Amsterdam - Market permits
Compiled and edited by Dave Verdooner

Jesaias Verdooner (uncle of the compiler) with his wife Sara Boesnach
Market cards (Marktkaarten) are cards in the archive of the Marketing Authority (Dienst Marktwezen) of Amsterdam with details of vendors with a fixed stand on a market in Amsterdam. De cards are a mirror database of the marketing permits allotted to the vendors. The front page of the card shows the family name, private name, date of birth, home address and the name of the spouse of the male or female vendor. Also mentioned is the market concerned, the day and the kind of merchandise he or she were allowed to sell.
Finally there is room for more details. For instance a warning to improve the way the stand has to be maintained. On the backside of the card a photo of the holder of the card is affixed. It is this that makes the "marktkaarten" so unique.
These cards can be ordered at the web shop of the Municipal Archives of Amsterdam
As an example Jesaias Verdooner (an uncle of the compiler) together with his spouse Sara Boesnach, alias Sara Scheefsnoet, is shown.