlem - died 19 Oct 1872 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes birth 15 Jan 1883 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes birth 21 Oct 1810 Haarlem - died 24 Jan 1816 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes birth 26 Mar 1895 Amsterdam - died 17 Mar 1896 Amsterdam mok
Mok Mozes birth 27 Mar 1816 Haarlem - died 23 Jun 1816 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Aron birth 31 Jul 1835 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Aron birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 24 Jan 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Mozes Benjamin birth 26 Apr 1828 Haarlem - died 15 Aug 1828 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Jacob birth 8 May 1857 Haarlem - died 13 Dec 1912 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Jacob birth 1868 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Mozes Machiel birth 11 Aug 1830 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Machiel birth 15 Jan 1883 Haarlem slagter
Mok Mozes Machiel birth 20 Jan 1871 Haarlem - died 17 Feb 1871 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Michiel birth 8 MEI 1793 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Mozes Philip birth 8 May 1793 Haarlem - died 31 Dec 1820 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Philip birth 13 May 1830 Haarlem - died 9 Feb 1910 Amsterdam mok
Mok Mozes Philip birth 1753-1753 Amsterdam - died 28 Aug 1827 Haarlem mok
Mok Mozes Philip Liepman birth 1755 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Mozes Philip Liepman birth Sep 1810 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Naatje birth 4 Aug 1867 Haarlem mok
Mok Naatje birth 19 Nov 1860 Haarlem mok
Mok Nachman birth 16 Mar 1826 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mok Nachman birth 16 Mar 1826 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Nachman birth 16 MRT 1826 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Nanny birth after 1 Jan 1900 vlijmen
Mok Nardia Andrea mok
Mok Nathan birth 22 Aug 1884 Amsterdam - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor kanis
Mok Nathan birth 22 Aug 1884 Amsterdam - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Neeltje Nenne Hermanus Mendele birth 3 Jul 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Nick Robert voss
Mok Nico birth 5 Jan 1935 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mok NN voss
MOK NN died 22 Aug 1864 ARNHEM sternfeld
Mok Noach Simon birth 21 Aug 1915 Haarlem - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mok Noach Simon birth 21 Aug 1915 Haarlem - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Patrick haringman
Mok Patrick willing
MOK Patrick Antonie degen
Mok Paulina ndbeli
Mok Paulina trompetter
Mok Paulina birth 29 May 1906 Haarlem - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor denneboom
Mok Paulina birth 29 May 1906 Haarlem - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Paulina birth 31 May 1842 Haarlem - died 6 Feb 1932 Haarlem denneboom
Mok Paulina birth 31 May 1842 Haarlem - died 6 Feb 1932 Haarlem mok
Mok Pauline birth 17 Apr 1907 Haarlem - died 21 Mar 1996 Amsterdam mok
Mok Pauline birth 17 Apr 1907 Haarlem - died 21 Mar 1996 Amsterdam trompetter
Mok Pauline birth 22 Oct 1907 - died 1999 USA mok
Mok Pauline birth 29 May 1906 Haarlem - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor ricardo
Mok Philip mok
Mok Philip ndbcore
Mok Philip ndbeli
Mok Philip ndbeli
MOK Philip peeper
MOK Philip peeper
MOK Philip peereboom
Mok Philip trompetter
Mok Philip birth 8 Mar 1901 Hilversum - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Philip birth 9 Dec 1886 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Philip birth 9 Jun 1880 Haarlem - died 13 Mar 1884 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip birth 10 Apr 1846 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip birth 13 Jan 1876 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip birth 15 Apr 1874 Amsterdam - died 25 Sep 1935 Amsterdam mok
MOK Philip birth 15 Apr 1874 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 25 Sep 1935 Amsterdam, Netherlands pruym
Mok Philip birth 18 Aug 1855 Haarlem - died 1 Sep 1915 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mok Philip birth 19 Dec 1849 Haarlem - died 17 Oct 1919 Haarlem denneboom
Mok Philip birth 19 Dec 1849 Haarlem - died 17 Oct 1919 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip birth 20 Aug 1920 Haarlem - died 9 Jul 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Philip birth 20 Aug 1920 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mok Philip birth 20 Dec 1902 Haarlem - died 6 Jan 1944 Monowitz, Polen trompetter
Mok Philip birth 20 Dec 1902 Haarlem - died 6 Jan 1944 Monowitz Poland mok
Mok Philip birth 21 Nov 1930 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Philip birth 25 Dec 1852 Haarlem - died 1 Dec 1888 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip birth 26 Aug 1864 Haarlem - died 15 Jan 1938 Amsterdam mok
Mok Philip birth 27 May 1891 Amsterdam - died 24 Mar 1960 Amsterdam mok
Mok Philip birth 29 Nov 1890 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1942 Mauthausen mok
Mok Philip Alexander birth 21 Nov 1930 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Mok Philip Benjamin birth 24 May 1822 Haarlem - died 21 Jul 1824 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip Elieser-Liepman Michiel Yechiel-Michel ashkenazi
Mok Philip Jacob birth 18 Aug 1855 Haarlem - died 1 Sep 1915 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip Jacob birth 1856 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mok Philip Jacob birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Mok Philip Liepman Michiel birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Philip Liepman Mozes birth 5 MRT 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Philip Machiel slagter
Mok Philip Machiel birth 1 Apr 1824 Haarlem - died 21 Aug 1886 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip Machiel birth 6 Jun 1797 Haarlem - died 29 Oct 1879 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip Machiel birth 15 Apr 1874 Amsterdam slagter
Mok Philip Machiel birth 23 Feb 1863 Haarlem - died 15 Nov 1937 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip Machiel birth 1797 Haarlem ashkenazi
MOK Philip Mozes sternfeld
Mok Philip Mozes birth ± 1787 Amsterdam - died 27 Jan 1854 Haarlem mok
Mok Philip Peis Joseph Juzpe birth 11 Aug 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Philip Samson died 10 Aug 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Phyllis Catrien mok
Mok Pim Max birth 20 Feb 1923 Utrecht - died 10 Mar 1938 Antwerpen Belgie mok
Mok Rachel haringman
Mok Rachel willing
Mok Rachel birth 12 MRT 1891 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1943 Auschwitz vantijn
Mok Rachel birth 13 Sep 1873 Amsterdam, - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor willing
Mok Rachel birth 13 Sep 1873 Amsterdam - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor ricardo
Mok Rachel birth 13 Sep 1873 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 May 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Mok Rachel birth 28 Mar 1900 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mok Rachel birth 28 Mar 1900 Haarlem mok
MOK Rachel Chelly degen
Mok Rachel Machiel birth 13 Dec 1784 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1844 Haarlem mok
Mok Rachel Philip birth ± 1751 Amsterdam - died 1782 Amsterdam mok
Mok Rachel Rechla Philip Liepman birth 1751 Amsterdam - died Dec 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Rachel Samson birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam - died 4 Apr 1867 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Rachel Wolf birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Rebecca mok
Mok Rebecca birth 12 Jun 1892 Haarlem mok
Mok Rebecca birth 24 Jan 1887 Haarlem - died 25 Aug 1942 Haarlem mok
Mok Rebecca birth 24 Oct 1876 Haarlem - died 6 Oct 1925 Amsterdam mok
Mok Rebecca birth 26 Apr 1901 Haarlem - died 1941 Amsterdam mok
Mok Rebecca birth 26 Apr 1901 Haarlem - Holland, died 1 Sep 1941 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mok Rebecca Joseph birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam - died 10 Jul 1828 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Rebecca PRIVACY FILTER kanis
Mok Rebekka birth 30 Jun 1918 Nijkerk - died 18 Aug 1970 Amsterdam mok
Mok Reintje birth 12 May 1836 Haarlem - died 22 Oct 1895 Amsterdam mok
Mok Reintje birth 25 Oct 1925 Amsterdam - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Reintje birth 29 May 1885 Haarlem - died 21 Jul 1942 New York USA mok
Mok Reiny birth 25 Jun 1931 Groenlo - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Reiny birth 25 May 1931 Groenlo - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mok Renee Leontyne mok
Mok Roosje ndbcore
Mok Roosje ndbeli
Mok Roosje birth 1 Jul 1844 Haarlem mok
Mok Roosje birth 4 Nov 1880 Haarlem - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Roosje birth 25 Jan 1885 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Roosje birth 30 Jun 1857 Haarlem - died 15 Sep 1935 Amsterdam mok
Mok Roosje Aron birth ± 1830 Haarlem mok
Mok Rosa birth 7 Apr 1897 Rotterdam - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor hoos
Mok Rosa birth 19 May 1888 Haarlem - died 25 Aug 1942 Haarlem mok
Mok Rosa birth 30 Jun 1893 Haarlem - died 2 Mar 1894 Haarlem mok
Mok Rosalie Jacob birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Mok Rosalie Renee mok
Mok Roset PRIVACY FILTER speelman
Mok Roza birth 2 Sep 1896 Haarlem - died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Roza birth 2 Sep 1896 Haarlem aronson
Mok Roza Dina birth 2 Sep 1924 Amsterdam - died 12 Jul 1945 Eindhoven mok
Mok Roza Jacoba birth 28 Apr 1899 Haarlem - died 23 Aug 1924 Haarlem mok
MOK Saartje peeper
Mok Saartje birth 10 Aug 1888 Haarlem mok
Mok Saartje birth 18 Mar 1818 Haarlem - died 21 Mar 1898 Haarlem mok
Mok Saartje birth 18 MEI 1818 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Saartje birth 23 OKT 1827 Haarlem - died 8 OKT 1871 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Saartje birth 24 Sep 1836 Amsterdam ricardo
Mok Saartje birth 26 Oct 1853 Haarlem - died 9 Aug 1926 Haarlem mok
Mok Saartje Esther birth 12 May 1883 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Saartje Esther birth 12 May 1883 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mok Saartje Levie birth ± 1762 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1807 Haarlem mok
Mok Saartje Sera Simon Faijencier Financier birth 1799 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Salomon vriesman
Mok Salomon birth 3 Apr 1814 Haarlem - died 10 Mar 1899 Haarlem mok
Mok Salomon birth 3 Jan 1883 Amsterdam - died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Salomon birth 10 Apr 1895 Haarlem - died 31 Jan 1943 Auschwitz mok
Mok Salomon birth 12 Dec 1902 Amsterdam - died 23 Feb 1948 Utrecht mok
Mok Salomon birth 13 Sep 1883 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Salomon birth 13 Sep 1883 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mok Salomon birth 14 Mar 1920 Amsterdam - died 9 Sep 1941 Mauthausen mok
Mok Salomon birth 27 Jan 1877 Haarlem - died 18 Aug 1915 Haarlem mok
Mok Salomon birth 27 Jan 1877 Haarlem - died 18 Aug 1915 Haarlem trompetter
Mok Salomon birth 27 Jan 1877 Haarlem - NH, died 4 Dec 1901 Haarlem, NH ndbeli
Mok Salomon birth 30 Aug 1872 Haarlem - died 7 Jan 1876 Haarlem mok
Mok Salomon birth 1814 Haarlem ashkenazi
MOK Salomon birth 1896 HAARLEM sternfeld
Mok Salomon Shlomo David birth 1 Jun 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Samson abas
Mok Samson ashkenazi
Mok Samson Hartog Hirts birth 1 Nov 1771 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1824 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Samuel birth ± 1870 haringman
Mok Samuel birth 10 Nov 1856 Amsterdam snapper
Mok Samuel birth 17 Jul 1879 Haarlem - died 7 May 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Samuel birth 17 Jul 1879 Haarlem - died 7 MEI 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Mok Samuel birth 17 Jul 1879 Haarlem - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 7 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mok Samuel Levie birth 6 Jan 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Samuel Liefman birth 20 May 1903 Haarlem - died 4 Nov 1961 Haarlem mok
Mok Samuel Machiel birth 6 Sep 1868 Haarlem - died 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Samuel Philip birth 22 Aug 1819 Haarlem mok
MOK Samuel Philip birth 1820 HAARLEM - died 21 Jul 1873 ARNHEM sternfeld
Mok Sara-Saartje Eliazar ndbeli
Mok Sara trompetter
Mok Sara birth ± 1812 Haarlem - died 10 Apr 1892 Arnhem mok
Mok Sara birth 6 Aug 1875 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor bak
Mok Sara birth 7 Oct 1892 Amsterdam - died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor mok
Mok Sara birth 13 May 1885 Amsterdam mok
Mok Sara birth 14 Dec 1827 Haarlem - died 19 Oct 1889 Haarlem mok
Mok Sara birth 16 Apr 1906 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mok Sara birth 1812 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Sara Aron birth 23 Oct 1827 Haarlem mok
Mok Sara Eva birth 20 Jul 1895 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Sara Levie birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 20 Dec 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Sara Mozes birth ± 1795 Haarlem mok
Mok Sara Mozes birth ONG 1795 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mok Sara Samson birth 4 Aug 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Sara Sera Michiel Michel birth 1720 Amsterdam - died 10 Jan 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Sara Simon rabbie
Mok Schoontje birth 6 Mar 1890 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Jan 1944 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
MOK Selma birth 28 Oct 1914 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1943 Auschwitz, Polen italiaander
Mok Selma birth 28 OKT 1914 Amsterdam - died 30-0-1943 Auschwitz behr
MOK Selma birth 28-10-1914 Ansterdam - died 30-04-1943 Auschwitz vandervelde
Mok Shachna Simon Faijencier Financier birth Aug 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOK Sientje peeper
Mok Simon 'Jacob Shachne' Faijencier Financier birth 1760 Amsterdam - Holland, died 1822 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Mok Simon Jacob Shachne Faijencier Financier birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 3 OKT 1822 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Son of Michiel Lipman birth after 1776 mok
Mok Son of Michiel Lipman birth after 1776 - died 1788 mok
Mok Sophia birth 10 Aug 1861 Haarlem - died 8 Mar 1941 Amsterdam mok
Mok Sophia birth 12 Jun 1888 Haarlem - died 31 Aug 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Sophia birth 18 Sep 1858 Haarlem - died 6 Jun 1937 Amsterdam mok
Mok Sophia birth 20 Jan 1871 Haarlem - died 5 Feb 1871 Haarlem mok
Mok Sophia birth 22 Dec 1909 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1992 Amsterdam mok
Mok Sophia birth 23 May 1869 Haarlem mok
Mok Sophia birth 31 May 1846 Haarlem mok
Mok Sophie birth 22 Apr 1902 Amsterdam - died 3 Dec 1942 Auschwitz mok
Mok Stillborn Child of Michiel Lipman birth Amsterdam mok
Mok Susanna birth 1 Jan 1824 Haarlem - died 16 Apr 1825 Haarlem mok
Mok Suzanna birth 11 Nov 1860 Haarlem - died 30 May 1900 Amsterdam mok
Mok Valentijn Falk Michiel died 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Valentijn Falk Valentijn Falk birth NA 1746 Amsterdam - died 5 MEI 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Vijtje Simon birth ONG 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOK Viviane degen
Mok Viviane haringman
Mok Viviane willing
Mok Vrouwtje Simon birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1879 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Wife of Samson died MRT 1756 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mok Willy mok
Mok Yaell haringman
Mok Zwaantje birth 28 Nov 1892 Amsterdam mok
Mok Zwaantje Rosalie birth 1 Feb 1920 Amsterdam - died 31 Dec 1944 Auschwitz mok
Mokotow Helena Henriette PRIVACY FILTER deventer
Mokyr Elisabeth Batsheba mok
Mokyr Joel Michael mok
Mokyr Na'ama Julie mok
Mol Abraham beck
Mol Abraham birth 15 Nov 1839 The Hague - died 30 Oct 1915 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Abraham birth 16 Jan 1869 's-Gravenhage - died 9 Nov 1942 Auschwitz kanis
Mol Abraham birth 16 Jan 1869 The Hague - died 9 Nov 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mol Abraham birth 27 Aug 1908 The Hague - died 13 Feb 1998 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Abraham birth 28 May 1896 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1943 Blechhammer ndbeli
Mol Abraham Gerson birth 11 Jun 1810 Monnickendam - died 18 Apr 1887 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mol Abraham Gerson birth 11 Jun 1810 Monnickendam - Holland, died 18 Apr 1887 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Mol Adele birth 29 MRT 1882 Brussel - Belgie, died 18 MEI 1942 Amsterdam deventer
Mol Aldegonda Caroline birth 30 Jul 1820 Maastricht - Limburg, Nederland, died 20 Nov 1897 Vlagtwedde, Groningen, Nederland emmen_regio
Mol Aldegonda Caroline birth 30 Jul 1820 Maastricht - Limburg, Nederland, died 20 Nov 1897 Vlagtwedde, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mol Aldegonda Caroline birth 30 Jul 1820 Maastricht - Limburg, Nederland, died 20 Nov 1897 Vlagtwedde, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
MOL Alexander andriesse
Mol Alexander kanis
Mol Alexander birth 19 Jul 1888 Rotterdam - died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz fresco
Mol Alexander birth 19 Jul 1888 Rotterdam - died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz kanis
Mol Alida birth 8 Feb 1883 The Hague - died 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mol Anna Maria asser
Mol Asser birth 20 Apr 1875 's-Gravenhage - died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor kanis
Mol Asser Azer beck
Mol Barend beck
Mol Barend birth 16 Jun 1868 The Hague - died ONG 1942 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Barend Gerson Beer birth 15 Apr 1799 Monnickendam - died 29 Feb 1888 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Beletje Benjamin birth 29 Jul 1785 Monnickendam ashkenazi
Mol Beletje Benjamin birth ONG 1785 Monnickendam - died 1 Feb 1864 Edam ndbeli
Mol Belitje ndbcore
Mol Belitje Benjamin birth 1785 Monnickendam - The Netherlands, died 1 Feb 1864 Edam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mol Benjamin Bendit Gerson birth ONG 1747 Monnikendam - died 17 Jan 1832 Edam ashkenazi
Mol Benjamin Gerson birth Monnickendam - The Netherlands, died 17 Jan 1832 Edam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mol Benjamin Gerson birth ONG 1747 Monnickendam - died 17 Jan 1832 Edam ndbeli
Mol Betje-Betsie birth 8 Mar 1909 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 10 Sep 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mol Betje beck
MOL BETJE birth 15 Dec 1880 AMSTERDAM - died 13 Jan 1940 AMSTERDAM ff2
Mol Betje birth 17 Mar 1881 's-Gravenhage - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor beugen
Mol Betje birth 25 Dec 1880 Amsterdam - Holland, died 13 Jan 1940 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Mol Betje Beile Hartog Hirsch birth ONG 1798 Hoorn - died 11 Jul 1847 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mol Betje Betsy birth 16 Mar 1881 's-Gravenhage - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor kanis
Mol Betje Hartog birth 1798 Monnickendam - died 8 Jul 1847 Amsterdam dessaur
Mol Betje Hartog birth 1798 Monnickendam - died 8 Jul 1847 Amsterdam streletski
Mol Clara birth 16 Aug 1902 The Hague - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mol Danielle ndbeli
Mol Daphna emmerik
Mol Edo Christian birth 1 Oct 1962 Rotterdam - died 27 Apr 1996 Zwolle ndbeli
MOL Edo Christian birth 1 OKT 1962 Rotterdam,ZH,NLD - died 27 Apr 1996 Zwolle,OV,NLD troostwi
Mol Eliazar birth 30 Mar 1905 The Hague - died 31 Jul 1995 Delft ndbeli
Mol Eliazer Lazi Benjamin Bendit birth 1 Jun 1793 Edam ashkenazi
Mol Elisa birth 22 Jan 1937 Deventer - Overijssel, Nederland, died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mol Elisa birth 22 Jan 1937 Deventer - Overijssel, Nederland, died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mol Elisabeth birth 9 Sep 1923 's-Gravenhage - died 22 Sep 1942 Auschwitz ricardo
Mol Elisabeth birth 12 Sep 1872 Brussel Belgie speelman
Mol Elisabeth Salomon birth Aug 1825 slagter
Mol Elise birth 22 Jan 1937 Deventer - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mol Elly deventer
Mol Ester birth 11 Aug 1869 's-Gravenhage - died 5 Jan 1922 Rotterdam ossendrijver
Mol Esther birth 26 Sep 1908 Londen - Engeland, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mol Esther birth 26 Sep 1908 London - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mol Galith beck
Mol Galith deventer
Mol Galith ndbeli
Mol Gerson ndbcore
Mol Gerson birth 3 Dec 1861 Den Haag/geboren om 08.00 uur - died 15 Oct 1932 Rotterdam cohen_e_m
Mol Gerson birth 11 Jan 1898 Amsterdam - died 31 Mar 1944 Midden-Europa ricardo
Mol Gerson birth 12 Sep 1906 Berchem Belgi?e kanis
Mol Gerson birth 24 Dec 1827 's-Gravenhage - died 2 Feb 1920 's-Gravenhage dessaur
MOL GERSON birth 24 Dec 1827 DEN HAAG - died 02 Feb 1920 DEN HAAG ff2
Mol Gerson birth 24 Dec 1827 The Hague - died 2 Feb 1920 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Gerson birth 24 Dec 1827 The Hague - Holland, died 2 Feb 1920 The Hague, Holland beck
Mol Gerson birth 25 Jul 1837 's-Gravenhage - died 21 Nov 1917 's-Gravenhage beugen
Mol Gerson birth 26 Feb 1895 's Gravenhage,ZH - died 7 OKT 1943 Upper-Silezia,de leefsma
Mol Gerson birth 26 Feb 1895 Den Haag - died 7 OKT 1943 Opper-Silezie, Polen deventer
Mol Gerson birth 26 Feb 1895 The Hague - died 7 Oct 1943 Upper-Silezia ndbeli
Mol Gerson Abraham beck
Mol Gerson Abraham birth 25 Jul 1837 The Hague - died 21 Nov 1917 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Gerson Barend birth 12 Jan 1890 The Hague - died 17 Jan 1957 pampel
Mol Gerson Barend birth 24 Dec 1827 's-Gravenhage - died 2 Feb 1920 's-Gravenhage fresco
Mol Gerson Barend birth 24 Dec 1827 's-Gravenhage - died 2 Feb 1920 's-Gravenhage kanis
Mol Gerson Benjamin Bendit birth 3 Feb 1798 Edam ashkenazi
Mol Gerson Salomon hart_amsterdam
Mol Gerson Salomon birth 1768 Monnickendam - Holland, died 11 Sep 1827 Den Haag, Holland beck
Mol Grietje beck
MOL Hanna andriesse
Mol Hanna Hannie kanis
Mol Hans deventer
Mol Hans emmerik
Mol Hartog beck
Mol Hartog birth 27 Sep 1867 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland groningen_regio
Mol Hartog birth 27 Sep 1867 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mol Hartog Gerson birth 27 Sep 1867 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mol Hartog Gerson birth 27 Sep 1867 Den Haag - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mol Heintje birth 13 May 1873 The Hague - died 11 Jun 1875 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Henderina-Henny ndbeli
Mol Henderina birth 29 Jan 1910 Londen - Engeland deventer
Mol Henri-Hans Gerson birth 12 Jan 1919 Leiden - died 1990 Porta Vila ndbeli
Mol Irith deventer
Mol Irith ndbeli
Mol Isaac "Jacques" Jacques beck
Mol Isaac birth 21 Feb 1856 Den Haag - Holland, died 15 Aug 1924 Amsterdam, Holland beck
MOL ISAAC JACQUES MOL birth 21 Feb 1856 DEN HAAG - died 15 Aug 1924 AMSTERDAM ff2
Mol Izaak birth 7 Jul 1911 Den Haag - died 24 Jul 1999 Den Haag deventer
Mol Izak birth 7 Jul 1911 The Hague - died 24 Jul 1999 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Jaantje "Jeanne" Jeanne beck
Mol Jaantje birth 20 Dec 1855 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz fresco
Mol Jaantje birth 20 Dec 1855 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz kanis
Mol Jacob-Jack birth 16 Jan 1914 London - died 10 Nov 1974 "Market wholesaler", lived Kuipersdijk 191, Enschede ndbeli
Mol Jacob birth 1 Mar 1894 The Hague - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mol Jacob birth 1 MRT 1894 Den Haag - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mol Jacob birth 16 Jan 1914 Londen - Engeland, died 10 Nov 1974 Enschede deventer
Mol Jeanette kanis
Mol Jetje beck
Mol Johanna birth 27 Sep 1866 The Hague - died 1 Dec 1939 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mol Jules birth 29 May 1885 Anderlecht - Belgium, died 23 Jun 1954 Enschede ndbeli
Mol Jules birth 29 MEI 1883 Anderlecht - Belgie, died 23 Jun 1954 Enschede deventer
Mol L. ndbcore
Mol Leon birth 5 Feb 1910 Amsterdam - Holland, died Apr 1944 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Mol Leon birth 5 Feb 1910 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died Apr 1944 Monowitz* ndbeli
Mol Leon birth 18 Feb 1912 Londen - Engeland, died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mol Leon birth 18 Feb 1912 London - Middlesex, Engeland, died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mol Leon birth 18 Feb 1912 London - Middlesex, Engeland, died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mol Leon birth 28 Nov 1842 - died 10 MEI 1888 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Mol Leon birth 29 Nov 1842 The Hague - died 10 May 1898 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mol Leon Abraham birth 29 Nov 1842 's-Gravenhage - died 10 May 1898 's-Gravenhage speelman
Mol Lezer Eliazer Benjamin birth 1793 Edam - The Netherlands, died 8 Mar 1835 Edam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mol Lion birth 11 Dec 1862 The Hague - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mol Louis ndbcore
Mol Louis ndbeli
Mol Maijer beck
Mol Marcel kanis
Mol Margaretha birth 24 Dec 1927 's-Gravenhage - died 7 Sep 1942 Auschwitz ricardo
Mol Maria Catharina hakkert
Mol Marianna Johanna deventer
Mol Marianne birth 28 Jun 1902 Den Haag - died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mol Marianne birth 28 Jun 1902 The Hague - died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mol Martha deventer
Mol Martha Roza ndbeli
Mol Maurice beck
Mol Maurice deventer
Mol Maurice ndbeli
Mol Maurice birth 19 MEI 1874 - died 23 MEI 1931 beck
Mol Meijer birth 12 Nov 1921 's-Gravenhage - died 31 Mar 1944 Midden-Europa ricardo
Mol Meijer birth 27 Dec 1860 's-Gravenhage - died 29 Jan 1926 Amsterdam ricardo
Mol Meijer birth 27 Dec 1860 The Hague - died 29 Jan 1926 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MOL MIETJE birth 24 Jun 1865 DEN HAAG - died 25 Oct 1907 ROTTERDAM ff2
Mol Mietje birth 24 Jun 1865 The Hague - Holland, died VR 1909 beck
Mol Mietje birth 26 Feb 1871 The Hague - died 10 Nov 1965 The Hague ndbeli
Mol Millo emmerik
Mol Mozes beck
Mol Naatje beck
Mol Naatje beck
Mol Naatje birth 13 Aug 1853 's-Gravenhage - died 17 Feb 1937 Amsterdam denbosch
Mol Naatje birth 13 Aug 1853 's-Gravenhage ricardo
MOL Nico andriesse
Mol Nico kanis
MOL NN creveld
Mol Rachel vanderstam
Mol Rachel birth 12 Sep 1916 's-Gravenhage - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor kanis
Mol Rebecca birth 5 May 1853 's-Gravenhage - died 18 Jan 1935 's-Gravenhage dessaur
Mol Rebecca birth 19 Feb 1878 Anderlecht - Belgium, died 21 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mol Rebecca birth 19 Feb 1878 Anderlecht Belgie - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor speelman
Mol Remco kanis
Mol Ronnie kanis
Mol Roosje beck
Mol Roosje deventer
Mol Roosje voss
MOL ROOSJE birth 21 Jan 1845 DEN HAAG - died 29 Oct 1916 DEN HAAG ff2
Mol Roosje birth 21 Jan 1845 Den Haag - Holland, died 29 OKT 1916 Den Haag, Holland beck
Mol Saartje huisman
Mol Saartje birth 18 Feb 1832 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Oct 1918 Rotterdam zeldenrust
Mol Saartje birth 18 Feb 1832 's-Gravenhage - died 1919 's-Gravenhage? denbosch
Mol Salomon beck
Mol Salomon birth 20 Feb 1847 Den Haag - Holland, died 14 Apr 1878 Rotterdam, Netherlands beck
Mol Salomon birth 28 Apr 1891 Rotterdam - Netherlands, died 17 Aug 1942 Auschwitz bosman
Mol Salomon birth 30 Sep 1886 Rotterdam - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Polen cohen_e_m
Mol Salomon Barend birth ± 1824 Den Haag - died 25 Jul 1900 Rotterdam cohen_e_m
Mol Salomon Lezer birth 1831 Edam - The Netherlands, died 1 Oct 1855 Edam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mol Salomon Shlomo Gerson birth 1743 Monnikendam - died 4 Jan 1813 Monnickendam ashkenazi
MOL Samuel andriesse
Mol Samuel kanis
Mol Sara beck
Mol Sientje Sjeine Hartog Hirsch birth 9 Dec 1795 Monnikendam - died 14 Jan 1855 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mol Simon fresco
Mol Simon birth 7 Nov 1863 's-Gravenhage - died 2 Feb 1929 Rotterdam kanis
Mol Simon birth 7 Nov 1863 Den Haag - died 2 Feb 1929 Rotterdam cohen_e_m
Mol Simon Alexander birth 2 Aug 1913 Rotterdam - died 29 Nov 1993 Eindhoven kanis
MOL Simon Alexander PRIVACY FILTER andriesse
Mol Sophia Lezer birth 1833 Edam - The Netherlands, died 23 Jun 1850 Edam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mol Sophia Regina-Fiep birth 29 Sep 1920 The Hague - died 7 Oct 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mol Sophie Regina birth 29 Sep 1920 Den Haag - died 7 OKT 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mol Tanja emmerik
Mol Truus from
Mol Vogeletje Benjamin birth Edam - The Netherlands, died 4 Jan 1807 Edam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mol Yael deventer
Mol Yael Charlotte beck
Mol Yael Charlotte ndbeli
Molcho Betsy birth 14 Jul 1916 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Molcho Betsy birth 14 Jul 1917 Amsterdam - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor mello
Molcho Ester birth 1734 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Molcho Esther abas
Molcho Salomon birth 1766 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Molemaker Betje Andries birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam - died 27 Feb 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moleman Hester Barend birth ONG 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Molen Aaron van der birth 27 Jul 1877 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Molen Annaatje van der ndbeli
Molen Anna van der ndbcore
Molen Anna van der ndbeli
Molen Anna van der ndbeli
Molen Berend Hindrik Jans van der PRIVACY FILTER vanos
Molen Berend van der birth 21 Sep 1883 Finsterwolde - died 29 Nov 1955 Leeuwarden vanos
Molen Diderikus van der ndbcore
Molen Diderikus van der birth 1882 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Molen Ferry van der overdijkink
Molen Gerrit Hartog van der ndbeli
Molen Greetje van der overdijkink
Molen Grietje Janna van der PRIVACY FILTER vanos
Molen Jacob Van Der birth 16 Jun 1905 Zevenbergen - Noort-Brabant, Netherlands beck
Molen Jans Hindrik van der birth 24 Apr 1914 Wommels - Hennaarderadeel, died 31 Mar 1973 Oosterend, Texel vanos
Molen Jans van der vanos
Molen Johannes van der abas
Molen Meindert van der overdijkink
Molen Rachel van der birth 1858 OF 1859 - died 10 Sep 1926 Amsterdam vischschraper
Molen van der ndbcore
Molen van der ndbeli
Molenaar Eeltje birth 1876 Leeuwarden ndbeli
Molenaar Elisabeth Jans birth 14 Oct 1800 Leeuwarden - died 23 Feb 1859 Leeuwarden ndbeli
MOLENAAR Gerrit birth 3 Apr 1922 Enkhuizen - died 15 Jun 1969 Amsterdam degen
Molenaar Gerrit birth 3 Apr 1922 Enkhuizen - died 15 Jun 1969 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Molenaar Gerrit birth 3 Apr 1922 Enkhuizen - Holland, died 15 Jun 1969 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Molenaar Jacob Juda Isaac birth ONG 1772 - died 6 Dec 1846 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Molenaar Jantje birth 23 Apr 1896 Amsterdam - NLD, died 1982 Bussum, NLD montanhes
Molenaar Jeanne Jantje birth 23 Apr 1896 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1982 Bussum, Holland belinfante
Molenaar Jelle Jans birth 6 Aug 1805 Leeuwarden - died 20 Sep 1851 Terschelling ndbeli
Molenaar Jeltje Jans birth 1803 - died 16 May 1864 Leeuwarden ndbeli
Molenaar Jillert Jans birth 10 Jun 1798 Leeuwarden ndbeli
Molenaar Maartje deventer
Molenaar Maria birth 4 Sep 1908 Rotterdam speelman
MOLENAAR Martin degen
Molenaar Martin haringman
Molenaar N.N. abas
Molenaar N.N. abas
Molenaar Pauline ndbeli
Molenaar Pietje Jans birth 3 Apr 1808 Leeuwarden - died 17 Nov 1869 Leeuwarden ndbeli
Molenaar Ytje Jans birth 28 Feb 1813 Leeuwarden - died 23 May 1895 Leeuwarden ndbeli
Molenberg Liesbeth birth NA 1 Jan 1900 heildinx
Molenberg Willem behr
MOLENBERG Willem italiaander
MOLENBERG Willem vandervelde
Molendijk Elisabeth ossendrijver
Molenmaker Sjieuwke ndbeli
Molet Catharina ndbcore
Molet Catharina ndbeli
Molgo Anna birth 14 May 1879 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen trompetter
MOLGO Betsie birth 14 Jul 1916 Amsterdam - Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor vazdias
Molgo Jetje birth 12 Nov 1880 Amsterdam - NLD, died 10 Oct 1920 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Molgo Lea birth 21 Dec 1815 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Molgo Mozes trompetter
Molgo Mozes birth 26 Jun 1854 Amsterdam - NLD, died 22 May 1928 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Molgo Rachel abas
Molgo Rebecca Salomon birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Molhuisen Philip Christiaan ndbcore
Molhuisen Philip Christiaan ndbeli
Molina Damian Torres abas
Molina Lina Ma rabbie
Molino NN trompetter
Molino Tammy ndbeli
Molino Tammy trompetter
MOLKENBOER Bernard Benny degen
MOLKENBOER Theodorus Lambertus Bernardus birth 12 Oct 1915 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1997 Amsterdam degen
Moller Elsa asser
Moller Flora ndbcore
Moller Flora ndbeli
Moller Oskar Verdoner haringman
Moller Pernille haringman
Moller Thea Verdoner haringman
Mollerich Rika ndbcore
Molles Gertie ndbeli
Mollie Rochwerg birth 10 MRT 1920 OZAROW - POLAND, died 30 Dec 1991 HAMILTON, CANADA hart
Molling Therese died 7 Jun 1939 Amsterdam deventer
Mollink Berendina Josephine deventer
Mollink Berendina Josephine ndbeli
Molodic Arjeh aronson
Mols Gerard Hubert deleeuwe
Mols Pierre Jean birth 29 Jan 1885 Hedel - died 19 Jun 1961 Cannes deleeuwe
Molxo Debora de Salomon birth 1 Jul 1803 Amsterdam - died 5 May 1880 Amsterdam cohen_amers
Monas-Monash-Monasch Isidora Isa birth 19 Jan 1914 - died 27 Jun 1946 Amsterdam ndbeli
Monas Abraham ndbcore
Monas Abraham ndbeli
Monas Alida birth 9 Oct 1873 Purmerend - died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Monas Anne died Poland beck
Monas Anne died Shoa woudhuizen
Monas Benjamin birth 18 Jun 1842 Purmerend - died 10 Oct 1924 Apeldoorn hoorn_regio
Monas Bert beck
Monas Bert woudhuizen
Monas Dina beck
Monas Dina woudhuizen
Monas Dina birth 1902 - died 1979 beck
Monas Dina birth 1902 - died 1979 woudhuizen
Monas Dina Johanna birth 1893 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Monas Dina Johanna birth after 1 Jan 1900 meijer
Monas Elly beck
Monas Elly woudhuizen
Monas Grietje beck
Monas Grietje woudhuizen
Monas Isa beck
Monas Isa woudhuizen
Monas Isaac beck
Monas Isaac beck
Monas Isaac woudhuizen
Monas Isaac woudhuizen
Monas Isador beck
Monas Isador woudhuizen
Monas Jacques delange
Monas Jacques delange_elburg
Monas Joop died Poland beck
Monas Joop died Shoa woudhuizen
Monas Joseph Levie birth 1828 beck
Monas Joseph Levie birth 1828 woudhuizen
Monas Joseph Levij birth 18 Dec 1828 Purmerend ndbeli
Monas Jozeph Levy birth 18 Dec 1828 Purmerend meijer
Monas Juda died Poland beck
Monas Juda died Shoa woudhuizen
Monas Judith beck
Monas Judith woudhuizen
Monas Kaatje Rozetta birth 20 Feb 1885 Zoetermeer - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 21 May 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Monas Kaatje Rozetta birth 20 Feb 1885 Zoetermeer - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Monas Kees beck
Monas Kees woudhuizen
Monas Koos beck
Monas Koos woudhuizen
Monas Linda beck
Monas Linda woudhuizen
Monas Marian beck
Monas Marian beck
Monas Marian woudhuizen
Monas Marian woudhuizen
Monas Maurits beck
Monas Maurits beck
Monas Maurits woudhuizen
Monas Maurits birth 24 Mar 1872 - died 23 Mar 1943 Sobibor woudhuizen
Monas Maurits birth 24 MRT 1872 - died 23 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Poland beck
Monas Max beck
Monas Max beck
Monas Max woudhuizen
Monas Max woudhuizen
Monas Meijer birth 18 Jan 1863 Purmerend meijer
Monas Meijer birth 18 Jan 1863 Purmerend ndbeli
Monas Meyer beck
Monas Meyer beck
Monas Meyer woudhuizen
Monas Meyer woudhuizen
MONAS Mindele vazdias
Monas Moses beck
Monas Moses woudhuizen
Monas Paul beck
Monas Paul woudhuizen
Monas Regina died Poland beck
Monas Regina died Shoa woudhuizen
Monas Reina vantijn
Monas Saloman beck
Monas Saloman woudhuizen
Monas Saloman birth 1871 - died USA beck
Monas Saloman birth 1871 - died USA woudhuizen
Monas Salomon birth 1832 cohdelft
Monas Salomon birth 1832 ndbeli
Monas Salomon birth 1871 Purmerend ndbeli
Monas Salomon birth Purmerend - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Monas Samuel beck
Monas Samuel woudhuizen
Monas Sietke beck
Monas Sietke woudhuizen
Monas V beck
Monas V woudhuizen
Monasch/ Monat Moses hakkert
Monasch Abraham birth 6 Jun 1812 Gouda - died 5 Nov 1905 Rotterdam biene
Monasch Abraham Moses birth 6 Jun 1812 Gouda - died 5 Nov 1905 Rotterdam hakkert
Monasch Batje birth ONG 1815 Gouda ashkenazi
Monasch Batje birth ONG 1815 Gouda vega
Monasch Bertha zwarenstein
Monasch Bertha birth 17 Sep 1889 Nijmegen - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor denbosch
Monasch Bertha birth 17 Sep 1889 Nijmegen - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
MONASCH Betje , birth 10 jun 1894 ROTTERDAM, died 14 jun 1972 AMSTERDAMkiek
Monasch Betje birth 10 Jun 1894 Rotterdam - died 14 Jun 1972 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
MONASCH Betje birth 10 Jun 1894 Rotterdam - died 14 Jun 1972 Amsterdam pinto
Monasch Betje birth 10 Jun 1894 Rotterdam - died 29 Jul 1974 Amsterdam ricardo
Monasch Carolina Emilie birth 20 Jan 1936 Deventer - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
Monasch Caroline Emilie birth 20 Jan 1936 Deventer OV - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor denbosch
Monasch Caroline Emilie birth 20 Jan 1936 Zwolle - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Monasch Caroline Emille birth 20 Jan 1936 Deventer - Overijssel, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Monasch Elias deventer
Monasch Elias godschalk_nijm
Monasch Elias birth 18 Feb 1893 Nijmegen - died 28 Jul 1967 Amersfoort UTR denbosch
Monasch Elias birth 19 Feb 1893 Nijmegen - died 28 Jul 1967 Amersfoort ossendrijver
Monasch Elias birth 20 Aug 1826 Gouda - died 12 Jun 1900 Gouda ossendrijver
Monasch Elias birth 21 Oct 1894 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor* ndbeli
Monasch Elias birth 21 OKT 1894 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Monasch Elias birth 26 Aug 1826 Gouda Z-H - died 12 Jun 1900 Gouda Z-H denbosch
Monasch Eliaser zwarenstein
Monasch Eliazar zwarenstein
Monasch Eliazar birth 8 Jul 1871 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland groningen_regio
Monasch Eliazar birth 8 Jul 1871 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Monasch Eliazar birth 8 Jul 1871 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Monasch Eliazer birth 1869 Gouda zwarenstein
Monasch Emilie Brandina ossendrijver
MONASCH Estella , birth 20 mar 1888 ROTTERDAM, died 21 may 1888 ROTTERDAMkiek
Monasch Estella birth 20 Mar 1888 Rotterdam - died 21 May 1888 Rotterdam ndbeli
MONASCH Estella birth 20 Mar 1888 Rotterdam - died 21 May 1888 Rotterdam pinto
Monasch Esther-Hester Eliasar ndbeli
Monasch Esther birth 30 Dec 1854 Dordrecht - died 12 Jun 1930 Dordrecht braadbaart
Monasch Esther birth 30 Dec 1854 Dordrecht - died 12 Jun 1930 Dordrecht meijer
Monasch Felix Ephraim birth 9 Jul 1895 's-Hertogenbosch - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor denbosch
Monasch Felix Ephraim birth 9 Jul 1895 's-Hertogenbosch - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
Monasch Felix Ephraim birth 9 Jul 1895 Den Bosch - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Monasch Felix Ephraim birth 9 Jul 1895 Den Bosch - Noord-Brabant, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Monasch Helena Megchelina birth 8 Sep 1919 Boxmeer Holland - died 18 Nov 1942 Auschwitz Poland izaks
MONASCH Hendrika , birth 20 mar 1888 ROTTERDAM, died 21 may 1888 ROTTERDAMkiek
MONASCH Hendrika kiek
Monasch Hendrika birth 20 Mar 1888 Rotterdam - died 21 May 1888 Rotterdam ndbeli
MONASCH Hendrika birth 20 Mar 1888 Rotterdam - died 21 May 1888 Rotterdam pinto
MONASCH Hendrika birth 28 Aug 1890 Gouda - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland pinto
Monasch Hendrika birth 28 Aug 1890 Rotterdam - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Monasch Hendrika birth 28 Aug 1890 Rotterdam - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz vandijk
Monasch Hendrika birth 28 Aug 1890 Rotterdam - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz vriesman
MONASCH Hester kiek
MONASCH Hester birth 31 Jan 1892 Rotterdam - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland pinto
Monasch Hester birth 31 Jan 1892 Rotterdam - died 19 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Monasch Hester Abraham birth 22 Dec 1837 Jutphaas hakkert
Monasch Hester Eliasar ndbcore
Monasch Isaac birth 3 Sep 1828 Gouda meijer
Monasch Isaak Elias birth 5 Jan 1855 Gouda - died 14 Jul 1937 Amsterdam deventer
MONASCH Isidore , birth 19 apr 1889 ROTTERDAM, died 18 jul 1890 ROTTERDAMkiek
Monasch Isidore birth 19 Apr 1889 Rotterdam - died 18 Jul 1890 Rotterdam ndbeli
MONASCH Isidore birth 19 Apr 1889 Rotterdam - died 18 Jul 1890 Rotterdam pinto
Monasch Izaak Elias ndbeli
Monasch Izaak Elias birth 15 Jan 1855 Gouda - died 14 Jul 1937 Amsterdam bak
Monasch Izaak Elias birth 15 Jan 1855 Gouda - died 14 Jul 1937 Amsterdam biene
Monasch Izaak Elias birth 15 Jan 1855 Gouda - died 14 Jul 1937 Amsterdam godschalk_nijm
Monasch Izaak Elias birth 15 Jan 1855 Gouda - died 14 Jul 1937 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Monasch Izak Elias birth 15 Jan 1855 Gouda Z-H - died 14 Jul 1937 Amsterdam denbosch
Monasch Jacob Mozes birth 24 Jun 1879 Dordrecht Holland - died 18 Nov 1942 Auschwitz Poland izaks
Monasch Jacques ndbcore
Monasch Jacques birth 19 Jul 1898 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 10 Oct 1966 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Monasch Jacques birth 19 Jul 1898 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
MONASCH Jeanette , birth 03 jan 1893 ROTTERDAM, died 24 may 1893 ROTTERDAMkiek
MONASCH Jeanette , birth 16 oct 1895 ROTTERDAM, died 30 may 1896 ROTTERDAMkiek
Monasch Jeanette birth 3 Jan 1893 Rotterdam - died 24 May 1893 Rotterdam ndbeli
Monasch Jeanette birth 16 Oct 1895 Rotterdam - died 30 May 1896 Rotterdam ndbeli
MONASCH Jeannette birth 3 Jan 1893 Rotterdam - died 24 May 1893 Rotterdam pinto
MONASCH Jeannette birth 16 Oct 1895 Rotterdam - died 30 May 1896 Rotterdam pinto
Monasch Jeth Jette birth 26 Apr 1841 Vianen - died 28 Feb 1928 Rotterdam biene
Monasch Jetje Abraham birth 26 Apr 1841 Vianen hakkert
Monasch Joseph birth 5 Oct 1887 Nijmegen - died 8 Feb 1928 's-Hertogenbosch denbosch
Monasch Joseph birth 5 Oct 1887 Nijmegen - died 8 Feb 1928 's-Hertogenbosch ossendrijver
Monasch Joseph Isaac Barend birth 13 Feb 1928 Zwolle - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Monasch Joseph Isaac Barend birth 13 Feb 1928 Zwolle - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
Monasch Joseph Isaac Barend birth 13 Feb 1928 Zwolle OV - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor denbosch
Monasch Joseph Izaak Barend birth 13 Feb 1928 Zwolle - Overijssel, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Monasch Judith Moses vandijk
Monasch Kaatje birth 16 Sep 1868 Paramaribo - Suriname asser
Monasch Leo birth 11 Jun 1876 Oud-Beijerland - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen groningen_regio
Monasch Leo birth 11 Jun 1876 Oud-Beijerland - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 26 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Monasch Leo birth 11 Jun 1876 Oud-Beijerland - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 26 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Monasch Levie Eliazar ndbcore
Monasch Levie Eliazar ndbeli
Monasch Levie Eliazar vriesman
Monasch Levie Eliazar birth 30 Jan 1845 Gouda - died 19 Oct 1907 Rotterdam ndbeli
MONASCH Levie Eliazar birth 30 Jan 1845 Gouda - died 19 Oct 1907 Rotterdam pinto
Monasch Levie Eliazar birth 30 Jan 1845 Gouda - died 19 Oct 1907 Rotterdam ricardo
Monasch Levie Eliazar birth 30 Jan 1845 Gouda - died 19 OKT 1907 Rotterdam vandijk
Monasch Levie Eliazar Louis birth 30 Jan 1845 Gouda - died 19 Oct 1907 Rotterdam beugen
Monasch Levie Eliazar Louis birth 30 Jan 1845 Gouda - died 19 Oct 1907 Rotterdam kanis
MONASCH Levie Eliazer , birth 30 jan 1845 GOUDA, died 19 oct 1907 ROTTERDAMkiek
Monasch Levie Mozes Monas birth 6 May 1808 Goejanverwellesluis - died 25 Jun 1890 Gouda ndbeli
Monasch Louis deventer
Monasch Matje birth ± 1846 Vianen UTR denbosch
Monasch Matje Abraham birth 6 Oct 1845 Vianen hakkert
Monasch Mozes birth 1Sep 1856 Dordrecht - died 8 Jan 1932 izaks
Monasch Mozes birth 10 Jul 1852 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Monasch Mozes birth 10 Jul 1852 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Monasch Mozes Abraham birth 20 Mar 1839 Jutphaas hakkert
Monasch Mozes Eliaser birth 18 Dec 1837 Gouda - died 21 Jan 1914 Rotterdam zwarenstein
Monasch Pinas birth 16 Aug 1873 Oud-Beijerland - died 15 OKT 1942 Auschwitz zwarenstein
Monasch Roosje birth 5 Dec 1867 Dordrecht meijer
Monasch Roosje birth 15 Jan 1870 Gouda - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor beugen
Monasch Roosje birth 15 Jan 1870 Gouda - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor kanis
Monasch Roosje birth 15 Jan 1870 Gouda ndbeli
Monasch Sara birth 1 Feb 1880 Dordrecht - died 15 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Monasch Sara birth 1 Feb 1880 Dordrecht - ZH, NL, died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Monasch Selma birth 28 Jul 1906 's-Hertogenbosch bak
Monasch Selma birth 28 Jul 1906 's-Hertogenbosch biene
Monasch Selma birth 28 Jul 1906 's-Hertogenbosch denbosch
Monasch Selma birth 28 Jul 1906 's-Hertogenbosch ossendrijver
Monasch Sophia died Roosendaal institution zwarenstein
Monasch Sophia Abraham birth 9 Mar 1843 Vianen hakkert
Monasch Sprientje trompetter
Monasch Sprientje birth 21 Sep 1835 Gouda - died 21 Nov 1918 Numansdorp zwarenstein
MONASCH Vrouke , birth 19 apr 1889 ROTTERDAM, died 22 nov 1889 ROTTERDAMkiek
Monasch Vrouke birth 19 Apr 1889 Rotterdam - died 22 Nov 1889 Rotterdam ndbeli
MONASCH Vrouke birth 19 Apr 1889 Rotterdam - died 22 Nov 1889 Rotterdam pinto
Monasch Monas Levie Mozes birth 6 May 1808 Goejanverwellesluis - died 25 Jun 1890 Gouda Joods Verpleeghuis meijer
MONCKENHOF Betje birth 19 Dec 1858 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
MONCKENHOF Eleonora birth 19 Apr 1857 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
MONCKENHOF Hartog birth 5 Jun 1853 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
MONCKENHOF Henderina birth 8 Aug 1860 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
MONCKENHOF Isaac birth 10 Jan 1854 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
MONCKENHOF Sara birth 18 Dec 1855 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
MONCKENHOF Tobias Isaac birth Oct 1822 Amsterdam - Netherlands pruym
Monckton Alice Henri?ette birth 1849 Southwell Notts - died 8 Jan 1930 Wimborne ricardo
Monckton Edmond Gambier ricardo
Moncur Pauline montanhes
Moncur Richard montanhes
Moncur Stephen montanhes
Mondolpho Rosette birth ± 1782 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1836 Amsterdam ricardo
Mondt Fred ndbeli
Mondt Sebastian ndbeli
Mondt Yvonne ndbeli
Monickendam Esther birth 10 Nov 1846 Monnickendam vandijk
Monies Ester v.Isaac birth ONG 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monies Isaac v.Jacob birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monikendam Barend Philip birth 28 Jun 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moninkendam Klara Moses vanburen
Monis/ Da Silva Ros Sara abas
Monis Abigael birth Dec 1859 Whitechapel - Londen, Engeland, died 26 Jun 1933 Avondale, Ohio, Verenigde Staten vanvollenhoven
Monis Abraham 'Isaac' birth 1709 Livorno - Italy beck
Monis Abraham 'Salomon' birth 10 Apr 1768 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Abraham birth 4 Nov 1891 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Abraham Adolf birth 26 MEI 1816 Copenhagen - Denmark beck
Monis Amalie birth 22 Feb 1818 Copenhagen - Denmark, died 19 Sep 1898 Copenhagen, Denmark beck
Monis Barney died ONG 1908 beck
Monis Betha Betsy birth London - Middlesex, England, died 26 Jun 1933 Avondale, Ohio, USA beck
Monis Bilha 'Isaac' birth 26 Dec 1827 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Bilha birth 15 Nov 1856 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Catharina birth 14 Oct 1888 Amsterdam frank_veendam
Monis Clara 'Salomon' birth 28 Sep 1760 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Clara birth 23 Jun 1820 Copenhagen - Denmark, died 1899 beck
Monis David 'Jacob' birth 6 MRT 1797 Amsterdam - Holland, died 3 Feb 1843 beck
Monis David birth 3 Jun 1812 Copenhagen - Denmark, died 30 Apr 1894 Frederiksberg, Denmark beck
Monis Debora birth 6 Nov 1813 Copenhagen - Denmark beck
Monis Ester 'Isaac' birth 9 MRT 1825 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Esther birth 12 Jan 1848 beck
Monis Esther birth 31 MRT 1875 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Eva 'Jacob' birth 12 Sep 1854 Amsterdam - Holland, died 8 Feb 1895 Amsterdam, Holland beck
MONIS EVA birth 12 Sep 1854 AMSTERDAM - died 07 Feb 1895 AMSTERDAM ff2
Monis Eva birth 14 Sep 1857 Amsterdam - died 7 Feb 1895 Amsterdam ricardo
Monis Eva birth Amsterdam deventer
Monis Hana 'Salomon' birth 20 Jan 1772 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Hanna birth 3 Jan 1846 beck
Monis Ira beck
Monis Isaac 'Isaac' birth ONG 1823 beck
Monis Isaac 1 'Jacob' birth 7 Jun 1792 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Apr 1793 beck
Monis Isaac 2 'Jacob' birth 13 Jun 1794 Amsterdam - Holland, died 8 Jul 1857 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Isaac birth 22 MEI 1850 beck
Monis Isaac birth 1688 Livorno - Italy, died 1735 beck
Monis Isaac birth 1788 beck
Monis Isaac van Jacob birth 17 Jun 1792 Amsterdam - died 6 Jul 1857 Amsterdam ricardo
Monis Israel Isaac birth 16 Feb 1811 Copenhagen - Denmark beck
Monis Jacob 'Isaac' birth 25 Sep 1819 Amsterdam - Holland, died 12 MEI 1897 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Jacob 'Salomon' birth 1755 Leeuwarden - Holland, died 16 Feb 1806 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Jacob deventer
Monis Jacob birth 14 Jun 1852 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Jacob birth 1755 Leeuwarden ashkenazi
Monis Jacob birth 1794 - died 1873 Copenhagen, Denmark beck
MONIS JACOB ISAAC birth 25 Sep 1819 AMSTERDAM - died 12 May 1897 AMSTERDAM ff2
Monis Jacob Isaac birth ONG 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monis Jael 'Jacob' birth 2 Jul 1789 Amsterdam - Holland, died 1840 beck
Monis Jael birth 29 MRT 1830 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Joseph 'Jacob' birth 11 Apr 1805 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Nov 1816 beck
Monis Judith 'Salomon' birth 20 Jan 1772 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Lea birth 17 Jun 1836 Amsterdam - Holland, died 1875 beck
Monis Miriam birth 25 Feb 1876 beck
Monis Nat beck
Monis Rachel birth 1747 Amsterdam - Holland, died 11 MRT 1813 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Rebecca birth 3 Apr 1878 - died 21 Feb 1914 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Rebecca birth 7 Dec 1893 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Rebecca birth 7 Dec 1893 Amsterdam ricardo
Monis Rebekka birth ONG 1794 The Hague - Holland, died 1865 Copenhagen, Denmark beck
Monis Reina birth 13 Nov 1843 beck
Monis Reina birth ONG 1879 beck
Monis Reintje birth 30 Aug 1882 Amsterdam - Holland, died 26 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Poland beck
Monis Salomon 'Isaac' birth 10 Jan 1823 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Salomon 'Isaac' birth 1714 Livorno - Italy, died 23 Feb 1780 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Salomon 'Jacob' birth 5 Apr 1788 Amsterdam - Holland, died 24 Feb 1852 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Monis Salomon abas
Monis Salomon frank_veendam
Monis Salomon birth 25 MRT 1864 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Salomon de Jacob birth 25 Mar 1864 Amsterdam - died 30 Oct 1919 Amsterdam ricardo
Monis Salomon Isaac birth 10 Jan 1823 Amsterdam vanvollenhoven
Monis Salomon Simson birth ONG 1786 The Hague - Holland, died 18 Jun 1853 Copenhagen, Denmark beck
Monis Sara 'Isaac' birth 20 MEI 1833 Amsterdam - Holland, died 23 Sep 1904 New Road. Whitechapel, London, England beck
Monis Sara birth 14 Jan 1859 Amsterdam - died 26 Oct 1916 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Monis Sara birth 1741 beck
Monis Sara birth ONG 1859 beck
Monis Shimshon 'Jacob' birth 15 Jan 1801 Amsterdam - Holland, died 9 Jul 1826 beck
Monis Simcha I 'Salomon' birth 6 Jun 1765 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Simcha Ii 'Salomon' birth 2 MRT 1770 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Simson 'Salomon' birth 23 Apr 1763 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Monis Thora birth 1818 - died 1900 beck
Monis Monies Bilha birth 26 Dec 1827 Amsterdam - died 15 Apr 1890 Amsterdam ricardo
Monk Hanna Hintche Salomon Zelkele birth 9 Dec 1812 Amsterdam - died 1 Sep 1840 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monk Hanna Salomon birth ± 1812 Amsterdam - died 1 Sep 1840 Amsterdam edersheim
Monk Hartog birth 20 Oct 1844 Paramaribo - Suriname, died 9 Sep 1914 Paramaribo, Suriname asser
Monk Joseph Jacob birth 30 Aug 1879 Paramaribo - Suriname, died 1 Jun 1966 Paramaribo, Suriname asser
Monk Judith Estelle birth 31 Jan 1878 Paramaribo - Suriname asser
Monk Judith Mozes birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monk Martha hausdorff
Monk Pelsa Moses ndbcore
Monk Pelsa Moses ndbeli
Monk Rachel Simon birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam - died 14 OKT 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monk Salomon Simon edersheim
Monk Salomon Zelkele Simon birth 1779 Amsterdam - died 30 Apr 1845 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monk Sophia Spransje Philip birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monk Telsje Telts Mozes birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 20 Sep 1807 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monn Jansje ndbeli
MONNAIE Elisabeth creveld
Monnaie Elisabeth ndbeli
Monne Jansje trompetter
Monnekendam Barend Berman Jacob Jokeb birth 5 MEI 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnekendam Jacob Jokeb Isaac Itsak birth ONG 1720 ashkenazi
Monnekendam Levie Jacob Jokeb birth 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnekendam Salomon Zelig Jacob Jokeb v.Rooij birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 18 Apr 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnereau Catharina birth 4 Feb 1848 Amsterdam, willing
MONNEREAU Catharina birth 4 Feb 1848 Amsterdam joachimsthal
Monnereau Catharina birth 4 Feb 1848 Amsterdam vanburen
Monnickendam Abraham Gabriel birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Alexander birth 19 Aug 1870 Hoorn - died 3 Oct 1870 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Monnickendam Alexander Gabriel ndbcore
Monnickendam Alexander Gabriel ndbeli
Monnickendam Alexander Meijer birth 19 Aug 1870 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Monnickendam Alexander Ziskind Gabriel Raphael birth Jun 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Barend Philip mok
Monnickendam Chaja hoorn_regio
MONNICKENDAM Duifje Jona souget
Monnickendam Elisabeth birth 11 Jun 1881 Veghel - died 27 Sep 1932 's Hertogenbosch hes
Monnickendam Elisabeth birth 11 Jun 1881 Veghel N-BR - died 27 Sep 1932 's-Hertogenbosch denbosch
Monnickendam Elisabeth birth 1881 - died 1932 deventer
Monnickendam Elly PRIVACY FILTER denbosch
Monnickendam Esther ndbcore
Monnickendam Esther birth 10 Nov 1846 Monnickendam ossendrijver
Monnickendam Eva ndbcore
Monnickendam Eva birth 29 Dec 1864 Amsterdam - died 8 MEI 1942 Amsterdam vandijk
Monnickendam Eva Alexander birth 10 Feb 1829 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1874 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland meppel_regio
Monnickendam Eva Alexander birth 10 Feb 1829 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1874 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Monnickendam Eva Alexander birth 10 Feb 1829 The Hague - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1874 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Monnickendam Gabriel birth 18 Dec 1852 Veghel - died 11 Dec 1918 Veghel hes
Monnickendam Gabriel birth 18 Dec 1852 Veghel N-BR denbosch
Monnickendam Gabriel Raphael Mozes birth ONG 1764 Nieder Saulheim near Mainz - died 1 Aug 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Gabriel Raphael Mozes birth ONG 1818 Monnikendam - died 21 OKT 1853 Den Helder ashkenazi
Monnickendam Grietje Mozes ndbeli
MONNICKENDAM Grietje Mozes troostwi
Monnickendam Grietje Mozes vantijn
Monnickendam Gustaaf PRIVACY FILTER denbosch
MONNICKENDAM Heintje birth 24 MRT 1833 Monnickendam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 14 MRT 1917 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland souget
Monnickendam Hendrika ndbcore
Monnickendam Jacob birth 20 Oct 1852 Amsterdam - died 18 Apr 1908 Amsterdam mok
Monnickendam Johanna Hanna birth 28 Jan 1864 Veghel - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz vandijk
Monnickendam Kaatje Chaya Mozes birth 19 MEI 1816 Monnikendam - died 22 Jan 1872 Den Helder ashkenazi
Monnickendam Keetje Mozes birth 24 Feb 1825 Amsterdam - died 13 Jan 1861 Nijmegen polak_nijm
Monnickendam Klara Keile Gabriel Raphael birth ONG 1790 Amsterdam - died 2 Jan 1848 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Marcus Meyer Mozes birth 1759 Monnikkendam - died 8 Nov 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Marcus Mordechai Gabriel Raphael birth Jun 1797 Monnikendam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Meijer ndbcore
Monnickendam Meijer birth 18 Jul 1839 den Haag - died 28 Mar 1907 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Monnickendam Meyer Gabriel Raphael birth Sep 1803 Monnikendam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Meyer Mozes birth 1809 Amsterdam - died 26 Jun 1849 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Mozes Gabriel ndbcore
Monnickendam Mozes Gabriel polak_nijm
Monnickendam Mozes Gabriel birth Nieder Saulheim near Mainz ashkenazi
Monnickendam Mozes Marcus Meyer birth 1786 Amsterdam - died 24 Apr 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Philip denbosch
Monnickendam Roosje Mozes birth 1831 Monnickendam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 19 Mar 1916 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland zwolle_regio
Monnickendam Roosje Mozes birth 1831 Monnickendam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 19 MRT 1916 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Monnickendam Saartje Gabriel birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Saartje Mozes birth 24 Apr 1829 Monnikendam - died 27 MRT 1908 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Salomon birth 16 Mar 1887 Veghel N-BR - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz denbosch
Monnickendam Salomon Mozes birth 19 OKT 1826 Monnikendam - died 22 Nov 1913 Veghel vandijk
Monnickendam Salomon Shlomo Mozes birth 10 OKT 1826 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1913 Veghel ashkenazi
Monnickendam Samson Mozes birth 12 MEI 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Sara birth 4 Mar 1872 Hoorn - died 10 Sep 1909 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Monnickendam Sara birth 4 Mar 1872 Hoorn N-H - died 10 Sep 1909 Amsterdam denbosch
Monnickendam Sara birth 4 MRT 1872 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Monnickendam Schoontje Sjeine Meyer died 1 Jul 1849 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnickendam Simon Simcha Marcus Meyer birth Jul 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MONNICKENDAM Vogeltje birth ONG 1722 Amsterdam - died 1789 Amsterdam spits
MONNICKENDAM Vogeltje Eliazer birth 1722 Nederland - died 1789 Nederland souget
Monnikedam Abraham Salomon Shlomo birth Monnikendam ashkenazi
Monnikedam Barend Ber Mozes Pronk birth 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnikedam Eva Chava Salomon Zalman birth 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnikedam Judic Gittele Barend Ber birth 11 Nov 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnikedam Mozes Abraham birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnikedam Mozes Barend Pronk birth 30 MRT 1754 Enkhuizen - died 5 Dec 1833 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monniken Juda Hartog ndbcore
Monnikendam Abraham birth 6 Jul 1905 Amsterdam - died 2 Jan 1975 Rosas, Sp braadbaart
Monnikendam Albert Freddy birth ? - died ? Brussel wijnbergen
Monnikendam Anna Mozes birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MONNIKENDAM BAREND birth 29 Sep 1891 AMSTERDAM - died 03 Sep 1943 AUSCHWITZ ff2
Monnikendam Barend Philip ndbeli
Monnikendam Barend Philip birth ± 1830 izak_meijer
Monnikendam Bertha birth 29 Jul 1880 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Monnikendam Bertha birth 29 Jul 1880 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Monnikendam Bregje Bracha Mozes birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 20 Apr 1861 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnikendam David-Daaf birth ? - died ? wijnbergen
Monnikendam Eddy braadbaart
Monnikendam Eleazar deventer
Monnikendam Eliazer birth 5 Apr 1874 Amsterdam - died 28 Dec 1933 Amsterdam braadbaart
Monnikendam Elisabeth birth 28 Jun 1906 Amsterdam - died 6 Mar 1944 Auschwitz, Pl braadbaart
Monnikendam Eva geuns
Monnikendam Eva ndbeli
Monnikendam Eva birth 12 Nov 1875 Brielle Z-H - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor denbosch
Monnikendam Eva birth 29 Dec 1864 Amsterdam - died 8 May 1942 Amsterdam denbosch
MONNIKENDAM Eva birth 29 Dec 1864 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 8 MEI 1942 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland souget
Monnikendam Flora birth 13 Jan 1857 Amsterdam - died 26 Nov 1938 Amsterdam klei_berg
MONNIKENDAM Hanna souget
Monnikendam Hartog birth ONG 1803 Amersfoort - Utrecht, Nederland ndbeli
Monnikendam Hartog Juda birth 2 Jan 1803 Amersfoort - died 16 MRT 1882 Harderwijk ashkenazi
Monnikendam Henriette birth 29 Oct 1857 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Monnikendam Henriette birth 29 Oct 1857 Amsterdam - Noord Holland, Nederland izak_meijer
MONNIKENDAM Isidoor Chulatah souget
Monnikendam Jacques Albert birth ? - died ? WW2 wijnbergen
Monnikendam Johan birth 6 Jul 1897 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Monnikendam Juda ndbeli
Monnikendam Juda birth 27 Feb 1836 Harderwijk GLD denbosch
Monnikendam Juda Hartog birth 1758 - died 15 Apr 1853 Gouda ashkenazi
Monnikendam Kaatje birth 26 Jan 1842 Harderwijk - died 1 Feb 1927 Tiel ndbeli
MONNIKENDAM Keetje souget
Monnikendam Klaartje ndbeli
Monnikendam Klara ndbeli
Monnikendam Klara Mozes birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MONNIKENDAM Marcus souget
MONNIKENDAM Marcus died Transvaal - Zuid-Afrika souget
Monnikendam Maurits birth 3 Aug 1910 Amsterdam braadbaart
MONNIKENDAM Meijer Marcus birth NA 1758 Nieder-Saulheim - Rijnland-Palts, Duitsland, died 9 Nov 1836 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland souget
MONNIKENDAM Meyer birth 17 Aug 1809 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 27 Jun 1849 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland souget
MONNIKENDAM Mozes birth 24 Jun 1853 souget
MONNIKENDAM Mozes birth NA 1788 Nederland - died 24 Apr 1842 Nederland souget
Monnikendam Mozes Gabriel Raphael birth ONG 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monnikendam Obadja birth ONG 1806 Amersfoort vega
Monnikendam Philip Israel birth ± 1785 Amsterdam - died 6 Oct 1842 Amsterdam verdoner
Monnikendam Philip Israel birth 1785 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
MONNIKENDAM Salomon Jacques birth 21 Jul 1815 - died 6 Dec 1891 souget
MONNIKENDAM Salomon Stephan birth 30 Jun 1901 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 7 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Polen souget
MONNIKENDAM Samson birth 9 Jun 1811 - died 12 Jul 1884 souget
MONNIKENDAM Schoontje souget
Monnikendam Sientje ndbeli
Monnikendam Sientje Hanna birth 24 Feb 1841 Gouda - died 29 Dec 1916 Amsterdam vega
Monnikendam Sientje Van birth 24 Feb 1841 Gouda ricardo
MONNIKENDAM Simon souget
MONNIKENDAM Vrouwtje souget
Monsanto Abraham birth Oudenaarde - Belgie emmerik
Monsanto Abraham birth Oudenaarde ashkenazi
Montag Carolynn muller
Montag Jerry muller
Montag Sidney birth 15 Jun 1907 Europe - died ± 1990 muller
Montagnes David Joseph Selwyn montanhes
Montagnes Edward Ian montanhes
Montagnes Henry birth 22 Dec 1906 Amsterdam - NLD, died 4 Mar 1994 Toronto, CAN montanhes
Montagnes Isaac birth 16 May 1875 Amsterdam - NLD, Muiderstraat no. 5/born at 07.00 hrs, died 8 Jun 1950 Toronto, CAN montanhes
Montagnes Jacob birth 29 May 1905 Amsterdam - NLD, died 11 Jun 1993 Toronto, CAN montanhes
Montagnes James Morris montanhes
Montagnes Joel montanhes
Montagnes Mariette birth 9 Nov 1909 Watergraafsmeer - NLD, died CAN montanhes
Montagnes Maureen Josephine montanhes
Montagnes Mercedes montanhes
Montagnes Pablo montanhes
Montagnes Rosemary Joan Selwyn montanhes
Montagnes Sara beck
Montagu Anthony Trevor Samuel asser
Montagu April haringman
Montagu Charles Edgar Samuel asser
Montagu David Charles Samuel birth 6 Aug 1928 8 Grosvenor Crescent - Westminster, London, England, died 1 Jul 1998 14 Craven Hill Mews, Westminster, London, England asser
Montagu Ewen Edward Samuel birth 29 Mar 1901 28 Kensington Court - London, Middlesex, England, died 19 Jul 1985 asser
Montagu Fiona Yvonne asser
Montagu Georgina Mary asser
Montagu Ivor Goldsmid Samuel birth 23 Apr 1904 LONDON - ENGLAND, died 1984 asser
Montagu Jean Mary asser
Montagu Jean Philippe haringman
Montagu Jeniffer Iris Rachel asser
Montagu Jeremie haringman
Montagu Jeremy Peter Samuel asser
Montagu Joyce Ida Jessie asser
Montagu Julien haringman
Montagu Louis Samuel birth 10 Dec 1869 BELFAST - IRELAND, died 11 Jun 1927 28 Kensington Court, London, W8, Middlesex, England asser
Montagu Marion haringman
Montagu Meguy haringman
Montagu Nicole Mary asser
Montagu Philippe haringman
Montagu Rachel Mary asser
Montagu Robert Anthony Samuel asser
Montagu Samuel birth 21 Dec 1832 Liverpool - Lancanshire, England, died 12 Jan 1911 LONDON, ENGLAND asser
Montagu Sandrine haringman
Montagu Sarah Ruth asser
Montagu Simon Joseph Samuel asser
Montagu Sir Motagu Samuel birth 1832 - died 1911 ndbeli
Montagu Stuart Albert Samuel birth 19 Dec 1898 38 Hyde Park Gate - London, SW, Middlesex, England, died 5 Jan 1990 asser
Montague Alison Margaret montanhes
Montague Barbara montanhes
Montague Edward birth 1899 London - GBR, died 1980 montanhes
Montague Glenn montanhes
Montague John Edward montanhes
Montague Kyle montanhes
Montague Sandra montanhes
Montague Wayne montanhes
Montagu Reeve Robin Charles voss
Montalbano Helen haringman
Montalto Barucha de-Luna heilbut
Montanhes/ d'Ancon Branca birth 1870 Amsterdam abas
Montanhes Abigael birth 10 Oct 1856 Amsterdam - NLD, Kerkstraat no. 392/born at 06.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Abigail Levy birth ± 1805 Amsterdam - NLD, died 9 Nov 1834 Amsterdam, NLD/died at 21.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Abigail Levy birth 1805 Amsterdam - died 9 Nov 1834 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Abraham vischschraper
Montanhes Abraham birth ± 1895 - died ± 1980 montanhes
Montanhes Abraham birth 4 Jun 1848 Amsterdam - NLD montanhes
Montanhes Abraham birth 10 Apr 1908 Amsterdam - NLD, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Abraham birth 10 Jun 1842 Den Haag The Hague - NLD montanhes
Montanhes Abraham birth 22 Jul 1932 Amsterdam - NLD, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Abraham birth 29 May 1934 Amsterdam - NLD, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Abraham birth 29 MEI 1934 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor vischschraper
Montanhes Abraham Haim Levie birth ± 1762 Constantinople - Turkey, died 20 Mar 1829 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Abraham Haim Levij birth ± 1762 Constantinople - TUR, died 20 Mar 1829 Amsterdam, NLD/died at 13.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Abraham Levie birth 23 Jun 1880 Amsterdam - NLD, Utrechtsedwarsstraat no. 157/born at 02.00 hrs, died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montanhes Abraham Levy birth 12 Feb 1838 Amsterdam vpraag
Montanhes Bettina montanhes
Montanhes Branca birth 2 Jan 1869 Amsterdam - NLD, Zwanenburgerstraat no. 257/born at 22.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Branca birth 20 May 1905 Amsterdam - NLD, died 1988 montanhes
Montanhes Catharina birth 6 Jun 1895 Amsterdam - died NA 1969 deventer
Montanhes Catherina birth 6 Jun 1895 Amsterdam - NLD/born at 16.00 hrs, died 17 Sep 1979 montanhes
Montanhes Clara birth 10 Mar 1876 Amsterdam - NLD, Muiderstraat no. 6/born at 12.30 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Elisabeth birth 1904 - died after 1945 montanhes
Montanhes Emanuel deventer
Montanhes Emanuel birth 16 Mar 1867 Amsterdam - NLD, Zwanenburgerstraat no. 212/born at 22.30 hrs, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Ester birth 16 Apr 1806 Amsterdam - NLD, died 15 May 1872 Amsterdam, NLD, Kerkstraat no. 509/died at 10.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Esther birth 16 Apr 1806 Amsterdam - died 15 May 1872 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Esther birth 23 Aug 1913 Amsterdam - NLD, died 3 Aug 1945 Gluszyca, POL, Kdo Wustegiersdorf montanhes
Montanhes Esther birth 23 Sep 1850 Amsterdam - NLD, Kerkstraat no. 61/born at 10.00 hrs, died 24 Oct 1854 Amsterdam, NLD, Kerkstraat no. 392/died at 13.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Femmie birth 27 Apr 1910 Amsterdam - NLD, died 2 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montanhes Henriette birth 20 Sep 1942 Amsterdam - NLD, died 6 Mar 1944 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montanhes Imanuel birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montanhes Imanuel Levie birth 28 May 1809 Amsterdam - NLD, died 28 Apr 1864 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Montanhes Imanuel Levie birth 1809 Amsterdam - died 23 Apr 1864 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Isaac birth 27 Jul 1906 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor vischschraper
Montanhes Isaac birth 27 Jul 1906 Amsterdam - NLD, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Isaac birth 29 Jan 1875 Amsterdam - NLD, Weesperstraat no. 557/born at 02.30 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Isaac birth 29 Jan 1875 Amsterdam - NLD montanhes
Montanhes Isaac Levy birth 6 Jul 1801 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1855 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Isaac Levy birth 6 Jul 1801 Amsterdam - died 19 Jan 1855 Amsterdam vpraag
Montanhes Jacob birth 24 Mar 1877 Amsterdam - NLD, Muiderstraat no. 6/born at 14.30 hrs, died 10 Jul 1877 Amsterdam, NLD, Muiderstraat no. 6/died at 13.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Jacob Levy birth 30 Sep 1812 Amsterdam - died 2 Oct 1889 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Jacob van Abraham Levij birth 30 Sep 1812 Amsterdam - NLD/born at 13.00 hrs, died 2 Oct 1889 Amsterdam, NLD/died at 13.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Jonas birth 11 Apr 1877 Amsterdam - NLD montanhes
Montanhes Leendert birth 21 May 1938 Amsterdam - NLD, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Leendert birth 21 MEI 1938 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor vischschraper
Montanhes Levy abas
Montanhes Marianna birth 17 Jan 1936 Amsterdam - NLD, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, POL montanhes
Montanhes Rachel huisman
Montanhes Rachel birth 7 Mar 1903 Amsterdam - NLD, died 3 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montanhes Rachel birth 29 Nov 1898 Amsterdam - NLD montanhes
Montanhes Ribca birth 18 Oct 1852 Amsterdam - NLD, Kerkstraat no. 392/born at 21.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Rosalie birth 4 Jan 1901 Amsterdam - NLD, died 1975 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Montanhes Salomon montanhes
Montanhes Sara birth ± 1799 Amsterdam - died 22 Jul 1876 Amsterdam belinfante
Montanhes Sara birth ± 1799 Amsterdam - NLD, died 22 Jul 1876 Amsterdam, NLD, Batavierstraat no. 92/died at 09.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Sara birth 8 Nov 1846 Amsterdam - NLD, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat no. 36/born at 11.00 hrs, died 26 Jul 1848 Amsterdam, NLD, Kerklaan no. 25/died at 16.00 hrs montanhes
Montanhes Sara birth 11 Sep 1874 Amsterdam - NLD, Kerkstraat no. 321/born at 01.00 hrs, died 18 Jul 1880 montanhes
Montanhes Sara birth 30 Jan 1846 Amsterdam - NLD montanhes
Montanhes Sara Hanna birth 30 Aug 1880 Amsterdam - NLD, died 22 Apr 1881 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Montanhes Saruco Isaac Levy birth 6 Jul 1801 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 19 Jan 1855 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Montanjees Abraham birth 12 Feb 1897 Amsterdam - NLD, Govert Flinckstraat no. 326/born at 11.00 hrs, died 3 Apr 1945 Bergen-Belsen, DEU montanhes
Montanjees Abraham birth 14 Oct 1893 Amsterdam - NLD, Roetersstraat no. 15/born at 15.00 hrs, died 23 Jul 1954 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Abraham Alf birth 14 Oct 1893 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1954 London rabbie
Montanjees Abraham Alf birth 14 Oct 1893 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1954 London vpraag
Montanjees Alice montanhes
Montanjees Benjamin birth 1916 East End - London, died 1961 Auckland, New Zealand vpraag
Montanjees Benjamin birth 1916 London - GBR, East End, died 1961 Auckland, NZL montanhes
Montanjees Carolina birth 11 Oct 1912 - died Jul 2003 vpraag
Montanjees Carolina birth 11 Oct 1912 - died Jul 2003 montanhes
Montanjees Caroline montanhes
Montanjees Cato birth 30 Sep 1880 London - GBR, died 1963 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Cato Kitty birth 30 Sep 1880 London - died 1963 London pampel
Montanjees Cato Kitty birth 30 Sep 1880 London - died 1963 London rabbie
Montanjees Cato Kitty birth 30 Sep 1880 London - died 1963 London vpraag
Montanjees Christina montanhes
Montanjees David montanhes
Montanjees David birth ± 1904 vpraag
Montanjees David birth 12 Apr 1917 London - died 22 Aug 1993 London vpraag
Montanjees David birth 12 Apr 1917 London - GBR, died 22 Aug 1993 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees David birth 1904 montanhes
Montanjees David birth 1918 London - died 1978 Auckland, New Zealand vpraag
Montanjees David birth 1918 London - GBR, died 1978 Auckland, NZL montanhes
Montanjees David Levie birth 30 Dec 1851 Amsterdam - died after 1914 rabbie
Montanjees David Levie birth 30 Dec 1851 Amsterdam - died after 1914 vpraag
Montanjees David Levie birth 1851 - died 1914 vanpraag
Montanjees Dorothy birth 12 Aug 1912 GBR montanhes
Montanjees Estelle montanhes
Montanjees Gladys birth 1901 London - GBR, died 1991 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Harold birth 1898 London - GBR, died 1979 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Heather montanhes
Montanjees Ian Michael montanhes
Montanjees Ingrid montanhes
Montanjees Ingrid montanhes
Montanjees Isaac birth 14 Feb 1868 London - GBR, died 1945 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Isaac birth 28 Dec 1881 London - GBR, died 1961 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Isaac Ike birth 28 Dec 1881 London - died 1961 London rabbie
Montanjees Isaac Ike birth 28 Dec 1881 London - died 1961 London vpraag
Montanjees Jack birth 1896 London - GBR, died 1912 montanhes
Montanjees Jacob birth 14 Sep 1896 Amsterdam - died ± 1914 Rouen, France rabbie
Montanjees Jacob birth 14 Sep 1896 Amsterdam - died ± 1914 Rouen, France vpraag
Montanjees Jacob birth 14 Sep 1896 London - GBR, died 1914 Rouen, FRA montanhes
Montanjees Jacob birth 26 Aug 1871 London - GBR, North Whitechapel, 4 Tenter Street, died 17 Sep 1944 Bergen-Belsen, DEU montanhes
Montanjees Joshua Michael montanhes
Montanjees Julie montanhes
Montanjees Katherine birth 1903 London - GBR, died 1985 montanhes
Montanjees Keetje birth 21 Sep 1901 Amsterdam - NLD, Palmgracht 31/born at 16.00 hrs, died 1994 Schiebroek, NLD montanhes
Montanjees Kyle montanhes
Montanjees Leslie montanhes
Montanjees Louis birth 9 Dec 1899 Amsterdam - NLD/born at 19.00 hrs, died after 1970 Paris, FRA montanhes
Montanjees Malcolm montanhes
Montanjees Maurice montanhes
Montanjees Maurice birth 1912 London - GBR, died 1994 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Maurice Lawrence Mitchell PRIVACY FILTER vpraag
Montanjees Mietje birth 27 May 1895 Amsterdam - NLD, Roetersstraat no. 15/born at 02.30 hrs, died London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Mietje Amelia Milly birth 27 May 1895 Amsterdam rabbie
Montanjees Mietje Amelia Milly birth 27 May 1895 Amsterdam vpraag
Montanjees Mozes birth 7 Aug 1883 London - died 1960 rabbie
Montanjees Mozes birth 7 Aug 1883 London - died 1960 vpraag
Montanjees Mozes birth 7 Aug 1883 London - GBR, died 1960 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Mozes Levy Monte birth 23 Jan 1853 Amsterdam - died 1933 Bendigo, Australia vpraag
Montanjees Nathan birth 1907 London - GBR, died 1994 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Norma montanhes
Montanjees Peter montanhes
Montanjees Philip montanhes
Montanjees Phoebe birth 20 OKT 1913 - died 21 Sep 1961 beck
Montanjees Phyllis montanhes
Montanjees Rachel montanhes
Montanjees Rachel montanhes
Montanjees Rachel Rae PRIVACY FILTER vpraag
Montanjees Raymond montanhes
Montanjees Rebecca birth 12 Apr 1888 London - GBR, died 1951 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Rebecca birth 21 Jul 1843 Amsterdam - died Amsterdam vpraag
Montanjees Rebecca Becky birth 12 Apr 1888 London - died 1951 London rabbie
Montanjees Rebecca Becky birth 12 Apr 1888 London - died 1951 London vpraag
Montanjees Reginald birth 22 Apr 1905 London - GBR, died 2001 montanhes
Montanjees Salomon Isaac birth 10 Dec 1839 Amsterdam - died London vpraag
Montanjees Samuel birth 29 Jul 1889 London - GBR, died Dec 1950 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Samuel Levy birth 29 Jul 1889 London - died Dec 1950 London rabbie
Montanjees Samuel Levy birth 29 Jul 1889 London - died Dec 1950 London vpraag
Montanjees Sara birth 21 Jun 1891 London - died 1930-1939 rabbie
Montanjees Sara birth 21 Jun 1891 London - died 1930-1939 vpraag
Montanjees Sara birth 21 Jun 1891 London - GBR, died 1923 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjees Sarah montanhes
Montanjees Shirley montanhes
Montanjees Stephen montanhes
Montan Jies Abraham birth 12 Feb 1838 Amsterdam - NLD, Herengracht no. 31/born at 01.00 hrs, died after 11 Jan 1897 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjies Cato montanhes
Montanjies David birth 20 Aug 1875 London - GBR montanhes
Montanjies David birth 30 Dec 1851 Amsterdam - NLD, Keizersgracht no. 57/born at 04.00 hrs, died after 1914 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjies Emanuel birth 28 May 1845 Amsterdam - died 12 May 1858 Amsterdam vpraag
Montanjies Esther birth 10 Apr 1841 Amsterdam - NLD montanhes
Montanjies Esther birth 10 Apr 1841 Amsterdam vpraag
Montanjies Henrietta birth 6 May 1874 London - GBR montanhes
Montanjies Isaac birth 3 Oct 1908 Amsterdam - NLD, died 31 Aug 1944 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montan Jies Isaac birth 6 Jul 1801 Amsterdam - NLD, died 19 Jan 1855 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Montanjies Isaac Levy geuns
Montanjies Jacob birth 14 May 1847 Amsterdam - NLD, Keizersgracht no. 57, died 15 May 1918 Amsterdam, NLD montanhes
Montanjies Jacob Levie birth 14 May 1847 Amsterdam - died 15 May 1918 Amsterdam vpraag
Montanjies Jeanette montanhes
Montanjies Joseph birth 1849 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1850 vpraag
Montanjies Marie Milly birth 3 Nov 1919 Amsterdam - NLD, died 28 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montanjies Maurice birth Antwerp - BEL montanhes
Montanjies Moses birth 23 Jan 1854 Amsterdam - NLD, Keizersgracht no. 501/born at 08.00 hrs, died 1933 Bendigo, AUS montanhes
Montanjies Mozes birth 20 Dec 1869 London - GBR, died 1914 London, GBR montanhes
Montanjies Nathan birth 1872 London - GBR, died London, GBR montanhes
Montanjies Rebecca birth 15 Jul 1873 Amsterdam - NLD, Muiderstraat no. 265/born at 01.00 hrs, died 15 Sep 1930 Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, NLD, Kerkstraat no. 10/died at 14.30 hrs montanhes
Montan Jies Rebecca birth 24 Apr 1865 Amsterdam - NLD, Rapenburgerstraat no. 397/born at 07.00 hrs montanhes
Montanjies Salomon birth 5 May 1877 Amsterdam - NLD, Nieuwe Lijnbaansgracht no 3/born at 00.30 hrs, died 28 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, POL montanhes
Montanjies Sara birth 24 Sep 1836 Amsterdam - NLD, Herengracht no. 15/born at 13.00 hrs, died Leeuwarden, NLD montanhes
Montanjies Sara birth 24 Sep 1836 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Montanjies Sara birth 24 Sep 1836 Amsterdam geuns
Montanjies Sara birth 24 Sep 1836 Amsterdam vpraag
Montan Jies Sipora birth 15 May 1866 Amsterdam - NLD, Rapenburgerstraat no. 397/born at 13.00 hrs, died 1938 montanhes
Montasir Magda hart
Montasir Mustafa Ibrahim birth 16 Jan 1898 CAIRO - EGYPT, died 19 Dec 1979 ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT hart
Montasir Nadia hart
Montasir Ragaa hart
Montauban Abraham Anthonie birth ± 1874 Haarlem - died 25 May 1930 Amersfoort sisteren
Montauban Bastiaan birth ± 1848 - died 4 Jun 1914 Norg sisteren
Monte George birth London - GBR montanhes
Monte NN montanhes
Monte Rachel Del birth 25 Aug 1857 Amsterdam - Holland, died 24 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Monte Rika died 2 Apr 1942 Bendigo - AUS montanhes
Monteban Adrianna Wiggerdina birth 6 May 1870 - died 10 May 1956 Den Dolder ndbeli
Montefiore Abraham Joseph birth 1788 LONDON - ENGLAND, died 1824 Lyons, France asser
Montefiore Alice Julia birth 1852 Paddington - London asser
Montefiore Charlotte Rosalind birth 1850 Coldeast - Hampshire asser
Montefiore Emma Abigail birth 1833 - died 1859 asser
Montefiore Joseph Elias ndbeli
Montefiore Leonard asser
Montefiore Leonard Abraham birth 4 May 1853 LONDON - ENGLAND, died 6 Sep 1879 Newport, Rhode Island, USA asser
Montefiore Moses birth 24 OKT 1784 Livorno - died 28 Jul 1886 Ramsgate ashkenazi
Montefiore Nathaniel birth 24 Sep 1819 Coldeast - Hampshire, died 28 Mar 1883 London, Portman Square asser
Monteira Angela Sara birth Amsterdam - died 8 Nov 1813 The Hague belinfante
Monteiro Elias beck
Monteiro Emanuel birth 1713 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Monteiro Esther birth 12 Sep 1887 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1942 Auschwitz vriesman
Monteiro Gerrit birth 10 May 1882 Amsterdam - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Monteiro Jacob Abraham abas
Monteiro Rica Elisabeth birth 15 Apr 1910 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, Polen trompetter
Monteiro Violante birth 1748 beck
Monteiro Zuca bosboom
Montelboot Anna cohen
Monterius Liena spier
Montesinos David birth 8 Feb 1884 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Montesinos David birth 1884 willing
Montesinos Esther birth 5 Jan 1875 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1942 Oswiecim ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Montesinos Esther birth 5 OKT 1875 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 67 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Montesinos Judith birth ± 1861 Amsterdam emmerik
Montesinos Rosalina birth 30 Mar 1918 Amsterdam, - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor willing
Montesinos Rosalina birth 30 Sep 1918 Amsterdam - Holland, died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Montezinos/ da Silva Abenta David abas
Montezinos Abraham beck
Montezinos Abraham ndbcore
Montezinos Abraham ndbeli
Montezinos Abraham ndbeli
Montezinos Abraham ndbeli
Montezinos Abraham birth 27 Jan 1841 Amsterdam - died 19 Oct 1891 Amsterdam mello
Montezinos Abraham Levie birth 23 Aug 1919 Den Haag - died 31 Jan 1943 Auschwitz concentratiekamp, Polen jacobs
Montezinos Batsheba Levy birth 30 Dec 1840 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1925 London belinfante
MONTEZINOS Bilha Bertha birth 25 Nov 1895 AMSTERDAM - died 28 May 1943 SOBIBOR konijn
Montezinos Branca David birth 1 Oct 1909 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor living Den Haag hakker
Montezinos Branca Mordechaij Levij birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montezinos David birth 7 Jul 1891 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Montezinos David birth 7 Jul 1891 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Montezinos David Levie birth 15 Feb 1879 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1926 's-Gravenhage beugen
Montezinos David Levie birth 15 Feb 1879 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1926 's-Gravenhage kanis
Montezinos David Levie birth 15 Feb 1879 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1926 Den Haag jacobs
Montezinos David Levie birth 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montezinos David Levy hakker
Montezinos Debora De Is. Levy hart_amsterdam
Montezinos Debora de Israel Levy ndbcore
Montezinos Debora de Israel Levy trompetter
Montezinos Debora de Israel Levy birth 7 Jul 1802 Amsterdam - died 22 May 1875 Amsterdam ricardo
Montezinos Eddy ndbeli
Montezinos Eddy slagter
Montezinos Elisabeth birth 29 Jul 1899 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Montezinos Eva birth ± 1847 Amsterdam - died after 14 Jun 1916 vanvollenhoven
Montezinos Eva birth 30 Aug 1917 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Aug 1942 Auschwitz kanis
Montezinos Gracia Isaac Levij ashkenazi
Montezinos Gracia Levie birth 1767 - died 27 Jan 1842 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Montezinos Hanna birth 4 May 1794 Amsterdam - died 23 Dec 1846 Amsterdam ricardo
Montezinos Hannah Levy belinfante
Montezinos Isaac beck
Montezinos Isaac birth 13 Nov 1893 Amsterdam - Holland, died 31 Aug 1943 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Montezinos Isaac Levie abas
Montezinos Isaac Levie abas
Montezinos Isaac Levy birth 22 Oct 1779 Amsterdam - died 3 Feb 1858 Amsterdam belinfante
Montezinos Jacob beck
MONTEZINOS Jacob birth 18 Feb 1916 Amsterdam - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor halberstadt
Montezinos Jacob birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MONTEZINOS Jacob Abraham Levie konijn
Montezinos Jacob Levi birth 27 Mar 1911 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Montezinos Jacob Levi birth 27 MRT 1911 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 13 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Montezinos Jacob Levie asser
Montezinos Jacob Levie birth 27 Mar 1911 Amsterdam - died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor beugen
Montezinos Jacob Levie birth 27 Mar 1911 Amsterdam - died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor kanis
Montezinos Jacob Levie birth 30 Jan 1873 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1908 Hilversum speelman
Montezinos Joseph Jacob Levy abas
Montezinos Joseph Levie ndbeli
Montezinos Joseph Levie birth 1 Sep 1835 Amsterdam speelman
Montezinos Joseph Levie birth 1769 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montezinos Judah Levy birth ± May 1848 belinfante
Montezinos Judith Levy beck
Montezinos Levie birth ONG 1873 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Montezinos Louise Jeanne birth 6 Nov 1937 's-Gravenhage - died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor beugen
Montezinos Louise Jeanne birth 6 Nov 1937 's-Gravenhage - died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor kanis
Montezinos Louise Jeanne birth 6 Nov 1937 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 13 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Montezinos Louise Jeanne birth 6 Nov 1937 The Hague - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Montezinos Meijam-Mirjam birth 4 Jul 1877 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1912 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Montezinos Meijam or Mirjam birth 4 Jul 1877 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1912 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Montezinos Meijam or Mirjam birth 4 Jul 1877 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1912 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Montezinos Mirjam birth 5 MEI 1837 slagter
Montezinos Mirjam Abraham Levie birth ONG 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montezinos Mordechai 'David Levie' birth estimated 1763 beck
Montezinos Mordechai Levie birth 1698 Dinxperlo - Holland, died 1785 Amsterdam abas
Montezinos Mordechai Levie birth ONG 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montezinos NN ndbeli
Montezinos Rachel 'Mordechai Levie' birth 12 Aug 1789 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Montezinos Rachel Abraham Levy birth 3 Apr 1815 Amsterdam - Holland, died 21 Sep 1878 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Montezinos Rachel Levy birth 19 Jun 1844 Amsterdam belinfante
Montezinos Raphael gobes
Montezinos Raphael mello
Montezinos Raphael trompetter
Montezinos Raphael Jacob birth 5 Nov 1863 Haarlem - died 11 Feb 1944 Auschwitz abas
Montezinos Raphael PRIVACY FILTER beck
Montezinos Rebecca beck
Montezinos Rebecca birth 10 Apr 1885 Amsterdam - Holland, died 24 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Montezinos Rebecca birth 21 Apr 1798 Amsterdam - Holland, died 27 Jun 1857 beck
Montezinos Ribca birth 21 Apr 1798 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Jun 1857 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Montezinos Salomon beck
Montezinos Salomon Levie birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Montezinos Sara birth 4 Jan 1868 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1927 Amsterdam speelman
Montezinos Sara birth 8 Feb 1901 Amsterdam - died 21 May 1943 Sobibor speelman
Montezinos Sara birth 8 Feb 1901 Amsterdam - The Netherlands, died 21 May 1943 Sobibor asser
Montezinos Selma beck
Montgomery Bob ndbeli
Montgomery Bob vriesman
Montori Maurice haringman
Monty Alexander montanhes
Monty Brandon Brian montanhes
Monty Brian Walter montanhes
Monty Chantel montanhes
Monty Charmain Leah montanhes
Monty Daniel montanhes
Monty David montanhes
Monty David montanhes
Monty David PRIVACY FILTER vpraag
Monty Esther birth 1907 London - GBR, died 1983 London, GBR montanhes
Monty Esther Hetty birth 1907 London - died 1983 London vpraag
Monty Gabriella montanhes
Monty Ivan montanhes
Monty Jack birth 1919 London - died Oct 1997 London vpraag
Monty Jack birth 1919 London - GBR, died Oct 1997 London, GBR montanhes
Monty Jeffrey montanhes
Monty Jesse montanhes
Monty Kristina Irene montanhes
Monty Laurence montanhes
Monty Leanne montanhes
Monty Linda montanhes
Monty Lochlin montanhes
Monty Louise birth before 1960 London - GBR, died 9 Dec 2000 montanhes
Monty Malcolm David montanhes
Monty Max birth 1911 London - GBR, died 1977 Johannesburg, ZAF montanhes
Monty Max Michael birth 1911 London - died 1977 South Africa vpraag
Monty Merato David montanhes
Monty Natasha montanhes
Monty Phoebe birth 20 Oct 1913 London - died 1961 Gloucester vpraag
Monty Phoebe birth 20 Oct 1913 London - GBR, died 1961 Gloucester, GBR montanhes
Monty Phoebe birth 1909 London - GBR, died 2000 montanhes
Monty Phoebe birth 1909 London vpraag
Monty Phyllis PRIVACY FILTER vpraag
Monty Sadie PRIVACY FILTER vpraag
Monty Samuel montanhes
Monty Saskia montanhes
Monty Shannon birth 2 May 1967 Adelaide - AUS, died 1967 Adelaide, AUS montanhes
Monty Sharon Theresa montanhes
Monty Shiralee montanhes
Monty Stephen Malcolm montanhes
Monty Steven montanhes
Monty Susannah montanhes
Monty Virginia Josephine deleeuw
Monz Anna deventer
MONZ ANNA birth 07 Jan 1870 BERNSTADTDTSL noach
Moodij Clemente ndbeli
Moody Elizabeth Elly vischschraper
Mooi Grietje Israel birth ONG 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mooi Roosje Mozes ndbcore
Mooi Roosje Mozes ndbeli
Mooij-Cohen Ester Marcus Mordechai birth 1788 Amsterdam - died 1862 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mooij Adrianus ndbeli
Mooij Adrianus vantijn
Mooij Henrietta meijer
Mooij Henriette Naatje Israel birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOOIJ Henry birth 17 Oct 1929 Amsterdam - died 26 Aug 1942 Birkenau andriesse
Mooij J. ndbcore
Mooij Jacob birth 31 Mar 1884 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mooij Klaartje birth 28 Jan 1905 Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mooij Klaartje birth 28 Jan 1905 Rotterdam vantijn
Mooij Mozes birth 11 Sep 1840 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1907 Arnhem, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mooij Rachel Moses ndbcore
Mooij Rachel Moses ndbeli
Mooij Rachel Rechla Mozes birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 26 Dec 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mooij Rebekka Sander birth 31 Jul 1820 Groningen ashkenazi
Mooij Salomon Mozes ndbeli
MOOIJ Salomon Mozes birth 3 Jul 1900 Almelo - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz andriesse
Mooij Salomon Mozes birth 3 Jul 1900 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mooij Salomon Mozes birth 3 Jul 1900 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mooij Sophia birth 27 Apr 1908 Culemborg,GE - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mooij Vrouwtje Mozes birth ONG 1779 Amsterdam - died 15 Jun 1837 Groningen ashkenazi
Mooij\Mooy Grietje birth 7 May 1881 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mooij\Mooy Grietje birth 7 MEI 1881 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mooij\Mooy Hartog birth 10 Oct 1873 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen almelo_regio
Mooij\Mooy Hartog birth 10 OKT 1873 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mooij\Mooy Marianne birth 16 Jul 1887 Almelo Stad - Overijssel, Nederland, died 21 May 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen almelo_regio
Mooij\Mooy Marianne birth 16 Jul 1887 Almelo Stad - Overijssel, Nederland, died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mooij\Mooy Salomon Mozes birth 14 Feb 1846 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland almelo_regio
Mooij\Mooy Salomon Mozes birth 14 Feb 1846 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooij\Mooy Salomon Mozes birth 14 Feb 1846 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooij\Mooy Vrouwtje Mozes birth 1779 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Jun 1837 ndbcore
Mooi\Mooy Hartog birth 18 Jul 1790 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 17 Nov 1849 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooi\Mooy Hartog birth 18 Jul 1790 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 17 Nov 1849 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooi|Mooy Hartog birth 18 Jul 1790 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 17 Nov 1849 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mook Catherine ndbeli
Mook Franciscus ndbeli
Mook Franciscus birth 2 Sep 1906 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland hoogeveen_regio
Mook Franciscus birth 2 Sep 1906 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mook Franciscus birth 2 Sep 1906 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mook Koene ndbcore
Mook Koene ndbeli
Mooleman Abraham birth ± 1870 haringman
Mooleman Abraham died before Dec 1921 willing
Mooleman Abraham Jacob birth 11 Oct 1861 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mooleman Abraham Jacob birth 11 OKT 1861 Amsterdam slagter
Mooleman Barend birth 1 Dec 1861 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooleman Barend birth 1 Dec 1861 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooleman Barend birth 1 Dec 1861 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mooleman Barend Abraham birth 1884 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mooleman Barend Abraham birth 1884 Amsterdam slagter
Mooleman Esther birth 11 Oct 1893 Amsterdam, - died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz willing
Mooleman Esther birth 11 Oct 1893 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mooleman Jacob Barend birth ONG 1821 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mooleman Levie Barend ndbcore
Mooleman Levie Barend ndbeli
Moolen Anna David van der birth 25 Jun 1862 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Moolen Israel Valk van der birth 1810 ndbcore
Moolen Levi Valk van der ndbcore
Moolen Levi Valk van der birth 1811 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Jul 1812 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Moolen Levi Valk van der birth 1811 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Jul 1812 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Moolen Meijer Valk van der birth 5 Jun 1813 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Moolen Meijer Valk van der birth 5 Jun 1813 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Moolen Salomon Valk van der birth 1806 ndbcore
Moolenaar Eliazer Jacob birth 2 Jun 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moolenaar Heintje Jacob birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1829 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moolenaar Sara Jacob birth 30 MRT 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moolenaar Yvonne vanburen
Moolenaar Yvonne willing
Moolhuijzen - van Zelst Cornelia behr
Moolhuijzen Joyce Wilhelmina Johanna behr
Moolhuijzen Wilhelmus Cornelis Anthonius behr
Moonen Anna Maria birth 5 Feb 1895 Roosendaal en Nispen ricardo
Moonen Gomarius Johannes ricardo
Moonen Hendrik Johannes birth 10 Dec 1867 's-Gravenhage kanis
Moonen Petronella Wilhelmina birth 16 Jun 1902 's-Gravenhage kanis
MOOR L. pinto
Moor L ndbeli
Moora Alida birth 1 Aug 1880 Amsterdam ricardo
Moora Jacobus Hendrik birth 21 Feb 1844 Amsterdam - died 1 Jul 1891 Amsterdam ricardo
Moore Bracha Jehudith hausdorff
Moore Carol Diane aronson
Moore David hausdorff
Moore Deborah Anne muller
Moore Emma ndbeli
Moore Emma vriesman
Moore Jeannette vanraalte
Moore Jonathan Elijahu Johnny hausdorff
Moore Josef hausdorff
Moore Judy vanraalte
Moore Leah Rachel hausdorff
Moore Miriam Chaja hausdorff
Moore Moshe hausdorff
Moore Nechama Batja hausdorff
Moore NN aronson
Moore Patricia Ann bosman
Moore Richard ndbeli
Moore Roger Lyle aronson
Moore Russell Fredrick Stewart aronson
Moore Sara Channa hausdorff
Moore Shlomo Zalman hausdorff
Moore Shulamith Rivka hausdorff
Moore Sophia bosman
Moore Yaakov Jisrael hausdorff
Moorlag Albert birth ± 1863 Onstwedde - died 12 Oct 1889 Wildervank aronson
Moorlag Albert Abraham aronson
Moorlag Derk birth 4 May 1888 Wildervank - died 12 Feb 1939 Rotterdam aronson
Moorlag Martje ndbeli
Moorlag Martje birth ± 1865 izak_meijer
Moosberg Selma vantijn
Moosberg Selma birth 24 Dec 1864 Lippstadt - , Duitsland, died 26 Dec 1941 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Moosberg Selma birth 24 Dec 1864 Lippstadt - , Duitsland, died 26 Dec 1941 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland zwolle_regio
Moosberg Simon ndbcore
Moot August bak
Moot Daphne bak
Moot Leo bak
Mooy Betje birth 21 Mar 1877 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mooy Betje birth 21 MRT 1877 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Henriette birth 24 Jul 1886 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 13 Aug 1886 Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mooy Henriette birth 24 Jul 1886 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 13 Aug 1886 Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Jacob birth 31 Mar 1884 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen almelo_regio
Mooy Jacob birth 31 MRT 1884 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mooy Joseph birth 27 Feb 1849 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Dec 1850 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooy Joseph birth 27 Feb 1849 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Dec 1850 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Joseph birth 27 Feb 1849 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Dec 1850 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mooy Julius Isaac birth 27 May 1875 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen almelo_regio
Mooy Julius Isaac birth 27 MEI 1875 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mooy Julius Mannes birth 9 Jul 1833 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooy Julius Mannes birth 9 Jul 1833 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Julius Mannes birth 9 Jul 1833 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mooy Mozes birth 11 Sep 1840 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooy Mozes birth 11 Sep 1840 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Mozes Samuel died 4 Nov 1826 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Mozes Samuel died 4 Nov 1826 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mooy Naatje Mozes birth Jan 1800 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Mar 1861 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooy Naatje Mozes birth Jan 1800 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Mar 1861 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mooy Naatje Mozes birth Jan 1800 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 MRT 1861 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Rosa birth 21 May 1879 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mooy Rosa birth 21 MEI 1879 Almelo - Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Salomon birth 2 Mar 1843 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Mar 1844 Veendam, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mooy Salomon birth 2 Mar 1843 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Mar 1844 Veendam, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mooy Salomon birth 2 MRT 1843 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 MRT 1844 Veendam, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mooy Salomon Mozes birth 14 Feb 1846 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mooy Samuel ndbcore
Mooy Samuel ndbeli
Mooy Vrouwtje Mozes birth 1779 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Jun 1837 ndbeli
Moppes Dina Isaac birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moppes Heintje van birth 9 Jul 1876 Amsterdam - died 7 May 1943 Sobibor denbosch
Moppes Naatje van birth 24 May 1888 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 1 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen leeuwarden_regio
Moppes van ndbcore
Moppes Wolf ndbcore
Moppes Wolf ndbeli
Moppis Golda van birth 22 Dec 1887 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor ricardo
Moppis Jacob van birth 9 Jul 1853 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1899 Amsterdam ricardo
Moppis Rachel van birth 9 Jun 1885 Amsterdam - died 22 May 1944 Auschwitz ricardo
Mor Abraham hoos
MOR Abraham joachimsthal
Mor Deganit hoos
MOR Deganit joachimsthal
Mor Geffen hoos
MOR Geffen joachimsthal
Mor Ilana duizend
Mor Inbal duizend
Mor Inbar hoos
MOR Inbar joachimsthal
Mor Nirit birth 20 Aug 1964 Kibbutz Zikim - died 30 Jan 1965 Kibbutz Zikim duizend
Mor Rotem hoos
MOR Rotem joachimsthal
Mor Shachar duizend
Mor Tal duizend
Mor Uri Marx \ duizend
Moralis NN ricardo
Moran Harry vandijk
Moran Marci vandijk
Morawietz Margarethe ndbcore
Morawietz Margarethe ndbeli
Mordaunt Helen birth ± 1875 haringman
Mordecai Benjamin belinfante
Mordecai Mark M birth ± 1791 belinfante
Mordechai' Sara 'Marcus birth 1714 Reddele beck
Mordechai-Gumprich Bele Marcus died 1741 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai-Gumprich Clara Keile Gompert ashkenazi
Mordechai-Gumprich Rachel Godert birth 1701 Naarden - died 29 Apr 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai=Marcus , * 1732 Veenendaal heyman
Mordechai 1st Wife of ashkenazi
Mordechai Aaltje Edil Marcus birth 1727 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Aaltje Marcus birth 1696 Amsterdam - died Jan 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Abigael Marcus birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 15 MEI 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Abigael Peyer Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Abraham Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Abraham Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Abraham Marcus birth 1713 Nieuwkerk ashkenazi
Mordechai Alexander Marcus birth 1710 - died 1755 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mordechai Anna Channa Marcus birth 1693 Amsterdam - died Apr 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Anna Hendele Marcus birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 24 Jun 1810 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Bele Bonele Marcus birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 20 Feb 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Betje Beile Marcus birth 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Betje Brein Marcus birth 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Branca Brendele Marcus birth 1735 Linz - died 27 Jan 1802 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Breine Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Cathy beck
Mordechai Cathy haringman
Mordechai Clara Kleerche Marcus birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Clara Marcus birth 1718 Middelburg - died Feb 1755 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Duifje Toibe Marcus birth 1752 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Engeltje Egla Marcus birth Feb 1764 Amsterdam - died 24 MEI 1806 The Hague ashkenazi
Mordechai Engeltje Ella Marcus birth ONG 1757 ashkenazi
Mordechai Ester Marcus birth 1691 Amsterdam - died 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Eva Hevi Marcus birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 10 Apr 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Fischel Marcus birth Sep 1722 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Geertrui Gelle Marcus birth 1694 Amsterdam - died 1761 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Hendrikje Hindele Marcus birth 1723 Hattem - died 3 MRT 1758 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Hendrikje Hindele Marcus birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Jacob Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Johanna birth 1710 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Josua Yoshia Marcus birth 1741 Sonnenburg ashkenazi
Mordechai Judith Gittele Marcus birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 30 Aug 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Judith Jettele Marcus birth 1778 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1844 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Judith Jutche Marcus birth 1707 Amsterdam - died OKT 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Leendert Leizer Marcus birth 21 Jul 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Levie Marcus birth 1705 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Marianne Mata Marcus birth 1697 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Marianne Mirjam Marcus birth 1739 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Merla Marcus birth ONG 1705 Amsterdam - died 12 Apr 1763 Leiden ashkenazi
Mordechai Meyer Marcus birth 6 Apr 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Meyer Marcus birth 1706 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Mozes Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Naatje? Reichele Marcus birth ONG 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Nathan Marcus birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Philip Falk Marcus birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 18 Jan 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MORDECHAI Rabbi vandervelde
Mordechai Rachel Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Rachel Rechla Marcus birth 1706 Nijkerk - died 10 Jan 1773 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Rebecca Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Rebecca Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Rebecca Marcus ashkenazi
Mordechai Rijkie Reichele Marcus birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam - died 16 Sep 1832 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Rivka birth Kiryat Shemona - Israel ndbeli
Mordechai Roosje Reizche Marcus birth 1708 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Roosje Reizche Marcus died 1849 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Samuel Marcus birth 1705 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Sara Marcus birth 1704 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Sara Marcus birth 1714 Reddele ashkenazi
Mordechai Sara Marcus birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 20 Feb 1827 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Sara Sera Marcus birth 1772 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Schoontje Sjeine Marcus birth 1717 Tecklenburg - died 27 Aug 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Sientje Sjeine Marcus birth 27 MRT 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Sipora Tsipor Marcus birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1788 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Vogeltje Fegle Marcus birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 15 MRT 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Vogeltje Fegle Marcus birth ONG 1790 - died 25 Nov 1844 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Vrouwtje Frumet Marcus birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 24 Aug 1827 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Wife of died 1726 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Wife of died Dec 1772 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Wife of died Jun 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Wife of died OKT 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Zadok Marcus birth 1704 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mordechai Haim de la Bella Michael birth 7 Nov 1848 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1919 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mordechai Vieijra Barend birth 24 Sep 1809 Leiden - died 8 Dec 1874 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
MOREAU DANIEL died 03 Jun 1998 BRUSSEL mogendrf
MOREAU DANIEL died 03 Jun 1998 BRUSSEL noach
Morechai Vieijra Joseph birth 30 Nov 1821 Leiden - died 25 Oct 1898 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Morel A wijzenb2
Morel Benjamin Mozes birth ± 1829 Amsterdam denbosch
Morel Benjamin Mozes birth Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Benjamin Mozes birth ONG 1829 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Morel Benjamin Mozes birth ONG 1829 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morel Betje katan
Morel Betje birth 4 MEI 1848 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Jul 1849 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Bloeme Mozes birth 3 Feb 1820 Amsterdam vanburen
Morel Carolina birth 30 Sep 1857 Brielle Z-H denbosch
Morel David birth 25 Jun 1842 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Dirkje birth 10 Jul 1865 Amsterdam - died 31 May 1944 Amsterdam speelman
MOREL Elisabeth andriesse
Morel Ester birth 23 Sep 1844 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1844 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Esther Mozes birth 20 MEI 1815 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1894 Hoorn vantijn
Morel Flora Mozes birth ONG 1834 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morel Heintje birth 6 Jul 1840 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Jacob Mozes ndbcore
Morel Jonas Hijman birth 1795 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOREL Joseph birth 1764 Bengen Dld andriesse
Morel M. J. izak_meijer
Morel M. J. ndbeli
Morel Mietje birth 13 Jan 1846 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Mozes birth 24 Aug 1859 - died 10 Oct 1939 Winschoten ndbeli
Morel Mozes birth 24 Aug 1859 Brielle - died 10 OKT 1939 Winschoten cohdelft
Morel Mozes birth Brielle - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 10 Oct 1939 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Morel Mozes birth Brielle - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 10 OKT 1939 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Morel Mozes Heijman ndbcore
Morel Mozes Heijman birth ONG 1784 Weesp - NH, died 7 Apr 1836 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Morel Mozes Jacob birth Dec 1838 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 10 Aug 1839 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Abraham Jonas birth 7 Feb 1828 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Aug 1834 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Abraham Jonas birth 26 Nov 1836 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 23 Sep 1839 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Betje birth 4 May 1848 Hoorn - died 29 Jul 1849 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Betje birth 12 May 1834 Hoorn/geboren om 19.00 uur cohen_e_m
Morell Betje birth 1834 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Betje Heijman birth ONG 1795 Weesp - died 13 OKT 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morell Bloeme Mozes vantijn
Morell Bloeme Mozes birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morell David birth 25 Jun 1842 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Elisabeth birth 3 Jul 1853 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Elisabeth birth 3 Jul 1853 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Ester birth 23 Sep 1844 Hoorn - died 13 Dec 1844 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Ester Mozes birth 5 Jan 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morell Ester Mozes MOREL\ birth Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1894 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Esther ndbeli
Morell Esther birth 26 Feb 1848 Hoorn - died after 1915 hoorn_regio
Morell Esther birth 26 Feb 1848 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Esther birth 30 Mar 1850 Amsterdam - died May 1928 Richmond ,UK hoorn_regio
Morell Esther Moses birth 8 Nov 1815 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1894 Hoorn vanburen
Morell Fannij birth ± 1869 Linden izak_meijer
Morell Fannij birth ONG 1869 Linden ndbeli
Morell Hijman izak_meijer
Morell Hijmann ndbeli
Morell Jacob birth 28 Nov 1858 Hoorn - died 21 Aug 1859 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Jacob birth 28 Nov 1858 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 21 Aug 1859 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Jacob Mozes birth 11 Jul 1813 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Morell Jacob Mozes birth 11 Jul 1813 Amsterdam trompetter
Morell Johanna Charlotte birth 15 Jun 1888 Londen - died 28 Nov 1967 Tel Aviv tal
Morell Johanna Charlotte birth 15 Jun 1888 London GB - died 28 Nov 1967 Tel Aviv Isr asscher
Morell Jonas birth 16 Jan 1855 Hoorn - died 4 May 1888 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Morell Jonas birth 16 Jan 1855 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Jonas Hijman asscher
Morell Jonas Hijman ndbcore
Morell Jonas Hijmans birth 8 Aug 1795 Weesp cohen_e_m
Morell Marcus Jonas birth 27 Aug 1825 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Maria Mozes birth 13 Jan 1817 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1847 Hoorn deleeuw
Morell Maria Mozes birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morell Mietje Mozes birth 1819 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 14 Sep 1847 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Moses Heijman birth ± 1786 Weesp - died before Feb 1837 vanburen
Morell Mozes birth 7 Nov 1838 Schagen - died 10 Aug 1839 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Mozes birth 29 Mar 1857 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Mozes birth 29 MRT 1857 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Mozes Heijman trompetter
Morell Mozes Hijman ndbcore
Morell Mozes Hijman birth ONG 1783 Weesp - died 6 Apr 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morell Mozes Hijmans deleeuw
Morell Mozes Hijmans ndbcore
Morell Mozes Jonas birth 18 Jun 1832 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Jul 1889 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Rijntje birth 2 Jul 1850 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Rozetta Mozes birth 27 Mar 1821 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1904 Amsterdam deleeuw
Morell Rozetta Mozes birth Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Salomon birth 17 Aug 1860 Hoorn - died 4 Sep 1860 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Morell Salomon birth 17 Aug 1860 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Sep 1860 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Vrouwtje birth 7 Jun 1830 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Vrouwtje birth 29 Dec 1851 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Vrouwtje Jonas birth 7 Feb 1828 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 Feb 1828 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Morell Wolf Jonas birth 21 Aug 1823 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 7 Sep 1823 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Moreno Eric abas
Moreno Ivan ricardo
Moresco Abraham birth The Hague ashkenazi
Moresco Benjamin Jacob birth ONG 1766 Amsterdam - died 5 Jul 1822 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moresco Hana Jacob birth ONG 1769 The Hague - died 12 MEI 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moresco Hartog Obadia birth 24 Jul 1778 The Hague ashkenazi
Moresco Jacob Mozes birth The Hague ashkenazi
Moresco Lea Obadia birth 24 MRT 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moresco Moses Jacob birth ± 1762 Den Haag - died 11 Jul 1814 Amsterdam cohen_amers
Moresco Mozes ashkenazi
Moresco Mozes Jacob birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 13 Jul 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moresco Obadia Mozes died 14 OKT 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moresco Rachel Abraham died ONG 1803 Zwartewaal? ashkenazi
Moresco Rachel Obadia birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam - died 1864 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moret Jan birth 1829 Medemblik ndbeli
Moret Jimmy Jacobus ndbeli
Moret Jorn Geert ndbeli
Moret NN ndbeli
Morgan Andrew montanhes
Morgan Andrew Jim beck
Morgan Martin montanhes
Morgan Zoe montanhes
Morgan Zoe Siobahn beck
Morganstern Maurice Jacob birth 1882 asser
Morgen Charles birth after 1 Jan 1900 gobes
Morgendorff Hertog birth 1852 Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland almelo_regio
Morgendorff Hertog birth 1852 Groenlo - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
Morgenroth Louise denbosch
Morgenstern Allen willing
Morgenstern Arthur ndbcore
Morgenstern Arthur ndbeli
Morgenstern Harry jacobs
Morgenstern levenloze dochter birth 23 Sep 1937 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 23 Sep 1937 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Morgenstern levenloze dochter birth 23 Sep 1937 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 23 Sep 1937 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
MORGENSTERN RACHEL died 1956 mogendrf
MORGENSTERN RACHEL died 1956 noach
Morgenstern Stillborn Daughter birth 23 Sep 1937 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 23 Sep 1937 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Morisco Abraham ndbcore
Morisco Betsy ndbeli
Morisco David ndbcore
Morisco David Heiman birth 9 Aug 1912 Numansdorf - , Duitsland, died 4 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Morisco Elizabeth ndbeli
Morisco Elizabeth birth Numansdorf - , Duitsland, died 19 Apr 1921 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Morisco Elizabeth birth Numansdorf - , Duitsland, died 19 Apr 1921 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Morisco Ester voss
Morisco Heiman David birth 24 MEI 1917 Numansdorf - , Duitsland, died 4 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Morisco Hester birth 5 May 1845 Numansdorp - died 9 Mar 1883 Zevenbergen meijer
Morisco Levi birth Numansdorf - , Duitsland enschede_regio
Morisco Levi birth Numansdorf - , Duitsland ndbcore
Morisco Louis Levie birth 11 Feb 1806 Zwartewaal - died 28 Dec 1871 Hellevoetsluis ashkenazi
Morisco Maurits birth 8 Nov 1883 Numansdorp - died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Morisco Moses Abraham died 1809 Zwartewaal ashkenazi
MORISCO Mozes birth Den Haag - died 23 Nov 1809 Zwartewaal creveld
Morisco Rebekka ndbeli
Morisco Sara birth The Hague ashkenazi
Morisco Sophia katan
Moritz Mina zeldenrust
Moritz Lobstein Bertha birth 14 Mar 1836 Borculo - died 14 Jan 1904 Veendam hoorn_regio
Morks Aubrey ricardo
Morling Keith ndbeli
Moro Juliana abas
Moron Alice ricardo
Moroschowna Sorah Rescha denneboom
Morozoff B. beck
Morozoff B. birth ± 1895 haringman
Morporgo Elisabeth birth ± 1898 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Morporgo Elisabeth birth 2 Nov 1898 Amsterdam speelman
Morporgo Esther birth 4 May 1853 Amsterdam - died 18 Dec 1911 Amsterdam snapper
Morporgo Moses bosman
Morporgo Mozes birth 22 Mar 1871 Amsterdam - died 22 Apr 1936 Amsterdam kanis
Morporgo Rachel birth 24 Sep 1904 Amsterdam - died 14 Oct 1944 Auschwitz kanis
Morporgo Rachel birth 24 Sep 1904 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1945 Midden-Europa deventer
Morporgo Raphael birth ± 1870 haringman
Morporgu Mordechaij abas
Morpugo Betje birth 19 Apr 1877 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Poland beck
Morpugo David Simon Goedman birth 1847 - died 1908 asser
Morpugo Flora birth 1893 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Morpugo Mozes Eleazar trompetter
Morpurgo/ Beugelta Alida birth 12 Jul 1884 Amsterdam - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor abas
Morpurgo Abraham abas
Morpurgo Abraham birth 7 Nov 1840 Amsterdam - died 1913 Amsterdam mello
MORPURGO Abraham birth 27 Mar 1901 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 1 Feb 1945 Mauthausen pruym
Morpurgo Abraham Eliazer birth 3 OKT 1910 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1944 Auschwitz Polen slagter
Morpurgo Abraham van Mordechaij birth 7 Nov 1840 Amsterdam slagter
Morpurgo Alice bosman
Morpurgo Alida birth 20 May 1881 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1908 Amsterdam kanis
Morpurgo Anna birth 26 Jun 1886 Amsterdam - died 19 Jul 1927 Amsterdam ricardo
Morpurgo Aron 'Mordechay' birth 16 Apr 1865 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Dec 1865 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Benvenida birth 23 Feb 1835 Amsterdam mello
MORPURGO Carla Celina birth 4 Nov 1930 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 7 Apr 1944 Auschwitz pruym
Morpurgo Eliazar Chaim birth 4 Mar 1837 Amsterdam mello
Morpurgo Eliazer 'Mordechay' birth 29 Jun 1854 Amsterdam - Holland, died 13 Jul 1934 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Eliazer birth 13 Jul 1862 Amsterdam - died 6 Apr 1925 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Morpurgo Eliazer birth 28 MEI 1894 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor vantijn
Morpurgo Eliazer Abraham birth 6 Apr 1880 Amsterdam - died 19 Nov 1943 Auschwitz Polen slagter
Morpurgo Eliezer birth 29 Jun 1854 Amsterdam drukker_nijm
Morpurgo Eliezer birth 29 Jun 1854 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
Morpurgo Eliezer birth estimated 1796 beck
Morpurgo Elisabeth birth 29 Apr 1888 Amsterdam vanburen
Morpurgo Elizabeth bosman
Morpurgo Elizabeth bosman
Morpurgo Eloise bosman
Morpurgo Emanuel birth 25 Jun 1896 Amsterdam - died Amsterdam abas
Morpurgo Emanuel Mordechai birth 12 Sep 1907 Amsterdam - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor living Amsterdam hakker
Morpurgo Estelle birth 29 Aug 1887 Paramaribo - Suriname, died 26 Sep 1975 Paramaribo, Suriname asser
Morpurgo Ester birth 19 Jun 1879 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
Morpurgo Ester Eliezer birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morpurgo Esther asser
Morpurgo Esther huisman
Morpurgo Esther birth 4 May 1853 Amsterdam - died 18 Dec 1911 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Morpurgo Esther birth 15 Jul 1877 Amsterdam - died 29 Sep 1918 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Morpurgo Esther birth 21 Nov 1920 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor vantijn
Morpurgo Flora Mozes birth 22 Apr 1899 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1943 Auschwitz hakkert
Morpurgo Frederick Raphael bosman
Morpurgo Geoffrey Robert bosman
Morpurgo Guidon 'Mordechay' birth 2 Feb 1856 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Nov 1928 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Hanna 'Mordechay' birth 29 Jul 1859 Amsterdam - Holland, died 27 Apr 1860 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Hanna glaser_nijm
Morpurgo Hanna goch_van_nijm
Morpurgo Hanna Naatje birth 2 May 1817 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1906 's-Hertogenbosch denbosch
Morpurgo Hanna Naatje birth Jul 1816 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1896 's-Hertogenbosch speelman
Morpurgo Harriet Elisabeth birth 9 Jul 1878 Paramaribo - Suriname, died 3 Jan 1945 Paramaribo, Suriname asser
Morpurgo Horatio bosman
Morpurgo Isabella bosman
Morpurgo Isodore birth 2 Mar 1880 London - England bosman
Morpurgo Izak birth 1852 vanburen
Morpurgo Jack Eric bosman
Morpurgo Jacob 'Mordechay' birth ONG 1861 beck
MORPURGO Jacob Hartog birth 19 Oct 1934 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 7 Apr 1944 Auschwitz pruym
Morpurgo Jacobus birth 10 Apr 1846 Rotterdam - Netherlands, died 1893 bosman
Morpurgo Janna birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morpurgo Jaques birth 25 May 1875 Amsterdam - Netherlands bosman
Morpurgo Jeannette birth 10 Nov 1907 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Morpurgo Johan bosman
Morpurgo Joseph birth 12 Sep 1876 London - England bosman
Morpurgo Joseph Mordechaij birth 1814 slagter
Morpurgo Joseph Mordechaij birth ONG 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morpurgo Judith 'Mordechay' birth 2 Jul 1867 Amsterdam - Holland, died 4 Jul 1867 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Judith 'Mordechay' birth 9 Jul 1852 Amsterdam - Holland, died 9 Nov 1853 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Julia bosman
Morpurgo Kay Katharine bosman
Morpurgo Lazarus birth 1786 Venice ashkenazi
Morpurgo Lea birth 8 Oct 1845 Amsterdam mello
Morpurgo Lea birth 18 MEI 1870 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor deleeuwe
Morpurgo Leah bosman
Morpurgo Lena birth 18 Feb 1857 Amsterdam - died 1 May 1917 Amsterdam klei_berg
Morpurgo Lena Joseph birth 18 Sep 1857 Amsterdam - died 1 MEI 1917 Amsterdam slagter
Morpurgo Louis hakkert
Morpurgo Lucy bosman
Morpurgo Lydia asser
Morpurgo Marcus birth 23 Sep 1877 London - England, died 13 Feb 1953 London, England bosman
MORPURGO Marie pruym
Morpurgo Mark Geoffrey bosman
Morpurgo Mathew Alec Emile bosman
Morpurgo Maurits birth 7 Jun 1874 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died Jun 1929 bosman
Morpurgo Maxine Jan bosman
Morpurgo Michael Andrew Bridge bosman
Morpurgo Mordechai 'Jacob' birth 24 MRT 1885 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Morpurgo Mordechai hakker
MORPURGO Mordechai pruym
Morpurgo Mordechai birth 6 Mar 1792 Amsterdam - died 20 Oct 1848 Amsterdam denbosch
Morpurgo Mordechaij slagter
Morpurgo Mordechaij Jacob birth 27 Feb 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morpurgo Mordechaij van Eliezer birth 3 Dec 1821 Amsterdam - died 6 Jun 1875 Amsterdam slagter
Morpurgo Mordechay 'Eliezer' birth 1 Nov 1822 Amsterdam - Holland, died 4 Jun 1875 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Mordechay birth 4 Nov 1822 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
Morpurgo Mordechay birth 27 Feb 1792 Amsterdam - died 20 Oct 1848 Amsterdam mello
Morpurgo Mordechay Eliazar drukker_nijm
Morpurgo Mozes 'Mordechay' birth 26 Jul 1858 Amsterdam - Holland, died 30 Jul 1858 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Morpurgo Mozes abas
Morpurgo Mozes Mordechai birth 21 MRT 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Morpurgo Mozes van Joseph hakkert
Morpurgo Pieter Anthony Bridge bosman
MORPURGO Rachel peeper
Morpurgo Rachel birth 4 Nov 1881 Amsterdam glaser_nijm
Morpurgo Rachel birth 7 May 1904 Amsterdam - died 27 Dec 1986 Bussum hakkert
MORPURGO Rachel birth 16 Jul 1898 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 11 Feb 1944 Auschwitz pruym
MORPURGO Rachel birth 18 Feb 1868 Antwerpen - died 11 Oct 1942 Auschwitz creveld
Morpurgo Rachel birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Morpurgo Rachel van Mordechaij birth 10 Sep 1847 Amsterdam slagter
Morpurgo Raphael birth 2 Jun 1843 Amsterdam mello
Morpurgo Raphael de Mordechay abas
Morpurgo Rebecca birth 17 Feb 1832 Amsterdam - died 16 Dec 1895 Tiel seijffers
Morpurgo Rebecca birth 17 Feb 1838 Amsterdam - died 16 Dec 1895 Tiel bak
Morpurgo Rebecca birth 28 Oct 1887 - died 7 Dec 1942 Auschwitz abas
Morpurgo Ribca-Rebecca 'Mordechaij' birth 5 Aug 1844 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Morpurgo Rosa birth 10 Jul 1913 Amsterdam - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor Polen slagter
Morpurgo Rosalind bosman
Morpurgo Rozet beck
Morpurgo Rozette birth 12 Jun 1844 Amsterdam deventer
Morpurgo Sara 'Mordechay' birth 2 Jan 1863 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Morpurgo Sara beck
Morpurgo Sara birth 02 Jan 1863 Amsterdam abas
MORPURGO SARA birth 05 Jul 1862 AMSTERDAM - died 23 Aug 1928 AMSTERDAM ff2
Morpurgo Sarah birth 1879 London - England, died 1879 London, England bosman
Morpurgo Sarah birth 1882 London - England, died 1882 London, England bosman
Morpurgo Sebastian bosman
Morpurgo Selma birth 21 Dec 1901 Amsterdam - died 10 Apr 1945 Eidelstadt abas
Morpurgo Semaria mello
Morpurgo Sophie bosman
Morpurgo Stuart Ian bosman
MORPURGO Vogelina birth 19 Feb 1925 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 7 Apr 1944 Auschwitz pruym
Morpurgo Willem birth 21 Oct 1884 Amsterdam - Netherlands, died 27 Mar 1920 London, England bosman
Morpurgo Aka Moore Jaques bosman
Morrell Arthur C ndbeli
Morrell Ashley Stuart ndbeli
Morrell David leefsma
Morrell Geoff P ndbeli
Morrell Jacqueline Leuvenberg leefsma
Morrell John ndbeli
Morrell John Leuvenberg leefsma
Morrell Kylie ndbeli
Morrell Lisa ndbeli
Morrell Steven Leuvenberg leefsma
Morrell Susan ndbeli
Morrell Sylvia leefsma
Morrell Terry ndbeli
MORRIS Ainsley birth 27 Aug 1795 London - England, died 2 Sep 1812 Charleston, S.Carolina, USA spits
Morris Andrew Paul beck
Morris Brenda beck
Morris Coleman Sidney birth 1 Jan 1878 Mile End,London,England - died 1959 ndbeli
Morris Craig Lee ndbeli
Morris Desmond beck
Morris Diane ndbeli
Morris Ester birth 5 May 1903 - died 1989 Queens,USA ndbeli
Morris Esther beck
Morris Harold beck
Morris Husband beck
Morris Imogen Phoebe haringman
Morris John ndbeli
Morris Jordon beck
Morris Joseph Alan ndbeli
Morris Joshua Ryan ndbeli
Morris Lauren Shane ndbeli
Morris Lee beck
MORRIS Mavis boas
Morris Michael Even ndbeli
Morris Mimi beck
Morris Nicolas aronson
Morris NN haringman
Morris Oscar aronson
Morris Rachel Eva ndbeli
Morris Richard haringman
Morris Rupert aronson
Morris Samantha aronson
MORRIS Simpson birth 1772 - died 1847 souget
MORRIS Simpson birth 1772 England - died 3 Jun 1847 Petersburg, Virginia, USA spits
Morris Sophia birth 8 Jul 1901 - died 1970 ndbeli
Morris Steven Barry ndbeli
Morris Tony aronson
Morrisey Elisabeth Maria wijnbergen
Morrisey Ian Patrick wijnbergen
Morrisey Mary ndbeli
Morrisey Mellisa Anne wijnbergen
Morrisey Patrick Charles wijnbergen
Morrish Terrence birth Queensland - Australia ndbeli
Morrison Arieh Herzel Chai ndbeli
Morrison Darrel haringman
Morrison Joseph Slavitsky ndbeli
Morrison Michael Solomon ndbeli
Morrison Nofar ndbeli
Morrison Philip Abraham ndbeli
Morrison Rebecca Rachel ndbeli
Morrison Ruth Anne Kayla ndbeli
Morrison Sarit ndbeli
Morrison Susan asser
Morrison Tamar ndbeli
Morris Witmond Mary birth 1861 londen Spitalfields Middlesex ,UK - died 2 Aug 1914 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Morrow Elizabeth beck
Morrow Elizabeth ricardo
Mortje-Cohen Andries Anshil Marcus Mordechai birth 5 Feb 1778 Amsterdam - died 24 OKT 1833 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje-Cohen Elisabeth Mozes birth 14 Feb 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje-Cohen Henri Mozes birth 25 Feb 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje-Cohen Jacobus Akiba Mozes birth 8 Aug 1815 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje-Cohen Marcus Mozes birth 24 Sep 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje-Cohen Mozes Marcus Mordechai birth 1 Feb 1781 Amsterdam - died 25 OKT 1847 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje Joseph Mozes birth ONG 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mortje Mozes Marcus abas
Morton Daniel haringman
Morton Sarah haringman
Morton Steven haringman
Morwitz Frederika ndbcore
Morwitz Frederika ndbeli
Mos Jantje hoos
MOS Jantje joachimsthal
Mos Joseph Marcus ashkenazi
Mos Maarten beugen
Mos Maarten fresco
Mos Meyer Joseph birth ONG 1772 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mos Nathan Abraham du birth 1806 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mos Neeltje birth 9 Oct 1915 Scheveningen - died 27 Feb 1985 Wassenaar beugen
Mos Neeltje birth 9 Oct 1915 Scheveningen - died 27 Feb 1985 Wassenaar fresco
Mos Petronella Maria woudhuizen
Mos Rachel du ndbeli
Mos Roosje Joseph birth ONG 1777 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1838 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mosbach Abraham birth 21 Mar 1879 Nieuwe Pekela - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOSBACH ALBERT birth 1880 - died 21 Jun 1934 MAASTRICHT mogendrf
MOSBACH ALFRED birth 18 Jan 1906 LUDENSCHEID,DTSL. - died 23 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOSBACH ALFRED birth 18 Jan 1906 LUDENSCHEID-DTSL. - died 23 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR noach
MOSBACH CHARLOTTE birth 06 May 1904 LUDENSCHEID,DTSL. - died 13 Mar 1980 PLAINFIELD, NJ, USA mogendrf
Mosbach David birth 15 May 1905 Bellingwolde - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Feb 1906 Bellingwolde, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
MOSBACH EDITH birth 27 Dec 1909 - died 1968 ISRAEL mogendrf
MOSBACH EDITH birth 27 Dec 1909 KEULEN - died 1968 ISRAEL noach
Mosbach Eliazar Leo birth 26 Jul 1938 Rotterdam - died 5 Aug 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
MOSBACH ERNA birth 14 Apr 1907 KEULEN - died 17 Aug 1992 NEW YORK,USA mogendrf
MOSBACH ERNA birth 14 Apr 1907 KEULEN - died 17 Aug 1992 NEW YORK noach
Mosbach Ester\Esther birth Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Jan 1921 Nieuwe Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosbach Ester|Esther birth 27 Jun 1836 Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Jan 1921 Nieuwe Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosbach Fanny ricardo
Mosbach Henderika birth 22 Oct 1874 Nieuwe Pekela - died 16 Nov 1942 Oude Pekela ndbeli
MOSBACH JACOB birth 10 Mar 1847 HOHENLIMBURGDTSL - died 25 Dec 1922 HOHENLIMBURGDTSL mogendrf
Mosbach Jeanette ndbcore
Mosbach Jeanette birth 30 Sep 1830 Bosingfeld - died 2 Jan 1907 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Mosbach Jeanette birth 30 Sep 1830 Bosingfeld - died 2 Jan 1907 Oude Pekela ndbeli
MOSBACH JOHANNA birth 24 Nov 1935 KEULEN - died 23 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
MOSBACH JOHANNAHANNELORE? birth 24 Nov 1935 KEULEN - died 23 Jul 1943 SOBIBOR noach
MOSBACH KURT birth 20 Aug 1908 KEULEN - died 08 Aug 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
MOSBACH KURT birth 20 Aug 1908 KEULEN - died 08 Aug 1942 AUSCHWITZ noach
Mosbach Kurt birth 20 Aug 1908 Koeln - Germany, died 8 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Mosbach Lea birth 11 May 1906 Bellingwolde - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mosbach Levie birth 5 Feb 1842 Nieuwe Pekela - died 1 Aug 1905 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mosbach Louis birth 13 Apr 1902 Bellingwolde - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mosbach Ludwig birth 13 Apr 1902 Bellingwolde - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosbach Saartje birth 10 Nov 1844 Nieuwe Pekela - died 25 Jul 1854 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mosbach Theresia birth 1834 Prussia - died 14 Sep 1904 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mosbach Weardus birth 9 Mar 1873 Nieuwe Pekela - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mosbach Wolf ndbcore
Mosbach Wolf birth 1793 Prussia - died 10 Oct 1846 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mosbacher Erich birth 4 MRT 1897 Bochum - Duitsland, died 4 Sep 1976 Chur, Zwitserland deventer
Mosbacher Ernestine birth Frankfurt hausdorff
Mosbacher Felix birth 18 MRT 1864 Eschau - Duitsland, died 13 MRT 1930 Bochum, Duitsland deventer
Mosbacher Gertrud birth 30 Jan 1896 Bochum - Duitsland, died 28 MEI 1992 Ventura, CA, VS deventer
Mosbacher Hans birth 26 Jun 1894 Bochum - Duitsland, died 6 Nov 1915 Luik, Belgie, in de strijd aan het front deventer
Mosbacher Lotte birth 28 Jul 1903 Bochum - Duitsland, died 8 Jul 1991 New York, VS deventer
Mosbacher Margarete birth 1 Jan 1892 Bochum - Duitsland deventer
Mosbacher Mendel deventer
Mosch Abraham David du birth 10 Apr 1797 Hoorn - died 16 Dec 1839 Hoorn ndbeli
Mosch Abraham David du birth 1796 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Dec 1839 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Abraham David du birth ONG 1796 Hoorn - died 16 Dec 1839 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Abraham du ndbcore
Mosch Abraham du birth 9 Aug 1831 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 20 Jan 1832 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Abraham du birth 10 Jul 1834 Hoorn - died 6 Feb 1923 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mosch Abraham du birth 14 Jun 1865 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Mar 1907 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mosch Abraham du birth 14 Jun 1865 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosch Abraham du birth 14 Jun 1865 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Abraham du birth 25 Dec 1830 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 19 Apr 1850 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Abraham Mozes du birth 1769 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Apr 1828 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Abraham Mozes du birth ONG 1769 Twisk - died 29 Apr 1828 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Abraham Nathan du birth 17 OKT 1836 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 MRT 1837 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Alexander Mozes du birth 6 Dec 1827 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Belitje Abraham du birth 1804 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 OKT 1873 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Benjamin du birth 4 Apr 1854 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Catharina du birth 27 MEI 1881 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch David Abraham du ndbcore
Mosch David Abraham du ndbeli
Mosch David Abraham du birth 14 MEI 1833 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch David du birth 6 Jun 1835 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Jan 1836 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch David du birth 20 Sep 1847 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 9 Jan 1872 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch David du birth 26 MRT 1879 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 Sep 1886 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch David Mozes du birth 5 Feb 1820 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 19 Nov 1870 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch David Mozes du birth 1766 Hoorn - died 25 May 1806 Hoorn ndbeli
Mosch David Mozes du died 26 MEI 1806 ndbcore
Mosch dochter du birth 2 OKT 1824 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 OKT 1824 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Elisabeth du birth 12 Sep 1874 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Elisabeth du birth 26 OKT 1835 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Elisabeth du birth 27 Sep 1870 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 6 Nov 1870 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Elisabeth Eva du birth 1 Jun 1867 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Eva David du birth ONG 1798 Hoorn - died 22 Jul 1866 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Eva Davids du birth 1798 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 22 Jul 1866 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Geesje du birth 16 Jul 1824 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 3 Nov 1824 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Grietje MOZES or du birth 1776 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 5 Apr 1821 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Hartog du birth 22 Jul 1845 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1847 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Hermanus du birth 16 MRT 1869 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mosch Hester du birth 3 Mar 1863 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosch Hester du birth 3 Mar 1863 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosch Hester du birth 3 MRT 1863 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Isaak du birth 15 Feb 1861 Rotterdam ndbeli
Mosch Josef du birth 25 Dec 1837 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Jun 1838 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Joseph David du birth 29 OKT 1837 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Joseph David du birth 1793 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 19 Sep 1845 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Joseph David du birth ONG 1793 Hoorn - died 19 Sep 1845 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Jozeph Mozes du birth 30 Aug 1830 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Judith du birth 28 MEI 1836 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Leman du birth 10 Jul 1845 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Dec 1919 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloos kind du birth 10 MRT 1835 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 10 MRT 1835 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloos kind du birth 17 Sep 1816 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 17 Sep 1816 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloze dochter du birth 10 Aug 1858 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 10 Aug 1858 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloze dochter du birth 25 Sep 1861 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 Sep 1861 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloze zoon du birth 7 Feb 1864 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1864 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloze zoon du birth 14 Nov 1850 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 14 Nov 1850 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch levenloze zoon du birth 20 Sep 1834 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 20 Sep 1834 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Lotje du birth 11 Sep 1841 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 20 MEI 1869 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Lotje du birth 20 OKT 1895 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Machteltje du birth 1834 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 6 MEI 1834 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Magtel Mozes du birth 1765 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Jun 1817 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Magtel Mozes du birth ONG 1764 - died 13 Jun 1817 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Manus Abraham du birth 8 Apr 1832 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 14 Dec 1832 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Maurits du birth 11 Dec 1867 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mietje David du birth 1806 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mietje du ndbeli
Mosch Mietje du ndbeli
Mosch Mietje du birth 7 Dec 1821 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Dec 1890 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosch Mietje du birth 7 Dec 1821 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Dec 1890 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mietje du birth 18 Feb 1832 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mietje du birth 25 Jul 1843 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mietje du birth 1822 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 Dec 1890 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosch Mietje Mink du birth 8 Dec 1821 Hoorn - died 4 Dec 1890 Groningen ashkenazi
Mosch Mietje Minke David du birth 4 Jul 1804 Hoorn - died 11 Jan 1871 Barneveld ashkenazi
Mosch Mozes Abraham du ndbcore
Mosch Mozes Abraham du ndbeli
Mosch Mozes Abraham du ndbeli
Mosch Mozes Abraham du birth 22 Aug 1866 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Jun 1867 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mozes Abraham du birth 1799 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 21 OKT 1865 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mozes Abraham du birth ONG 1799 Hoorn - died 21 OKT 1865 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Mozes Abraham du died 1777/8 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Mozes David du birth 1791 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 21 Apr 1865 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mozes David du birth ONG 1791 Hoorn - died 21 Apr 1865 Hoorn ashkenazi
Mosch Mozes du ndbeli
Mosch Mozes du birth 13 Aug 1859 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 7 Dec 1859 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Mozes du birth 19 Feb 1852 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 MEI 1852 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Naatje du birth 1 OKT 1862 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 8 Jun 1864 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Nathan Abraham du birth 1806 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Jan 1855 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Nathan du birth 9 Jul 1836 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 4 OKT 1836 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Nathan du birth 13 Feb 1891 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 26 OKT 1894 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Nathan du birth 16 MRT 1876 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 18 Apr 1876 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Philip du birth 12 OKT 1832 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 Jan 1833 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Rachel Mozes du birth 11 May 1829 Hoorn - died 17 Apr 1868 Hoorn ndbeli
Mosch Rachel Mozes du birth 27 MRT 1815 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Rachel Mozes du birth 1771 Hoorn - died 26 May 1855 Medemblik ndbeli
Mosch Rachel Mozes du birth ONG 1768 Hoorn - died 26 Jul 1855 Medemblik ashkenazi
Mosch Rachel or Racheltje Mozes du birth 8 Dec 1827 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 17 Apr 1868 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Racheltje du birth 12 Nov 1837 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 8 Apr 1839 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Regina du birth 10 Dec 1858 Rotterdam ndbeli
Mosch Reintje-Rijntje Abraham du birth 20 Feb 1803 Hoorn - Holland., died 12 May 1872 Hoorn , Holland. ndbeli
Mosch Rijntje Abraham du birth 1803 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 12 MEI 1872 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Roosje du birth 18 MEI 1839 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 29 Apr 1849 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Roosje Mozes du birth 16 Jan 1818 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 26 Sep 1875 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Roseline du birth 29 Sep 1876 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mosch Saartje du birth 14 Jan 1826 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 3 Jul 1842 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Salomon Manus Abraham du birth 17 Feb 1839 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Samuel du birth 16 Aug 1878 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 26 OKT 1878 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Samuel du birth 21 OKT 1867 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Sion du birth 24 Dec 1833 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Nov 1865 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Vrouwtje Abraham du birth Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Vrouwtje du ndbcore
Mosch Vrouwtje du birth 15 Jan 1797 Hoorn - died 15 Jan 1878 Monnikendam ashkenazi
Mosch Vrouwtje du birth 16 Jan 1840 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 May 1869 Harlingen, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mosch Vrouwtje du birth 16 Jan 1840 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 MEI 1869 Harlingen, Friesland, Nederland harlingen_regio
Mosch Vrouwtje du birth 16 Jan 1840 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 25 MEI 1869 Harlingen, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mosch Vrouwtje du birth VR 1810 ndbeli
Mosch Wolf du birth 4 OKT 1860 Hoorn - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 18 OKT 1860 Hoorn, Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Moscou-Levie Abraham Joseph Juzpe birth 7 Jul 1804 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou-Levie Hijman Joseph birth ONG 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou-Levie Joseph Juzpe Ruben birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 1 Jan 1821 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou-Levie Levie Joseph Juzpe birth 4 Jan 1802 Amsterdam - died 19 OKT 1823 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou Abraham spier
Moscou Abraham Barend birth 27 Aug 1909 Amsterdam - died 19 Aug 1942 Auschwitz living Amsterdam hakker
Moscou Alexander birth 1895 Amsterdam spier
Moscou Barend hakker
Moscou Claartje birth 19 Jun 1861 Amsterdam - Holland, died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Moscou David birth 19 Oct 1893 Amsterdam speelman
Moscou David birth 1893 - died 1971 heiligers
Moscou David birth 1893 - died 1971 ploeg
MOSCOU Debora pruym
Moscou Elisabeth birth 30 Nov 1912 Amsterdam - died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Pl braadbaart
Moscou Fanny slagter
Moscou Flora birth 5 Jun 1897 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1942 Auschwitz denneboom
Moscou Greta birth 24 Dec 1901 Amsterdam - died 8 Apr 1944 Auschwitz abas
Moscou H. ndbcore
Moscou H. ndbeli
Moscou Hijman denneboom
Moscou Hijman birth 24 Jan 1860 Amsterdam - died 16 Jan 1926 Amsterdam speelman
Moscou Hijman Wolf birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou Isaac birth 2 Apr 1892 Amsterdam - died 3 Sep 1943 Auschwitz mok
Moscou Jansie Benjamin birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou Joseph birth 8 Apr 1883 Amsterdam - died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Pl braadbaart
Moscou Joseph Abraham birth ONG 1828 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou Leman birth ± 1840 - died before 1892 haringman
MOSCOU Leman died 1892 konijn
Moscou Leman died VR 1892 Amsterdam pampel
Moscou Levie ndbcore
Moscou Levie birth 2 Apr 1892 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1944 Central Europe ndbeli
Moscou NN slagter
MOSCOU Rachel konijn
Moscou Renzo haringman
Moscou Renzo heiligers
Moscou Renzo birth NA 1 Jan 1900 ploeg
Moscou Rob heiligers
Moscou Rob birth NA 1 Jan 1900 ploeg
Moscou Rozette birth 9 Jan 1891 Auschwitz - died 26 Feb 1938 Amsterdam denneboom
Moscou Salomon birth 9 Dec 1859 Amsterdam mok
MOSCOU Simon konijn
Moscou Sophia Joseph birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscou Vivian haringman
Moscou Vivian heiligers
Moscou Vivian birth NA 1 Jan 1900 ploeg
Moscouw-Levie Wolf Hijman Chaim birth 1768 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscovitch Esther died 16 Jun 1959 beck
Moscoviter Aaltje birth 02 Jun 1855 Amsterdam - died 28 Dec 1926 Amsterdam zeldenrust
Moscoviter Abraham bosman
MOSCOVITER Abraham konijn
Moscoviter Alexander Sender Salomon Shlomo birth 17 Feb 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Aron birth 1903 Amsterdam vantijn
Moscoviter Aron Salomon Shlomo birth 12 Dec 1810 Amsterdam - died 13 Apr 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Benzion birth 7 Oct 1863 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Betje ndbeli
Moscoviter Betje trompetter
Moscoviter Betje birth 7 Aug 1859 Amsterdam - died 20 Nov 1940 Amsterdam vischschraper
Moscoviter Betje Salomon birth ONG 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Betty bosman
MOSCOVITER Betty konijn
Moscoviter David birth 25 Aug 1871 Amsterdam schlosser
Moscoviter David birth 25 Aug 1871 Amsterdam snapper
MOSCOVITER Duifje Salomon degen
Moscoviter Duifje Salomon birth ONG 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Ester Joseph birth ONG 1835 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1920 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOSCOVITER Esther pruym
Moscoviter Esther Joseph birth 31 May 1835 Amsterdam - died 4 Feb 1920 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Eva birth 13 Nov 1838 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1899 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Hartog birth 4 Apr 1914 Amsterdam - died 9 May 1945 Midden-Europa ricardo
Moscoviter Henriette birth 6 Apr 1907 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Hijman Nathan birth Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Moscoviter Isaac birth 14 Apr 1876 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Moscoviter Isaac birth 14 Apr 1876 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz fresco
Moscoviter Isaac birth 14 Apr 1876 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz zilversmit
Moscoviter Isaac birth 14 Apr 1876 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Moscoviter Izaak birth 28 Oct 1867 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Jacob vantijn
Moscoviter Jacob birth 5 Feb 1884 Amsterdam - died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz ricardo
Moscoviter Jacob birth 15 Oct 1898 Amsterdam - died 20 Oct 1989 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Moscoviter Jacob Salomon fresco
Moscoviter Jacob Salomon birth 24 Mar 1827 Amsterdam - died Mar 1890 Amsterdam zilversmit
Moscoviter Jacob Salomon Shlomo birth ONG 1802 Amsterdam - died 1869 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Jacob Salomon Shlomo died 1 Jun 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Jansje birth 19 Jun 1846 Amsterdam - died between 28 Jul 1918 and 30 Jul 1918 ndbeli
Moscoviter Jeannette Eveline birth 20 Mar 1860 Rotterdam - died before 1888 glaser_nijm
Moscoviter Jetje birth 24 Jul 1878 Rotterdam - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor fresco
Moscoviter Jetje birth 24 Jul 1878 Rotterdam - The Netherlands, died 20 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR hart_amsterdam
Moscoviter Joseph Jozale Salomon Shlomo birth 31 Aug 1788 Amsterdam - died 11 Nov 1861 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Joseph Salomon vischschraper
Moscoviter Joseph Salomon birth ± 1788 Amsterdam - died 11 Nov 1861 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Marianne ossendrijver
Moscoviter Meijer vantijn
Moscoviter Mietje birth 9 Dec 1885 Amsterdam - died 9 Nov 1942 Auschwitz bak
Moscoviter Mietje birth 26 Jan 1890 Amsterdam - died 13 Aug 1937 Amsterdam vantijn
Moscoviter Nathan birth ± 1880 haringman
Moscoviter Nathan Hijman birth 23 Apr 1892 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 Feb 1934 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Moscoviter Nathan Jacob birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 16 Jan 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Nathan Nachi trompetter
Moscoviter Petronella birth 24 Oct 1894 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1942 Auschwitz zeldenrust
Moscoviter Rebecca birth 7 Jun 1833 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Rebecca Joseph birth 7 Jun 1829 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Saartje Salomon ashkenazi
Moscoviter Salomon birth 8 Apr 1897 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1905 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Salomon birth 10 Jun 1854 Amsterdam - died 02 Jan 1934 Amsterdam zeldenrust
MOSCOVITER Salomon died VOOR 23 MEI 1906 peereboom
Moscoviter Salomon Jacob glaser_nijm
Moscoviter Salomon Jacob birth ± 1754 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1814 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Salomon Joseph birth 29 Apr 1831 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Salomon Shlomo Jacob birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Salomon Shlomo Nathan birth 12 Sep 1784 Amsterdam - died 24 Jul 1838 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Salomon Zalman Salomon Shlomo birth 7 Jul 1790 Amsterdam - died 15 Apr 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Sara vega
Moscoviter Sara birth 18 Jan 1888 Rotterdam - died 16 Aug 1942 Auschwitz ossendrijver
Moscoviter Schoontje birth 11 Oct 1905 Amsterdam - died 28 May 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Moscoviter Schoontje birth 11 Oct 1905 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 May 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Moscoviter Simon birth 5 Apr 1872 Amsterdam - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz ossendrijver
Moscoviter Sophia birth 4 Jun 1837 Amsterdam snapper
Moscoviter Vrouwtje Salomon birth ONG 1799 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscoviter Wolf Nathan birth 1 Jul 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscowiter Betje Sander birth 31 MEI 1828 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Branca Sander birth 8 OKT 1837 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Esther Sander birth 17 MRT 1821 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Eva Sander birth 15 MRT 1841 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Jansje Sander birth 16 MEI 1835 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Marianne Sander birth 19 Feb 1823 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Mozes Sander birth 2 Nov 1825 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Rebecca slagter
Moscowiter Salomon Jacob birth 1754 - died 15 Jan 1814 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Salomon Sander birth 4 Jan 1834 Amsterdam - died 11 MRT 1834 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Salomon Sander birth 14 MEI 1824 Amsterdam - died 9 Jan 1827 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Salomon Sander birth 27 Feb 1832 Amsterdam - died 1833 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Sander Salomon birth 17 Feb 1793 Amsterdam - died 8 Jul 1855 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowiter Sara Sander birth 25 Jan 1830 Amsterdam - died 11 Apr 1889 Amsterdam slagter
Moscowitter Eva Salomon birth ONG 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscowitter Rachel Salomon birth ONG 1807 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moscowriter Jansje birth 19 Jun 1846 slagter
Moseley Blanche birth 8 May 1917 - died 14 Sep 1994 asser
Moser Ben beck
Moser Hans Rudolf birth 10 Jun 1918 Paderborn - Duitsland, died 8 Jul 2006 Kfar Saba, Israel deventer
Moser Johanna birth 5 May 1874 Bentheim - Hannover, Duitsland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Moser Johanna birth 5 MEI 1874 Bentheim/Butzheim - died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor vriesman
Moser Kurt Erich deventer
Moser Kurt Erich birth 3 Jun 1920 Wuppertal-Elberfeld - Duitsland, died 31 MRT 1944 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Moser Max biene
Moser Michael beck
Moser Rachel Jessica beck
Moser Renee birth 04 Jun 1928 Tilburg - died 03 May 2011 Tilburg biene
Moser Rudy Max deventer
Moses-Mossel Ester birth ONG 1670 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Moses-Mossel Ester birth ONG 1670 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moses-Mossel Salomon Zelig died 19 Jan 1766 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moses Aaltje ashkenazi
Moses Aaltje deventer
Moses Aaltje died before 13 Mar 1835 Nijkerk dejong
MOSES Aaron birth 1735 Veenendaal - died 15 Aug 1798 Veenendaal creveld
Moses Abraham ndbcore
Moses Abraham birth ONG 1790 Issum Niederrhein Duitsland davbou
Moses Abraham died 8 Apr 1817 Issum Niederrhein Duitsland davbou
Moses Adela geb. 23 okt 1879 te Neimersheim Dld. - ovl. 10 sep 1943 te Auschwitz betel
MOSES ADOLF HARRY birth 30 Jan 1918 ROTTERDAM - died 23 Jul 1943 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Moses Alexander birth 16 Dec 1840 Zutphen speelman
Moses Amelia asser
Moses Anna spier
Moses Anna birth 2 May 1786 London - died 24 Oct 1827 Jamaica belinfante
Moses Annaatje birth ± 1775 Amsterdam - died 6 Jan 1812 Amsterdam, Marken no. 110/overleden om 13.00 uur cohen_e_m
Moses Benjamin birth 8 Sep 1881 Zutphen - died 21 Jan 1943 Auschwitz wijzenb2
Moses Berendina Melched deventer
Moses Bertha birth 29 Sep 1852 - died 10 Jul 1915 deventer
Moses Betje ashkenazi
Moses Betje denbosch
Moses Betje snapper
Moses Betje birth 6 Mar 1870 Arnhem - died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor speelman
Moses Caroline birth 24 Sep 1884 Kaldenkirchen - Duitsland, died Nov 1941 Minsk, Wit-Rusland deventer
Moses Clara birth ± 1710 Amsterdam - died before 1771 rabbie
Moses Clara birth Emden,de leefsma
Moses Clara birth Emden - Ostfriesland, Germany ndbeli
MOSES Clara Hartog birth 30 Dec 1818 Oude Pekela - died 1 Dec 1860 Assen italiaander
MOSES Clara Hartog birth 30-12-1818 Oude Pekela - died 01-12-1860 Assen vandervelde
Moses Cornelia ashkenazi
Moses Cornelia vanvollenhoven
Moses Daniel Joel vandijk
Moses David beck
Moses David haringman
Moses Deerkje deventer
Moses Dina deventer
Moses Ehara ndbcore
Moses Elisabeth ndbcore
Moses Elizabeth Betsy birth 26 Sep 1855 19 Love Court - WHITECHAPEL, died 11 Sep 1932 asser
Moses Elkan dessaur
Moses Elkan jacobs
Moses Elkan leefsma
Moses Elkan leefsma
Moses Elkan birth 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Moses Elkan birth 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland smilde_regio
Moses Elkan birth 27 Feb 1851 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 27 Jan 1921 Den Haag, Zuid Holland , Nederland ndbeli
Moses Elkin belinfante
Moses Elsy ashkenazi
MOSES ELZA birth 04 Dec 1940 ROTTERDAM - died 30 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Moses Emma deventer
Moses Engelina PRIVACY FILTER leefsma
Moses Esu vandijk
MOSES ESU vomberg
Moses Eva ndbcore
Moses Eva ndbeli
Moses Fanny beck
Moses Frederica birth 15 Apr 1863 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 2 Feb 1866 Den Haag, Zuid Holland , Nederland ndbeli
Moses Ganna Judith birth 1742 Amsterdam - died 2 Sep 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moses Gesina Cato ndbeli
Moses Gesina Ina birth 15 Jan 1916 's-Gravenhage - died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor huisman
Moses Gillette birth 15 Jun 1866 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 5 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Poland ndbeli
Moses Hanna ndbcore
Moses Hanna ndbcore
Moses Hanna ndbeli
Moses Hanna birth ± 1733 's-Gravenhage - died 27 Oct 1804 's-Gravenhage fresco
Moses Hanna birth 4 Apr 1890 The Hague - died 7 Dec 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Moses Hanna birth 5 Nov 1856 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 30 Aug 1936 Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Moses Hanna died VR 1769 ndbeli
Moses Hartog deventer
MOSES Hartog italiaander
MOSES Hartog vandervelde
MOSES Heijman birth 2 Sep 1909 Rotterdam - died 11 Nov 1942 Auschwitz andriesse
Moses Heintje ndbeli
Moses Heintje birth 16 Dec 1854 Den Haag - died 16 May 1932 Amsterdam vanraalte
Moses Heintje birth 16 Dec 1854 Den Haag - died 16 MEI 1931 deventer
Moses Helena davbou
Moses Helena hertog
Moses Helena died after 1827 Woudrichem N-BR? denbosch
Moses Henderina denneboom
Moses Henderina ndbcore
Moses Henderina ndbeli
Moses Hendrina ndbcore
Moses Henrietta ndbcore
Moses Henry birth 1734 - died 1779 ndbeli
Moses Herman ndbeli
Moses Hester goch_van_nijm
Moses Hijman ndbcore
Moses Hijman birth 25 Feb 1823 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 6 Aug 1885 Den Haag, Zuid Holland , Nederland ndbeli
Moses Irving ossendrijver
Moses Isaac ashkenazi
Moses Israel hart
Moses Jacob birth 5 Oct 1894 The Hague - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Moses Jacob died 8 Dec 1811 Den Haag cohen_e_m
Moses Jacob died 26 MEI 1806 Issum Niederrhein Duitsland davbou
Moses Jay ossendrijver
Moses Jetta Judic ndbeli
Moses Jim leefsma
Moses Johanna ndbcore
Moses Johanna ndbeli
Moses Johanna birth 14 Apr 1738 Abroad - died 10 May 1812 Eindhoven kooperberg
Moses Johanna birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 15 Sep 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moses Josef ndbeli
Moses Josef ndbeli
Moses Joseph birth ONG 1680 Mikulov - Moravia, died 1729 Holland? ndbeli
Moses Joseph birth Zutphen - Gelderland, Nederland almelo_regio
Moses Joseph birth Zutphen - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
Moses Judic birth ± 1760 haringman
Moses Judick ndbcore
Moses Judick ndbeli
Moses Judith leefsma
MOSES JULIUS FRIEDRICH birth 22 Sep 1873 ROTTERDAM - died 15 Oct 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Moses Kaatje died after 1834 Arnhem? denbosch
Moses Keetje beugen
Moses Keile birth ONG 1766 Hoerstgen Kamp-Linfort Bez.Duesseldorf Dld - died 17 Sep 1836 Hoerstgen Kamp- Linfort Bez.Duesseldorf Dld davbou
Moses Lea ashkenazi
Moses Lea goch_van_nijm
MOSES LEA CIENTJE birth 25 Jan 1914 ROTTERDAM - died 30 Sep 1942 AUSCHWITZ mogendrf
Moses Lea Levie birth Leiden - died 14 Apr 1776 Leiden vantijn
Moses Leentje maarssen
Moses Leentje birth ± 1761 Amsterdam - died 7 Jan 1820 's-Gravenhage dessaur
Moses Levie deventer
Moses Levie vantijn
Moses Levij died before 24 Feb 1784 geuns
Moses Levij died VR 24 Feb 1784 ndbeli
Moses Lina ndbcore
Moses Louis birth 9 Feb 1930 - died 7 Aug 2007 Hudson, Florida, VS leefsma
Moses Louis birth 15 Jun 1912 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Jan 1943 Auschwitz kanis
Moses Louis birth 1868 Londen,en leefsma
Moses Marian elburg
Moses Marta ndbeli
Moses Max ndbeli
Moses Meni schnitzler
Moses Meyer ndbeli
Moses Michael ossendrijver
Moses Michael vandijk
Moses Michael birth 1821 LONDON - ENGLAND, died 1876 London, Whitechapel asser
Moses Mietje ndbcore
Moses Mietje ndbeli
Moses Mietze birth 6 MRT 1785 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Moses Mina swerein
Moses Mordechai ndbeli
MOSES MORITZ HARRIS birth 1820 REES,PRUISSEN - died 20 Mar 1900 ROTTERDAM mogendrf
MOSES MORITZ MACHIEL birth 17 Jan 1915 ROTTERDAM - died 30 Apr 1943 SOBIBOR mogendrf
Moses Moses deventer
Moses Moses birth 19 May 1854 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Moses Moses Abraham died Mulheim biene
Moses Mozes huisman
Moses Naatje ploeg
Moses Nathan birth 4 Oct 1882 's-Gravenhage - died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz kanis
Moses Nathan birth 4 Oct 1882 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Moses Nathan birth 4 Oct 1882 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Moses Nathan birth 4 OKT 1882 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 15 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Moses Netta birth ONG 1830 Nintand - Germany, died 30 MRT 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moses NN ndbeli
Moses Olk voss
Moses Perle ndbcore
Moses Perle ndbeli
Moses Raagel ndbeli
Moses Rachel Abraham birth 1702 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moses Rebecca birth ± 1730 - died before 1751 emanuel
Moses Rebecca birth ONG 1730 - died VR 1751 deventer
Moses Rebecca birth ONG 1730 - died VR 1751 ndbcore
Moses Rebecca died ONG 1760 Doetinchem? ashkenazi
Moses Rebekka ndbcore
Moses Rebekka died Warsaw - Poland ndbeli
Moses Regina birth 10 Feb 1884 Kirchen DTL - died 10 Sep 1942 Auschwitz denbosch
Moses Richard ndbcore
Moses Richard ndbeli
Moses Richard vandijk
Moses Robert vandijk
Moses Rooseje Salka ndbeli
Moses Roosie izaks
Moses Roosje birth 2 Nov 1880 The Hague - died 13 Mar 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Moses Roosje birth 27 Feb 1822 Leek ashkenazi
Moses Roosje birth Leek - died 17 Feb 1892 Groningen cohdelft
Moses Rosa hes
Moses Rosa birth 1 Jan 1885 Janowitz - Polen, died VR 1950 deventer
Moses Saartje ndbcore
Moses Saartje ndbeli
Moses Saartje birth 7 Sep 1908 Amsterdam - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
MOSES Salomon italiaander
Moses Salomon birth 24 Sep 1884 Kaldenkirchen - Duitsland, died 10 Nov 1941 Minsk Ghetto, Wit-Rusland deventer
Moses Samuel ndbeli
Moses Samuel birth 6 Apr 1861 's-Gravenhage - died 26 Oct 1942 Auschwitz* ossendrijver
Moses Samuel birth 6 Apr 1861 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 26 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Moses Samuel Elkan ndbeli
Moses Sara ndbcore
Moses Sara died 1795 Valkenburg cohen_e_m
Moses Selma died VR Aug 1943 deventer
Moses Siegmund davbou
Moses Simeon birth 19 Feb 1859 Den Haag - Zuid Holland , Nederland, died 14 Aug 1866 Den Haag, Zuid Holland , Nederland ndbeli
Moses Simon birth 14 Dec 1890 Den Haag - died 19 Nov 1943 Auschwitz, Polen leefsma
Moses Simone Trientje jacobs
Moses Simone Trientje PRIVACY FILTER dessaur
Moses Sophia birth 2 May 1905 Rotterdam - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
Moses Sophia birth 2 MEI 1905 Rotterdam - Holland, died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Moses Valley Irene birth 6 Mar 1889 Flensberg ndbeli
MOSES Valley Irene birth 6 Mar 1889 Flensburg creveld
Moses Alvares Vega Abraham birth 28 Mar 1844 Amsterdam - died 4 Dec 1934 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Moses Eliaser Rachel geb. ± 1751 te Amsterdam betel
Moses Heilbron Jette birth 1799 Deventer - died 16 Apr 1880 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Moses Joseph Cohen Ritmeester Anna birth 1735 Amsterdam - died before 19 Mar 1817 hoorn_regio
Moses Kuijper Hartog birth 31 Jan 1824 Amsterdam - died 2 Jan 1882 Grave hoorn_regio
Moses Lansberg Marcus birth 1762 Wessel ,D - died 12 Dec 1831 den Haag enkhuizen
Moses Manes Drukker Bernardus birth 7 Nov 1812 Hoogeveen achter de Kerk - died Jun 1873 Shoreditch ,UK hoorn_regio
Moses Morell Ester birth 8 Jun 1815 Amsterdam - died 15 Jan 1894 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Moses Rood Rachel birth 19 Feb 1816 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1835 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mosessohn Esther birth 24 Jan 1887 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosessohn Esther birth 24 Jan 1887 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosessohn Esther birth 24 Jan 1887 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosessohn Lea birth 28 Oct 1890 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosessohn Lea birth 28 Oct 1890 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosessohn Lea birth 28 OKT 1890 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosessohn Leopold birth 1882 Mitau - , Rusland, died 8 Jun 1885 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosessohn Leopold birth 1882 Mitau - , Rusland, died 8 Jun 1885 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosessohn Leopold birth 1882 Mitau - , Russisch, died 8 Jun 1885 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosessohn Raphael Leip ndbcore
Mosessohn Raphael Leip ndbeli
Mosessohn Wolf birth 1879 Mitau - , Rusland, died 29 Jun 1885 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosessohn Wolf birth 1879 Mitau - , Rusland, died 29 Jun 1885 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosessohn Wolf birth 1879 Mitau - , Russisch, died 29 Jun 1885 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosesson Sara Sophia spier
Moses\Mozes Hartog birth 24 Jan 1781 Hattum - , Pruisen, died 25 Feb 1858 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Moses\Mozes Hartog birth 24 Jan 1781 Hattum - , Pruisen, died 25 Feb 1858 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Moses\Mozes Klara or Clara ndbcore
Moses\Mozes Roossien or Roosje Hartogs birth 27 Feb 1822 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Feb 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland assen_regio
Moses\Mozes Roossien or Roosje Hartogs birth 27 Feb 1822 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Feb 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Moses\Mozes Roossien or Roosje Hartogs birth 27 Feb 1822 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Feb 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Moses|Mozes Roossien-Roosje Hartogs birth 27 Feb 1822 Leek - Groningen, Nederland, died 18 Feb 1892 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Moses|Mozes Veronica died 12 Sep 1837 ndbeli
Moshe-Chaim Anna Channa Hendrik birth 1707 Amsterdam - died MEI 1732 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe-Gumprich Sara Tserle Ephraim birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 1734 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe-Kosman Engeltje Olk Mozes-Jacob birth ONG 1710 Enkhuizen ashkenazi
Moshe-Leib Anthonie Naftali Mozes birth 1704 Nikolsburg ashkenazi
Moshe-Mordechai Nathan Marcus birth 1726 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe-Shabtay Terzchi Mozes ashkenazi
Moshe Hartog Zwi-Hirsch Mozes birth 1722 Prague ashkenazi
Moshe Leah Bat birth ± 1800 Kalvarija - Lithuania, died ± 1880 Kalvarija, Lithuania muller
Moshe Theresia Dreze Nathan? birth 1737 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe Uria Norith belinfante
Moshe Wife of ashkenazi
Moshe Wife of died 17 Feb 1766 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe Wife of died 23 Aug 1795 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe Wife of died 1772 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe Wife of died Apr 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moshe Wife Of died Jan 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mosheim Mathilde denbosch
Moshensky Brendan muller
Moshensky Gregg muller
Moshensky Harry birth 1895 - died ± 1970 USA muller
Moshensky Justin muller
Moshensky Kenneth muller
Moshensky Seymour muller
Moshensky Wayne muller
Mosheuvel Helena Maria birth 19 May 1861 Rotterdam - died 28 May 1941 Hillegersberg kooperberg
Moshke Jacob Mozes birth 1716 Amsterdam - died MRT 1756 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mosis Abraham died ONG 1776 Issum? Niederrhein Duitsland davbou
Mosis Aron birth 4 Sep 1784 Gasselte - Drenthe, Nederland, died 9 Dec 1829 Borger, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Aron birth 4 Sep 1784 Gasselte - Drenthe, Nederland, died 9 Dec 1829 Borger, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Aron birth 18 Feb 1926 Assen - died 7 May 1943 Sobibor denneboom
Mosis Aron birth 19 Aug 1861 Groningen - died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz denneboom
Mosis Aron birth 19 Aug 1861 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosis Aron birth 19 Aug 1861 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Aron birth 19 Aug 1861 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Aron birth 26 Apr 1931 Assen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 22 Oct 1942 Monowitz ndbeli
Mosis Aron birth 1867 ndbcore
Mosis Aron birth 1867 ndbeli
Mosis Daniel birth 5 Oct 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 10 Nov 1934 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosis Daniel birth 5 Oct 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 10 Nov 1934 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland odoorn_regio
Mosis Daniel birth 5 Oct 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Daniel birth 5 OKT 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 10 Nov 1934 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Daniel birth 17 Nov 1865 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1941 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mosis Daniel birth 17 Nov 1865 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1941 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland emmen_regio
Mosis Daniel birth 17 Nov 1865 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1941 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Daniel birth 17 Nov 1865 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1942 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Eva bak
MOSIS Eva italiaander
Mosis Eva birth 1 Aug 1870 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 Mar 1936 Emmen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Eva birth 1 Aug 1870 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 Mar 1936 Emmen, Drenthe, Nederland sleen_regio
Mosis Eva birth 1 Aug 1870 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 MRT 1936 Emmen, Drenthe, Nederland emmen_regio
Mosis Eva birth 1 Aug 1870 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 MRT 1936 Emmen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Hendrika birth 1 Aug 1870 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mosis Hendrika birth 1 Aug 1870 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mosis Izaèak birth 24 Jul 1875 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 27 Apr 1933 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Izaak birth 24 Jul 1875 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 27 Apr 1933 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mosis Izaak birth 24 Jul 1875 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 27 Apr 1933 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Izaak birth 24 Jul 1875 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 27 Apr 1933 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland sleen_regio
Mosis Izaak birth 28 Nov 1863 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Jun 1865 Borger, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Izaak birth 28 Nov 1863 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Jun 1865 Borger, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Izak birth 7 Mar 1860 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosis Izak birth 7 Mar 1860 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Izak birth 7 MRT 1860 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Izak birth 31 Mar 1899 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1943 Central Europe ndbeli
Mosis Izak birth 31 Mar 1899 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1943 Midden Europa odoorn_regio
Mosis Izak birth 31 MRT 1899 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1943 Midden Europa ndbcore
Mosis Jantje birth 29 Apr 1868 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Dec 1932 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mosis Jantje birth 29 Apr 1868 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Dec 1932 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland emmen_regio
Mosis Jantje birth 29 Apr 1868 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Dec 1932 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Jantje birth 29 Apr 1868 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Dec 1932 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Levi birth 15 Jun 1894 Odoorn - died 7 May 1943 Sobibor denneboom
Mosis Levie birth 15 Jun 1894 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 7 May 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mosis Levie birth 15 Jun 1894 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 7 May 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen odoorn_regio
Mosis Levie birth 15 Jun 1894 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 7 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mosis Levie birth 31 Mar 1918 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mosis Levie birth 31 Mar 1918 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen sleen_regio
Mosis Levie birth 31 MRT 1918 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mosis Melchia birth 31 May 1902 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1943 Central Europe ndbeli
Mosis Melchia birth 31 May 1902 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1943 Midden Europa odoorn_regio
Mosis Melchia birth 31 MEI 1902 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 31 Aug 1943 Midden Europa ndbcore
Mosis Mietje birth 9 Sep 1905 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mosis Mietje birth 9 Sep 1905 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Mietje birth 9 Sep 1905 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland sleen_regio
Mosis NN ndbeli
Mosis Roosje birth 9 Dec 1829 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 15 MEI 1897 Gieten, Drenthe, Nederland gieten_regio
Mosis Roosje birth 9 Dec 1829 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 15 MEI 1897 Gieten, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Roosje birth 17 Jun 1892 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mosis Roosje birth 17 Jun 1892 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen odoorn_regio
Mosis Roosje birth 17 Jun 1892 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mosis Roosje birth 20 Jan 1827 Hoogezand - died 15 May 1897 Gieten, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Sientje birth 30 Aug 1878 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz* ndbeli
Mosis Sientje birth 30 Aug 1878 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen sleen_regio
Mosis Sientje birth 30 Aug 1878 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 8 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
MOSIS Simon italiaander
Mosis Simon ndbcore
Mosis Simon birth 3 Oct 1889 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mosis Simon birth 3 Oct 1889 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen odoorn_regio
Mosis Simon birth 3 OKT 1889 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland, died 22 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mosis Simon birth 27 Sep 1828 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1886 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland groningen_regio
Mosis Simon birth 27 Sep 1828 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1886 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mosis Simon birth 27 Sep 1828 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1886 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mosis Simon birth 27 Sep 1828 Borger - Drenthe, Nederland, died 3 Dec 1886 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland sleen_regio
Moskovitch Helen ndbeli
Moskoviter Yvonne Estella birth 10 Oct 1920 Amsterdam - died 5 Aug 2007 schlosser
Moskovits Aviva deventer
Moskovits Ben Zion birth Roemenie - died 18 Sep 1968 deventer
Moskovits Chaja deventer
Moskovits Mosje-Elitsoer deventer
Moskovits Nomi deventer
Moskovits Simcha Shoshana ndbeli
Moskovits Simcha Shoshana birth NA 1900 goudgron
Moskovits Uriel birth 23 MRT 1932 Bratislava - Slowakije, died 2016 Israel deventer
Moskovitz Alon wijnberg
Moskovitz Aviv wijnberg
Moskovitz Eliezer wijnberg
Moskovitz Libby wijnberg
Moskovitz Menachem Mendel wijnberg
Mosler Margarete Ruth ndbcore
Mosley Carole ndbeli
Mosley Deanna Lee ndbeli
Mosley Debra Lynn ndbeli
Mosley Dora Beth ndbeli
Mosley Lee ndbeli
Mosley Melissa Marie ndbeli
Mosley Richard Lee birth 18 Aug 1935 Darlington - Wisconsin, died 9 Oct 1980 Burlington, CA ndbeli
Mosley Theodore Richard ndbeli
Moss Albert B aronson
Moss Albert Barnes birth Ireland aronson
Moss Amy asscher
Moss Amy tal
Moss Andrew Max ndbeli
Moss Arnold muller
Moss Bernard Judah ndbeli
Moss Elaine beck
Moss Graham Michael ndbeli
Moss Howard birth 1921 - died ± 1980 Dallas, Texas muller
Moss Jonathan beck
Moss Jonathan Mark ndbeli
Moss June ndbeli
Moss Keith Jonathan ndbeli
Moss Laurence beck
Moss Marilyn Ruth ndbeli
Moss Maurice bosman
Moss Maurice Andrew ndbeli
Moss Natasha Ruth ndbeli
Moss Nathan beck
Moss Robin muller
Moss Susan aronson
Moss Terry muller
Moss Vivienne beck
Moss Wendy Dalia Zara ndbeli
Mossberg Jeannette ndbcore
Mossel/ Spie Alida birth 13 Dec 1882 abas
Mossel/ Spie Samuel birth 23 Dec 1879 abas
Mossel? Marcus Salomon ashkenazi
Mossel 2nd Wife of died 1699 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Aaltje Simon birth Nov 1805 Amsterdam - died 17 Jul 1861 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Aaron birth 1 Feb 1908 Amsterdam,NH - died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Aaron birth 2 Jan 1908 Amsterdam - Holland, died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mossel Abraham ashkenazi
Mossel Abraham huisman
Mossel Abraham leefsma
Mossel Abraham pampel
Mossel Abraham birth 6 Nov 1902 Amsterdam - died 31 OKT 1943 Auschwitz bak
Mossel Abraham birth 11 OKT 1891 Amsterdam,NH - died 31 MRT 1944 leefsma
Mossel Abraham birth 24 MEI 1885 Utrecht,UT - died 21 MEI 1955 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Abraham birth 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Abraham Joseph birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 8 MEI 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Abraham Levie birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Abraham Salomon birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1777 Amsterdam spier
Mossel Abraham Salomon Zelig birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 1 Feb 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Alexander leefsma
Mossel Alexander birth 7 OKT 1854 Utrecht,UT - died 13 Feb 1942 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Alexander birth 18 MEI 1852 Utrecht,UT - died 20 Nov 1852 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Alexander birth 1708 Amsterdam,NH - died 17 Jul 1779 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Alexander Elias birth 1708 Amsterdam - died 17 Jul 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Alexander Salomon birth 1780 Amsterdam,NH - died 10 OKT 1848 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Alexander Salomon birth 1780 Amsterdam - died 18 Nov 1848 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Alexander Sender Jacob birth Feb 1783 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Anna birth 1817 Amsterdam,NH - died 1880 leefsma
Mossel Annaatje Josua vanburen
Mossel Annaatje Josua birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Anna Jacob betel
Mossel Anna Mozes birth ONG 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Anna Nathan birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 31 Jan 1834 Edam ashkenazi
Mossel Antje birth 21 Apr 1874 Rotterdam,ZH leefsma
Mossel Aron-Jacob birth 13 Sep 1749 Amsterdam,NH - died 21 Aug 1814 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Aron-Jacob Alexander birth 13 Sep 1749 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Asser birth 15 May 1881 Amsterdam - died 5 Oct 1942 Auschwitz ossendrijver
Mossel Asser birth 16 May 1931 Amsterdam - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
Mossel Barend Dov-Ber Samuel Zanwil birth 17 Jun 1759 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Barend Meyer birth 30 Jan 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Abraham Joseph birth 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Boele Joseph birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 17 Jul 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Hartog birth 1722 Amsterdam - died 4 Jul 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Hartog birth 1722 Amsterdam - died 4 Jul 1779 Amsterdam spier
Mossel Bele Isaac birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 20 Apr 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Mozes Mossel birth 1737 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Salomon Zalman birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bele Salomon Zelig birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 15 Nov 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Beletje birth 20 Sep 1839 Gouda,ZH - died 1 Jul 1913 Gouda,ZH leefsma
Mossel Beletje Salomon birth 20 Sep 1839 Gouda - died 2 Jul 1913 Gouda vandijk
Mossel Beletje Salomon birth 20 Sep 1839 Gouda ndbeli
Mossel Belia birth 29 Nov 1811 Montfoort,UT leefsma
Mossel Belia birth 29 Nov 1811 Montfoort - died 28 MRT 1884 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Bella huisman
Mossel Bella pampel
Mossel Benjamin birth 30 Jul 1915 Amsterdam - died 31 Mar 1944 Unknown location denneboom
Mossel Benjamin Wolf Levie Leib birth 1728 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1806 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bernard birth 12 Feb 1901 Amsterdam,NH - died 11 Sep 1901 leefsma
Mossel Betje klei_berg
Mossel Betje birth 1 Dec 1851 Amsterdam,NH - died 16 MRT 1928 Muiderberg,NH leefsma
Mossel Betje birth 3 Apr 1857 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Betje birth 4 Apr 1888 Amsterdam,NH - died 2 Aug 1928 Hilversum,NH leefsma
Mossel Betje birth 1778 Medemblik,NH - died 1837 Enkhuizen,NH leefsma
Mossel Betje birth 1778 Medemblik - died 3 Mar 1837 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mossel Betje Elias birth 1778 Medenblik - died 3 MRT 1837 Enkhuizen ashkenazi
Mossel Betje Jacob birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 16 Jul 1844 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Betje Jacob birth 1786 Amsterdam - died 20 Apr 1846 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Betje Pescha Elias birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 5 Dec 1828 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Betje Pessi Simon birth 20 Aug 1809 Amsterdam - died 19 Sep 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Bettje ndbcore
Mossel Bettje ndbeli
Mossel Branca birth 1858 Amsterdam - died 1934 Amsterdam abas
Mossel Chana leefsma
Mossel Chane birth 18 OKT 1926 Amsterdam - died 7 Sep 1942 Auschwitz bak
Mossel Charles birth 18 Feb 1870 Gent,be - died 1913 Romford,en leefsma
Mossel Charlotte izak_meijer
Mossel Charlotte ndbeli
Mossel Cornelia Knendele Mozes Mossel birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 26 OKT 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel David Isaac birth 24 Jan 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Debora deleeuw
Mossel Debora Benjamin Wolf birth 8 Jan 1787 Amsterdam - died 21 OKT 1823 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mossel Duifie leefsma
Mossel Duifje Isaac birth 1777 Amsterdam - died 22 MEI 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Duifje Salomon birth 1718 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Duifje Thea Samson birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 1756 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Duyfie Teiche Hartogs Hirsch birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1775 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel E. ndbcore
Mossel E. ndbeli
Mossel Edel Levie birth Jan 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Elias behr
MOSSEL Elias vandervelde
Mossel Elias birth 3 Dec 1890 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1943 Auschwitz denneboom
Mossel Elias birth 8 Aug 1876 Amsterdam,NH - died 17 Sep 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Elias birth 23 Apr 1873 Amsterdam,NH - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
MOSSEL Elias birth 23 Apr 1873 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen italiaander
Mossel Elias birth 23 Apr 1873 Amsterdam - Holland, died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mossel Elias birth 28 Jun 1816 Amsterdam,NH - died 1871 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Elias birth 1740 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Elias birth 1873 willing
Mossel Elias birth ONG 1740 Amsterdam,NH - died 15 Aug 1791 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Elias Abraham birth 20 Aug 1758 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Elias Alexander birth ONG 1740 Amsterdam - died 15 Aug 1791 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Elias Joseph birth 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Elias Salomon birth 6 MEI 1813 Medemblik,NH - died 4 Aug 1879 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Elias Simon birth ONG 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Elias Wolf birth 21 Apr 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Emanuel Mendele Mozes birth 1740 Amsterdam - died 8 Feb 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Engelina birth 25 Sep 1865 Amsterdam,NH - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Estella biene
Mossel Ester Leman birth 1756 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Ester Mozes birth ONG 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Esther birth 15 Apr 1830 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Esther birth 16 Apr 1830 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Esther birth 29 Jun 1869 Utrecht,UT - died 23 OKT 1875 Utrecht,UT leefsma
MOSSEL Esther Mozes italiaander
MOSSEL EVA birth 07 Apr 1883 GOUDA - died 28 May 1943 SOBIBOR ff2
Mossel Eva birth 7 Apr 1883 Gouda - Holland, died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Poland beck
Mossel Eva birth ONG 1815 Medemblik ashkenazi
Mossel Eva Heva Levie birth Aug 1775 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Fenna leefsma
Mossel Fijtje Wolf birth 1801 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 8 Jan 1878 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mossel Fijtje Wolf birth 1801 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 8 Jan 1878 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland zwolle_regio
Mossel Fijtje Wolf birth 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Francijntje birth 1 Jan 1856 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Gerrit birth 22 Jun 1859 Utrecht - died 15 MEI 1875 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Gerrit Alexander birth 15 Dec 1887 Utrecht,UT - died 1986 's Gravenhage,ZH leefsma
Mossel Gretel birth 7 Aug 1907 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Grietje birth 10 MRT 1853 Amsterdam,NH - died 1 Apr 1853 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Grietje birth 23 Apr 1893 Amsterdam,NH - died 28 MEI 1992 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Hadassa birth 28 MEI 1931 Amsterdam,NH - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mossel Hanna Salomon birth 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hans leefsma
Mossel Hartog biene
Mossel Hartog Hirsch Abraham birth 6 Sep 1748 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hartog Hirsch Elias birth 21 MRT 1772 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hartog Hirsch Leman Leime birth 2 OKT 1760 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hartog Hirsch Mozes Mossel birth Feb 1748 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hartog Hirsch Samuel birth Amsterdam - died 13 Jan 1770 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hartog Naftali-Hirsch died 6 Dec 1727 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hendrik montanhes
Mossel Hendrik birth 1 MEI 1846 Middelburg,ZE - died 22 Nov 1919 's Gravenhage,ZH leefsma
Mossel Hendrik birth 1 MEI 1846 Middelburg - died 22 Nov 1919 Den Haag deleeuwe
Mossel Hendrika died 10 MRT 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hennie birth 10 Dec 1930 Amsterdam,NH - died 29 OKT 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Henny birth 12 Oct 1930 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mossel Henri birth 24 Dec 1905 Amsterdam,NH - died 4 Aug 1944 Monowitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Henriette birth 10 MRT 1883 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Henriette birth 1912 Bremen,de - died 1997 Heerlen,LI leefsma
Mossel Henriette Emilie birth 28 Dec 1892 Amsterdam,NH - died 30 Jul 1948 Hilversum leefsma
Mossel Hijman Chaim Abraham birth 4 Feb 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hijman Chaim Salomon Zalman birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hijman Chaim Samuel Zanwil birth 24 Dec 1750 Amsterdam - died 21 Jun 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Hugo leefsma
Mossel Isaac birth ± 1870 Rotterdam - NLD montanhes
Mossel Isaac birth 22 Apr 1870 Rotterdam,ZH - died 29 Dec 1923 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Isaac birth 30 Nov 1827 Utrecht - died 19 Nov 1901 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Isaac birth 1881 Londen,en leefsma
Mossel Isaac Eizik Alexander died 26 Feb 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Isaac Itsak Hartog Hirsch birth 1719 Amsterdam - died 12 OKT 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Isaac Itsak Samuel Zanwil birth 21 Jun 1754 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Isaac Joseph birth Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Isaac Levie Leib Welkoop birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 13 Apr 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Isaac Salomon Zelig birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 20 Nov 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Isaak birth 23 Aug 1881 Utrecht,UT - died 22 OKT 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Isaak birth 30 Nov 1827 Utrecht,UT - died 19 Nov 1901 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Izaak died 19 Nov 1901 Oudewater ndbeli
Mossel Jacob birth 22 Sep 1882 Amsterdam,NH - died 19 OKT 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Jacob Mozes birth 1744 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Jacob Mozes Mossel Gans birth 30 Jun 1772 Amsterdam - died 20 Feb 1829 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Jacob Wolf birth Dec 1785 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Jacques birth 27 Nov 1901 Amsterdam,NH - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mossel Jannetje birth 19 Jan 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Jansje birth 25 Apr 1867 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor Pol asscher
Mossel Jansje birth 25 Apr 1876 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Pl braadbaart
Mossel Jeanette leefsma
Mossel Jehuda leefsma
Mossel Jesaia Meyer birth 17 MRT 1821 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Jetje birth 29 Jul 1884 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Johanna birth ONG 1804 Medemblik - died 12 Jan 1864 Mijdrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Johanna Naatje-Anna Nathan birth Edam - The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mossel Joseph leefsma
Mossel Joseph birth 8 Feb 1815 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Joseph birth 8 Feb 1815 Utrecht - died 30 Jan 1850 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Joseph birth 16 OKT 1897 Amsterdam,NH - died 29 MRT 1945 Bergen-Belsen,de leefsma
Mossel Joseph birth 1703 Amsterdam,NH - died 14 Jul 1778 Muiderberg,NH leefsma
Mossel Joseph Elias birth 1703 Amsterdam - died 14 Jul 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Joseph Josua Wolf birth 1789 Amsterdam - The Netherlands, died 9 Apr 1832 Amsterdam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mossel Joseph Samuel birth Amsterdam - died 30 Jun 1748 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Joseph Yoshua Wolf birth 1789 Amsterdam - died 8 Apr 1832 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Josia Jesaya Levie birth 1723 Amsterdam - died 15 Dec 1787 Edam ashkenazi
Mossel Jozef birth 3 Jun 1903 Antwerpen Belgièe - died 9 Jul 1943 Sobibor ossendrijver
Mossel Judic Salomon birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam - died 21 Feb 1838 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Judik Pes Simon birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam - died 25 Sep 1837 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Judith Gittele Samuel birth 1699 Amsterdam - died MRT 1756 Rotterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Judith Jutta Moses birth ONG 1699 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Judith Pes Joseph birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1771 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Kaatje ashkenazi
Mossel Kaatje birth 6 Jun 1864 Utrecht,UT - died 16 Dec 1864 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Kaatje birth Jan 1861 Utrecht,UT - died 11 Jul 1861 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Kaatje Joseph hart_amsterdam
Mossel Kaatje Joseph zeldenrust
Mossel Kaatje Joseph birth ONG 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Keetje birth 4 Apr 1847 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland assen_regio
Mossel Keetje birth 4 Apr 1847 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbcore
Mossel Keetje birth 4 Apr 1847 Gouda - Zuid-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mossel Lea birth 14 Apr 1863 Utrecht,UT - died 2 MEI 1942 Apeldoorn,GE leefsma
Mossel Lea birth 17 Oct 1914 Amsterdam, - died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz willing
Mossel Lea birth 17 Oct 1914 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mossel Leentje birth 23 Apr 1851 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Leman Leima Levie birth 1715 Amsterdam - died 13 Sep 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Leman Leima Mozes birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Leon birth 15 Nov 1875 Rotterdam,ZH leefsma
Mossel Leon birth 29 MEI 1895 Utrecht,UT - died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Levie birth 3 OKT 1847 Amsterdam,NH - died 29 Apr 1933 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
MOSSEL Levie birth 22 Apr 1906 Amsterdam - died 1 Oct 1942 Mauthausen, Oostenrijk italiaander
Mossel Levie birth 22 Apr 1906 Amsterdam - died 1 OKT 1942 Mauthausen behr
MOSSEL Levie birth 22-04-1906 Amsterdam - died 01-10-1942 Mauthausen vandervelde
Mossel Levie birth 24 Aug 1880 Amsterdam,NH - died 1956 Londen,en leefsma
Mossel Levie birth Jul 1801 Amsterdam,NH - died VR 20 Jul 1864 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Levie Hijman Chaim birth Feb 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Hijman Chaim birth Feb 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Josua birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 1 Jan 1802 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Judaleib died 3 MEI 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Meyer birth 28 Nov 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Simon birth ± 1804 Amsterdam - died before 1866 speelman
Mossel Levie Simon birth 24 Jun 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Wolf birth 19 Dec 1791 Amsterdam - died 7 OKT 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Levie Wolf birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 6 Apr 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Lion Leib Mozes Mossel birth 26 Feb 1770 Amsterdam - died 16 MEI 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Louis birth 12 Nov 1907 Amsterdam,NH - died 14 Sep 1943 Kuye, Thong Pha Phum Coun,th leefsma
Mossel Machalina birth 28 MEI 1850 Utrecht - died 4 Sep 1850 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Magalina ndbcore
Mossel Magalina birth 2 Oct 1853 Utrecht - died 3 Nov 1932 Apeldoorn berends
Mossel Magalina birth 2 OKT 1853 Utrecht,UT - died 3 Nov 1932 Apeldoorn,GE leefsma
Mossel Magdalena-Mietje birth 2 Oct 1853 Utrecht - died 3 Nov 1932 Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mossel Magdalena berents
MOSSEL Magdalena rhijn
Mossel Mariana birth 28 MRT 1836 Utrecht - died 24 Aug 1836 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Mariana birth 31 MRT 1836 Utrecht - died 24 Aug 1836 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Marianne Mirjam Salomon Zalman birth ONG 1740 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Marretje birth 1706 Amsterdam,NH - died 1765 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Marretje Mirjam Elias birth 1706 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Marta birth 1 MRT 1890 Amsterdam canes
Mossel Mata Hartog birth Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Matje Abraham birth 1784 Amsterdam - died 30 Nov 1853 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Maurits birth 19 Apr 1929 Amsterdam,NH - died FROM 29 OKT 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Maurits birth 19 Apr 1929 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
MOSSEL Maurits birth 31 Aug 1910 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen italiaander
Mossel Max birth 25 Jul 1871 Rotterdam,ZH - died 1929 's Gravenhage,ZH leefsma
Mossel Meijer birth 10 Jan 1910 Amsterdam,NH - died 3 Apr 1978 's Gravenhage,ZH leefsma
Mossel Meijer birth 13 Sep 1886 Amsterdam,NH - died 14 Sep 1951 leefsma
Mossel Mever Samuel deleeuwe
Mossel Meyer birth ONG 1825 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Meyer Levie birth 4 Nov 1781 Amsterdam - died 27 Jun 1821 Houtrijk & Polanen, Haarlem ashkenazi
Mossel Meyer Salomon birth ONG 1822 Medemblik - died 22 Dec 1854 Medemblik ashkenazi
Mossel Michiel Emanuel Mendele birth 11 Apr 1760 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mietje birth 3 Jul 1892 Amsterdam - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor denneboom
Mossel Mijntje vantijn
Mossel Mijntje birth 5 Jun 1866 Utrecht,UT - died 23 Feb 1867 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Mijntje birth 16 Jan 1848 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Mijntje birth 19 Jun 1873 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Mijntje birth 23 Jun 1822 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Mijntje birth 23 Jun 1822 Utrecht speelman
Mossel Mijntje Mirjam Sander birth 25 Jun 1822 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Mindele Leman Leime birth Jan 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Moche birth 28 MEI 1930 Amsterdam,NH - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mossel Mordechai birth 10 OKT 1776 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Moses birth 17 Dec 1824 - died 21 OKT 1845 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Moses birth 1714 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Moses Jacob birth 5 Dec 1788 Amsterdam - died 24 Jul 1860 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Moses Mossel Elias birth 1714 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Moses Mossel Hartog Hirsch birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 1759 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Moshe leefsma
Mossel Mozes birth 1 May 1871 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 May 1943 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mossel Mozes birth 2 OKT 1879 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1943 Sobibor bak
Mossel Mozes birth 5 Dec 1788 Amsterdam,NH - died 24 Jul 1860 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Mozes birth 5 Jan 1872 - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Mozes birth 17 Nov 1824 Utrecht - died 22 OKT 1845 Utrecht ashkenazi
MOSSEL MOZES birth 25 May 1855 GOUDA - died 17 Apr 1921 AMSTERDAM ff2
Mossel Mozes birth 25 MEI 1855 Gouda - Holland, died 17 Apr 1921 Amsterdam, Holland beck
Mossel Mozes birth 25 MEI 1855 Gouda deventer
Mossel Mozes birth 1817 - died 1906 leefsma
Mossel Mozes Elias birth 25 OKT 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mozes Mossel Isaac birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 24 Feb 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mozes Mossel Leman Leima birth 13 Apr 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mozes Mossel Levie Judaleib birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 1761 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mozes Mossel Samuel birth 31 Jan 1749 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mozes Salomon birth 17 Jul 1910 Antwerp - Belgium, died 31 Jul 1944 Poland beck
MOSSEL MOZES SALOMON birth 17 Jul 1910 ANTWERPEN - died 31 Jul 1944 MIDDEN EUROPA ff2
Mossel Mozes Salomon Shalom birth 20 Feb 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Mozes Samuel birth Jun 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Naatje Hindele Isaac birth Sep 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Naatje Isaac birth 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel NN ndbeli
Mossel Rachel birth 15 Jun 1835 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1910 Amsterdam speelman
Mossel Rachel birth 20 Nov 1885 Amsterdam,NH - died 26 MRT 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mossel Rachel birth 31 Aug 1893 Utrecht,UT - died 1989 Maywood Illionois, VS leefsma
Mossel Rachel birth 1845 leefsma
Mossel Rachel Jacob birth ONG 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Rachel Rechla Abraham birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Rachel Rella Salomons Zelig birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 25 Aug 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Rebecca birth ± 1905 haringman
Mossel Rebecca Abraham birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 20 Dec 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Rebecca Samuel birth ± 1819 haringman
Mossel Rebecca Samuel birth 4 Aug 1813 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Mossel Rebecca Samuel birth 5 Aug 1813 Amsterdam - died 26 OKT 1857 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Rebecca Samuel birth 6 Aug 1813 Amsterdam - died 26 Oct 1857 Amsterdam rabbie
Mossel Rebecca Wolf birth 6 OKT 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Reintje birth 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Reintje Salomon birth 1811 Amsterdam deventer
Mossel Rijntje birth 4 Feb 1846 Utrecht,UT - died 7 OKT 1891 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Roosje birth 10 Jan 1862 Utrecht,UT - died 1 Feb 1862 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Roosje birth 18 Apr 1858 Utrecht,UT - died 20 Aug 1858 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Roosje Reizche Wolf birth Jun 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Rose birth 1873 Londen,en - died 1970 Londen,en leefsma
Mossel Rudolf PRIVACY FILTER leefsma
Mossel S. birth ONG 1840 - died 1 Jul 1913 Gouda ndbeli
Mossel Sal birth 21 May 1932 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mossel Sal birth 21 MEI 1932 Amsterdam,NH - died 29 OKT 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mossel Salmina birth 24 Aug 1875 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Salmon Levie died 18 MRT 1827 Medemblik,NH leefsma
Mossel Salomon ndbcore
Mossel Salomon ndbeli
Mossel Salomon birth 2 Sep 1849 Amsterdam,NH - died 23 MRT 1935 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Salomon birth 12 Jul 1811 Amsterdam - died 20 Jan 1885 deventer
Mossel Salomon birth 14 Jul 1867 Utrecht - died 17 OKT 1868 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Salomon birth 17 Dec 1819 Utrecht - died 22 Sep 1864 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon birth 27 Oct 1922 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz denneboom
Mossel Salomon birth 28 Dec 1819 Utrecht - died 22 Sep 1864 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Salomon birth 1750 Amsterdam,NH - died 23 Sep 1808 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Salomon birth 1811 Amsterdam,NH - died 20 Jan 1885 leefsma
MOSSEL SALOMON MOZES birth 27 Mar 1882 GOUDA - died 06 Mar 1944 AUSCHWITZ ff2
Mossel Salomon Mozes birth 27 MRT 1882 Gouda - Holland, died 6 MRT 1944 Auschwitz, Poland beck
Mossel Salomon Samuel deventer
MOSSEL SALOMON SAMUEL birth 12 Jul 1811 AMSTERDAM - died 20 Oct 1885 GOUDA ff2
Mossel Salomon Samuel birth 12 Jul 1811 Amsterdam - Holland, died 20 OKT 1885 Gouda, Holland beck
Mossel Salomon Shalom Mozes birth 18 MEI 1774 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1837 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Wolf birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zalman Alexander birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 23 Sep 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zalman Elias birth 1776 Amsterdam - died 17 MRT 1827 Medemblik ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zalman Jacob birth 11 MEI 1791 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zalman Samuel died 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zelig Abraham birth Apr 1757 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zelig David birth 2 Aug 1792 Amsterdam - died 1 Dec 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zelig Elias birth 27 Apr 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zelig Mozes Mossel birth 3 MEI 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Salomon Zelig Mozes Mossel birth Feb 1755 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Samson Mozes birth 1697 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Samuel birth 12 Nov 1837 Gouda,ZH - died 16 Dec 1904 Londen,en leefsma
Mossel Samuel birth 12 Nov 1837 Gouda - died 16 Dec 1904 Londen Islington ,UK hoorn_regio
Mossel Samuel birth 30 Apr 1782 Amsterdam,NH - died 23 Jun 1867 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Samuel Moses died 1735 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Samuel Salomon birth 1783 Amsterdam - died 23 Jun 1867 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Samuel Zanwil Levie birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 11 Jan 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sara birth 19 Feb 1884 Utrecht,UT - died 26 Aug 1940 's Gravenhage,ZH leefsma
Mossel Sara birth 20 Jul 1873 Amsterdam ricardo
Mossel Sara Abraham ndbeli
Mossel Sara Abraham birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sara Abraham birth 1760 Amsterdam - died 20 Jul 1807 Leeuwarden spier
Mossel Sara Isaac birth Jan 1768 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sara Leman Leime birth Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sara Mozes birth ONG 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sara Sera Abraham birth 1760 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sara Sera Joseph birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 1 Nov 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Shifra birth 11 Dec 1932 Amsterdam,NH - died 28 MEI 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mossel Shifra Levie Leib birth Apr 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Simon birth 3 Aug 1877 Amsterdam,NH - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
MOSSEL Simon birth 17 Sep 1912 Amsterdam - died 28 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Polen italiaander
Mossel Simon birth 22 Jun 1850 Amsterdam,NH - died 9 MRT 1927 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Simon birth 31 Jul 1893 Amsterdam,NH - died 31 Dec 1942 Blechhammer,pl leefsma
Mossel Simon birth 1773 Amsterdam,NH - died 1819 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Simon Elias birth 24 MEI 1768 Amsterdam - died 28 Feb 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Simon Simcha Mozes birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sipora Leman birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 1773 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Sipora Shifra Levie birth ± 1745 haringman
Mossel Sipora Shifra Levie birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 23 Nov 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Susanna birth Medenblik ashkenazi
Mossel Thea Leman Leima birth Jul 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Vogeltje birth 1770 Amsterdam - died 12 Feb 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Vogeltje Fegle Josua birth 1748 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Vrouwtje birth 10 Apr 1817 Utrecht,UT - died 29 Dec 1900 Utrecht leefsma
Mossel Vrouwtje birth 10 Apr 1817 Utrecht - died 29 Dec 1900 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Vrouwtje birth 12 Feb 1874 Amsterdam,NH - died 23 Apr 1943 Sobibor,pl leefsma
Mossel Vrouwtje birth 1856 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Vrouwtje Salomon birth ONG 1812 Medemblik - died 10 Dec 1845 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Vrouwtje Samuel ndbeli
Mossel Wilhelmina birth 4 OKT 1832 Utrecht,UT leefsma
Mossel Wilhelmina birth 5 OKT 1832 Utrecht ashkenazi
Mossel Willem leefsma
Mossel Wolff birth 20 Jan 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Wolf Josua birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 20 OKT 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Wolf Josua Levie birth 1757 Amsterdam - The Netherlands, died 1812 Amsterdam, The Netherlands hart_amsterdam
Mossel Wolf Samuel ndbcore
Mossel Wolf Ze'ev Samuel Zanwil birth 4 Aug 1761 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Yoshua Samuel Zanwil birth 17 Apr 1756 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Zadok birth 13 Jul 1899 Amsterdam,NH - died 8 Apr 1970 Ramat Gan, Israel leefsma
Mossel Zadok birth 30 Jan 1842 Amsterdam,NH - died 21 Aug 1905 Amsterdam,NH leefsma
Mossel Zadok Mozes birth 30 Jan 1842 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1905 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mossel Zadok Mozes birth 30 Jan 1842 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1905 Amsterdam ricardo
Mosseray Dominique Bernard Marie ndbeli
Most Dina cohen
Most Joseph Jozale Marcus Mordechai birth 25 OKT 1794 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Most Marianne Joseph birth ONG 1834 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1914 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Most Mozes Joseph birth ONG 1827 Amsterdam - died 26 Jun 1901 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moszka Rachel birth ± 1869 Sanok* - died 14 May 1943 Sobibor biene
Mot Aaltje Olk Godschalk birth ONG 1758 - died 7 MRT 1831 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Abraham Gerrit Getschlik Lubbig Lobbeg birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 21 Feb 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Abraham Samuel birth 9 Nov 1794 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Branca Godschalk birth ONG 1755 - died 14 Sep 1827 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Dina Abraham Lubbig birth 1769 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Emanuel Menke Samuel birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 19 MRT 1847 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Gerrit Getschlig Hijman Moed birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Gerrit Getschlik Samuel birth 18 Jun 1802 Amsterdam - died 1856 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Gerrit Getschlik Samuel died 5 Jan 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Hijman Chaim Gerrit Getschlik birth 1760 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Jacob Samuel birth 13 Jan 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Jaques ndbeli
Mot Jaques birth NA 1 Jan 1900 slagter
Mot Judith Jetche Levie Leib Lubbig Lobbeg birth 12 MEI 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Lea Samuel birth ONG 1725 - died 1 Nov 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Levie birth 24 May 1863 Amsterdam - died 8 Aug 1930 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Mot Levie Abraham Lubbig Lobbeg birth 1786 Amsterdam - died 24 Aug 1833 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Marianne Mirjam Samuel birth 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Mozes Samuel birth 14 MEI 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Rachel Gerrit Getschlig birth 31 Dec 1763 Amsterdam - died 13 Apr 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Rachel Rechla Abraham Lubbig Lobbeg birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mot Samuel ashkenazi
MOT Samuel Jacob rooselaar
Mot Samuel Jacob birth 13 Jul 1826 Amsterdam ossendrijver
Mot Simon birth 1900 Amsterdam - Holland beck
Mother Ann ndbeli
Mother Annie birth ONG 1880 Driska - Russia ndbeli
Mother Avril ndbeli
Mother Awbol birth ONG 1880 ?Falticeni ndbeli
Mother Desslyn ndbeli
Mother Esther ndbeli
Mother Esther Rebecca birth ONG 1865 Russia - died 22 Aug 1934 ndbeli
Mother Eve ndbeli
Mother Rachel birth 1846 ?Falticeni - died 31 Oct 1929 ndbeli
Mother Rachel birth ONG 1860 ?Falticeni ndbeli
Mother Sarah birth ONG 1880 ?Falticeni ndbeli
Mother Sophie birth ONG 1880 ?Falticeni ndbeli
Mother Sybil ndbeli
Motsch Elisa ricardo
Mottek Peter deventer
Mottek Vivian deventer
Motz Cornelia fresco
Mouhoub Nassredine meijer
Moulin Anna Aron du birth 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moulin Ephraim Isaac Itsak du birth 17 MRT 1800 Amsterdam - died 17 Dec 1865 Gorinchem ashkenazi
Moulin Isaac du birth 1768 Den Bosch - died 24 Nov 1828 Amsterdam vanraalte
Moulin Zacharias Zelig Isaac Itsak du birth ONG 1794 Amsterdam - died 7 MRT 1823 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mount Anna Maria Theresa birth 17 Jul 1902 New York - died 4 Oct 1978 French Camp, California belinfante
Mouranche Rachel Alexander Moranda birth ONG 1747 Paris - died 7 Dec 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mourik Kees Rudolf van vanburen
Moussatche Gabriella duizend
Moussatche Gabriella ndbeli
MOUSSATCHE Gabriella souget
Mouw-Levie Emanuel Jacob birth ONG 1753 - died 21 Aug 1814 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw Aron birth 25 Jan 1872 Amsterdam - Holland, died 19 Feb 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mouw Barend birth 12 Aug 1905 Amsterdam - Holland, died 4 Mar 1906 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mouw Duifje Philip birth 8 Nov 1885 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1942 Auschwitz Polen slagter
Mouw Emanuel birth 22 May 1903 Amsterdam - Holland, died 8 Nov 1903 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mouw Hartog Emanuel birth ONG 1796 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw Hartog Manuel mok
Mouw Kaatje Chaiche Emanuel Man birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw Leentje Emanuel birth ± 1805 Amsterdam hoffman
Mouw Leentje Emanuel birth ONG 1804 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw Levie Eliaser Leizer birth ONG 1760 - died 22 Nov 1832 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw Margaretha birth 15 Apr 1845 Amsterdam ricardo
Mouw Marianne birth 14 Nov 1838 Amsterdam - died 16 Aug 1926 Amsterdam snapper
Mouw Marianne Mirjam Hartog Naftali birth ONG 1839 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw Mietje birth 2 Feb 1910 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Mouw Mietje Emanuel birth ONG 1801 Amsterdam - died 18 Sep 1828 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouw NN haringman
Mouw NN ndbeli
Mouw Philip slagter
Mouw Rebecca birth 7 Feb 1908 Amsterdam - Holland, died 6 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Mouw Reine birth 3 Apr 1907 Amsterdam,NH - died 29 OKT 1942 Auschwitz,pl leefsma
Mouw Reine birth 4 Feb 1907 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mouw Roosje trompetter
Mouw Roosje birth 23 Sep 1904 Amsterdam - Holland, died 6 Oct 1926 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mouw Roosje birth 30 Nov 1908 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 15 Apr 1972 Brussels, Belgium ndbeli
Mouw Salomon birth 17 Nov 1901 Amsterdam - died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mouw Salomon birth 17 Nov 1901 Amsterdam - Holland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Mouw Salomon Hartog birth ± 1836 Amsterdam mok
MOUW Salomon Hartog birth 27 Feb 1835 Amsterdam - died 6 Feb 1892 Amsterdam peeper
MOUW Samuel birth 25 Feb 1862 Amsterdam creveld
Mouw Sara birth 7 Feb 1911 Amsterdam - Holland, died 13 Jul 1912 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mouw Sara birth 8 Sep 1917 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Mouwes David deventer
Mouwes David vanburen
Mouwes David vantijn
Mouwes David birth 9 Oct 1903 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 May 1934 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mouwes David Isaac Itsak birth 12 OKT 1806 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mouwes David Jochem ndbeli
Mouwes David Jochem birth 19 May 1843 Amsterdam - Jolland haringman
Mouwes Dina birth 8 Sep 1846 Amsterdam - died 12 May 1909 Amsterdam deleeuw
Mouwes Dina birth 8 Sep 1846 Amsterdam - died 12 May 1909 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mouwes Isaac birth 26 Jul 1889 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mouwes Jochem Isaac deleeuw
Mouwes Jochem Isaac fresco
Mouwes Judith birth 29 Jul 1907 - died 2 Jan 1995 leefsma
Mouwes Mozes birth 4 Nov1881 Amsterdam - Holland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Poland haringman
Mouwes Naatje birth 25 Oct 1850 Amsterdam - died 8 Feb 1902 's-Gravenhage fresco
Mouwes NN ndbeli
Mouwes Rosalie deventer
Mouwes Rosalie birth 16 MEI 1919 Amsterdam - died 21 MEI 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mouwes Salomon ndbeli
Mouwes Salomon vandijk
Mouwes Schoontje birth 17 Apr 1888 Amsterdam - died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz vanburen
Mouwes Schoontje birth 17 Apr 1888 Amsterdam - died 29 OKT 1942 Auschwitz vantijn
Mouwes Simon birth 21 Sep 1869 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mouwes Sophia vandijk
Mouwes Sylvia H haringman
Mouwes Yochanan haringman
Moxley Diane Audr? vpraag
Moxley Maureen Joy vpraag
Moxley NN vanpraag
Moxley NN vpraag
Moyel Betje ndbeli
Moyses Wilhelmina birth 13 Mar 1860 Heerlen - died 12 Oct 1942 Auschwitz from
Mozes "Blogg" Hester levison_nijm
Mozes/ Moze birth 7 Sep 1821 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Feb 1886 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 9 Mar 1867 Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen oudepekela_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 10 Oct 1885 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 10 Oct 1885 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 15 Oct 1850 Arnhem Holland - died 13 Dec 1850 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes/ Moze birth 23 Aug 1877 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 23 Aug 1877 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 25 Jan 1884 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Mozes/ Moze birth 25 Jan 1884 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes/ Richheime Joel abas
Mozes/ Richheime Samuel abas
Mozes/ Salomon Klin birth 1 Apr 1826 Norg - died 25 Apr 1901 Zuidlaren cohdelft
Mozes? Hartog ashkenazi
Mozes Aaltje abas
MOZES Aaltje creveld
Mozes Aaltje denbosch
Mozes Aaltje ndbcore
Mozes Aaltje ndbeli
Mozes Aaltje birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Aaltje Edil birth 1712 Windekker ashkenazi
Mozes Aaltje Olg died 10 Feb 1808 Nijkerk ashkenazi
Mozes Aaltje or Engel MARCUS or birth 1780 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Sep 1851 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland meppel_regio
Mozes Aaltje or Engel MARCUS or birth 1780 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Sep 1851 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Aaltje or Engel MARCUS or birth 1780 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Sep 1851 Zwolle, Overijssel, Nederland zwolle_regio
Mozes Aaron ndbcore
Mozes Aaron ndbeli
Mozes Aaron trompetter
Mozes Aaron birth 11 Jan 1920 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mozes Aaron birth 11 Jan 1920 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz concentratiekamp, Polen jacobs
Mozes Aaron birth 21 Feb 1860 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Aaron birth 21 Feb 1860 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Aaron birth 21 Feb 1860 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Abigael birth 1717 Amsterdam - died MEI 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abigael birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 22 MRT 1807 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abigail died Apr 1770 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham denbosch
Mozes Abraham ndbcore
Mozes Abraham ndbcore
Mozes Abraham ndbeli
MOZES Abraham peeper
Mozes Abraham trompetter
Mozes Abraham willing
Mozes Abraham birth 1 Jan 1834 Arnhem Holland - died 3 Apr 1886 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes Abraham birth 4 Sep 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Abraham birth 4 Sep 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Abraham birth 4 Sep 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Abraham birth 4 Sep 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen sappemeer_regio
Mozes Abraham birth 13 Feb 1873 Doetinchem - Holland, died 7 May 1943 Sobibor, Poland haringman
Mozes Abraham birth 24 Apr 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham birth 1711 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham birth 1737 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham birth 1749 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham birth 1764 Amsterdam - Holland, died 22 Oct 1846 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Abraham birth 1899 Arnhem trompetter
Mozes Abraham birth Mulheim am Ruhr ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham birth Pekala vantijn
Mozes Adolf ashkenazi
Mozes Alex aronson
Mozes Alexander birth 18 Apr 1840 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Alexander birth 18 Apr 1840 Arnhem vandijk
Mozes Alexander birth 18 Apr 1840 Arnhem vriesman
Mozes Alexander birth 25 Nov 1913 Amsterdam, - died 3 Jan 1972 Amsterdam, willing
Mozes Alexander birth 25 Nov 1913 Amsterdam - Holland, died 3 Jan 1972 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Alexander birth Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mozes Alexander birth Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Alexander Jacobus birth 14 MRT 1914 Vlieringsbeek - died 2004 vandijk
Mozes Alexander Sander birth 1698 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Alexander Sender birth MRT 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Alida birth ONG 1755 Cologne - died 16 Nov 1842 Bodegraven ashkenazi
Mozes Andre abas
Mozes Andre haringman
Mozes Andre willing
Mozes Andries birth ? Lissa ? - died ? Amsterdam wijnbergen
Mozes Anna ndbcore
Mozes Anna ndbeli
Mozes Anna ndbeli
Mozes Anna birth 1673 Amsterdam - died 1727 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna birth 1699 Amsterdam - died 1758 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 4 Jul 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna birth 1758 Amsterdam - Holland, died 22 Oct 1830 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Anna birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna birth 1767 Amsterdam - died 6 MRT 1816 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna died 4 Nov 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Adolf birth 1686 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Channa birth 1733 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Channa birth 1734 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Hanna birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 21 MEI 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Hanna birth 1736 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Hendele birth 1718 Norden - died 28 Nov 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Hendele birth 1737 Amsterdam - died 2 Nov 1764 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Hendele Salomon birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 16 Nov 1843 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Hindele abas
Mozes Anna Hindele birth 1709 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Naatje Hendele birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 26 Jul 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Nechama birth 1744 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Anna Nenne birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 29 Dec 1799 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Annegie birth 15 Jan 1902 Amsterdam - died 16 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen trompetter
Mozes Arend ndbcore
Mozes Arend birth 20 May 1835 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Nov 1867 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Arend birth 20 May 1835 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Arend birth 20 MEI 1835 Hoogezand - died 1 Nov 1867 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Arend birth 20 MEI 1835 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Arend birth 25 Apr 1868 Veendam - died 28 Sep 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Arend birth 25 Apr 1868 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Mozes Arend birth 25 Apr 1868 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Arend birth 25 Apr 1868 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Sep 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Arend birth 25 Apr 1868 Veendam - Groningen, The Netherlands, died 29 Sep 1942 Auschwitz asser
Mozes Arend birth 1835 Hoogezand - died 1 Nov 1867 Ommelaarderwijk-Veendam denneboom
Mozes Arend Aron birth 1735 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Aron birth 0 ___ 1860 Martenshoek behr
Mozes Aron birth 21 MRT 1877 Amsterdam - died 28 Sep 1942 Auschwitz vriesman
Mozes Aron birth 25 Sep 1894 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 9 Aug 1895 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Aron birth 25 Sep 1894 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 9 Aug 1895 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Aron birth 25 Sep 1894 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 9 Aug 1895 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland sleen_regio
Mozes Aron birth 1779 Rotterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Barend Ber birth 1702 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Barendina Jacob ashkenazi
Mozes Bele ashkenazi
Mozes Bele ashkenazi
Mozes Bele birth 1637 Hamburg ashkenazi
Mozes Bele birth 1721 Nijkerk - died 11 Aug 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Bele birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Bele birth 1768 Amsterdam - died 26 OKT 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Bele birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 7 Aug 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Bele died before 23 Oct 1812 Kampen hoorn_regio
Mozes Beletje died 12 Nov 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Beletje Bila birth ONG 1751 - died 8 Apr 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Benjamin leefsma
Mozes Benjamin birth 5 Nov 1858 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Apr 1859 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Benjamin birth 5 Nov 1858 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Apr 1859 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Benjamin birth 5 Nov 1858 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 17 Apr 1859 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Benjamin birth Stadskanaal - gemeente Onstwedde, Groningen, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mozes Benjamin birth Stadskanaal - gemeente Onstwedde, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Benjamin birth The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Benjamin Bendit birth 1738 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Benjamin Pinchas birth 1731 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Benjamin Wolf ashkenazi
Mozes Benjamin Wolf birth Mijdrecht ashkenazi
Mozes Bertha birth 16 Jun 1887 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Bertha birth 16 Jun 1887 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Bertha birth 16 Jun 1887 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
MOZES Bertha birth 17 May 1892 Antwerpen - died 7 Dec 1942 Auschwitz vazdias
Mozes Betje ndbcore
Mozes Betje ndbcore
Mozes Betje ndbeli
Mozes Betje vanderstam
Mozes Betje birth 21 Apr 1893 Groningen - died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor Polen ndbeli
Mozes Betje birth 21 Apr 1893 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen groningen_regio
Mozes Betje birth 21 Apr 1893 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Betje birth 21 Apr 1893 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Betje died Sep 1785 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Betje Wolf ashkenazi
Mozes Bijle ndbcore
Mozes Bijle ndbeli
Mozes Bloeme birth 1710 Amsterdam - died Feb 1746 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Bloemptje ndbeli
Mozes Boele ndbcore
MOZES Boele birth ± 1792 Oude Pekela - died 14 Mar 1858 Oude Pekela bamberg
Mozes Boele birth ONG 1792 Oude Pekela - died 14 MRT 1858 Oude Pekela cohdelft
Mozes Branca ashkenazi
Mozes Branca ndbeli
Mozes Branca birth 1698 Kreuznach - died Apr 1770 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Branca birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 30 Jul 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Branca died 1 Apr 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Branca Levie birth 1716 Hamburg - died 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Brauke ndbcore
Mozes Brendele birth 1741 Bonn ashkenazi
Mozes Bruin birth ONG 1738 - died 25 Feb 1813 The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Bruintje birth ONG 1758 ndbeli
Mozes Bruintje Benjamin birth 1758 The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Bruintje Hartog birth 24 Feb 1824 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Feb 1850 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Bruintje Hertogs birth 24 Feb 1824 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Feb 1850 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mozes Bruintje Hertogs birth 24 Feb 1824 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Feb 1850 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Bruintje Hertogs birth 24 Feb 1824 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Feb 1850 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland smilde_regio
Mozes Carla vandijk
Mozes Carolina ndbcore
MOZES CAROLINA birth 28 Sep 1881 ARNHEM - died 05 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR vomberg
Mozes Carolina birth 28 Sep 1881 Arnhem - died 5 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mozes Christien ashkenazi
Mozes Clara haringman
MOZES Clara pruym
Mozes Clara verdoner
Mozes Clara birth 30 Dec 1818 Assen - died 1 Dec 1860 Assen behr
Mozes Clara birth 1710 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Clara birth 1719 Amsterdam - died 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Clara birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 25 Aug 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Clara Elkele ashkenazi
Mozes Clara Jacobs|Catharina birth ONG 1743 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died VR 1780 Weesp ndbeli
Mozes Clara or Klaartje Hartog birth 30 Dec 1818 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Dec 1860 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mozes Clara or Klaartje Hartog birth 30 Dec 1818 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Dec 1860 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Clara or Klaartje Hartog birth 30 Dec 1818 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Dec 1860 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Clara or Klaartje Hartog birth 30 Dec 1818 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Dec 1860 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Mozes Clazina birth 24 Mar 1841 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes Cornelia ashkenazi
Mozes Cornelia ashkenazi
Mozes Cornelia Knendele birth Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Daniel birth 5 Oct 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Daniel birth 5 Oct 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland odoorn_regio
Mozes Daniel birth 5 OKT 1896 Odoorn - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Daniel birth 8 Oct 1919 Assen - died 9 Apr 1943 Sobibor braadbaart
Mozes Daniel Tanchum birth 1722 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes David birth 1712 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Debora ashkenazi
Mozes Debora Benjamin ndbcore
Mozes Debora Benjamin ndbeli
Mozes Dorothea birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 18 Sep 1736 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Duifje slagter
Mozes Duifje Doortje ashkenazi
Mozes Duifje Samson birth 1729 beck
Mozes Duifje Taube birth 1706 Amsterdam - died Dec 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOZES Elemetta , geb. 24 mrt 1852 ARNHEM, ovl. VOOR 1905 verm. 's-GRAVENHAGE bino
Mozes Elias ashkenazi
Mozes Elias birth 1737 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Elias Elieser Samuel birth 1733 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Elias Leizer birth 1695 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Eliazar huisman
Mozes Eliazer birth ONG 1778 - died 22 Feb 1841 The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Eliazer birth Rotterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Elisabeth ndbcore
Mozes Elisabeth ndbeli
Mozes Elisabeth birth 's-Gravenhage katan
Mozes Elisabeth birth 31 Jan 1917 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz concentratiekamp, Polen jacobs
Mozes Elkan birth The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Elle ndbcore
Mozes Elle birth 14 Dec 1763 - died 3 Sep 1818 Oude Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Ellen died 1818 Oude Pekela,GR leefsma
Mozes Elsje birth 1748 Berlin,Germany - died ? wijnbergen
Mozes Elsje Edil birth 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Elsje Elkele birth 1738 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOZES EMANUEL birth 08 Jul 1882 AMSTERDAM - died 05 Mar 1943 SOBIBOR vomberg
Mozes Emanuel birth 8 Jul 1882 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mozes Emanuel Menachem-Manes ashkenazi
Mozes Emanuel Mendele ashkenazi
Mozes Emanuel Menke birth Giebelstadt? ashkenazi
Mozes Emma ndbcore
Mozes Engelina birth 24 Feb 1877 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 7 Mar 1883 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Engelina birth 24 Feb 1877 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Engelina birth 24 Feb 1877 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland winschoten_regio
Mozes Engelina birth 30 Aug 1886 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Engelina birth 30 Aug 1886 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Engelina birth 30 Aug 1886 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Engelina birth 30 Aug 1886 Martenshoek - died 27 Nov 1942 Auschwitz concentratiekamp, Polen schlosser
Mozes Engelina birth Aug 1908 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Sep 1908 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Engelina birth Aug 1908 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Sep 1908 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Engelina birth Aug 1908 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Sep 1908 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Engelina birth Aug 1908 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Sep 1908 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland sappemeer_regio
Mozes Engeltje ashkenazi
Mozes Engeltje ndbcore
Mozes Engeltje ndbeli
Mozes Engeltje birth 1755 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Aug 1833 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland meppel_regio
Mozes Engeltje birth 1755 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Aug 1833 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Engeltje birth 1755 Meppel - Drenthe, Nederland, died 18 Aug 1833 Meppel, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Engeltje died 6 Jan 1722 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ephraim ndbcore
Mozes Ephraim ndbeli
Mozes Ester klei_berg
Mozes Ester birth 1701 Prague - died Apr 1776 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester birth 1709 Messel ashkenazi
Mozes Ester birth 1719 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester birth 1773 Amsterdam - died 18 Nov 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester died 24 Jul 1785 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester died 28 MRT 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester died 1736 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester Betje Jacob Koppel birth 1761 Amsterdam - died 6 Nov 1824 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Ester Salomon birth 1740 Bonn - died 16 Aug 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Esther ndbcore
Mozes Esther ndbcore
Mozes Esther ndbeli
Mozes Esther spier
Mozes Esther birth 6 Apr 1838 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes Esther birth 6 Aug 1882 Wageningen - Gelderland, Nederland, died 13 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Esther birth 1882 Wageningen - Gelderland, Nederland zwolle_regio
Mozes Estrela Serele fresco
Mozes Eva ashkenazi
MOZES Eva blomhart
Mozes Eva birth 1736 Halle pampel
Mozes Eva birth ? - died ? wijnbergen
Mozes Eva birth The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Eva died 16 Sep 1807 den Haag enkhuizen
Mozes Eva died 1763 ndbeli
Mozes Eva Chava birth 1693 Amsterdam - died Feb 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Eva Chava birth 1705 Amsterdam - died 2 Jan 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Eva Chaya birth 1707 Amsterdam - died 25 Sep 1786 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Eva Isaak ndbcore
Mozes Eva Isaak ndbeli
Mozes Feige birth 1739 - died 8 Jul 1809 blog
Mozes Feijle ashkenazi
Mozes Filippus birth 28 Apr 1824 Foxhol - died 31 Jan 1891 Wildervank ndbeli
Mozes Flora ndbcore
Mozes Fogeltje-Vogeltje-Fokje birth 1771 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Jul 1818 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Fogeltje or Fokje birth 1771 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Jul 1818 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Fogeltje or Fokje birth 1771 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 3 Jul 1818 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Mozes Fokje birth 12 MEI 1909 Talbert - died 23 Nov 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Fokkien birth 18 Mar 1882 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Fokkien birth 18 Mar 1882 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
MOZES Fokkien birth 18 MRT 1882 Hoogezand,GR,NLD - died 12 Feb 1943 Auschwitz,POL troostwi
Mozes Fokkien birth 18 MRT 1882 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Francina birth 1698 Amersfoort - died 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Frauke birth 17 MRT 1829 Hoogezand - died 29 Nov 1905 Veendam cohdelft
MOZES Frederika Fraadche Salomon birth 1761 - died 12 Aug 1840 Amsterdam boas
Mozes Frederika Fraadche Salomon birth ONG 1761 - died 12 Aug 1840 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Frida-Ester birth ONG 1786 ashkenazi
Mozes Frommet birth 1725 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Frouke cohdelft
Mozes Frouke ndbcore
Mozes Frouke ndbeli
Mozes Frouke birth 17 Mar 1829 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Nov 1905 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Frouke birth 17 Mar 1829 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Frouke birth 17 MRT 1829 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Froukje-Vroukjen birth 1743 Enkhuizen - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Jan 1830 Harlingen, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Froukje ndbcore
Mozes Froukje ndbcore
Mozes Froukje ndbeli
Mozes Froukje birth Hoogezand - died 29 Nov 1905 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Froukje or Vroukjen birth 1743 Enkhuizen - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Jan 1830 Harlingen, Friesland, Nederland harlingen_regio
Mozes Froukje or Vroukjen birth 1743 Enkhuizen - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 24 Jan 1830 Harlingen, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Frouwke ndbcore
Mozes Frouwke ndbeli
Mozes Frouwke ndbeli
Mozes Frowke ndbcore
Mozes Geertje ashkenazi
Mozes Geertje ndbcore
Mozes Geertje ndbeli
Mozes Gerrit Gershon birth 1760 Mannheim ashkenazi
Mozes Gerson birth 1741 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Gertrude vriesman
Mozes Gertrude birth Holland ndbeli
Mozes Giertje Gitche birth 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Gietela ndbcore
Mozes Gittele birth Hamburg - died 1728 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Godlieb birth Frankfurt ashkenazi
Mozes Goethil birth 1756 Weijlisbach - Bamburg, Duitsland, died 5 Sep 1839 Deventer, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Gompert Gumpel birth 14 Apr 1759 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Goudje birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 6 Dec 1748 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Goudje Golde birth 1696 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Grietje denbosch
Mozes Grietje ndbcore
Mozes Grietje ndbcore
Mozes Grietje ndbcore
Mozes Grietje ndbeli
Mozes Grietje ndbeli
Mozes Grietje ndbeli
MOZES Grietje troostwi
Mozes Grietje birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 21 MRT 1790 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Grietje birth 1768 abas
Mozes Hanna ashkenazi
Mozes Hanna deventer
Mozes Hanna ndbcore
Mozes Hanna ndbcore
Mozes Hanna ndbcore
Mozes Hanna ndbeli
Mozes Hanna zanten_van_nijm
Mozes Hanna birth ± 1740 Nijmegen - died before 1769 Nijmegen levison_nijm
Mozes Hanna died before 1769 Nijmegen blok_nijm
Mozes Hans Meijer birth 18 Dec 1927 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1943 Sobibor, Polen deventer
Mozes Harmanna birth 5 Jan 1914 Vlagtwedde - died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Hartog behr
Mozes Hartog deventer
MOZES Hartog pruym
Mozes Hartog birth 20 Feb 1866 Nieuwe Pekela - died 14 May 1866 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Hartog birth 24 Jan 1781 Hattum - , Prussien, died 25 Feb 1858 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Hartog birth 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Hartog birth 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Hartog died Jan 1768 Amsterdam Holland izaks
Mozes Hartog Hirsch ashkenazi
Mozes Hartog Hirsch birth 1767 Burgstadt_Bamberg ashkenazi
Mozes Hartog Hirts birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 5 Jun 1831 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Heichen ndbeli
Mozes Heijman died 13 Sep 1801 Maassluis ashkenazi
Mozes Heiman birth 10 Apr 1908 Talbert - died 16 Apr 1908 Talbert ndbcore
Mozes Heiman birth Talbert - died 5 Feb 1914 Talbert ndbcore
Mozes Hein birth Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 21 Nov 1933 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Hein birth Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 21 Nov 1933 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Hendel ndbcore
MOZES Hendel birth 10 Jan 1912 Hoogezand,GR,NLD - died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor,POL troostwi
Mozes Hendel birth 10 Jan 1912 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Hendel birth 10 Jan 1912 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Hendel birth 10 Jan 1912 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Hendel birth 13 Apr 1880 Hoogezand - died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz behr
Mozes Hendel birth 13 Apr 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Hendel birth 13 Apr 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Hendel birth 13 Apr 1880 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
MOZES Hendele Samuel pinto
Mozes Hendeltje birth 27 Feb 1847 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Henderien ndbeli
Mozes Henderien or Henderkien ndbcore
Mozes Henderika-Hinderika birth 18 Jan 1890 Groningen - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor Polen ndbeli
Mozes Henderika-Hinderika birth 18 Jan 1890 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Henderika or Hinderika birth 18 Jan 1890 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen groningen_regio
Mozes Henderika or Hinderika birth 18 Jan 1890 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Henderina ndbcore
Mozes Henderina ndbeli
Mozes Henderina birth 7 Dec 1878 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 24 Jun 1885 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Henderina birth 7 Dec 1878 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 24 Jun 1885 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Henderina birth 7 Dec 1878 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 24 Jun 1885 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Henderina birth 7 Dec 1878 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 24 Jun 1885 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland winschoten_regio
Mozes Hendrika winkel
Mozes Hendrika birth 22 Jul 1918 Amsterdam - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor vernietigingskamp, Polen jacobs
Mozes Hendrik Chaim ashkenazi
Mozes Hendrikje birth 1696 Emden ashkenazi
Mozes Hendrikje birth 1768 - died 11 Jul 1822 Appingedam,GR leefsma
Mozes Hendrikje birth 1768 Vrede - Gelderland, Nederland, died 11 Jul 1822 Appingedam, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Hendrikje died Feb 1730 Muiderberg ashkenazi
Mozes Hendrikje Hendele birth 1714 Amsterdam - died 1769 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Hendrina denbosch
Mozes Hendrina deventer
Mozes Hendrina ndbeli
Mozes Hendrina birth 29 Nov 1774 Emmerich DTL - died 21 Oct 1850 Tiel GLD denbosch
Mozes Hendrina Hindele birth 1738 Amsterdam - died Dec 1767 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Hendrina Levie ndbcore
MOZES HENDRINA MOZES , * na 1773 EmmerikGer. heyman
Mozes Hendrinet ndbcore
Mozes Henriette birth 13 Mar 1904 Rossum - died 5 Nov 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mozes Henriette Rivka birth 1783 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Herman schlosser
Mozes Herman zwolle_regio
Mozes Herman birth 8 Jun 1871 Arnhem - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Polen trompetter
Mozes Herman birth 8 Jun 1871 Arnhem - died 5 Feb 1943 Oswiecim ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mozes Herman birth 8 Jun 1871 Arnhem - Gelderland, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Herman birth ONG 1804 ndbeli
Mozes Herman died Dec 2001 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes HertsHerman birth 18 Jun 1845 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes Hester cohen_e_m
MOZES Hester degroot
Mozes Hester Betje ashkenazi
Mozes Hester or Esther birth 1798 Mulhausen - , Duitsland, died 2 May 1871 Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland almelo_regio
Mozes Hester or Esther birth 1798 Mulhausen - , Duitsland, died 2 MEI 1871 Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Hindele ndbcore
Mozes Hindele ndbeli
Mozes Hindele birth 1778 West-Prussia ashkenazi
Mozes Hinderika birth 18 Jan 1890 Groningen - died 30 Apr 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Mozes Hinderine birth 30 Nov 1875 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1876 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Hinderine birth 30 Nov 1875 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1876 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland winschoten_regio
Mozes Hinderine birth 30 Nov 1875 Winschoten - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 MRT 1876 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Hyman vriesman
Mozes Hyman birth Holland ndbeli
MOZES Ida blomhart
Mozes Isaac birth 1699 Amsterdam - died ? Amsterdam wijnbergen
Mozes Isaac birth 1711 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Isaac birth 1736 - died 17 Oct 1810 Oss Holland izaks
Mozes Isaac birth 1740 Etingen ashkenazi
Mozes Isaac birth Krakow ashkenazi
Mozes Isaac birth ONG 1760 Amsterdam - died 14 Jan 1805 Haarlem ashkenazi
Mozes Isaac Eizik birth Montfoort ashkenazi
Mozes Israel behr
Mozes Israel birth 27 Nov 1850 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Israel birth 27 Nov 1850 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Israel birth 27 Nov 1850 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Israel birth 27 Nov 1856 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Israel birth 27 Nov 1856 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Israel birth 1716 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Israel birth 1729 Hamburg - died Jun 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Israel birth 1731 Frankfurt ashkenazi
Mozes Izaak spier
Mozes Izaak birth 7 Apr 1855 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Jan 1863 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Izaak birth 7 Apr 1855 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Jan 1863 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Izaak birth 7 Apr 1855 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Jan 1863 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Izaak birth 11 Oct 1889 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 May 1906 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Izaak birth 11 Oct 1889 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 May 1906 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Izaak birth 11 OKT 1889 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 MEI 1906 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Izak leefsma
Mozes Izak ndbcore
Mozes Izak ndbcore
Mozes Izak ndbeli
Mozes Izak birth 2 May 1908 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Izak birth 2 MEI 1908 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Izak birth 10 May 1908 Groningen - died 31 Mar 1944 Centraal-Europa ndbeli
Mozes Izak birth 10 May 1908 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1944 Central Europe ndbeli
Mozes Izak birth 28 Jun 1907 Groningen - died 31 Mar 1944 Auschwitz katan
Mozes Izak birth 28 Jun 1907 Groningen - died 31 Mar 1944 Auschwitz ndbeli
Mozes Izak birth 28 Jun 1907 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 31 Mar 1944 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mozes Izak birth 28 Jun 1907 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Izak birth 28 Jun 1907 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Izak birth ONG 1700 ndbeli
Mozes Izak died 1790 ndbeli
Mozes Izak died 1790 ndbeli
Mozes J. I. izak_meijer
Mozes J. I. izak_meijer
MOZES Jacob<P style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> bino
Mozes Jacob deleeuwe
Mozes Jacob ndbcore
Mozes Jacob ndbcore
Mozes Jacob ndbeli
Mozes Jacob ndbeli
Mozes Jacob slagter
Mozes Jacob vandijk
Mozes Jacob vriesman
Mozes Jacob birth &#177; 1761 Amsterdam - Holland, died 14 Dec 1816 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Jacob birth 1 Jan 1888 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1889 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Jacob birth 1 Jan 1888 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1889 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Jacob birth 1 Jan 1888 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Feb 1889 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Jacob birth 4 Oct 1853 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Jan 1921 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Jacob birth 4 Oct 1853 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Jan 1921 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Jacob birth 4 OKT 1853 Martenshoek - Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland, died 19 Jan 1921 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Jacob birth 4 OKT 1853 Martenshoek behr
Mozes Jacob birth 13 Sep 1906 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Jun 1924 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Jacob birth 13 Sep 1906 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Jun 1924 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Jacob birth 13 Sep 1906 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 11 Jun 1924 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Jacob birth 13 Sep 1906 Groningen - The Netherlands, died 11 Jun 1924 Groningen, The Netherlands asser
Mozes Jacob birth 15 Nov 1800 Amsterdam - The Netherlands asser
Mozes Jacob birth 15 Nov 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jacob birth 26 Dec 1822 Hoogezand - died 4 Sep 1883 Hoogezand cohdelft
Mozes Jacob birth 1694 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jacob birth 1704 Wiesbaden - Germany ndbeli
Mozes Jacob birth 1719 Leer - died 1750 Noordwolde overdijkink
Mozes Jacob birth ONG 1719 Leer - Germany, died ONG 1750 Moved to Noordwolde ndbeli
Mozes Jacob birth ONG 1730 ashkenazi
Mozes Jacob birth The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Jacob Chaim birth 5 Sep 1804 Amsterdam - The Netherlands asser
Mozes Jacob Jokeb ashkenazi
Mozes Jacob Jokeb birth 1712 The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Jakob ndbcore
Mozes Jannatje birth &#177; 1760 Amsterdam - Holland haringman
Mozes Jannetje birth ONG 1746 Rotterdam - died 3 Dec 1825 Zierikzee ndbeli
Mozes Jannetje Jent birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 13 Jul 1795 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jansje birth 31 Jan 1836 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes Jeanette Henriette birth 6 Jul 1912 - died 13 Dec 1974 vandijk
Mozes Jesaya birth 1747 Limburg ashkenazi
Mozes Jesaya Sa'adya birth MRT 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jetta birth 23 Jan 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Jetta birth 23 Jan 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Jetta birth 23 Jan 1893 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Jette birth 1750 Frankfurt - died 21 Jul 1802 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jette Daniel birth 1 Jul 1777 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 9 Feb 1864 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Jette Daniel birth 1 Jul 1777 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 9 Feb 1864 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Mozes Jo'el birth 1809 Waalwijk - died 22 MAART 1875 Scherpenzeel weijel
Mozes Jochem Jochanan birth 15 Feb 1803 Amsterdam - The Netherlands asser
Mozes Joel birth 1809 Waalwijk - died 22 Mar 1875 Scherpenzeel ndbeli
Mozes Joel birth 1809 Waalwijk - died 22 MRT 1875 Scherpenzeel cohdelft
Mozes Joel Nathaniel haringman
Mozes Joel Nathaniel willing
Mozes Johanna birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 19 Dec 1788 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Johanna Hanna birth &#177; 1719 Denemarken - died 25 Nov 1823 Jutphaas hakkert
Mozes Jonas ndbcore
Mozes Jonas ndbeli
Mozes Jonas birth 1740 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jonas birth 1788 ndbeli
Mozes Jonas died Borger - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Jonas Elchanan birth 1717 Amsterdam - died OKT 1746 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Jonas Mozes birth 1789 Gasselternijveen ndbeli
Mozes Joseph ndbcore
Mozes Joseph ndbeli
Mozes Joseph birth 1721 Reichensachsen - died Jul 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Joseph birth 1749 Groningen ashkenazi
Mozes Josua Levie birth 1723 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Jozef ndbcore
Mozes Jozef birth ONG 1734 ndbeli
Mozes Juda died 1737 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judic ashkenazi
Mozes Judic ndbcore
MOZES Judic peereboom
Mozes Judic birth ONG 1747 - died 29 Apr 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judic died 23 Dec 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judik levison_nijm
Mozes Judik ndbcore
Mozes Judik ndbcore
Mozes Judik ndbcore
Mozes Judik ndbeli
Mozes Judik ndbeli
Mozes Judik ndbeli
MOZES Judik spits
Mozes Judikje ndbcore
Mozes Judikje ndbcore
Mozes Judit-Judik Mozes Blog birth 1784 abas
Mozes Judit ndbcore
Mozes Judit ndbeli
Mozes Judith? Reits birth 1694 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith ashkenazi
Mozes Judith ashkenazi
Mozes Judith asser
Mozes Judith deventer
Mozes Judith hoorn_regio
Mozes Judith nathans
Mozes Judith ndbcore
Mozes Judith ndbeli
MOZES Judith pool
Mozes Judith birth 1708 Metz ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth 1734 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth 1752 Gendringen - died 3 Jan 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 15 OKT 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth 1772 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth 1776 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith birth ONG 1763 - died 19 MEI 1819 Nijkerk ashkenazi
Mozes Judith died 1 Nov 1807 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith died 18 Apr 1784 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith died 1751 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith died NA 1669 ndbeli
Mozes Judith died Sep 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Gitche birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Gittele birth 1703 Broesel ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Gittele birth 1752 Amsterdam - Holland, died 23 Oct 1815 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Judith Gittele died 30 Jul 1742 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Jachet birth 1723 Frankfurt - died 23 Aug 1799 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Jacob birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 27 Aug 1844 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Jetche Hartog birth 1774 Amsterdam - died 26 Apr 1841 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Jettele birth ONG 1750 Amsterdam? ashkenazi
Mozes Judith Joel ndbcore
Mozes Judith Juttele birth 1669 Amsterdam - died 1731 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Judit or Judith ndbcore
Mozes Jutte birth 1747 - died 18 OKT 1828 Bourtange, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Kaatje birth &#177; 1775 - died 12 Jun 1851 Voorburg seijffers
Mozes Kaatje birth 1737 Neurenberg - died 11 Nov 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Kaatje birth ONG 1755 - died 5 Dec 1834 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Kaatje died VR 1807 ashkenazi
Mozes Karel ndbcore
Mozes Karel ndbeli
Mozes Karel birth 11 Sep 1883 Onstwedde GR - died 15 Jan 1958 Amsterdam denbosch
Mozes Klaartje-Clara Hartog birth 30 Dec 1818 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 1 Dec 1860 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Klaartje ndbcore
Mozes Klaartje birth 13 Sep 1859 Veendam - died 18 Dec 1859 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Klaartje birth 13 Sep 1859 Veendam - died 18 Dec 1859 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Klaartje birth 30 Jun 1864 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Klaartje birth Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Apr 1924 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Klaartje birth Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Apr 1924 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Klaartje birth ONG 1797 Veendam - died 1 Feb 1840 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Klara denbosch
Mozes Klara slagter
Mozes Klara Cornelia ashkenazi
Mozes Lea ashkenazi
Mozes Lea ashkenazi
Mozes Lea ashkenazi
Mozes Lea levison_nijm
Mozes Lea ndbcore
Mozes Lea birth 1710 Emden ashkenazi
Mozes Lea birth 1717 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea birth 1725 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 18 MEI 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 8 Nov 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea birth 1762 Leer - , Duitsland, died 30 Jan 1846 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Lea birth 1762 Leer - died 30 Jan 1846 Winschoten cohdelft
Mozes Lea birth ONG 1735 - died 14 Jan 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea died 18 MEI 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lea died 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Leentje klei_berg
Mozes Leentje birth 18 May 1830 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Apr 1845 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mozes Leentje birth 18 May 1830 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Apr 1845 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Leentje birth 18 May 1830 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Apr 1845 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland smilde_regio
Mozes Leentje birth 18 MEI 1830 Smilde - Drenthe, Nederland, died 4 Apr 1845 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Leentje birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Leentje birth ONG 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Leentje Tserle birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 14 Feb 1829 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lena cohdelft
Mozes Lena ndbcore
Mozes Lena spier
Mozes Lena died VR 1870 ndbeli
Mozes levenloos kind birth 7 Feb 1886 Wildervank - Groningen, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1886 Wildervank, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes levenloos kind birth 20 Sep 1915 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Sep 1915 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes levenloos kind birth 20 Sep 1915 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Sep 1915 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes levenloze dochter birth 2 Nov 1911 Talbert - died 2 Nov 1911 Talbert ndbcore
Mozes levenloze dochter birth 6 Mar 1836 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Mar 1836 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes levenloze dochter birth 6 MRT 1836 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 MRT 1836 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes levenloze zoon birth 13 Dec 1827 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1827 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes levenloze zoon birth 13 Dec 1827 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1827 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes levenloze zoon birth 21 Jul 1891 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 21 Jul 1891 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes levenloze zoon birth 21 Jul 1891 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 21 Jul 1891 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Levi ndbcore
Mozes Levi birth ONG 1781 ndbeli
Mozes Levie birth 1707 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Levie birth 1717 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Levie birth 1727 Mannheim ashkenazi
Mozes Levie birth 1751 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Levie birth 1755 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Levie birth 1768 Nijmegen ashkenazi
Mozes Levie died 16 Jun 1768 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Levie Judaleib birth 1722 Steppach ashkenazi
Mozes Levie Liepman birth 1728 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lijsje Reizche birth 1736 Amsterdam - died 22 OKT 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Lina ndbeli
Mozes Lion birth 1751 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Liza birth ONG 1794 Altona ashkenazi
Mozes lNN birth 23 MEI 1865 Veendam - died 23 MEI 1865 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Louis aronson
Mozes Louis birth &#177; 1878 Vierlngsbeek - died 9 Apr 1928 Vierlingsbeek aronson
Mozes Louis birth 1888 Vierlingsbeek - died 9 MEI 1928 Veno vandijk
Mozes Machteld Malka birth 1743 Amsterdam - died 12 Jul 1796 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Magdalena birth 1750 Amsterdam - died 27 Feb 1825 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Magtel Machla died 23 Nov 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marc aronson
Mozes Marchien birth 9 Jun 1866 Veendam - died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Marchien birth 9 Jun 1866 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz* ndbeli
Mozes Marchien birth 9 Jun 1866 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen dalen_regio
Mozes Marchien birth 9 Jun 1866 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Marchien birth 9 Jun 1866 Veendam denneboom
Mozes Marchien birth 15 Nov 1768 Berkisch - Preussen, Duitsland, died 27 Aug 1862 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Marcus birth 1704 Hamburg ashkenazi
Mozes Marcus Meyer ashkenazi
Mozes Marcus Meyer ashkenazi
Mozes Marcus Mordechai ashkenazi
Mozes Margereta birth 1 Apr 1891 Wageningen ndbeli
Mozes Margien birth 15 Nov 1768 Berkisch - Pruisen, Duitsland, died 27 Aug 1862 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland assen_regio
Mozes Margien birth 15 Nov 1768 Berkisch - Pruisen, Duitsland, died 27 Aug 1862 Assen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Maria ashkenazi
MOZES Maria birth 31 Dec 1897 Zutphen - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Polen gelder
Mozes Maria Mirjam died OKT 1780 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne godschalk_nijm
Mozes Marianne verdoner
Mozes Marianne birth &#177; 1718 haringman
Mozes Marianne birth 3 Nov 1887 Arnhem deleeuwe
Mozes Marianne birth 1718 Hamburg - died 12 Aug 1778 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne birth 1719 Amsterdam - died 20 Sep 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne birth 1724 Leeuwarden - died 2 Oct 1803 Amsterdam emmerik
Mozes Marianne birth 1755 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne birth 1766 Amsterdam - died 22 Sep 1807 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne died 10 Apr 1820 Grave wolf_nijm
Mozes Marianne died 30 Nov 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Gitche birth 1702 Amsterdam - died 13 Jan 1771 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Malka birth 1724 Leeuwarden - died 2 OKT 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Merla birth ONG 1770 Kamerijk? ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Merle birth 1719 Wetzlar ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Merle birth 1740 The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Merle birth 1752 Amersfoort - died 16 MRT 1823 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Merle birth ONG 1730 ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Mirjam birth 1727 Amsterdam - died 13 MRT 1792 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Mirjam birth 1733 Amsterdam - died Jul 1769 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marianne Mirjam birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 16 MEI 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marieke ndbcore
Mozes Marieke ndbeli
Mozes Marieke winschoten_regio
MOZES Marregien rhijn
Mozes Marretje birth 1688 Amsterdam - died 1758 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marretje birth 1739 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marretje Malka birth 1773 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marretje Simon birth 1741 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Marritje ashkenazi
Mozes Martha birth 19 May 1903 Groningen - died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor geuns
Mozes Martha birth 19 May 1903 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Martha birth 19 May 1903 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Martha birth 19 May 1903 Groningen - The Netherlands, died 2 Jul 1943 Sobibor asser
Mozes Martha birth 19 MEI 1903 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Martha Benjamin birth ONG 1748 The Hague - died 28 Feb 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Mata died 17 Jan 1731 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOZES Matthias birth ONG 1766 Amsterdam - died 1802 spits
Mozes Max birth 6 Jul 1916 - died 16 Feb 1986 aronson
Mozes Mecheltje ndbeli
Mozes Meike birth 15 Aug 1796 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Meike birth 15 Aug 1796 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Meike birth 15 Aug 1796 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Mozes Mette ndbeli
Mozes Meyer ashkenazi
Mozes Meyer birth 1749 Berlijn ashkenazi
Mozes Michaela Michela birth 1760 Metz - died 28 Aug 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Michiel birth 1705 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Michiel birth 1771 Lissau ashkenazi
Mozes Mietje ndbcore
Mozes Mietje birth 6 MRT 1785 Amsterdam deventer
Mozes Mietje birth 22 Nov 1895 Sleen - died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Mietje birth 22 Nov 1895 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Mietje birth 22 Nov 1895 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 19 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen sleen_regio
Mozes Mietje birth 22 Nov 1895 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 26 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Mietje Mindele ashkenazi
Mozes Mietje Mindele birth ONG 1710 ashkenazi
Mozes Mietje Mink ashkenazi
Mozes Mina birth 23 May 1844 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Mindel vandijk
Mozes Mindele ashkenazi
Mozes Mozes-Mosis Jonas ndbeli
MOZES Mozes italiaander
MOZES Mozes italiaander
Mozes Mozes ndbcore
Mozes Mozes ndbcore
Mozes Mozes ndbcore
Mozes Mozes ndbeli
Mozes Mozes weijel
Mozes Mozes birth 0 ___ 1878 Martenshoek behr
Mozes Mozes birth 7 Sep 1821 Foxhol behr
Mozes Mozes birth 7 Sep 1821 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Feb 1886 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Mozes birth 9 Mar 1867 Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Mozes birth 9 MRT 1867 Nieuwe Pekela - died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Mozes birth 9 MRT 1867 Nieuwe Pekela - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Mozes birth 10 Oct 1883 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
MOZES MOZES birth 10 OKT 1883 Hoogezand,GR,NLD - died 2 Apr 1943 Sobibor,POL troostwi
Mozes Mozes birth 10 OKT 1885 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1943 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Mozes birth 12 Dec 1891 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1943 Auschwitz, Polen deventer
Mozes Mozes birth 12 Dec 1891 Amsterdam - died 17 Sep 1943 Auschwitz concentratiekamp, Polen jacobs
Mozes Mozes birth 23 Aug 1877 Hoogezand - died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz ndbeli
Mozes Mozes birth 23 Aug 1877 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Mozes birth 23 Aug 1877 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Nov 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Mozes birth 25 Jan 1884 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 Oct 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Mozes birth 25 Jan 1884 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 22 OKT 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Mozes Abraham ndbcore
Mozes Mozes Jonas ndbeli
Mozes Mozes Manuel died 1807 Borger cohdelft
Mozes Mozes Samuels birth 7 Sep 1821 Foxhol - Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Feb 1886 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes N.N. ashkenazi
Mozes Naatje ashkenazi
Mozes Naatje vanvollenhoven
Mozes Naatje birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 4 Aug 1819 Amsterdam abas
Mozes Naatje Hendele birth 1771 Veerenburg - Germany, died 4 Aug 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Nachman birth 17 Nov 1798 Amsterdam - The Netherlands asser
Mozes Nathan birth 1751 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Nathan birth ONG 1755 ashkenazi
MOZES NETTIE died before 1975 mogendrf
Mozes Niesje Nissel birth 1745 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes NN birth 28 MRT 1844 Wildervank - died 28 MRT 1844 Wildervank cohdelft
Mozes Parel birth 1802 Coevorden - Drenthe, Nederland, died 28 Aug 1818 Coevorden, Drenthe, Nederland coevorden_regio
Mozes Parel birth 1802 Coevorden - Drenthe, Nederland, died 28 Aug 1818 Coevorden, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Parel birth 1802 Coevorden - Drenthe, Nederland, died 28 Aug 1818 Coevorden, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Perle died 1746 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Pes ashkenazi
Mozes Philip vandijk
Mozes Philip Peis birth 1708 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Philip Uri birth 1748 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Prijsje died 1759 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Prinsje ashkenazi
Mozes Printha hoorn_regio
Mozes Rachel-Chelly Nijveen birth 16 Oct 1905 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Oct 1942 Auschwitz* ndbeli
Mozes Rachel ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel groningen_regio
Mozes Rachel hakkert
Mozes Rachel leeuwarden_regio
Mozes Rachel ndbcore
Mozes Rachel ndbcore
Mozes Rachel ndbeli
Mozes Rachel ndbeli
Mozes Rachel ndbeli
Mozes Rachel birth 2 Jul 1906 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Rachel birth 2 Jul 1906 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rachel birth 9 MEI 1910 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rachel birth 16 Oct 1905 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Rachel birth 16 OKT 1905 Groningen - died 29 OKT 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Rachel birth 16 OKT 1905 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rachel birth 21 Jun 1884 Amsterdam - died 5 MRT 1943 Sobibor vriesman
Mozes Rachel birth 26 Nov 1809 Amsterdam - The Netherlands asser
Mozes Rachel birth 26 Nov 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
MOZES Rachel birth 28 Jul 1906 Groningen - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz, Polen italiaander
Mozes Rachel birth 28 Jul 1906 Groningen - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Rachel birth 28 Jul 1906 Groningen - died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz ndbeli
Mozes Rachel birth 28 Jul 1906 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 15 Dec 1942 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mozes Rachel birth 1729 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel birth 1733 Amsterdam - died 10 OKT 1800 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel birth 1742 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel birth 1746 Amsterdam - died 24 MRT 1817 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel birth 1754 ndbeli
Mozes Rachel birth 1759 Leer - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1843 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rachel birth 1759 Leer - Groningen, Nederland, died 30 Sep 1843 Oude Pekela, Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Mozes Rachel birth 1765 Amsterdam - died 10 OKT 1835 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel birth 1775 Harlingen - died 7 Feb 1848 Winschoten cohdelft
Mozes Rachel birth 1775 Harlingen - Friesland, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1848 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland harlingen_regio
Mozes Rachel birth 1775 Harlingen - Friesland, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1848 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rachel birth 1775 Harlingen - Friesland, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1848 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland winschoten_regio
Mozes Rachel birth 1775 Harlingsen - Friesland, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1848 Winschoten, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Rachel birth ONG 1765 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel died 16 Dec 1766 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel died 29 Apr 1812 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Rachel Rechla ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel Rechla birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 14 Apr 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel Rechla birth 1772 Zwartsluis ashkenazi
Mozes Rachel Rechla died 2 Dec 1793 Naarden ashkenazi
Mozes Rana birth 1764 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Raphael ndbcore
MOZES Raphael spits
Mozes Raphael birth 1716 Amsterdam - died 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Raphael birth 1779 Hessen-Kassel ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca hertz_nijm
Mozes Rebecca hoogezand_regio
Mozes Rebecca ndbcore
Mozes Rebecca slagter
Mozes Rebecca birth 1727 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 25 Dec 1793 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca birth ONG 1785 - died 26 Feb 1831 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca died VR 1818 ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca Jesaya birth 1765 Lemmer - died 1 Apr 1802 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca Manus birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 2 Jun 1824 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca Serchi died 21 OKT 1730 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecca Simons birth &#177; 1740 Amsterdam - died 13 Nov 1828 's-Hertogenbosch denbosch
Mozes Rebecca Simon Samson ashkenazi
Mozes Rebecka ndbcore
Mozes Rebekka ndbcore
Mozes Rebekka ndbcore
Mozes Rebekka ndbeli
Mozes Rebekka ndbeli
Mozes Rebekka birth 12 Apr 1864 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Rebekka birth 12 Apr 1864 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Rebekka birth 12 Apr 1864 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Apr 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Rebekka birth 13 May 1882 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Rebekka birth 13 May 1882 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Rebekka birth 13 MEI 1882 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Rebekka birth 22 Nov 1844 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Rebekka birth 26 Feb 1858 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Rebekka birth 26 Feb 1858 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Rebekka birth 26 Jul 1895 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Rebekka birth 26 Jul 1895 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rebekka birth 26 Jul 1895 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Reijna Jonas verdoner
Mozes Reijna Jonas birth &#177; 1750 haringman
Mozes Reina birth &#177; 1764 Amsterdam - died 26 Nov 1837 Groningen trompetter
Mozes Reina birth VR 1773 - died 26 Nov 1837 Groningen ndbeli
Mozes Reina died 26 Nov 1837 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Reina died 26 Nov 1837 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rifka vandijk
Mozes Romaaltje birth 1791 Bettingen ashkenazi
Mozes Roos hes
Mozes Roosje ashkenazi
Mozes Roosje birth &#177; 1703 Amsterdam - died 2 Jun 1785 Amsterdam verdoner
MOZES Roosje birth &#177; 1869 Martenshoek italiaander
Mozes Roosje birth 0 ___ 1870 Martenshoek behr
Mozes Roosje birth 3 Aug 1869 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Roosje birth 3 Aug 1869 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Roosje birth 3 Aug 1869 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 23 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Roosje birth 27 Apr 1825 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Nov 1848 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Roosje birth 27 Apr 1825 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Roosje birth 27 Apr 1825 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Roosje birth 1703 Amsterdam - Holland, died 2 Jun 1785 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Roosje birth Hoogezand - died 5 Nov 1848 Veendam behr
Mozes Roosje birth ONG 1720 Oude Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Roosje birth ONG 1720 Oude Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Roosje Blima birth 1701 Amsterdam - died 1773 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Roosje Hartog birth 27 Feb 1815 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Roosje Hartog birth 27 Feb 1815 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Roosje Hartog birth 27 Feb 1815 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Roosje Levie birth 1771 Amsterdam - died 17 Feb 1836 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Roosje Nijveen birth 30 Nov 1826 - died 10 Jun 1892 Wildervank ndbeli
Mozes Roosje Reizche birth 1710 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Roossien birth 2 Mar 1861 Veendam - died 20 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Roossien birth 2 Mar1861 Veendam - died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor cohdelft
Mozes Roossien birth 2 MRT 1861 Veendam - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 MRT 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Roossien Hartog birth 27 Feb 1822 Leek denneboom
Mozes Rosa ndbcore
Mozes Rosa birth 2 Oct 1811 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Rosa birth 2 Oct 1811 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland sappemeer_regio
Mozes Rosa birth 2 OKT 1811 Sappemeer - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rose deventer
Mozes Roza ndbcore
Mozes Roza birth 1919 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 9 May 1919 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mozes Roza birth 1919 Leeuwarden - Friesland, Nederland, died 9 MEI 1919 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Rozette ndbcore
Mozes S. ndbcore
Mozes S. ndbeli
Mozes Saartje cohdelft
Mozes Saartje groningen_regio
Mozes Saartje ndbcore
Mozes Saartje ndbcore
Mozes Saartje ndbcore
Mozes Saartje ndbcore
Mozes Saartje ndbcore
Mozes Saartje ndbcore
Mozes Saartje ndbeli
Mozes Saartje ndbeli
Mozes Saartje ndbeli
MOZES SAARTJE birth 07 Sep 1908 AMSTERDAM - died 28 May 1943 SOBIBOR vomberg
Mozes Saartje birth 2 Apr 1862 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Mar 1866 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Saartje birth 2 Apr 1862 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Mar 1866 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Saartje birth 2 Apr 1862 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 MRT 1866 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Saartje birth 6 Jul 1867 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Jan 1940 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Saartje birth 6 Jul 1867 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Jan 1940 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Saartje birth 6 Jul 1867 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 29 Jan 1940 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Saartje birth 1774 Emden cohdelft
Mozes Saartje birth ONG 1774 Emden - Germany ndbeli
Mozes Saartje died before 31 Jul 1814 Arseit ,D enkhuizen
Mozes Saartje Jacob {boom birth 1810 Amsterdam abas
Mozes Saatje ndbeli
Mozes Sabella ndbcore
Mozes Salomon birth &#177; 1745 haringman
Mozes Salomon birth 5 Mar 1891 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen hoogezand_regio
Mozes Salomon birth 5 Mar 1891 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Salomon birth 5 MRT 1891 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 16 Aug 1942 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Salomon birth 10 Mar 1872 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1891 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Salomon birth 10 Mar 1872 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1891 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Salomon birth 10 MRT 1872 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 5 Feb 1891 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Salomon birth 19 Feb 1835 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Salomon birth 25 Nov 1899 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen hoogeveen_regio
Mozes Salomon birth 25 Nov 1899 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Salomon birth 25 Nov 1899 Amsterdam - Noord-Holland, Nederland, died 16 Jul 1943 Sobibor, Biala Podleska, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Salomon birth 30 Jan 1816 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Salomon birth 30 Jan 1816 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Salomon birth 30 Jan 1816 Oude Pekela - Groningen, Nederland oudepekela_regio
Mozes Salomon birth 1730 Hamburg ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon birth 1736 Wiesen-Saksen ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon died after 1810 willing
Mozes Salomon Mozes birth 19 Apr 1921 Amsterdam - died 30 Sep 1942 Auschwitz concentratiekamp, Polen jacobs
Mozes Salomon Simcha ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon Zalman ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon Zalman Jacob birth 1743 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon Zelig birth 1686 Groenlo ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon Zelig birth 1739 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Salomon Zelig birth 1744 Amersfoort ashkenazi
Mozes Samson ndbcore
Mozes Samson birth 5 Sep 1831 Hoogezand - died 12 OKT 1867 Nieuwe Pekela cohdelft
Mozes Samson birth 5 Sep 1831 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Oct 1867 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Samson birth 5 Sep 1831 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Samson birth 5 Sep 1831 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Samson birth 10 Oct 1906 Vlagtwedde - died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz , Polen ndbeli
Mozes Samson birth 10 OKT 1906 Talbert - died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Samson birth 10 OKT 1906 Vlagtwedde - died 28 Feb 1943 Auschwitz cohdelft
Mozes Samson birth 15 Jun 1857 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Dec 1857 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Samson birth 15 Jun 1857 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Dec 1857 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Samson birth 15 Jun 1857 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 12 Dec 1857 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Samson birth Leiden vantijn
Mozes Samuel ashkenazi
MOZES Samuel italiaander
Mozes Samuel ndbcore
Mozes Samuel ndbcore
Mozes Samuel ndbcore
Mozes Samuel ndbeli
Mozes Samuel ndbeli
Mozes Samuel ndbeli
Mozes Samuel ndbeli
MOZES Samuel vandervelde
Mozes Samuel birth 5 Nov 1862 Veendam - died 3 Oct 1930 Nieuwe Pekela ndbeli
Mozes Samuel birth 5 Nov 1862 Veendam - died 3 OKT 1930 Nieuwe Pekela cohdelft
Mozes Samuel birth 6 Sep 1881 Onstwedde - died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz katan
Mozes Samuel birth 6 Sep 1881 Stadskanaal - died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz ndbeli
Mozes Samuel birth 6 Sep 1881 Stadskanaal - gemeente, Nederland, died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Samuel birth 6 Sep 1881 Stadskanaal - gemeente Onstwedde, Groningen, Nederland, died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen groningen_regio
Mozes Samuel birth 6 Sep 1881 Stadskanaal - gemeente Onstwedde, Groningen, Nederland, died 14 Jan 1943 Auschwitz, Katowice, Polen ndbcore
Mozes Samuel birth 14 Jul 1849 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Nov 1927 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Samuel birth 14 Jul 1849 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Nov 1927 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Samuel birth 14 Jul 1849 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 8 Nov 1927 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Samuel birth 14 Jul 1849 Martenshoek - GR, The Netherlands, died 8 Nov 1927 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Samuel birth 19 Jun 1782 Borger - died 20 Dec 1842 Veendam behr
Mozes Samuel birth 19 Jun 1782 Borger - died 20 Dec 1842 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Samuel birth 24 Sep 1912 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
MOZES Samuel birth 1718 - died 1769 pinto
Mozes Samuel birth Borger - Drenthe, Nederland hoogezand_regio
Mozes Samuel birth Borger - Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Samuel Aaron haringman
Mozes Samuel Aaron willing
Mozes Samuel Mozes birth 19 Jun 1782 Drouwenerveen - died 20 Dec 1842 Veendam cohdelft
Mozes Samuel PRIVACY FILTER ndbcore
MOZES Sander rhijn
Mozes Sander birth ONG 1730 ndbeli
Mozes Sara? Fegle birth 1699 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara ashkenazi
Mozes Sara ashkenazi
Mozes Sara berends
Mozes Sara cohdelft
Mozes Sara ndbcore
Mozes Sara ndbcore
Mozes Sara ndbcore
Mozes Sara ndbcore
Mozes Sara ndbeli
Mozes Sara ndbeli
Mozes Sara ndbeli
Mozes Sara ndbeli
MOZES Sara pruym
Mozes Sara birth &#177; 1718 Hamburg Germany - died 11 Feb 1785 Amsterdam mok
Mozes Sara birth 9 Nov 1914 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Mar 1943 Sobibor, Polen ndbeli
Mozes Sara birth 1695 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1695 Amsterdam vischschraper
Mozes Sara birth 1697 Winterswijk - died Feb 1774 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1699 Amsterdam - died 1768 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1699 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1705 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1713 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1716 Vorden ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1726 Amsterdam - died 5 Apr 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1728 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1728 Hessen-Kassel ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1739 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1745 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 1 Jan 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1752 Amsterdam - died Sep 1775 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1757 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara birth 1769 Amsterdam slagter
Mozes Sara birth 1770 's-Heerenberg - died 15 Aug 1836 Deventer deventer
Mozes Sara birth 1770 's Heerenberg - Gelderland, Nederland, died 15 Aug 1836 Deventer, Overijssel, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Sara birth 1776 - died 11 Jan 1854 Wildervank cohdelft
Mozes Sara birth 1776 - died 11 Jan 1854 Wildervank ndbeli
Mozes Sara died 6 Nov 1803 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara died Sep 1758 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara Elimertha birth 6 Sep 1875 Amsterdam - died 21 Aug 1939 Amsterdam vriesman
Mozes Sara Elimtha cohdelft
Mozes Sara Levie birth 1741 Amsterdam - died 9 Feb 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara Pes Salomon Shlomo-Zalman birth 1749 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara Sprints died 1747 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sara Terts birth 1718 Hamburg ashkenazi
MOZES Schoontje peeper
Mozes Schoontje birth 15 Jan 1815 Zutphen - died 2 May 1907 Steenderen jacobs
Mozes Schoontje birth 1748 Purmerend wijnbergen
Mozes Schoontje birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 14 MEI 1798 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Schoontje birth 1761 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Schoontje Sheva birth 1731 Amsterdam - died OKT 1779 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Schoontje Sjeine birth 1755 Amsterdam - died 15 Feb 1827 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sebilla Bele ashkenazi
Mozes Sebilla Sipora birth 1754 Amsterdam - Holland, died 1 Oct 1812 Amsterdam, Holland haringman
Mozes Sebilla Sjeine birth 1721 Amsterdam - died 18 MEI 1787 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sharon aronson
Mozes Sia aronson
Mozes Sibilla hakkert
Mozes Sibilla ndbcore
Mozes Sibilla ndbeli
Mozes Sientje Zimale Abraham birth ONG 1773 ashkenazi
Mozes Simon ndbcore
Mozes Simon verdoner
Mozes Simon birth &#177; 1750 haringman
Mozes Simon birth 23 Mar 1893 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1945 Central Europe ndbeli
Mozes Simon birth 23 Mar 1893 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1945 Midden Europa sleen_regio
Mozes Simon birth 23 MRT 1893 Sleen - Drenthe, Nederland, died 21 Jan 1945 Midden Europa ndbcore
Mozes Simon birth 1729 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Simon birth Jun 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Simon birth ONG 1710 ashkenazi
Mozes Simon Eleazar birth 17 Sep 1825 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Simon Eleazar birth 17 Sep 1825 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Simon Eleazar birth 17 Sep 1825 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Simon Marcus ndbcore
Mozes Simon Shabtay birth Frankfurt ashkenazi
Mozes Simson birth 1831 ndbeli
Mozes Sina ndbcore
Mozes Sipora birth 1731 Amsterdam - died 1765 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sipora Tsipor ashkenazi
Mozes Smoel ndbcore
Mozes Smoel ndbeli
Mozes Snous ndbcore
Mozes Snous ndbeli
Mozes Soetje ndbcore
Mozes Sootje-Soedje-Zoetje birth 1788 's-Gravenhage - died 2 Apr 1860 Groningen ndbeli
Mozes Sootje-Soedje-Zoetje birth 1788 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1860 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Sootje birth ONG 1788 Den Haag - died 2 Apr 1860 Groningen cohdelft
Mozes Sootje\Zoetje birth 1788 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1860 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland groningen_regio
Mozes Sophia birth 12 Apr 1817 Holland - died 4 Nov 1899 New York City ndbeli
Mozes Sophia birth 12 Apr 1817 Nederland - died 4 Nov 1899 New York vriesman
Mozes Sprintse birth 1696 Amsterdam - died 1763 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Sprintse birth 1696 Amsterdam - died ? wijnbergen
Mozes Sprintse birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 3 Mar 1801 Amsterdam vanvollenhoven
Mozes Sprintse birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 3 MRT 1801 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Stijntje Sjeine birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 7 Apr 1812 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Stillborn Child birth 7 Feb 1886 Wildervank - Groningen, Nederland, died 7 Feb 1886 Wildervank, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Stillborn Child birth 20 Sep 1915 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 20 Sep 1915 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Stillborn Child birth 23 May 1865 Veendam - died 23 May 1865 Veendam ndbeli
Mozes Stillborn Daughter birth 6 Mar 1836 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 6 Mar 1836 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Stillborn Son birth 13 Dec 1827 Hoogezand - Groningen, Nederland, died 13 Dec 1827 Hoogezand, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Stillborn Son birth 21 Jul 1891 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland, died 21 Jul 1891 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Susanna birth 8 Dec 1754 Ommen - Overijssel, Nederland, died 18 Mar 1835 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Susanna birth 8 Dec 1754 Ommen - Overijssel, Nederland, died 18 Mar 1835 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland sleen_regio
Mozes Susanna birth 8 Dec 1754 Ommen - Overijssel, Nederland, died 18 MRT 1835 Sleen, Drenthe, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Susanna Sprins Jacob ashkenazi
Mozes Susanne geuns
Mozes Veronica died 12 Sep 1837 ndbcore
Mozes Vrouke ndbcore
Mozes Vroukje|Froukje Josephs ndbeli
Mozes Vrouwkjen birth 1743 Steenwijk - died 24 Jan 1830 Harlingen spier
Mozes Vrouwtje ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje ndbcore
Mozes Vrouwtje ndbcore
Mozes Vrouwtje ndbeli
Mozes Vrouwtje ndbeli
MOZES Vrouwtje souget
Mozes Vrouwtje birth 7 Jan 1835 Amsterdam - Holland, died 18 MRT 1898 Spitalfields, London, UK beck
Mozes Vrouwtje birth 1715 Amsterdam - died Sep 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje birth 1728 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje birth 1735 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje birth 1766 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje birth 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Fraadche Aron birth 1772 Altona - died 23 MEI 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Fradele birth 1725 Amsterdam - died 7 Nov 1770 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Freidche ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Freidche birth 1738 Amsterdam - died 22 OKT 1797 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Frumet birth 15 MRT 1809 Amsterdam - died 4 Nov 1811 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Frumet birth 1712 The Hague ashkenazi
Mozes Vrouwtje Frumet birth ONG 1775 - died 3 Feb 1819 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Wilhelmijntje birth 1747 Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 28 Jul 1840 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland leeuwarden_regio
Mozes Wilhelmijntje birth 1747 Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 28 Jul 1840 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Wilhelmijntje birth 1747 Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 28 Jul 1840 Leeuwarden, Friesland, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Willemina Naatje Tsipor birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 20 Jun 1827 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Yivath vandijk
Mozes Zoetje birth 1788 's Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland, Nederland, died 2 Apr 1860 Groningen, Groningen, Nederland ndbcore
Mozes Zwaantje Vogeltje Fegle birth 1775 Amsterdam - died 1847 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozes Abraham Swaab Postelein van Blar/ co Jacob birth 10 Aug 1764 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Benjamin Monas Levie birth 6 May 1806 Breslau ,P - died 25 Jun 1890 Gouda hoorn_regio
Mozes Berlijn Benjamin birth 1757 - died 8 Jun 1807 Edam hoorn_regio
Mozes Berlijn Marcus birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 26 Feb 1831 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Bloch Salomon died before 03 Feb 1762 Nijmegen enkhuizen
Mozes Blok Lea birth 25 Aug 1799 Vollenhove - died 30 Dec 1853 Harlingen hoorn_regio
Mozes Blok Mina birth 4 May 1803 Meunder ,D - died 7 Dec 1889 Utrecht hoorn_regio
Mozes Boel Israel birth 1710 - died Mar 1746 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Boers Judith birth 1811 Hindeloopen - died 29 Oct 1887 Leeuwarden enkhuizen
Mozes Bremer Hijman birth 1769 Amsterdam - died 2 May 1812 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Bremer Isaac birth 1756 Amsterdam - died 8 Jun 1837 den Haag hoorn_regio
Mozes Bremer Marianne birth 1764 Amsterdam - died 16 Mar 1835 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Brommer Rachel birth 1754 Amsterdam - died 19 Apr 1780 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Brommer Tobias birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1813 Hoorn enkhuizen
Mozes Brommer Tobias birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 30 Dec 1813 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Brouwer Philip birth 9 Apr 1800 Amsterdam - died 27 Apr 1855 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Abraham birth 1792 Hoorn - died 26 Feb 1794 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Prinsje birth 15 Feb 1802 Nijkerk - died 1 Feb 1892 Nijkerk hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Saartje birth 1793 Hoorn - died 26 Sep 1797 Grootebroek enkhuizen
Mozes Cohen Saartje birth 1793 Hoorn - died 26 Sep 1797 Grootebroek hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Simon birth 8 Oct 1817 Coevorden - died 1 Jul 1897 Coevorden hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen de Solla Rachel birth 17 Jul 1823 Amsterdam - died 2 May 1904 Milton MA ,USA hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Kat Hanna birth 1772 Amsterdam - died 26 Jan 1831 Purmerend hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Koen Joseph birth 28 Feb 1838 - died 19 Sep 1899 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Koster Cauvern Josua birth 1774 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Ritmeester Abraham birth 26 Dec 1855 Hoorn - died 15 Oct 1929 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Ritmeester Lena birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 15 Mar 1778 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Ritmeester Sara birth 1747 Amsterdam - died 12 Nov 1818 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Ritmeester Trijntje birth 1729 Amsterdam - died 1 Dec 1816 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Cohen Tserla Kwetser Engeltje birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 16 Jan 1840 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Cortissos Mietje birth 26 Sep 1857 Hattem - died 27 Nov 1942 Hattem enkhuizen
Mozes Cortissos Mietje birth 26 Sep 1857 Hattum - died 27 Nov 1942 Hattum hoorn_regio
Mozes de Brave Machiel birth 26 Dec 1827 - died before 1903 hoorn_regio
Mozes de Fortis Anna enkhuizen
Mozes de Groot Duifje birth 27 Apr 1816 Amsterdam - died 9 Sep 1890 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes de Haas Mietje birth 20 Jan 1850 Amsterdam - died 1 Apr 1938 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes de Hes Coesel birth 15 Jun 1835 Hoogeveen - died 18 Apr 1924 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes de Hond Rachel birth 1794 Amsterdam - died 4 May 1832 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes de Horst Anna birth 1765 Kuinre - died 3 Feb 1813 Oldemarkt hoorn_regio
Mozes de Koning Juda birth 18 Jan 1822 Amsterdam - died 21 Jan 1867 den Haag hoorn_regio
Mozes de Leeuw Lotje birth 10 May 1825 Steenwijk - died 6 Oct 1910 Kampen hoorn_regio
Mozes de Vries Salomon berends
Mozes de Vries Salomon birth 1760 Leeuwarden - died before 14 Jul 1834 enkhuizen
Mozesdochter Reina died 26 Nov 1837 Groningen - Groningen, Nederland ndbeli
Mozes Dondorp Izaak birth 1744 Amsterdam - died 16 Jul 1818 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mozes Duits Rebecca birth 1758 Amsterdam - died 13 Dec 1802 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes du Mosch Abraham birth 7 Jun 1768 Twisk - died 29 Apr 1828 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes du Mosch David birth 5 Feb 1820 Hoorn - died 19 Nov 1870 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes du Mosch David birth 1766 Hoorn - died 26 May 1806 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes du Mosch Grietje birth 1776 Hoorn - died 5 Apr 1821 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes du Mosch Joseph birth 30 Aug 1830 Hoorn - died 9 Mar 1907 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes du Mosch Magtel birth 1765 Hoorn - died 13 Jun 1817 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes du Mosch Rachel birth 1771 Hoorn - died 26 May 1855 Medemblik hoorn_regio
Mozes Elburg Roosje birth 1752 Elburg - died 6 Sep 1851 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Elias van Dam Betje birth 15 Dec 1815 Zwolle - died 23 Nov 1877 Zwolle hoorn_regio
Mozes Elzas Jacob birth 10 Apr 1844 Borculo - died 24 Feb 1907 Zutphen hoorn_regio
Mozes Engel Brendele birth 6 Aug 1826 Amsterdam - died 4 Jun 1905 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Enkhuizen Engeltje birth 1710 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Fortuin Helena birth 5 Feb 1842 Lochem - died 28 Jan 1919 Enschede enkhuizen
Mozes Frankfort Content Hendrika birth 1759 Amsterdam - died 10 Sep 1827 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Gans Naatje birth 22 May 1876 Amsterdam - died 14 Sep 1942 Oswiecim ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mozes Godefroi Joseph birth 15 Feb 1840 Amsterdam - died 28 Jan 1890 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Goldsmit Beile birth 1 Apr 1752 Hamburg ,D - died 27 May 1822 Harlingen enkhuizen
Mozes Goldsmit Bruintje birth 1759 Hamburg ,D - died 9 Jun 1829 Hoorn enkhuizen
Mozes Goldsmit Bruintje birth 1759 Hamburg ,D - died 9 Jun 1829 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Goldsmit Joseph birth 1769 Hamburg ,D - died 2 Mar 1833 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Goldsmit Roosje birth 1758 Hamburg ,D - died 14 Jul 1834 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Goldsmit Simon birth 1757 Hamburg ,D - died 20 Jul 1815 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Gompert Emmerich Levie birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 1779 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Gompert Frankfoort Emmerich Elias birth 1745 Amsterdam - died 17 May 1825 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Gompert Levij Levison Ester birth 28 Apr 1766 Nijmegen - died 13 Feb 1839 Bemmel hoorn_regio
Mozes Goudsmit Betje birth 1779 Rotterdam - died 30 Sep 1852 Gouda hoorn_regio
Mozes Goudsmit Levie Hamel Isaac birth Dec 1767 Amsterdam - died 28 Jul 1839 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Grinfeld Jacob birth 1872 - died Sep 1938 Marylebone Londen ,UK hoorn_regio
Mozes Groen Esther birth 1825 Amsterdam - died 29 Aug 1899 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Grootkerk Isaac birth 5 Jul 1799 Amsterdam - died 6 Nov 1846 Hoorn in de Krententuin ,Gevangenis hoorn_regio
Mozes Hamberg Judith birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1820 Hoorn enkhuizen
Mozes Hamberg Judith birth 1762 Amsterdam - died 8 Dec 1820 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Handelaar Belitje birth 1808 Hoorn - died 29 Aug 1813 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Hannau Berlijn Elias birth 1760 Edam - died 16 Feb 1811 Edam hoorn_regio
Mozes Hartog Lea birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1801 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Hartog Lea birth 1752 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1801 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Hartog Grootkerk Joseph birth May 1813 Amsterdam - died 18 Jan 1892 Rotterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Hartz Levie birth 1806 Kettwig Pruisen ,D - died 31 Mar 1862 Harderwijk hoorn_regio
Mozes Hermanus de Jong Kijser Isaac birth 1702 Amsterdam - died before 1750 hoorn_regio
Mozes Hertz Sara birth 1720 - died 20 May 1803 Nijmegen enkhuizen
Mozes Hertz Weezel Israel birth 1733 - died 10 Aug 1808 Nijmegen hoorn_regio
Mozesheyt Vroukje Joseph ashkenazi
Mozes Isaac Cohen van Aalst Saartje birth 1809 Hilversum - died 11 Nov 1881 Utrecht hoorn_regio
Mozes Isaac Nias Isaac birth 18 Dec 1777 Nijkerk - died 6 Jun 1845 Medemblik hoorn_regio
Mozes Isaac Sarphatie Gabri&euml;l birth 1 Jun 1826 Amsterdam - died 6 Oct 1861 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Israel de Jong Roosje birth 1782 Zwolle - died 19 Jun 1871 Zwolle hoorn_regio
Mozes Israel Mello Sippora birth 30 Dec 1806 Amsterdam - died 23 Oct 1882 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Jacob de Vries Abraham birth 25 Feb 1814 Zwolle - died 11 Jul 1893 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Jacob Hooning Judic birth 1798 Amsterdam - died 29 Oct 1866 Utrecht hoorn_regio
Mozes Jacob Verdoner Judith birth 1732 Amsterdam - died after 02 May 1783 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Jaques Levison Jacob birth 27 Sep 1778 Nijmegen - died 12 Apr 1862 Nijmegen hoorn_regio
Mozes Joseph Sara died 9 Jan 1776 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Joseph Blanes Jeannette birth Dec 1827 Amsterdam - died 4 May 1880 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Joseph Israel Mello David birth 26 Dec 1808 Amsterdam - died 19 Apr 1862 Sneek enkhuizen
Mozes Koekoek Betje birth 17 Dec 1828 den Haag - died 19 Jun 1900 den Haag enkhuizen
Mozes Konijn Aron birth 10 Dec 1863 Haarlem - died 3 Mar 1936 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mozes Kool Barbirer Rofe Zadok birth 1751 Amsterdam - died 19 Jun 1810 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Koster Marcus birth 27 Feb 1805 Amsterdam - died 22 Nov 1883 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Krant Bele birth 27 Dec 1852 Amsterdam - died 2 Nov 1934 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Kwetser Engeltje birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 16 Jan 1840 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Leefmans Leefman birth 1791 Jever ,D - died 23 Feb 1855 Leeuwarden hoorn_regio
Mozes Le Grand Kaatje birth 11 Jun 1819 Leeuwarden - died 15 Sep 1905 Leeuwarden hoorn_regio
Mozes Lehren Hirschel birth 17 Apr 1784 den Haag - died 24 Oct 1853 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Levie Marcus died after 05 May 1747 enkhuizen
Mozes Levie Leeuwenstein Clara birth 1777 Frankfort am Main ,D hoorn_regio
Mozes Liefman Alexander birth 31 Jan 1857 Hoorn - died May 1896 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Lievendaal Eva birth 1764 Ootmarsum - died 15 May 1813 Ootmarsum hoorn_regio
Mozes Limoenenman Auerhaan Juda birth 25 Feb 1805 Amsterdam - died 22 Sep 1879 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Loonstein Salomon birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 8 Jan 1815 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Lootsteen Levie birth 12 Jun 1821 Amsterdam - died 4 Jul 1888 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Manheim Branka birth 1 Dec 1818 Amsterdam - died 7 Oct 1880 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Manuel Rozeveld Eva birth 4 Feb 1843 Beilen - died 3 Jan 1923 Borger hoorn_regio
Mozes Marchand Salomon birth 1778 Gulpen - died 2 Mar 1850 Utrecht hoorn_regio
Mozes Meerloo Eliaser birth 20 Nov 1765 Rotterdam - died 10 Dec 1856 den Haag hoorn_regio
Mozes Mok Jacob birth 28 Mar 1828 Haarlem - died 26 Jan 1891 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mozes Mok Sara birth 1795 Haarlem - died 1 Feb 1874 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mozes Monnikkendam Meijer birth 17 Aug 1809 Amsterdam - died 26 Jun 1849 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Morell Bloeme birth 3 Feb 1820 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1893 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Morell Jacob birth 11 Jul 1813 Amsterdam - died Mar 1898 Londen ,UK hoorn_regio
Mozes Morell Mietje birth 13 Jul 1817 Amsterdam - died 13 Sep 1847 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Morell Rozetta birth 27 Mar 1821 Amsterdam - died 2 Dec 1904 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Moses Isaac birth 1795 Arnhem Holland - died 11 Jun 1875 Arnhem Holland nathans
Mozes Mossel Marianne birth 15 Apr 1825 Amsterdam - died 11 Mar 1871 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Nias Sara birth 1776 Nijkerk - died 12 May 1852 Barneveld hoorn_regio
Mozes Nol Rozetta birth 11 Oct 1812 Monnikkendam - died 8 Jan 1871 Monnikkendam hoorn_regio
Mozes Ortje Levie birth 1804 Amsterdam - died 12 Dec 1843 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Pachter Samuel birth 8 Sep 1835 Amsterdam - died 17 Dec 1883 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Parijsich Isaac died 1764 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Pesaro Samuel birth 26 May 1814 Amsterdam - died 1 Sep 1888 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Philip Houthakker Joseph birth 1777 Alkmaar - died 25 Apr 1817 Utrecht hoorn_regio
Mozes Philip Liepman de Vries Tertaas Elsje birth 1748 Amsterdam - died 26 Sep 1828 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Plotske Lea birth 12 Aug 1823 Amsterdam - died 27 Oct 1910 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Antje birth 30 Apr 1855 Zwolle - died 11 Jun 1932 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Polak Eva birth 11 Oct 1804 Hoorn - died 14 Oct 1865 Hoorn enkhuizen
Mozes Polak Eva birth 11 Oct 1804 Hoorn - died 14 Oct 1865 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Grietje birth 9 Apr 1789 Alkmaar - died 23 Mar 1862 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Hartog birth 5 Nov 1796 Hoorn - died 31 Jan 1882 den Helder hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Heijman birth 6 Dec 1805 Hoorn - died 25 May 1845 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Heintje birth 1791 Amsterdam - died 5 Feb 1824 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Hester birth 1786 Alkmaar - died 20 Jan 1813 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Jacob birth 27 Sep 1873 Hoorn - died 3 Dec 1942 Oswiecim ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Jacob birth 1784 Amsterdam - died 29 Dec 1848 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Levie birth 15 Apr 1790 Amsterdam - died 4 Aug 1857 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Sara birth Apr 1795 Alkmaar - died 3 Apr 1881 den Helder hoorn_regio
Mozes Polak Sophia birth 27 Aug 1799 Hoorn - died 6 Aug 1853 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mozes Pront Jonas died before 1781 enkhuizen
Mozes Rood Vrouwtje birth 20 Feb 1823 Amsterdam - died 29 Nov 1889 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Roosje Wijl Vrouwtje birth 5 Feb 1740 Breslau ,P - died 26 Dec 1823 Haarlem hoorn_regio
Mozes Salomon Esther birth 1858 Amsterdam - died 27 Nov 1939 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Salomon Cats Cohen Mariana birth 1765 Leeuwarden - died 16 Mar 1839 Leeuwarden hoorn_regio
Mozes Salomon Minekedam de Beer Barend birth 1713 - died 24 Jan 1809 den Haag enkhuizen
Mozes Salomon Minekedam de Beer Barend birth 1713 - died 24 Jan 1809 den Haag hoorn_regio
Mozes Salomon van Livna Milivne Salomon birth 1808 Amsterdam - died 24 Dec 1889 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Samuel Sipora birth 1755 - died 30 Jul 1811 Oude Pekela enkhuizen
Mozes Samuel Sipora birth 1755 - died 30 Jul 1811 Oude Pekela hoorn_regio
Mozes Samuel Henriques Coelho Samuel birth 29 Aug 1767 Amsterdam - died 7 Mar 1846 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Saphir Abraham hoorn_regio
Mozes Sax Isaac birth 22 Oct 1851 Meppel - died 6 Jul 1897 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Schijvenvoorder Heintje birth 1785 Amsterdam - died 4 May 1859 Monnickendam enkhuizen
Mozes Schnitseler Wiener Abraham birth 1712 Amsterdam - died 14 Jul 1754 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Schnitseler Wiener Barend birth Amsterdam - died 21 Oct 1744 Enkhuizen enkhuizen
Mozes Sebastiaan Fijnsteen Salomon birth 1749 Nijmegen - died 26 Oct 1819 Nijmegen enkhuizen
Mozes Serlui Bloeme birth 7 Apr 1812 Amsterdam - died 19 May 1879 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Slap Bloeme birth 15 Nov 1842 Amsterdam - died 8 Sep 1909 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Snoek Leentje birth 28 Mar 1870 Rotterdam - died 12 Jun 1931 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Speelman Feikje birth 1 Oct 1807 Leeuwarden - died 1 May 1899 Leeuwarden hoorn_regio
Mozes Springer Alida birth 30 May 1897 Amsterdam - died 11 Jun 1943 Sobibor ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mozes Sterk Mietje birth 30 Sep 1827 Amsterdam - died 17 Jul 1910 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Stokvis Mietje birth 28 May 1817 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Swaab Engeltje birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 2 Oct 1818 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Swaab Engeltje birth 1757 Amsterdam - died 2 Oct 1818 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Swaab Heijman birth 1694 Amsterdam - died 1783 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Troostwijk Abraham birth 6 May 1843 Zwolle - died 17 Mar 1904 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Troostwijk Abraham birth 6 May 1843 Zwolle - died 17 Mar 1904 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Turksma Aaltje birth 6 Jan 1813 Lemmer - died 1 Feb 1900 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Bohemen Judith birth 1732 Amsterdam - died 29 May 1810 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes van de Kar Samson birth 30 Mar 1823 Amsterdam - died 5 Nov 1904 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Horst Salomon birth 17 Dec 1803 Hoorn - died 26 Apr 1891 Lienden hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Hove Lazarus birth 1758 Schlochteren - died 23 Jan 1844 Groningen enkhuizen
Mozes van der Rhoer Joseph birth 16 Mar 1874 den Ham - died 12 Apr 1915 Venlo hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Sluis Klaartje birth 1786 - died after 25 May 1836 Gorinchem hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Veen Heijman birth 26 Oct 1838 Hoorn - died 28 Sep 1848 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Veen Salomon birth 7 Feb 1790 Borger - died 15 Nov 1876 Emmen enkhuizen
Mozes van der Velde Isaac birth 7 Jan 1822 Wyhe - died 15 Oct 1866 Medemblik enkhuizen
Mozes van der Velde Izaak birth 5 Apr 1887 Medemblik - died 29 Jan 1976 Andijk hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Water Beletje birth 1789 Amsterdam - died before 1861 hoorn_regio
Mozes van der Water Saartje birth 4 Apr 1807 Leiden - died 16 Dec 1884 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van de Sluis Rebekka birth 24 Aug 1865 Mrppel - died 23 Aug 1942 hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Aaltje birth 5 Jun 1807 Hoorn - died 12 Nov 1871 Purmerend hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Elias birth 19 Apr 1816 Hoorn - died 15 Apr 1848 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Eliasar birth 12 Sep 1823 Hoorn - died 30 Dec 1823 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Engeltje birth 10 Feb 1825 Hoorn - died 21 Mar 1827 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Jacob birth 19 Nov 1810 Hoorn - died 18 Feb 1811 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Jacob birth 30 Dec 1818 Hoorn - died 13 Apr 1846 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Levie birth 1805 Hoorn - died 1 Dec 1807 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Magtel birth 13 Apr 1815 Hoorn - died 14 Sep 1863 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Mietje birth 6 Jul 1822 Hoorn - died 23 Jan 1850 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Rachel birth 6 Jan 1820 Hoorn - died 6 Jan 1895 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Ruben birth 4 Nov 1826 Hoorn - died 2 May 1889 Willemstad ,Curacao hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Ruben birth 15 Mar 1821 Hoorn - died 11 Jan 1822 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Saartje birth 22 Apr 1817 Hoorn - died 16 Nov 1831 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Embden Vrouwtje birth 15 Nov 1828 Hoorn - died 23 Aug 1829 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Emden David birth 13 Jun 1813 Hoorn - died 10 May 1874 Zwolle hoorn_regio
Mozes van Emden Grietje enkhuizen
Mozes van Emden Keetje birth 1806 Hoorn - died 30 Nov 1846 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Emden Salomon birth Oct 1809 Hoorn - died 17 Mar 1877 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Engel Simon birth 1832 willing
Mozes van Esso Hartog birth 23 Apr 1827 Meppel - died 24 Sep 1905 Groningen hoorn_regio
Mozes van Gelder Isaac birth 1690 - died before 23 Dec 1745 enkhuizen
Mozes van Gelder Juda birth 1808 Hoorn - died 10 Mar 1827 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes van Horst Truitje birth 9 Nov 1831 Amsterdam - died 25 Apr 1909 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Praag Eliazar birth 21 Jul 1825 Amsterdam - died 4 Mar 1885 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Praag Sipora birth 1819 Amsterdam - died 14 Mar 1897 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Praag Leeuwen Isaac birth 1738 den Haag hoorn_regio
Mozes van Wezel Sara birth 1808 Amsterdam - died 12 Mar 1899 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes van Wijhe Liefman birth 1779 Wijhe - died 19 Apr 1817 Zwolle hoorn_regio
Mozes Veldman Betje birth 1806 Leeuwarden - died 22 May 1894 Sneek hoorn_regio
Mozes Velleman Femmetje birth 1808 Amsterdam - died 18 May 1858 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Vigevano Aron birth 9 Jun 1809 Amsterdam - died 28 Jul 1869 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Vigevano Rapha&euml;l birth 26 Nov 1811 Amsterdam - died 22 Dec 1860 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Viool Judic birth 13 Jan 1832 Amsterdam - died 11 May 1891 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Voorzanger Ester birth 1802 Amsterdam - died 18 May 1859 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Voorzanger Vrouwtje birth 16 Sep 1793 Amsterdam - died 5 Oct 1866 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Vos Marcus birth 25 Nov 1827 Amsterdam - died 3 Aug 1913 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Waas Schoontje birth 21 Aug 1883 Amsterdam - died 1 Oct 1942 Oswiecim ,Concentratiekamp hoorn_regio
Mozes Willing Rachel birth 15 Dec 1810 Amsterdam - died 19 Mar 1868 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Withuijsen Fijtje birth 1763 Amsterdam - died 15 Sep 1833 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Witmond? Roosje denbosch
Mozes Wolder Betje birth 8 Sep 1841 Amsterdam - died 11 Jan 1903 Amsterdam enkhuizen
Mozes Wortselpujer Hartog died 9 Nov 1782 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Wortselpujer Saartje birth 1739 Amsterdam - died 13 Aug 1808 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Zamesht Berlijn Saartje birth 1753 Amsterdam - died 26 Oct 1835 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Zeckendorf Wolf birth 1770 Bockenheim ,D - died 31 Jan 1843 Amsterdam hoorn_regio
Mozes Zeehandelaar Roosje birth 1805 Hoorn hoorn_regio
Mozes Zendijk Abraham birth 1796 Olst - died 1 Mar 1874 Blokzijl hoorn_regio
Mozes Zwarenstein Meijer hoorn_regio
Moznum/ Swaa Aaltje Joseph abas
Moznum/ Swaa Aron Joseph died 1709 abas
Moznum/ Swaa Breinche Joseph abas
Moznum/ Swaa Clara Joseph birth 1650 abas
Moznum/ Swaa Gertrui Joseph died 1679 abas
Moznum Anna Hena Joseph Juzpa birth 1702 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Anna Hindele Aron birth 1681 Amsterdam - died 1768 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Aron Joseph birth 1643 Bacharach - died 1709 cohen_amers
Moznum Aron Joseph birth 1643 Bacharach - died 1709 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Benedictia Bracha Benjamin Wolf birth 1722 Amsterdam - died 6 Dec 1789 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Benjamin Wolf Aron birth 1676 Amsterdam - died 1736 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Duifje Benjamin Wolf died 1762 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Joseph Aron birth Bacharach Rheinland Palatinat Pfalz - Germany, died 1709 Muiderberg, Amsterdam abas
Moznum Joseph Juzpa Aron died 1741 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Judith Gittele Joseph Juzpa birth 1703 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Judith Juttele Joseph Juzpa birth 1699 Amsterdam - died Dec 1781 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Marianne Joseph birth 1705 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Patriarch Aron birth 1614 abas
Moznum Rachel Rechla Aron birth 1662 Amsterdam - died 25 Jan 1733 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Rachel Rechla Joseph Juzpa birth 1697 Amsterdam - died 1776 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Reijna Malka Aron birth &#177; 1677 Amsterdam - died 1735 Amsterdam cohen_amers
Moznum Reyna Malka Aron birth 1677 Amsterdam - died 1735 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Moznum Roosje Arons birth &#177; 1665 Amsterdam - died 1743 Amsterdam cohen_amers
Moznum Roosje Reiz Aron birth 1665 Amsterdam - died Jun 1743 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozus Ester Pes Mozes birth 1710 Amsterdam? - died 2 Jun 1773 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozus Marianne Mink Mozes birth 1715 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozus Wife of died Apr 1738 Amsterdam ashkenazi
Mozush Judith Gittele Mozes birth 1735 Amsterdam - died 18 MRT 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Andries Anshil Gerrit Gershon birth 1781 Amsterdam - died 21 OKT 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Engeltje Edel Gerrit Gershon birth 1791 Amsterdam - died 1 Dec 1845 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Gerrit Gershon Andries Asher birth ONG 1748 Sobernheim - died 9 Apr 1830 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Hartog Hirts Gerrit Gershon birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Jacob Jokele Gerrit Gershon birth 30 Jun 1798 Amsterdam - died 14 Aug 1826 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Levie Gerrit Gershon birth 29 Jan 1796 Amsterdam - died 8 Feb 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.d.Molen Naatje Gerrit birth 1782 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Monnickendam Judich Juda birth 14 MRT 1810 Amersfoort - died 8 Aug 1866 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Monnickendam Obadja Juda birth 15 Jun 1806 Amersfoort - died 4 Aug 1898 Gouda ashkenazi
V.Monnikendam Breintje Juda birth 17 Sep 1804 Amersfoort - died 3 OKT 1888 Amersfoort ashkenazi
V.Monnikendam Claartje birth 21 Dec 1800 Amersfoort - died 16 Nov 1870 Gouda ashkenazi
V.Monnikendam Rabecca birth 5 MEI 1808 Amersfoort ashkenazi
V.Monnikendam Rachuel birth 10 MRT 1799 Amersfoort ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Abraham Isaac Itsak birth ONG 1820 ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Caroline Golda Isaac Itsak birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam - died 1842 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Duifje Teiche Isaac Itsak birth 30 Apr 1811 Amsterdam - died 1853 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Golde Jacob birth ONG 1820 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Isaac Itsak Levie Leib birth 1777 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Jacob Isaac Itsak birth ONG 1813 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Jacob Levie birth ONG 1785 Amsterdam - died 7 OKT 1839 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Jacob Samson birth ONG 1812 Amsterdam - died 1865 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Levie Isaac Itsak died 1872 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Levie Jacob birth 1749 Amsterdam - died 30 Jul 1824 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Levie Samson birth 19 MRT 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Samson Levie Leib birth 1780 Amsterdam - died 1849 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes-Cohen Sorig Zerach Isaac birth 1809 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes Abraham Levie birth ONG 1781 Amsterdam - died 25 MRT 1818 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes Alida ashkenazi
V.Moppes Alida Samson birth ONG 1815 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes David Samson birth 14 Nov 1805 Amsterdam ashkenazi
V.Moppes Naatje Isaac birth ONG 1808 Amsterdam ashkenazi