With the exception of the subsections Synagogual Marriage Acts and Ashkenazim in Amsterdam, which represent work done by others, the Amsterdam/Mokum section is composed of the contribution of the late Dave Verdooner, who passed away on 8 July 2008 (6 Tamoez 5768).
Dave's lifework has been the digitization of the Jewish population of Amsterdam, resulting in the Amsterdam/Mokum databases, which are today part of the Dutch Jewish Genealogical Data Base of Akevoth.
It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that we host these databases, as their only digital version, making them available to the public without charge, for the benefit of all amateur genealogists interested in the Dutch Jewish genealogy of the city of Amsterdam.
Dave Verdooner (in life an outstanding member of Akevoth's volunteering team) was awarded for his lifework the Queens decoration of Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau on 23 January 2007.