Sephardi marriages (TIM)
Brides and Grooms - First name starting with R (1429 persons)
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Rachel, Asser married to David Gomes in 1704
Rachel, Abarbanel married to David Lopes Arias in 1707
Rachel, Abarbanel Aredes married to Mozes Crasto de in 1717
Rachel, Abarbanel Souza married to David Senior Rodriguez in 1722
Rachel, Abarbanel Souza de married to Simon Abarbanel in 1675
Rachel, Abarbanel Souza de married to Aron Lopes Colasso in 1738
Rachel, Abaz married to Joseph Penha dela in 1688
Rachel, Abaz married to Aron Curiel in 1670
Rachel, Abenatar married to Abraham Capadoce in 1748
Rachel, Abenatar married to Abraham Cohen Lara de in 1682
Rachel, Abenatar married to David Israel Athias in 1758
Rachel, Abenatar married to Abraham Zuzarte in 1717
Rachel, Abenatar married to Jacob Flory in 1731
Rachel, Abendalac married to Juda Rahamin in 1776
Rachel, Abendana married to Ephraim Abrabanel in 1629
Rachel, Abendana married to Abraham Romano in 1790
Rachel, Abendana married to Joseph Baruch in 1679
Rachel, Abendana married to Mozes Oheb in 1745
Rachel, Abendana married to Jacob Gabay Pereira in 1655
Rachel, Abendana married to Jechiel Salem in 1785
Rachel, Abendana married to Isaac Jenes in 1662
Rachel, Abendana married to Benjamin Nunes Carvalho in 1719
Rachel, Abendana married to Isaac Aboab in 1662
Rachel, Abendana Belmonte married to Benjamin Colasso in 1780
Rachel, Abendana Mendes married to Jacob Ailyon in 1726
Rachel, Abendana Pereira married to Mozes Ferme in 1694
Rachel, Abenesra married to Daniel Valenca in 1749
Rachel, Abenhacar married to Abraham Lopes Colasso in 1706
Rachel, Abenhacar married to Abraham Fidanque in 1694
Rachel, Abenhacar married to Abraham Zuzarte in 1722
Rachel, Abiatar married to David Abiatar in 1617
Rachel, Aboab married to Abraham Pina de in 1677
Rachel, Aboab married to Salvador Rodriguez in 1637
Rachel, Aboab married to Antonio Perez Mendes in 1656
Rachel, Aboab married to Isaac Gabay Mendes in 1656
Rachel, Aboab married to Abraham Gabay Mendes in 1679
Rachel, Aboab married to Lopo Ramirez in 1653
Rachel, Aboab Cardozo married to Aron Ergas Henriquez in 1717
Rachel, Aboab Cardozo married to Baruch Senior in 1688
Rachel, Aboab Osorio married to Isaac Dias Fernandes in 1723
Rachel, Abrabanel married to Thomas Fernandes in 1623
Rachel, Abrabanel married to Manasse Israel in 1623
Rachel, Abrabanel married to Jacob Bueno Mesquita de in 1728
Rachel, Abrabanel married to Jacob Bueno Mesquita de in 1728
Rachel, Abrabanel Souza de married to Abraham Abrabanel Souza de in 1722
Rachel, Abrabanel Veiga da married to Jacob Serra da Abrabanel in 1661
Rachel, Abraham married to Isaac Cortissos in 1808
Rachel, Aguilar married to Joseph Cohen Belinfante in 1769
Rachel, Aguilar d' married to Daniel Rodriguez in 1684
Rachel, Aguilar d' married to Abraham Vale do in 1650
Rachel, Aguilar d' married to Isaac Aguilar d' in 1676
Rachel, Albergue married to Mozes Cohen Lara de in 1717
Rachel, Albuquerqu married to Daniel Costa da Pimentel in 1755
Rachel, Alcobasa married to Jacob Mendes Carlos in 1685
Rachel, Alcosor married to Jacob Alaxem in 1696
Rachel, Aletrino married to Salomon Mendes Coutinho in 1772
Rachel, Aletrino married to Jacob Baruch in 1751
Rachel, Almanca married to Joseph Lima de Burgos in 1722
Rachel, Almeida d' married to Samuel Almeida d' in 1638
Rachel, Alphoina married to Jacob Rodriguez Mendes in 1743
Rachel, Alvares married to Jacob Henriquez Ferreira in 1719
Rachel, Alvares married to Joseph Alvares in 1680
Rachel, Alvares Correa married to Isaac Robles in 1735
Rachel, Alvares Torres married to Joseph Azuby in 1685
Rachel, Antunes married to Jacob Gabay Henriquez in 1774
Rachel, Arari married to Salomon Machorro in 1667
Rachel, Arias married to Jacob Aguilar d' in 1649
Rachel, Arias married to Abraham Cohen in 1741
Rachel, Athias married to Jacob Brandon in 1674
Rachel, Athias married to Abraham Suares in 1695
Rachel, Athias married to Abraham Machorro in 1692
Rachel, Athias married to Isaac Abarbanel in 1678
Rachel, Athias married to Isaac Gomes Netto in 1676
Rachel, Athias married to Jacob Costa da in 1663
Rachel, Azuby married to Abraham Gomes Silva in 1773
Rachel, Azulay married to Abraham Azulay in 1779
Rachel, Azulay married to Isaac Ereira in 1754
Rachel, Azulay married to Abraham Aguilar d' in 1695
Rachel, Baeza married to Samuel Soria de in 1672
Rachel, Balabrega married to Nathan Dias Brandon in 1776
Rachel, Barbosa married to David Abendana in 1687
Rachel, Barogas married to Benjamin Henriquez in 1669
Rachel, Baruch Bueno married to Samuel Henriquez Coelho in 1806
Rachel, Baruch Bueno married to Isaac Mendes Balborda in 1751
Rachel, Baruch Crasto married to Samuel Berg v.d. in 1760
Rachel, Baruch Henriquez married to David Hamiz Vaz in 1748
Rachel, Baruch Henriquez married to Abraham Baruch Henriquez in 1708
Rachel, Baruch Narde de married to Mozes Moraes de in 1701
Rachel, Baruch Pardo married to Jacob Ailyon in 1753
Rachel, Baruch Rosa married to Mozes Duarte in 1705
Rachel, Barzilay married to Simon Fernandes in 1635
Rachel, Barzilay married to Benjamin Baruch in 1792
Rachel, Barzilay married to Jacob Barzilay in 1619
Rachel, Barzilay married to Daniel Rodriguez Netto in 1731
Rachel, Barzilay married to Simon Fernandes in 1635
Rachel, Barzilay married to Joseph Oheb in 1680
Rachel, Bassan married to Samuel Pretto Henriquez in 1768
Rachel, Bassan married to Isaac Cohen Pavia in 1706
Rachel, Bassan married to Jacob Sarfaty in 1741
Rachel, Bassan married to Isaac Cohen Lara de in 1772
Rachel, Belinfante married to Abraham Belinfante in 1770
Rachel, Belinfante married to Jacob Belinfante in 1809
Rachel, Bella dela married to Raphael Romano in 1756
Rachel, Belmonte married to Aron Querido in 1628
Rachel, Belmonte married to Aron Querido in 1628
Rachel, Benveniste married to Jacob Barzilay in 1675
Rachel, Benveniste married to Mordechai Cohen in 1639
Rachel, Benveniste married to Juda Vintura in 1797
Rachel, Bernal married to Isaac Rodriguez in 1693
Rachel, Bernal married to Jacob Levie Gomes in 1693
Rachel, Blaauw married to Isaac Abenhacar in 1725
Rachel, Bois la married to Jacob Chaves de in 1664
Rachel, Bondia married to Abraham Israel in 1685
Rachel, Brandon married to David Ellegot in 1698
Rachel, Brandon married to Mozes Bueno Moira de in 1678
Rachel, Brandon married to Isaac Lima de in 1740
Rachel, Brandon married to Isaac Brandon in 1656
Rachel, Brandon married to Daniel Silva da Solis in 1750
Rachel, Brandon married to Jacob Torres in 1705
Rachel, Brandon Belmonte married to David Cohen Lara de in 1805
Rachel, Bueno married to Joseph Bueno Mesquita de in 1645
Rachel, Bueno married to Jan Illan de in 1641
Rachel, Bueno married to Abraham Rodriguez Marquez in 1686
Rachel, Bueno Mesquita de married to Joseph Veiga da in 1758
Rachel, Bueno Mesquita de married to Abraham Jessurun in 1788
Rachel, Bueno Mesquita de married to Jacob Curiel Prado de in 1719
Rachel, Bueno Mesquita de married to Mozes Pereira in 1700
Rachel, Bueno Moira de married to Jacob Hamiz Orta d' in 1662
Rachel, Burgos married to Joseph Israel in 1691
Rachel, Campos de Pereira married to Aron Cardozo in 1721
Rachel, Canela married to Abraham Lopes Cardozo in 1753
Rachel, Canho married to Salomon Canho in 1732
Rachel, Canho del married to Jacob Guedelha in 1786
Rachel, Canton married to Eliaser Bassan in 1721
Rachel, Capadoce married to Josua Capadoce in 1740
Rachel, Capadoce married to Daniel Mattos de in 1702
Rachel, Capadoce married to David Spinossa Cattella in 1808
Rachel, Capadoce married to Mozes Rodriguez Costa da in 1718
Rachel, Capadoce married to Joseph Bueno Mesquita de in 1786
Rachel, Capadoce married to Isaac Sotto del in 1780
Rachel, Capadoce married to Mozes Athias Neira de in 1720
Rachel, Capadoce married to Isaac Costa da Athias in 1767
Rachel, Caransa married to Mozes Dias in 1774
Rachel, Cardozo married to Mozes Cardozo in 1624
Rachel, Cardozo married to Abraham Nehemias Cardozo in 1686
Rachel, Cardozo married to Abraham Cardozo in 1621
Rachel, Cardozo married to David Morenu Henriquez in 1666
Rachel, Cardozo married to David Pessoa in 1660
Rachel, Cardozo Costa da married to Mordechai Penso in 1729
Rachel, Carion married to Abraham Rodriguez Carion in 1705
Rachel, Carvalho married to Isaac Rodriguez in 1687
Rachel, Carvalho married to Abraham Frois in 1671
Rachel, Carvalho married to Jacob Baruch Carvalho in 1676
Rachel, Casseres d married to Abraham Vaz Lopes in 1717
Rachel, Casseres d married to David Lopes in 1707
Rachel, Castanho married to Abraham Cohen in 1694
Rachel, Castiel married to Daniel Perez in 1683
Rachel, Castiel married to Emanuel Castiel in 1617
Rachel, Castro married to Mozes Bravo in 1706
Rachel, Castro de married to David Israel Athias in 1762
Rachel, Castro de married to Isaac Prado de in 1780
Rachel, Castro de married to David Lopes Narbonna de in 1665
Rachel, Castro de married to Isaac Levie Gomes in 1722
Rachel, Castro de married to Jacob Castro de Mendoza in 1707
Rachel, Castro de Orobio married to Mozes Baruch Perez in 1668
Rachel, Cathan a married to Tobias Silva da Rosa in 1784
Rachel, Chaves de married to Jacob Mendes Costa da in 1766
Rachel, Chilon married to Elias Juda Leon in 1676
Rachel, Cohen married to Jacob Mendes Chumaceiro in 1704
Rachel, Cohen married to Isaac Mendes in 1808
Rachel, Cohen married to Isaac Rodriguez in 1714
Rachel, Cohen married to Abraham Solas de in 1728
Rachel, Cohen Belinfante married to Abraham Lobo in 1790
Rachel, Cohen Lara de married to Abraham Azuby Cardozo in 1727
Rachel, Cohen Lara de married to Abraham Meza de in 1722
Rachel, Cohen Lobatto married to Samuel Silva Rosa in 1715
Rachel, Cohen Peixotto married to Mordechai Cohen in 1676
Rachel, Cohen Peixotto married to Jacob Cohen Belinfante in 1766
Rachel, Cordova de married to Samuel Rodriguez Campos in 1746
Rachel, Coronel married to Isaac Rodriguez Rubio in 1664
Rachel, Coronel married to Jacob Coronel in 1639
Rachel, Costa da married to Isaac Costa da in 1652
Rachel, Costa da married to Salomon Belmonte in 1725
Rachel, Costa da married to Jacob Rodriguez Netto in 1707
Rachel, Costa da married to Abraham Aguilar d' in 1714
Rachel, Costa da married to Isaac Gomes Carvalho in 1767
Rachel, Costa da married to Elias Cohen Belinfante in 1724
Rachel, Costa da married to Isaac Costa da in 1669
Rachel, Costa da Abendana married to Benjamin Sarfaty in 1758
Rachel, Costa da Abendana married to Josua Lara de in 1751
Rachel, Costa da Athias married to Isaac Jessurun in 1690
Rachel, Costa da Athias married to Abraham Rocamora d in 1712
Rachel, Costa da Athias married to Isaac Jong de in 1690
Rachel, Costa da Cortissos married to Rehuel Cohen Lobatto in 1651
Rachel, Costa da GomesdelaPen married to David Henriquez Castro de in 1801
Rachel, Costa da Lemos married to Mozes Rodriguez Lion de in 1737
Rachel, Costa da Pimentel married to Mozes Pereira Mattos de in 1748
Rachel, Costa da Ramos married to Jacob Osorio Paz de in 1755
Rachel, Coutinho married to David Pereira in 1654
Rachel, Crasto de married to David Penha dela in 1732
Rachel, Crasto de married to David Pinto in 1675
Rachel, Crasto de married to Samuel Crasto de in 1617
Rachel, Crasto de married to Daniel Jessurun in 1672
Rachel, Crasto de married to Isaac Lopes Dias in 1796
Rachel, Crasto de married to Isaac Gaon in 1676
Rachel, Crespo married to Mordechai Campos in 1720
Rachel, Crespo married to Joseph Lopes in 1735
Rachel, Crespo married to Abraham Levie Bondia in 1664
Rachel, Cunha da married to Benjamin Leon de in 1700
Rachel, Curiel married to David Meza de in 1705
Rachel, Curiel married to Isaac Levie Flores in 1725
Rachel, Curiel married to David Curiel in 1617
Rachel, Curiel married to Joseph Levie Flores in 1707
Rachel, Curiel married to Samuel Mendes Coutinho in 1753
Rachel, Cuti married to Mozes Quiros in 1752
Rachel, David married to Benjamin Mendes Costa da in 1802
Rachel, Delgado married to Manasse Delgado in 1720
Rachel, Delgado married to Isaac Cardozo in 1810
Rachel, Delgado married to Benjamin Casseres d Henriquez in 1733
Rachel, Delgado married to Mozes Fernandes Veiga in 1659
Rachel, Delmonte married to Joseph Cohen Levie in 1788
Rachel, Delmonte married to Mozes Canho del in 1792
Rachel, Dias married to Salomon Oliveira d in 1660
Rachel, Dias married to Isaac Dias in 1708
Rachel, Dias married to Gracia Fanno di Sole del in 1740
Rachel, Dias married to Samuel Marquez in 1707
Rachel, Dias married to Joseph Fonseca da Chaves in 1748
Rachel, Dias married to Abraham Lampronte in 1780
Rachel, Dias Fonseca da married to Mozes Lopes Strasso in 1773
Rachel, Draghar married to Jacob Pina de in 1648
Rachel, Drago married to Isaac Soares Baretta in 1701
Rachel, Duque married to David Levie Montezinos in 1769
Rachel, Emanuel married to Salomon Talano in 1725
Rachel, Ereira married to Abraham Teixeira in 1742
Rachel, Ergas married to Mordechai Crasto de in 1650
Rachel, Ergas Henriquez married to Mozes Alvares in 1673
Rachel, Ergas Henriquez married to Isaac Belmonte in 1678
Rachel, Escapa married to Abraham Lopes Paz de in 1648
Rachel, Falano married to Isaac Lopes Caransa in 1793
Rachel, Falcao married to Isaac Sacutto in 1694
Rachel, Faro married to Isaac Prado de in 1644
Rachel, Farquez married to Mozes Bassan in 1696
Rachel, Faya dela married to Isaac Abendana in 1681
Rachel, Faya dela married to Louis Mendes in 1681
Rachel, Feliz married to Jacob Costa da in 1738
Rachel, Ferare Pina married to David Ferar Rosa in 1612
Rachel, Ferge married to Samuel Medina de in 1635
Rachel, Fernandes married to Haim Monis Cuti in 1718
Rachel, Fernandes married to Isaac Henriquez in 1695
Rachel, Fernandes Medina married to Mozes Gomes Mesquita de in 1709
Rachel, Fernandes Nunes married to Isaac Levie Ximenes in 1659
Rachel, Fernandes Nunes married to Isaac Teixeira in 1787
Rachel, Ferrares married to Leon Ferrares in 1802
Rachel, Ferrares married to Jacob Baruch in 1804
Rachel, Ferrares married to Jacob Fonseca da in 1764
Rachel, Fidanque married to Isaac Saruco in 1749
Rachel, Fidanque married to Raphael Cohen Belinfante in 1734
Rachel, Fidanque married to Mozes Oheb Brandon in 1738
Rachel, Fidanque married to Isaac Andrade d' Velosinos in 1698
Rachel, Flory married to Salomon Baeza in 1740
Rachel, Fonseca married to Mozes Doria in 1648
Rachel, Fonseca da married to Sabetay Dias Fonseca da in 1701
Rachel, Fonseca da married to Jacob Semach Ferro in 1650
Rachel, Fonseca da married to Isaac Penha dela in 1716
Rachel, Fonseca da married to David Franco Mendes in 1749
Rachel, Fontes del married to Jacob Callas in 1625
Rachel, Frances married to Isaac Frances in 1622
Rachel, Franco married to George Lopes Telles in 1632
Rachel, Franco married to Jacomo Messias in 1637
Rachel, Franco married to Jacob Suzarte in 1639
Rachel, Franco married to Jacomo Franco in 1620
Rachel, Franco married to Mozes Nietto in 1659
Rachel, Franco married to David Drago in 1642
Rachel, Franco married to David Arari in 1652
Rachel, Franco married to David Drago in 1642
Rachel, Franco Castanho married to David Levie Morteiro in 1664
Rachel, Franco Costa da married to Jacob Pinedo de in 1701
Rachel, Franco Lagarte married to David Aguilar d' in 1683
Rachel, Franco Mendes married to David Teixeira in 1788
Rachel, Franco Mendes married to David Teixeira Andrade d' in 1788
Rachel, Franco Pacheco married to Mozes Franco Pacheco in 1673
Rachel, Franco Rezio married to Mozes Vargas in 1684
Rachel, Franco Silveira de married to Jacob Franco Silva da in 1652
Rachel, Fundam married to David Senior in 1753
Rachel, Fundao married to Isaac Senior Henriquez in 1683
Rachel, Furtado married to Jacob Leeuw de in 1670
Rachel, Gabay Henriquez married to Isaac Tartas in 1689
Rachel, Gabay Henriquez married to Isaac Castro de Paz de in 1689
Rachel, Gabay Mendes married to Jacob Franco Silva da in 1728
Rachel, Gama da married to Jacob Suares in 1648
Rachel, Gaon married to David Belmonte in 1686
Rachel, Gaon married to Benjamin Lopes Colasso in 1710
Rachel, Gomes married to Mozes Israel Gomes in 1622
Rachel, Gomes married to Salomon Lumbrozo Mattos de in 1736
Rachel, Gomes married to Benjamin Bernal in 1692
Rachel, Gomes married to Abraham Costa da in 1678
Rachel, Gomes Cardozo married to Isaac Penamacor in 1684
Rachel, Gomes Carvalho married to Joseph Silva da Ramos in 1756
Rachel, Gomes Carvalho married to David Mendes Cunha da in 1756
Rachel, Gomes Carvalho married to Abraham Leon de in 1809
Rachel, Gomes Costa da married to Daniel Albuquerqu Costa da in 1725
Rachel, Gomes Crasto de married to Jacob Dias Guttieres in 1717
Rachel, Gomes Dias married to Pinchas Levie Flores in 1740
Rachel, Gomes Morenu married to Raphael Athias in 1684
Rachel, Gomes Netto married to Salomon Meza de in 1725
Rachel, Gomes Silva married to Daniel Rodriguez Nunes in 1721
Rachel, Guttieres married to Abraham Ergas Henriquez in 1693
Rachel, Halaco married to Isaac Costa da in 1719
Rachel, Hallas married to Mordechai Andrade d' in 1667
Rachel, Hamiz Vaz married to Aron Henriquez Medina in 1687
Rachel, Hamiz Vaz married to Joseph Henriquez Medina in 1687
Rachel, Hazan married to Salomon Marache in 1713
Rachel, Henriquez married to David Pereira Brandon in 1711
Rachel, Henriquez married to Abraham Baruch Castro de in 1695
Rachel, Henriquez married to Raphael Costa da Mesquita in 1728
Rachel, Henriquez married to Benjamin Brandon in 1684
Rachel, Henriquez married to Juda Mendes Chumaceiro in 1779
Rachel, Henriquez married to Isaac Israel Antunes in 1660
Rachel, Henriquez married to Abraham Jessurun Lopes in 1731
Rachel, Henriquez married to Jacob Veiga da in 1698
Rachel, Henriquez married to Abraham Aguilar d' in 1749
Rachel, Henriquez married to Isaac Casseres d in 1704
Rachel, Henriquez Castro de married to Aron Fernandes Nunes in 1786
Rachel, Henriquez Castro de married to Isaac Guttieres in 1770
Rachel, Henriquez Cohen married to Abraham Leon de in 1702
Rachel, Henriquez Coutinho married to David Abendana in 1703
Rachel, Henriquez Coutinho married to Samuel Gomes Coutinho in 1691
Rachel, Henriquez Faro married to Jacob Nunes Andrade d' in 1716
Rachel, Henriquez Mesquita de married to David Franco Mendes in 1744
Rachel, Henriquez Mesquita de married to Salomon Baruch Benveniste in 1798
Rachel, Isaac married to Joseph Pais in 1811
Rachel, Isaac married to Joseph Finci in 1808
Rachel, Isaac married to Nissim Pais in 1810
Rachel, Israel married to Daniel Israel in 1635
Rachel, Israel married to Isaac Oheb in 1662
Rachel, Israel married to Joseph Minhana in 1717
Rachel, Israel married to Aron Castiel in 1691
Rachel, Israel Athias married to Jacob Abenatar in 1754
Rachel, Israel Govea married to Isaac Israel Govea in 1636
Rachel, Israel Henriquez married to David Israel Athias in 1790
Rachel, Israel Henriquez married to Abraham Henriquez Faro in 1771
Rachel, Israel Messias married to Jacob Messias in 1707
Rachel, Israel Nunes married to Haim Abenhacar Bondia in 1719
Rachel, Israel Ricardo married to Jacob Silva da Curiel in 1748
Rachel, Israel Ricardo married to Isaac Rodriguez in 1746
Rachel, Israel Santcroos married to David Tovar in 1782
Rachel, Israel Valhe del married to David Rodrigo in 1697
Rachel, Issel Capadoce married to Emanuel Dias Capadoce in 1634
Rachel, Jacob Joseph married to David Lopes Colasso in 1800
Rachel, Jans married to Aron Mendes in 1645
Rachel, Jans married to Aron Mendes in 1645
Rachel, Jessurun married to Mozes Morenu in 1680
Rachel, Jessurun married to Joseph Ferrares in 1711
Rachel, Jessurun married to Isaac Munhao in 1671
Rachel, Jessurun married to Mozes Gaon in 1618
Rachel, Jessurun married to Mozes Sarayva in 1689
Rachel, Jessurun married to David Spinossa Cattella in 1752
Rachel, Jessurun married to Abraham Gaon in 1688
Rachel, Jessurun Alvares married to Juda Rahamim in 1799
Rachel, Jessurun Furtado married to Isaac Rathom in 1700
Rachel, Jessurun Jong de married to Raphael Jessurun Cardozo in 1795
Rachel, Jessurun Lobo married to Mozes Levie in 1684
Rachel, Jessurun Lobo married to Benjamin Baruch in 1782
Rachel, Jessurun Oliveira d' married to Sabetay Cohen in 1762
Rachel, Jessurun Pinto married to Jacob Henriquez Medina de in 1718
Rachel, Joseph married to Mozes Brandon in 1774
Rachel, Juda Leon married to David Juda Leon in 1673
Rachel, Kijser married to Abraham Cohen in 1711
Rachel, Lamego married to Benjamin Jessurun in 1717
Rachel, Lara de married to David Ferro in 1744
Rachel, Leeuw de married to Abraham Machorro Orobio in 1750
Rachel, Lemos married to Isaac Cohen in 1700
Rachel, Lemos married to Mozes Benveniste in 1781
Rachel, Lemos de married to Baruch Costa da in 1661
Rachel, Leon married to Jacob Rodriguez in 1767
Rachel, Leon de married to Jacob Leon de in 1646
Rachel, Leon de married to Michiel Leon de in 1631
Rachel, Leon de married to Joseph Raphael in 1752
Rachel, Leon de married to Jacob Henriquez Aljofreiro in 1691
Rachel, Leon de married to David Paz de Morenu de in 1692
Rachel, Leon de Benavente married to David Baruch Pardo in 1704
Rachel, Levie married to Joseph Medina de Lobo in 1684
Rachel, Levie married to Jacob Machado in 1739
Rachel, Levie married to Mozes Minhana in 1699
Rachel, Levie married to Mozes Levie in 1619
Rachel, Levie married to Abraham Salvador in 1684
Rachel, Levie married to Isaac Salvador in 1666
Rachel, Levie married to Jacob Manrique in 1714
Rachel, Levie married to Joseph Levie in 1663
Rachel, Levie married to Joseph Medina Lobo in 1688
Rachel, Levie married to Abraham Ramirez in 1714
Rachel, Levie married to Raphael Levie in 1621
Rachel, Levie married to Mozes Pinto de in 1752
Rachel, Levie Gomes married to David Baruch Louzada in 1677
Rachel, Levie Lobo married to Isaac Mocatta Nunes in 1758
Rachel, Levie Maduro married to Salomon Cohen in 1801
Rachel, Levie Maduro married to Abraham Armadel in 1697
Rachel, Levie Maduro married to Isaac Peixotto in 1782
Rachel, Levie Montes married to Daniel Zacharias Baruch in 1797
Rachel, Levie Silva da married to Joseph Montel in 1690
Rachel, Levie Ximenes married to Samuel Nunes Henriquez in 1710
Rachel, Levie Ximenes married to Mozes Lopes in 1688
Rachel, Levie Ximenes married to David Pereira in 1749
Rachel, Levita Morteira married to David Valhe del in 1647
Rachel, Lima de married to Mozes Israel Suasso in 1719
Rachel, Lima de married to Jacob Lion de in 1716
Rachel, Lima de Burges married to Jacob Bueno Mesquita de in 1747
Rachel, Lindo Haydo de married to Abraham Azulay in 1723
Rachel, Lion de married to Emanuel Lopes Lion de in 1618
Rachel, Lobo married to Akiba Nunes Rios in 1753
Rachel, Lobo married to Mozes Coronel in 1792
Rachel, Lopes married to Isaac Penha in 1649
Rachel, Lopes married to Emanuel Jessurun Alvares in 1712
Rachel, Lopes married to Emanuel Solis de Illeo in 1648
Rachel, Lopes married to Jacob Lopes in 1683
Rachel, Lopes Alvin married to Mozes Levie Rezio in 1660
Rachel, Lopes Alvin married to Isaac Gabay Faro in 1726
Rachel, Lopes Alvin married to Abraham Henriquez Alvin in 1688
Rachel, Lopes Arias married to Aron Curiel in 1720
Rachel, Lopes Colasso married to David Gaon Souge de in 1720
Rachel, Lopes Garcia married to Isaac Sacutto in 1765
Rachel, Lopes Henriquez married to Mozes Senior Henriquez in 1691
Rachel, Lopes Lusenna married to Abraham Israel in 1696
Rachel, Lopes Pereira married to Jacob Rodriguez in 1736
Rachel, Lopes Silva married to Isaac Alvares in 1714
Rachel, Lopes Telles married to Abraham Henriquez Coelho in 1759
Rachel, Lopes Telles married to Abraham Campos in 1731
Rachel, Lopes Vasquez married to Jacob Lopes Garcia in 1756
Rachel, Lumbrozo Mattos de married to David Curiel in 1707
Rachel, Macabeo married to Salomon Escapa in 1652
Rachel, Machado married to Jacob Abenhacar Pimentel in 1661
Rachel, Machado married to Isaac Lara de in 1692
Rachel, Machorro married to Aron Alfarin in 1699
Rachel, Machorro married to Sabetay Cohen in 1690
Rachel, Machorro married to Isaac Furtado in 1651
Rachel, Machorro married to Juda Macabeo in 1689
Rachel, Machorro married to Joseph Wartel in 1723
Rachel, Maduro married to Salomon Gama da in 1761
Rachel, Maestro married to Jacob Maestro in 1625
Rachel, Marcus married to Abraham Romano in 1758
Rachel, Marina married to Juda Leon Bella dela in 1693
Rachel, Marquez married to Jacob Dias Pardo in 1709
Rachel, Martins married to Isaac Lopes Gonzales in 1767
Rachel, Masaod married to Aron Henriquez Maron in 1767
Rachel, Mattos de married to Joseph Sarfaty in 1772
Rachel, Mattos de married to Jacob Guedelha in 1708
Rachel, Mattos de married to Manasse Gaon in 1736
Rachel, Mattos de married to Mozes Chaves de in 1651
Rachel, Medina de married to Aron Medina de in 1669
Rachel, Mello de married to Mozes Israel in 1688
Rachel, Mendes married to Jacob Gomes Lusenna in 1696
Rachel, Mendes married to Mozes Tovar de in 1713
Rachel, Mendes married to Salomon Senior Coronel in 1718
Rachel, Mendes married to Manasse Delgado in 1669
Rachel, Mendes married to Mozes Franco in 1635
Rachel, Mendes married to Isaac Sequerira in 1777
Rachel, Mendes Chumaceiro married to Daniel Espinosa in 1763
Rachel, Mendes Chumaceiro married to Mozes Rodriguez in 1795
Rachel, Mendes Chumaceiro married to Mozes Gomes Carvalho in 1798
Rachel, Mendes Chumaceiro married to Isaac Sa de in 1716
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Raphael Mendes Costa da in 1760
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Jacob Salom in 1741
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Raphael Mendes Costa da in 1709
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Benjamin Osorio in 1783
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Aron Chaves de in 1756
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Abraham Veiga da in 1759
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Isaac Rocamora d in 1712
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Abraham Levie Ximenes Pere in 1746
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Masaod Mar dela in 1781
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Mozes Mendes Costa da in 1793
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to David Henriquez Souza de in 1704
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Joseph Prado de in 1699
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Jacob Abrabanel in 1695
Rachel, Mendes Costa da married to Jacob Bueno Mesquita de in 1730
Rachel, Mendes Silva da married to Samuel Ximenes in 1694
Rachel, Mendes Silva da married to David Mendes Silva da in 1690
Rachel, Mendes Silva da married to Jacob Mendes Silva da in 1671
Rachel, Mendes Solas married to Mozes Mendes Solas in 1726
Rachel, Mendoza de married to Mozes Rodriguez in 1735
Rachel, Menzas de married to Isaac Gomes Nietto in 1658
Rachel, Mercado married to Abraham Senator in 1774
Rachel, Mercado de married to Joseph Costa da in 1663
Rachel, Mercurius married to David Tovar in 1809
Rachel, Mesquita d married to Elias Costa da in 1775
Rachel, Mesquita d married to Emanuel Francisco in 1623
Rachel, Mesquita d married to Emanuel Francisco in 1623
Rachel, Messias married to Lopo Fonseca da in 1626
Rachel, Messias married to Isaac Cathan a in 1764
Rachel, Messias married to Mozes Uliel in 1730
Rachel, Messias married to Lopo Fonseca da in 1626
Rachel, Meza de married to David Frois in 1733
Rachel, Meza de married to Mozes Israel Mello in 1788
Rachel, Meza de married to Abraham Meza de in 1742
Rachel, Meza de married to Jacob Gomes Netto in 1684
Rachel, Meza de married to Jacob Ancona d' in 1802
Rachel, Minges married to Emanuel Minges in 1619
Rachel, Miranda married to Mozes Mocatta in 1702
Rachel, Miranda married to Antonio Nunes in 1702
Rachel, Miranda Avila y married to Isaac Lopes Telles in 1734
Rachel, Mocatta married to Isaac Mocatta Veiga da in 1668
Rachel, Mocatta married to David Gabay in 1706
Rachel, Mocatta married to Salomon Colasso Oliveira d' in 1728
Rachel, Moira de married to Samuel Agua Branca in 1709
Rachel, Moire de married to Isaac Israel in 1720
Rachel, Molcho married to David Cortissos in 1802
Rachel, Monis married to Daniel Souza de Pimentel in 1766
Rachel, Monsanto married to Joseph Galaco in 1660
Rachel, Montel married to Abraham Valabrega in 1741
Rachel, Montezinos married to Benjamin Fernandes Marquez in 1709
Rachel, Montezinos married to Isaac Suzarte in 1678
Rachel, Morales married to Jacob Gomes Mesquita de in 1716
Rachel, Morales de married to Samuel Levie Rezio in 1710
Rachel, Morales de married to Nathan Cohen in 1706
Rachel, Morenu married to David Pereda Pinto in 1649
Rachel, Morenu married to Salomon Delmonte in 1730
Rachel, Morenu married to Jacob Carvalho in 1683
Rachel, Munhao married to Samuel Jessurun in 1679
Rachel, Musaphia married to Isaac Musaphia in 1680
Rachel, Musaphia married to Josias Calderon in 1651
Rachel, Nabarro married to David Nabarro in 1648
Rachel, Nabarro married to Jacob Nabarro in 1655
Rachel, Nabarro married to David Jessurun Cunha da in 1705
Rachel, Nabarro married to Joseph Benveniste in 1759
Rachel, Nabarro married to Jacob Zamora de in 1658
Rachel, Nahar married to Joseph Mendes Costa da in 1733
Rachel, Nahar married to Salomon Abaz in 1706
Rachel, Nahar married to Abraham Cohen Murcia de in 1809
Rachel, Namias Castro de married to Mozes Baruch Alvares in 1681
Rachel, Namias Crasto de married to David Escapa Torres in 1711
Rachel, Namias Crasto de married to Emanuel Crasto de in 1719
Rachel, Namias Crasto de married to Aron Sarfaty Pina de in 1717
Rachel, Namias Torres married to Mozes Mendoza in 1788
Rachel, Nassi married to Emanuel Aboab in 1663
Rachel, Netto married to Lopo Fonseca da in 1628
Rachel, Nunes married to Abraham Delmonte in 1756
Rachel, Nunes married to Joseph Fonseca da Chaves in 1737
Rachel, Nunes married to Samuel Levie in 1740
Rachel, Nunes married to Abraham Peixotto in 1714
Rachel, Nunes Bernal married to Jonathan Israel Brandon in 1785
Rachel, Nunes Bondia married to Raphael Levie Bondia in 1635
Rachel, Nunes Carvalho married to Benjamin Frois in 1705
Rachel, Nunes Castello married to Aron Baruch in 1688
Rachel, Nunes Faro married to Jacob Nunes Faro in 1720
Rachel, Nunes Ferro married to Salomon Marcelha in 1785
Rachel, Nunes Fonseca da married to Elias Lopes in 1677
Rachel, Nunes Henriquez married to Isaac Teixeira Mattos de in 1692
Rachel, Nunes Henriquez married to David Teixeira Andrade d' in 1704
Rachel, Nunes Henriquez married to Emanuel Teixeira in 1692
Rachel, Nunes Henriquez married to Mozes Bueno in 1723
Rachel, Nunes Henriquez married to Abraham Henriquez Ferreira in 1717
Rachel, Nunes Idanha married to Jacob Idanha in 1675
Rachel, Nunes Marchena married to Isaac Henriquez Mesquita de in 1717
Rachel, Nunes Marchena married to David Franco Mendes in 1677
Rachel, Nunes Mercado de married to Jacob Teixeira in 1681
Rachel, Nunes Nabarro married to Jacob Nunes Almeijda in 1695
Rachel, Nunes Nabarro married to David Aguilar d' in 1745
Rachel, Nunes Nabarro married to Abraham Pezaro in 1782
Rachel, Nunes Ribeiro married to David Canho in 1793
Rachel, Nunes Rodriguez married to Isaac Pinto de in 1734
Rachel, Nunes Sea married to Isaac Gomes in 1688
Rachel, Obediente married to Mozes Fonseca da in 1734
Rachel, Oheb Brandon married to Salomon Namias Torres in 1765
Rachel, Oheb Pires married to Isaac Querido in 1726
Rachel, Oliveira married to David Pina de in 1749
Rachel, Oliveira married to Mordechai Hallas in 1733
Rachel, Oliveira married to Mozes Rodriguez Lopes in 1746
Rachel, Oliveira d married to Isaac Oliveira d in 1646
Rachel, Oliveira d married to David Vieyra in 1715
Rachel, Orta d' married to Philip Orta d' Henriquez in 1615
Rachel, Osorio married to Abraham Nunes Tavares in 1751
Rachel, Osorio married to David Salon in 1619
Rachel, Pacheco married to Isaac Semach Valensa de in 1667
Rachel, Paes married to Jacob Ancona in 1784
Rachel, Palache married to David Torres in 1730
Rachel, Palacios d married to Benjamin Dias Brandon in 1734
Rachel, Palacios d married to David Jessurun Oliveira d' in 1709
Rachel, Pardo married to Isaac Baruch in 1668
Rachel, Parra dela married to Isaac Fonseca da in 1705
Rachel, Paz de married to Aron Rodriguez in 1738
Rachel, Paz de married to Mozes Dias Paz de in 1675
Rachel, Paz de married to Jacob Garrison in 1744
Rachel, Paz de married to Mordechai Abendana in 1655
Rachel, Paz de married to Abraham Costa da in 1670
Rachel, Paz de married to Jacob Mattos de in 1664
Rachel, Paz de married to Jacob Rodriguez Pereira in 1716
Rachel, Peixotto married to Jacob Delgado in 1759
Rachel, Peixotto married to Daniel Pereira in 1745
Rachel, Penha dela married to Gabriel Costa da Gomes in 1728
Rachel, Penha dela married to Jacob Dias Motta in 1796
Rachel, Penha dela married to Jacob Gabay Isidro in 1682
Rachel, Penha dela married to Abraham Valenzuela in 1699
Rachel, Penha dela married to Raphael Piza in 1793
Rachel, Penso married to Mozes Mattos de in 1708
Rachel, Pereira married to Joseph Israel Fernandes in 1692
Rachel, Pereira married to Abraham Pereira Coutinho in 1663
Rachel, Pereira married to Abraham Pereira Veiga da in 1678
Rachel, Pereira married to Isaac Treves in 1739
Rachel, Pereira married to Samuel Ricardo in 1791
Rachel, Pereira married to Jonathan Levie Monteiro in 1673
Rachel, Pereira married to Jacob Dias in 1694
Rachel, Pereira married to Alexander Lindo in 1706
Rachel, Pereira Brandon married to David Pereira Brandon in 1709
Rachel, Perez married to Jacob Juda Rodriguez in 1669
Rachel, Pezaro married to Joseph Vieyra in 1783
Rachel, Phibos married to Isaac Pavia in 1690
Rachel, Phibos married to Gabriel Alvares Corre in 1699
Rachel, Pina de married to Jacob Pina de in 1648
Rachel, Pinedo de married to Abraham Mendes Penha in 1687
Rachel, Pinedo de married to Jacob Teixeira Mattos de in 1726
Rachel, Pinheiro married to Isaac Morenu in 1681
Rachel, Pinheiro Mesquita de married to Jochem Oliveira d in 1697
Rachel, Pinto married to Abraham Pereira in 1696
Rachel, Pinto married to Samuel Israel Ricardo in 1733
Rachel, Pinto married to Gaspar Sanchez in 1625
Rachel, Pinto de married to Samuel Ximenes in 1741
Rachel, Pinto de married to Antonio Lopes Suasso in 1654
Rachel, Pinto de married to Abraham Pinto de in 1715
Rachel, Pinto de married to Abraham Mendes Costa da in 1719
Rachel, Pinto de married to Joseph Pinto de in 1752
Rachel, Pinto de married to Joseph Franco Silva da in 1687
Rachel, Pinto de married to David Pinto de in 1671
Rachel, Pinto de married to Jacob Prado de in 1713
Rachel, Porto do married to Mozes Lopes Alvin in 1675
Rachel, Prado de married to Isaac Prado de in 1714
Rachel, Prado de married to Jacob Bueno Mesquita de in 1648
Rachel, Prado de married to Abraham Suasso Lima de in 1784
Rachel, Prado de married to David Pinto de in 1766
Rachel, Pretto married to Jacob Monteiro in 1735
Rachel, Pretto married to David Pereira in 1635
Rachel, Pretto married to Aron Cohen in 1708
Rachel, Pretto married to David Cohen Lobatto in 1704
Rachel, Ramos married to Samuel Palache Aboab in 1760
Rachel, Ramos married to David Namias Torres in 1763
Rachel, Ramos married to Raphael Saqui in 1781
Rachel, Ramos Crasto de married to Abraham Alvares Crasto de in 1700
Rachel, Reinoso married to Joseph Fernandes Reinoso in 1659
Rachel, Ribeiro married to Aron Cohen Lara de in 1651
Rachel, Ribeiro married to Abraham Aletrino in 1745
Rachel, Ribeiro married to Samuel Cardozo in 1642
Rachel, Ribeiro Furtado married to Elias Solla de in 1800
Rachel, Ricardo married to Saul Pardo in 1787
Rachel, Rios delos married to Benjamin Dias Brandon in 1690
Rachel, Rios delos married to Francisco Dias Brandon in 1690
Rachel, Robles married to Isaac Miranda de in 1743
Rachel, Roca Leon de married to Abraham Alvares Veiga in 1745
Rachel, Rocamora d married to Abraham Cardozo in 1762
Rachel, Rocamora d married to Daniel Penha dela in 1741
Rachel, Rocamora d married to Daniel Ricardo in 1763
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Isaac Castello in 1708
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Salomon Meza de in 1694
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Abraham Bitton in 1762
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Joseph Bueno Mesquita de in 1739
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Jacob Ereira in 1786
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Abraham Albergue in 1749
Rachel, Rodriguez married to Jacob Azulay in 1781
Rachel, Rodriguez Carion married to Abraham Rodriguez Dias in 1716
Rachel, Rodriguez Carion married to Jacob Rodriguez Carion in 1668
Rachel, Rodriguez Henriquez married to Jacob Oliveira in 1765
Rachel, Rodriguez Henriquez married to Emanuel Silva da Esteves in 1739
Rachel, Rodriguez Nunes married to Samuel Suzarte in 1733
Rachel, Rodriguez Nunes married to Jacob Penamacor in 1718
Rachel, Rodriguez Pereira married to Mozes Rodriguez Pereira in 1696
Rachel, Rodriguez Roida de married to Isaac Castro de in 1751
Rachel, Roldan married to Samuel Pretto in 1727
Rachel, Romano married to Elias Monteiro in 1744
Rachel, Roque married to Raphael Abengabay in 1795
Rachel, Rosa Costa da married to Simon Pereira in 1752
Rachel, Sagache married to Jacob Sarfaty in 1752
Rachel, Sagache married to Abraham Israel Sagache in 1671
Rachel, Salem married to Raphael Azulay in 1785
Rachel, Sales de married to Gideon Mendes in 1739
Rachel, Salom married to David Coronel in 1732
Rachel, Salom married to Isaac Israel in 1750
Rachel, Salom married to Abraham Romano in 1766
Rachel, Salom married to David Leeuw de in 1728
Rachel, Salom married to Mozes Salom in 1680
Rachel, Salvador married to Aron Fernandes Nunes in 1718
Rachel, Salvador married to Isaac Henriquez Castro de in 1808
Rachel, Sanchez married to Abraham Saraga in 1697
Rachel, Sanchez married to David Pardo in 1619
Rachel, Santilhano married to Jacob Gabay in 1768
Rachel, Saportas married to Raphael Jessurun in 1708
Rachel, Saportas married to Joseph Costa da Athias in 1792
Rachel, Saqui married to Salomon Cohen in 1761
Rachel, Sarfaty married to David Meldola in 1739
Rachel, Sarfaty married to Josua Senior Coronel in 1803
Rachel, Sarfaty married to Salomon Musaphia in 1722
Rachel, Sarucco married to Samuel Lopes Salzedo in 1808
Rachel, Sarucco married to Isaac Saruco in 1709
Rachel, Sarucco married to Abraham Chaves de in 1710
Rachel, Sarucco married to Jacob Nunes Faro in 1777
Rachel, Semach married to Salomon Villa Real in 1697
Rachel, Semach married to Joseph Montel in 1738
Rachel, Semach Aboab married to Isaac Lopes Melhado in 1692
Rachel, Semach Serano married to Isaac Pretto Henriquez in 1741
Rachel, Semach Serano married to Jacob Musaphia in 1778
Rachel, Semach Valenca de married to Abraham Bueno Vivas in 1675
Rachel, Sena married to Abraham Gomes Silva da in 1725
Rachel, Senior married to Abraham Fundam in 1686
Rachel, Senior married to Isaac Senior in 1649
Rachel, Senior married to Baruch Senior in 1681
Rachel, Senior married to Josua Sarfaty in 1667
Rachel, Senior married to Isaac Nahar in 1657
Rachel, Senior married to Isaac Pina de in 1657
Rachel, Senior Coronel married to Joseph Costa da Achides in 1735
Rachel, Senior Coronel married to Isaac Lopes Alvin in 1727
Rachel, Senior Costa da married to Mozes Henriquez in 1789
Rachel, Senior Henriquez married to Benjamin Senior in 1699
Rachel, Senior Sarayva married to David Israel in 1698
Rachel, Sequeira d married to Isaac Abendana Britto de in 1729
Rachel, Sicallos married to Daniel Anavia in 1737
Rachel, Silva da married to Guillermo Silva da in 1695
Rachel, Silva da married to Abraham Meza de in 1695
Rachel, Silva da married to Abraham Rosa in 1712
Rachel, Silva da married to Abraham Capadoce in 1683
Rachel, Silva da married to Jacomo Mesurado in 1623
Rachel, Silva da married to Jacomo Mesurado in 1623
Rachel, Silva da married to Abraham Senior Sarayva in 1732
Rachel, Silva da Mendes married to Benjamin Habilho Fonseca da in 1747
Rachel, Silva da Mendes married to Aron Cohen in 1739
Rachel, Silva da Rosa married to Josua Sarfaty Pina in 1788
Rachel, Silva da Solis married to David Meza de in 1756
Rachel, Soares Pretto married to Mozes Pereira Brandao in 1700
Rachel, Solas de married to Aron Cohen in 1758
Rachel, Soria de married to Salomon Soria de in 1644
Rachel, Sotto del married to Joseph Jessurun Pinto in 1695
Rachel, Sotto del married to Joseph Alvares in 1675
Rachel, Sotto del married to Isaac Silva da in 1655
Rachel, Sotto del married to Haim Piza in 1775
Rachel, Sotto del married to Jacob Frances in 1643
Rachel, Souza de married to Mozes Jessurun in 1725
Rachel, Spinossa married to Mozes Cohen Henriquez in 1631
Rachel, Spinossa married to Jacob Avila d' in 1683
Rachel, Suares married to Abraham Suares in 1758
Rachel, Suares married to Aron Hamiz in 1634
Rachel, Suares married to Samuel Andrade d' in 1656
Rachel, Suares married to Jacob Palma de Carilho in 1659
Rachel, Suasso married to Abraham Lopes in 1677
Rachel, Suasso married to Francisco Liz de in 1677
Rachel, Suzarte married to Samuel Suzarte in 1736
Rachel, Teixeira married to Aron Franco Mendes in 1766
Rachel, Teixeira married to Abraham Fidanque in 1739
Rachel, Teixeira married to Isaac Ferro in 1689
Rachel, Teixeira Mattos de married to David Franco Mendes in 1802
Rachel, Teixeira Mattos de married to Joseph Teixeira in 1775
Rachel, Teixeira Tartas married to Iyob Valensin in 1721
Rachel, Telles married to Abraham Monis in 1737
Rachel, Tempel married to Michiel Lion in 1725
Rachel, Torres married to Samuel Jessurun Pinto in 1762
Rachel, Touro married to Ephraim Costa da in 1696
Rachel, Touro married to Isaac Frois in 1665
Rachel, Touro married to Mozes Penso in 1731
Rachel, Tovar married to David Fidanque in 1781
Rachel, Treves married to Azaria Galindo in 1698
Rachel, Trevino married to Nathan Levie in 1693
Rachel, Uziel married to Isaac Sena in 1688
Rachel, Uziel Cardozo married to David Costa da in 1766
Rachel, Valenca married to Daniel Nunes Ferro in 1754
Rachel, Valenca married to Joseph Benveniste in 1755
Rachel, Valenca de married to Isaac Valenca de in 1636
Rachel, Valenca de married to Mordechai Valenca in 1783
Rachel, Valenca de married to Samuel Porto in 1727
Rachel, Valhe del married to Antonio Mendes in 1623
Rachel, Valhe del married to Antonio Mendes in 1623
Rachel, Valk married to Benjamin Oheb in 1743
Rachel, Valverde married to Mozes Barocas in 1642
Rachel, Vaz married to Isaac Mendes Serra in 1680
Rachel, Vaz Costa da married to Jacob Costa da in 1722
Rachel, Vaz Dias married to Mozes Solla de in 1760
Rachel, Vaz Dias married to Mozes Henriquez Pimentel in 1796
Rachel, Vaz Martines married to Abraham Lopes Alvin in 1697
Rachel, Vaz Martins married to Jacob Dias Guttieres in 1715
Rachel, Vaz Martins married to Abraham Rodriguez Aquilar d' in 1721
Rachel, Vaz Oliveira d' married to Isaac Dias in 1749
Rachel, Vaz Oliveira d' married to Mozes Pereira Athias in 1706
Rachel, Veiga da married to Isaac Pinto de in 1655
Rachel, Veiga da married to Abraham Dias Fonseca da in 1682
Rachel, Veiga da married to Mozes Henriquez Medina in 1725
Rachel, Veiga da Henriquez married to Jacob Chaves de in 1742
Rachel, Velozinos married to Isaac Lopes Crespo in 1733
Rachel, Velozinos married to David Aboab Fonseca da in 1675
Rachel, Viegas married to Emanuel Viegas in 1620
Rachel, Viegas married to David Viegas in 1620
Rachel, Vieyra married to Salomon Levie in 1764
Rachel, Vigevano married to Jacob Delmonte in 1784
Rachel, Villa Real married to Samuel Souza de in 1650
Rachel, Zadok married to Raphael Nunes Carvalho in 1794
Rachel, Zuzarte married to Josua Sarfaty in 1808
Raphael, Abengabay married to Rachel Roque in 1795
Raphael, Abenhacar married to Lea Mendes Costa da in 1721
Raphael, Abrabanel married to Lea Mocatta in 1632
Raphael, Alvares married to Rebecca Franco Drago in 1774
Raphael, Alvares married to Gracia Aguilar d' in 1770
Raphael, Alvares Corre married to Judith Rodriguez Monsanto in 1716
Raphael, Aro d' married to Jael Solis de in 1657
Raphael, Asar married to Judith Rodriguez Soria de in 1672
Raphael, Athias married to Rachel Gomes Morenu in 1684
Raphael, Azulay married to Rachel Salem in 1785
Raphael, Balabrega married to Sara Cohen in 1795
Raphael, Bocarra married to Sara Bueno Mesquita de in 1792
Raphael, Calo married to Spranse Vintura in 1748
Raphael, Cardozo Namias married to Catharina Mendes in 1607
Raphael, Cardozo Namias married to Catharina Mendes in 1607
Raphael, Cohen Belinfante married to Rachel Fidanque in 1734
Raphael, Coronel married to Lea Silva da Curiel in 1781
Raphael, Costa da Mesquita married to Rachel Henriquez in 1728
Raphael, Curiel married to Ester Meza de in 1725
Raphael, Dias Brandon married to Sara Belmonte in 1711
Raphael, Dias Brandon married to Rebecca Alvares Veiga in 1780
Raphael, Duarte married to Catharina Lopes in 1659
Raphael, Israel married to Jael Jessurun Alcobasa in 1697
Raphael, Israel married to Debora Emanuel in 1722
Raphael, Jessurun married to Rachel Saportas in 1708
Raphael, Jessurun Aro d' married to Jael Jessurun in 1609
Raphael, Jessurun Cardozo married to Rachel Jessurun Jong de in 1795
Raphael, Jessurun Lopes married to Simcha Obediente in 1679
Raphael, Jessurun Oliveira d' married to Judith Alvares Vega in 1739
Raphael, Levie married to Rachel Levie in 1621
Raphael, Levie Bondia married to Rachel Nunes Bondia in 1635
Raphael, Meldola married to Simcha Uziel Cardozo in 1765
Raphael, Mendes Costa da married to Ribca Mendes Costa da in 1690
Raphael, Mendes Costa da married to Ester Mendes Costa da in 1698
Raphael, Mendes Costa da married to Rachel Mendes Costa da in 1760
Raphael, Mendes Costa da married to Rachel Mendes Costa da in 1709
Raphael, Mendes Costa da married to Ribca Mendes Costa da in 1759
Raphael, Mendes Costa da married to Reina Mendes Silva da in 1703
Raphael, Meza de married to Sara Cathan a in 1802
Raphael, Montezinos married to Ester Levie in 1671
Raphael, Nunes Carvalho married to Rachel Zadok in 1794
Raphael, Nunes Ribeiro married to Rebecca Taboada in 1764
Raphael, Nunes Vaz married to Simmetje Querido in 1758
Raphael, Padua de married to Sara Telles in 1668
Raphael, Palache de married to Sara Sarfaty in 1801
Raphael, Palacios d married to Sara Levie in 1712
Raphael, Penso married to Roosje Belmonte in 1769
Raphael, Penso married to Ester Alvares Veiga in 1687
Raphael, Piza married to Rachel Penha dela in 1793
Raphael, Rodondo de Rios delos married to Judith Lumbrozo in 1701
Raphael, Rodriguez married to Anna Rodriguez Pasqual in 1710
Raphael, Romano married to Rachel Bella dela in 1756
Raphael, Saqui married to Rachel Ramos in 1781
Raphael, Sulam married to Batseba Albergue in 1792
Raphael, Uziel Cardozo married to Ester Dias Fonseca da in 1744
Raphael, Vita Sulam married to Ester Delmonte in 1795
Rebecca, Praag v. married to Salomon Perez in 1717
Rebecca, Abendalac married to Elias Jessurun in 1741
Rebecca, Abendana Mendes married to David Abendana Namias in 1807
Rebecca, Abenesra married to Abraham Pereira in 1761
Rebecca, Abrabanel married to Isaac Crasto de in 1749
Rebecca, Abrabanel married to Isaac Abrabanel in 1719
Rebecca, Abrabanel Aredes married to Jacob Abrabanel in 1745
Rebecca, Abrabanel Aredes married to David Crasto de in 1738
Rebecca, Abraham Polak married to Mozes Curiel in 1798
Rebecca, Aguilar married to Israel Saruco in 1746
Rebecca, Alfarin married to Jacob Baruch in 1707
Rebecca, Alvares Veiga married to Raphael Dias Brandon in 1780
Rebecca, Athias married to Samuel Belmonte in 1663
Rebecca, Azuby married to Isaac Vintura in 1721
Rebecca, Baruch Henriquez married to Mozes Abendana in 1735
Rebecca, Baruch Israel married to Isaac Israel in 1703
Rebecca, Baruch Rosa married to Isaac Juda Rodriguez in 1708
Rebecca, Barzilay married to Joseph Bassan in 1789
Rebecca, Barzilay married to Isaac Leeuw de in 1700
Rebecca, Barzilay married to Abraham Harots in 1805
Rebecca, Blanck married to Isaac Israel Villa Real in 1649
Rebecca, Bravo married to Mordechai Dias Santilhano in 1796
Rebecca, Bretanha married to Jacob Namias Torres in 1777
Rebecca, Canho married to Salomon Vaz Dias in 1801
Rebecca, Canho del married to Abraham Canho del in 1806
Rebecca, Canho del married to Mozes Saqui in 1734
Rebecca, Carij married to Isaac Marchena in 1659
Rebecca, Carion married to Jacob Carion in 1736
Rebecca, Cathan a married to Jacob Senior Coronel in 1777
Rebecca, Cohen married to Abraham Fernandes in 1785
Rebecca, Cohen Lara de married to Aron Ricardo in 1796
Rebecca, Cohen Lara de married to Sabetay German in 1768
Rebecca, Cohen Lara de married to Samuel Solla de in 1799
Rebecca, Coronel married to Isaac Pretto Henriquez in 1774
Rebecca, Costa da married to Isaac Lobatto in 1794
Rebecca, Costa da married to Joseph Costa da in 1617
Rebecca, Costa da Athias married to Joseph Mendes Costa da in 1767
Rebecca, Costa da Senior married to Aron Penha dela in 1809
Rebecca, Cunha da married to Mozes Oheb Brandon in 1765
Rebecca, Curiel married to Emanuel Curiel in 1708
Rebecca, Curiel Costa da married to Samuel Ximenes in 1753
Rebecca, Delgado married to Zadok Cohen Belinfante in 1751
Rebecca, Dias Fonseca da married to Isaac Israel Mendes in 1732
Rebecca, Espinosa married to Jacob Espinosa in 1751
Rebecca, Fernandes Nunes married to Abraham Fonseca da in 1727
Rebecca, Finsi married to Joseph Brandon in 1797
Rebecca, Fonseca da married to Gerson Ancona d' in 1804
Rebecca, Fonseca da married to David Uziel Avilar d' in 1709
Rebecca, Fonseca da married to Mozes Pacheco in 1733
Rebecca, Franco Drago married to Raphael Alvares in 1774
Rebecca, Gomes Carvalho married to Jacob Bassan in 1807
Rebecca, Gomes Castro de married to David Martines in 1755
Rebecca, Gomes Costa da married to Joseph Aguilar d' in 1730
Rebecca, Guedelha Mattos de married to Isaac Canho del in 1794
Rebecca, Hartog Coster married to Samuel Pretto Henriquez in 1809
Rebecca, Henriquez married to Jacob Meza de in 1762
Rebecca, Henriquez married to Jacob Cohen Faro in 1742
Rebecca, Henriquez Alvares married to Mozes Messias in 1697
Rebecca, Henriquez Coelho married to Mozes Pretto Henriquez in 1775
Rebecca, Henriquez Coelho married to Jacob Lopes Cardozo in 1798
Rebecca, Henriquez Medina de married to Isaac Pretto Henriquez in 1682
Rebecca, Henriquez Moron married to Menachem Segre in 1775
Rebecca, Israel Henriquez married to Samuel Sarfaty Pina in 1779
Rebecca, Israel Pacheco married to Samuel Saruco in 1728
Rebecca, Jessurun Cardozo married to Mozes Dias Santilhano in 1807
Rebecca, Jessurun Lobo married to Abraham Coronel in 1787
Rebecca, Labella married to Aron Vigevano in 1784
Rebecca, Leeuw de married to Aron Leeuw de in 1766
Rebecca, Leeuw de married to Juda Provencal in 1785
Rebecca, Lemos de married to Mozes Coronel in 1775
Rebecca, Leon de married to Joseph Leon de in 1672
Rebecca, Levie married to Isaac Coronel in 1803
Rebecca, Levie Ximenes Pere married to Isaac Prado de in 1782
Rebecca, Lopes Rondon married to Sabetay Vintura in 1758
Rebecca, Lopes Telles married to Abraham Garcia in 1757
Rebecca, Louzada married to Michiel Senior in 1698
Rebecca, Machuca married to Salomon Molcho in 1731
Rebecca, Marache married to Jacob Henriquez in 1750
Rebecca, Mattos de Mocatta married to Aron Spinossa Cattella Jes in 1776
Rebecca, Medina de Lobo married to Abraham Saportas in 1700
Rebecca, Meldola married to Samuel Cohen Faro in 1771
Rebecca, Mendes married to Isaac Rodriguez in 1729
Rebecca, Mendes married to Mozes Cohen in 1802
Rebecca, Mendes Chumaceiro married to Abraham Gomes Mesquita de in 1792
Rebecca, Mendes Costa da married to Isaac Levie in 1764
Rebecca, Mercado married to Abraham Hallas in 1765
Rebecca, Meza de married to Joseph Meza de in 1734
Rebecca, Meza de married to Mozes Israel Mello in 1799
Rebecca, Meza de married to Abraham Mattos de in 1730
Rebecca, Milano married to Abraham Cathan a in 1757
Rebecca, Mocatta married to David Nunes Mantensa in 1660
Rebecca, Mocatta married to Mozes Lopes in 1710
Rebecca, Mocatta married to Emanuel Castello in 1780
Rebecca, Molcho married to Jacob Ferrares in 1782
Rebecca, Montezinos married to Jacob Machorro in 1715
Rebecca, Moraes married to Mozes Castro de in 1775
Rebecca, Morales married to Benjamin Garcia in 1746
Rebecca, Mozes married to Abraham Italiaan in 1673
Rebecca, Nabarro married to Mordechai Querido in 1779
Rebecca, Nunes Azevedo de married to Mozes Gomes Corre in 1706
Rebecca, Nunes Bernal married to Samuel Piza in 1763
Rebecca, Nunes Bernal married to Aron Bassan in 1777
Rebecca, Nunes Nabarro married to Jacob Lopes Salzedo in 1742
Rebecca, Nunes Ribeiro married to Mozes Finsi in 1799
Rebecca, Oheb Brandon married to Abraham Sarayva in 1712
Rebecca, Orobio Furtado married to Jacob Israel Santcroos in 1781
Rebecca, Paz de married to Abraham Levie Montezinos in 1768
Rebecca, Paz de married to Michiel Cohen Lara de in 1749
Rebecca, Pereira married to David Levie in 1774
Rebecca, Pereira married to Abraham Lopes Leao de in 1797
Rebecca, Pereira married to Mozes Curiel in 1714
Rebecca, Pereira married to Jacob Nunes Mercado de in 1733
Rebecca, Pereira married to Manasse Gaon in 1668
Rebecca, Pereira Brandon married to Joseph Vita Hajon in 1798
Rebecca, Pereira Brandon married to Mozes Lopes Pereira in 1736
Rebecca, Pezaro married to David Vieyra in 1777
Rebecca, Querido married to Salomon Levie Maduro in 1728
Rebecca, Rana married to Salomon Merinas de in 1698
Rebecca, Ricardo married to David Rocamora d in 1796
Rebecca, Ricardo married to Daniel Costa da in 1797
Rebecca, Ricardo married to Samuel Israel Ricardo in 1753
Rebecca, Roca Leon de married to Lazarus Morpurgo in 1809
Rebecca, Rodriguez married to Isaac Torres in 1732
Rebecca, Rodriguez Henriquez married to Isaac Ledesma Meatob in 1773
Rebecca, Rodriguez Lopes married to Abraham Nahar Granada in 1782
Rebecca, Rodriguez Nunes married to Mordechai Gabay Mendes in 1731
Rebecca, Rodriguez Nunes married to Aron Senior Coronel in 1780
Rebecca, Rodriguez Pereira married to Jacob Munhao in 1729
Rebecca, Rois married to Isaac Rois in 1622
Rebecca, Sagache married to Benjamin Israel Sagache in 1710
Rebecca, Salom Valhe del married to David Coronel Cardozo in 1811
Rebecca, Saportas married to Abraham Paz de in 1763
Rebecca, Sarfaty married to Emanuel Sarfaty in 1619
Rebecca, Sarfaty married to Zadok Cohen Belinfante in 1796
Rebecca, Sarucco married to David Lopes Salzedo in 1760
Rebecca, Sarucco married to Salomon Palache in 1729
Rebecca, Senator married to David Cohen Lara de in 1735
Rebecca, Senior Coronel married to Abraham Jessurun Alvares in 1756
Rebecca, Silva married to Mordechai Levie in 1801
Rebecca, Silva Abenatar married to Abraham Delmonte in 1809
Rebecca, Silva Curiel married to Jacob Lopes Salzedo in 1806
Rebecca, Silva da married to Salomon Israel in 1681
Rebecca, Silva da Curiel married to Aron Salem in 1804
Rebecca, Silva da Solis married to Salomon Cohen Belinfante in 1735
Rebecca, Siprut Gabay de married to Aron Azulay in 1756
Rebecca, Sotto del married to Jacob Vigevano in 1806
Rebecca, Suasso married to Mozes Pinto de in 1673
Rebecca, Suasso married to Mozes Rodrigo Alvares in 1673
Rebecca, Suzarte married to David Azuby in 1739
Rebecca, Swart married to Jacob Saruco in 1720
Rebecca, Taboada married to Raphael Nunes Ribeiro in 1764
Rebecca, Talano married to David Costa da Athias in 1794
Rebecca, Telles Costa da married to Abraham Vaz Oliveira d' in 1737
Rebecca, Tovar married to Joseph Azuby in 1744
Rebecca, Trevino married to Daniel Baruch in 1809
Rebecca, Valensin married to Isaac Valensin in 1619
Rebecca, Vaz married to Isaac Meatob in 1684
Rebecca, Vaz Martins married to Samuel Costa da Abendana in 1748
Rebecca, Veiga married to David Cortissos in 1808
Rebecca, Vidal married to Isaac Carmi in 1739
Rebecca, Vigevano married to Jechiel Messias in 1807
Rebecca, Vintura married to Samuel Baruch Benavente in 1768
Rebecca, Zwart married to Eliseu Pereira in 1703
Rehuel, Abudiente married to Simcha Lima de in 1747
Rehuel, Cohen Lobatto married to Rachel Costa da Cortissos in 1651
Rehuel, Cohen Lobatto married to Jael Fidanque in 1659
Rehuel, Lobatto married to Ribca Israel Ricardo in 1759
Reina, Abendana Britto de married to Isaac Jessurun in 1760
Reina, Ahuby married to Meijer Cohen in 1731
Reina, Aro d' married to Alfonso Oliveira d in 1646
Reina, Azulay married to David Leao de in 1786
Reina, Baruch Lates married to Isaac Mendes Coutinho in 1797
Reina, Barzilay married to Jacob Zavy in 1799
Reina, Bassan married to David Levie Hasday in 1734
Reina, Bella dela married to Jacob Pinheiro in 1786
Reina, Bella dela married to Jacob Mendes Solla de in 1808
Reina, Belmonte married to Gabriel Figueredo in 1723
Reina, Campos married to Daniel Jessurun in 1735
Reina, Cardozo married to Salomon Juda Rodriguez in 1778
Reina, Chilon married to Benjamin Nahar in 1641
Reina, Cohen married to David Penso in 1708
Reina, Cohen married to Joseph Silva da in 1732
Reina, Cohen married to Joseph Henriquez Almeida d' in 1704
Reina, Cohen married to Pinchas Bella dela in 1725
Reina, Cohen Belinfante married to Daniel Silva Solis in 1769
Reina, Dias married to Benjamin Dias in 1656
Reina, Dormido Sotto del married to Daniel Pereira Castro de in 1695
Reina, Faya dela married to Benjamin Israel in 1694
Reina, Gomes married to Abraham Leon de in 1688
Reina, Gomes Silva da married to Jacob Henriquez in 1729
Reina, Hamiz Orta d' married to David Bueno Moira de in 1695
Reina, Israel married to Daniel Mendes in 1669
Reina, Labelle married to Joseph Ferrares in 1796
Reina, Levie Flores married to Elias Abarbanel Barbosa in 1696
Reina, Levie Morteira married to Isaac Franco Castanho in 1640
Reina, Marcus married to Abraham Casseres d in 1709
Reina, Mattos de married to Abraham Pereira in 1718
Reina, Mendes Costa da married to Salomon Penha dela Rocamora de in 1802
Reina, Mendes Silva da married to Raphael Mendes Costa da in 1703
Reina, Messias married to Abraham Saul in 1777
Reina, Montezinos married to Isaac Robles in 1799
Reina, Musaphia married to Emanuel Sarfaty in 1808
Reina, Nahar married to Mozes Pinedo de in 1786
Reina, Nahar married to Samuel Pretto in 1716
Reina, Netto married to Isaac Franco in 1633
Reina, Netto married to Jacob Uziel Cardozo in 1673
Reina, Porto married to Mordechai Levie in 1718
Reina, Pretto Henriquez married to Isaac Semach Serano in 1741
Reina, Sacutto married to Aron Jessurun in 1722
Reina, Sarucco married to Isaac Abenhacar Bondia in 1685
Reina, Senior Coronel married to Samuel Souza de in 1724
Reina, Silva married to Mozes Crispo in 1715
Reina, Siprut Gabay married to Isaac Saruco in 1734
Reina, Solla de married to David Leon in 1770
Reina, Souza married to Salomon Azik in 1721
Reina, Toledo married to Isaac Querido in 1782
Reina, Uziel Cardozo married to Mozes Montezinos Mesquita de in 1719
Ribca, Abarbanel married to Mozes Blauw in 1699
Ribca, Abaz married to Jeronimo Nunes Costa da in 1654
Ribca, Abenatar married to David Aboab Cardozo in 1697
Ribca, Abenatar married to Salomon Silva da in 1751
Ribca, Abenatar married to Isaac Fidanque in 1799
Ribca, Abendana married to Jacob Jessurun Pinto in 1671
Ribca, Abendana married to Jacob Semach Cortissos in 1662
Ribca, Abendana Mendes married to Abraham Aguilar d' in 1690
Ribca, Abendana Mendes married to Ephraim Arari in 1696
Ribca, Abenhacar Pimentel married to David Abenatar in 1683
Ribca, Aboab married to David Ximenes Cardozo in 1677
Ribca, Aboab married to Salomon Nahar in 1675
Ribca, Aboab married to David Abendana in 1646
Ribca, Abrabanel married to Isaac Abrabanel in 1724
Ribca, Aguilar d' married to Aron Querido in 1681
Ribca, Aguilar d' married to Daniel Rodriguez in 1752
Ribca, Aguilar d' married to Isaac Castro de in 1667
Ribca, Ailyon married to Elias Colasso in 1749
Ribca, Alvares married to Mozes Pretto Henriquez in 1780
Ribca, Alvares married to Mozes Levie Bintubo in 1796
Ribca, Alvares Machado married to Jacob Chaves de in 1691
Ribca, Alvin married to Isaac Lopes Alvin in 1670
Ribca, Arari married to Johannes Rodriguez Faro in 1686
Ribca, Azevedo d' married to Aron Brandon in 1683
Ribca, Azuby married to Abraham Tovar in 1782
Ribca, Azulay married to Isaac Nunes Bernal in 1809
Ribca, Baruch married to Abraham Dias in 1731
Ribca, Baruch married to Isaac Sarfaty in 1695
Ribca, Baruch married to Isaac Baruch in 1621
Ribca, Baruch married to Jacob Baruch in 1668
Ribca, Baruch Crasto de married to Abraham Ribeira de in 1724
Ribca, Baruch Pardo married to Joseph Ailyon in 1725
Ribca, Barzilay married to Samuel Barzilay in 1655
Ribca, Barzilay married to Jacob Jessurun in 1658
Ribca, Belmonte married to Joseph Fernandes Nunes in 1751
Ribca, Belmonte married to Nathan Sarfaty in 1695
Ribca, Belmonte married to Jacob Abenatar in 1736
Ribca, Bocata Veiga da married to Abraham Soares in 1669
Ribca, Brandon married to Jacob Henriquez Fuente dela in 1763
Ribca, Bueno married to Isaac Bueno in 1645
Ribca, Bueno married to Mozes Bueno in 1647
Ribca, Bueno Mesquita de married to Mozes Henriquez Medina in 1767
Ribca, Bueno Moira married to Isaac Paz de in 1681
Ribca, Capadoce married to Mozes Gabay Henriquez in 1721
Ribca, Carilho married to David Abrabanel Aredes in 1681
Ribca, Carriao married to Jacob Rodriguez Carriao in 1670
Ribca, Carvalho married to Jacob Nunes Henriquez in 1670
Ribca, Carvalho married to Isaac Frois in 1686
Ribca, Castiel married to Abraham Jessurun in 1709
Ribca, Castro de married to Mozes Castro de in 1782
Ribca, Castro de married to Jacob Delgado in 1730
Ribca, Castro de Mattos married to Jacob Paz de Torres in 1737
Ribca, Chaves de married to Jacob Mendes Gama in 1681
Ribca, Chaves de married to Abraham Capadoce in 1743
Ribca, Cohen Gonzales married to Jacob Lorenzo in 1683
Ribca, Cohen Lara de married to Jacob Peixotto in 1730
Ribca, Cohen Lara de married to Salomon Oheb Brandon in 1685
Ribca, Cohen Lara de married to Mozes Oheb in 1695
Ribca, Cohen Peixotto married to Jacob Cohen Peixotto in 1721
Ribca, Colasso married to Joseph Brandon Belmonte in 1806
Ribca, Colasso married to David Belmonte in 1741
Ribca, Correa married to Ephraim Mendes Costa da in 1730
Ribca, Costa da married to Mozes Vaz Nunes in 1775
Ribca, Costa da married to Jacob Pacheco in 1668
Ribca, Costa da married to Abraham Aboab in 1685
Ribca, Costa da married to Abraham Ferro in 1694
Ribca, Costa da married to Mozes Mendes Costa da in 1723
Ribca, Costa da Andrade d' married to Benjamin Jessurun Lobo in 1681
Ribca, Costa da Andrade d' married to Benjamin Medina de in 1681
Ribca, Crasto de married to Jacob Ribeiro Furtado in 1784
Ribca, Curiel married to Benjamin Musaphia Fidalgo in 1742
Ribca, Curiel married to Salomon Abaz in 1695
Ribca, Curiel married to Abraham Mendes Coutinho in 1753
Ribca, Curiel married to Josua Abaz in 1656
Ribca, Curiel married to Joseph Prado de in 1745
Ribca, Curiel married to Abraham Meza de in 1687
Ribca, Curiel married to Abraham Curiel in 1699
Ribca, David Kijser married to David Sobrinho in 1699
Ribca, Delgado married to Abraham Casseres d in 1724
Ribca, Dias married to Mozes Dias in 1683
Ribca, Dias married to Joseph Nehemias Torres in 1625
Ribca, Dias married to Joseph Nehemias Torres in 1625
Ribca, Dias Fonseca da married to Abraham Fonseca da Dias in 1669
Ribca, Dias Motta married to Jacob Morales in 1752
Ribca, Doria married to Mozes Silveira Mattos de in 1710
Ribca, Dourada married to Abraham Henriquez Cruarda d' in 1678
Ribca, Ergas married to Benjamin Campos de in 1684
Ribca, Escapa married to Isaac Pretto in 1641
Ribca, Farquez married to Mozes Talano in 1683
Ribca, Fernandes married to Salomon Dias in 1758
Ribca, Fernandes married to Josua Lopes Pereira in 1708
Ribca, Fernandes married to Abraham Silva da in 1770
Ribca, Fernandes Costa da married to Mozes Moraes de in 1699
Ribca, Ferro married to Jacob Silva da Solis in 1682
Ribca, Fidanque married to Joseph Rodriguez Henriquez in 1746
Ribca, Finci married to Isaac Camis in 1705
Ribca, Flory married to Mozes Baruch Carvalho in 1722
Ribca, Fonseca da married to Isaac Henriquez Moron in 1718
Ribca, Fonseca da married to Daniel Vasquez in 1694
Ribca, Fonseca da married to Abraham Baruch Abarbanel in 1688
Ribca, Frances married to Mozes Touro in 1683
Ribca, Franco married to Aron Paz de in 1647
Ribca, Franco married to Aron Paz de in 1647
Ribca, Franco married to Samuel Dias Fonseca da in 1650
Ribca, Franco Costa da married to Joseph Pinto de in 1695
Ribca, Franco Mendes married to Joseph Lima de in 1697
Ribca, Franco Mendes married to Jonas Abrabanel Barbosa in 1704
Ribca, Franco Mendes married to Nathan Curiel in 1734
Ribca, Franco Nunes married to Joseph Franco Nunes in 1659
Ribca, Franco Silva da married to Abraham Curiel in 1685
Ribca, Franco Silveira married to Abraham Mendes Penha in 1704
Ribca, Franco Silveira married to Manasse Gaon in 1695
Ribca, Freyra married to Abraham Nunes Bernal in 1718
Ribca, Gabay married to Mozes Silva da in 1651
Ribca, Gabay married to Mozes Mocatta in 1676
Ribca, Gabay Henriquez married to Isaac Gabay Henriquez in 1673
Ribca, Gabay Isidro married to Salomon Gama da in 1712
Ribca, Gabay Mendes married to Abraham Montezinos in 1729
Ribca, Gama da married to Joseph Saruco in 1782
Ribca, Gaon married to Aron Lopes Colasso in 1738
Ribca, Garcia married to Sabetay Israel Ricardo in 1783
Ribca, Garcia Isidro married to Mordechai Bassan in 1784
Ribca, Garsez married to Isaac Garsez in 1640
Ribca, German married to Gerson Ancona d' in 1756
Ribca, German married to Salomon Sagache in 1800
Ribca, Gomes married to Abraham Falcao in 1700
Ribca, Gomes married to Isaac Crasto de in 1687
Ribca, Gomes married to Benjamin Henriquez in 1683
Ribca, Gomes married to Isaac Calvo Andrade d' in 1678
Ribca, Gomes Castro de married to Isaac Tovar in 1750
Ribca, Gomes Mesquita de married to Isaac Henriquez Faro in 1734
Ribca, Gonzales married to Joseph Franco Nunes in 1659
Ribca, Gracia married to Samuel Israel Pereira in 1730
Ribca, Henriquez married to Mozes Henriquez in 1642
Ribca, Henriquez married to Benjamin Jessurun in 1664
Ribca, Henriquez married to Isaac Mar da in 1635
Ribca, Henriquez married to Jacob Casseres d in 1671
Ribca, Henriquez married to Abraham Jessurun Henriquez in 1662
Ribca, Henriquez Alvares married to Joseph Abarbanel Serra da in 1683
Ribca, Henriquez Faro married to Salomon Lopes Henriquez in 1689
Ribca, Henriquez Faro married to Emanuel Abendana in 1715
Ribca, Henriquez Mesquita de married to Mozes Pereira in 1746
Ribca, Henriquez Moron married to Daniel Nunes Ferro in 1760
Ribca, Henriquez Penha married to David Netto in 1735
Ribca, Ilhoa d' married to David Lopes Quiros de in 1709
Ribca, Israel married to Abraham Henriquez Azevedo d' in 1698
Ribca, Israel married to Mozes Delgado in 1699
Ribca, Israel married to Joseph Carbon in 1684
Ribca, Israel Ricardo married to Rehuel Lobatto in 1759
Ribca, Israel Sagache married to Joseph Israel Ricardo in 1798
Ribca, Jessurun married to Daniel Abiatar in 1694
Ribca, Jessurun married to Abraham Pinto Sotto del in 1726
Ribca, Jessurun Pinto married to Samuel Henriquez Medina in 1725
Ribca, Jong de married to Mordechai Palache in 1750
Ribca, Juda Leon married to Isaac Juda Leon in 1636
Ribca, Leeuw de married to Jacob Machorro in 1747
Ribca, Leeuw de married to Jacob Jessurun in 1700
Ribca, Leon de married to Elias Juda Leao de in 1656
Ribca, Leon de married to Daniel Lopes Leon de in 1701
Ribca, Leon de married to Emanuel Lopes Laguna in 1701
Ribca, Levie married to Joseph Sanchez in 1689
Ribca, Levie married to Samuel Telles in 1675
Ribca, Levie Barrios de married to Emanuel Semach in 1695
Ribca, Levie Maduro married to David Machorro Leon de in 1684
Ribca, Levie Ximenes married to Isaac Veiga da Henriquez in 1722
Ribca, Lima de married to David Gomes Morenu de in 1684
Ribca, Lima de Burges married to Isaac Gomes Mesquita de in 1747
Ribca, Lindo married to Jacob Gaon in 1654
Ribca, Lindo Aydo de married to Jacob Mocatta Nunes in 1726
Ribca, Lopes Alvin married to Abraham Levie in 1729
Ribca, Lopes Arias married to Jechiel Foa in 1738
Ribca, Lopes Crespo married to Daniel Baruch Bueno in 1725
Ribca, Lopes Henriquez married to David Henriquez Faro in 1740
Ribca, Lopes Henriquez married to Aron Robles de in 1694
Ribca, Lopes Henriquez married to Daniel Semach Aboab in 1668
Ribca, Lopes Henriquez married to Isaac Abarbanel Souza de in 1695
Ribca, Lopes Melhado married to Abraham Semach Aboab in 1712
Ribca, Luria married to Abraham Saruco in 1739
Ribca, Lusenna de married to Emanuel Abenatar in 1656
Ribca, Machorro married to Jacob Meza de in 1801
Ribca, Marquez married to Samuel Levie Ximenes in 1688
Ribca, Mendes married to Abraham Sotto del in 1663
Ribca, Mendes married to Benjamin Rodriguez in 1648
Ribca, Mendes married to Mozes Delgado in 1709
Ribca, Mendes married to Abraham Lopes Salzedo in 1683
Ribca, Mendes Costa da married to Raphael Mendes Costa da in 1690
Ribca, Mendes Costa da married to Raphael Mendes Costa da in 1759
Ribca, Mendes Costa da married to Joseph Cohen Azevedo d' in 1724
Ribca, Mendes Costa da married to Benjamin Mendes Costa da in 1690
Ribca, Mendes Henriquez married to Joseph Senior Coronel in 1700
Ribca, Mendes Lobbregon married to Isaac Cardozo in 1684
Ribca, Mendes Silva da married to Joseph Suasso Lima de in 1741
Ribca, Mendes Silva da married to Daniel Mendes Henriquez in 1695
Ribca, Mendes Silva da married to Joseph Mendes Silva da in 1713
Ribca, Mendes Vasquez married to Daniel Mendes Vasquez in 1671
Ribca, Mercado married to Josua Senator in 1801
Ribca, Mercado de married to Manasse Louzada in 1728
Ribca, Mercado de married to Jacob Morenu in 1683
Ribca, Meza de married to Juda Prado de in 1727
Ribca, Meza de married to Diego Ramirez in 1687
Ribca, Meza de married to Isaac Curiel in 1687
Ribca, Meza de married to Eliaquim Castiel in 1658
Ribca, Meza de married to Jacob Mendes in 1735
Ribca, Miranda married to Elias Fonseca da in 1763
Ribca, Mocatta Nunes married to David Pereira in 1725
Ribca, Monsanto married to Jacob Orobio in 1673
Ribca, Montel married to Emanuel Semach in 1711
Ribca, Morales de married to Emanuel Nunes Mercado de in 1707
Ribca, Morenu married to Mozes Castro de Paz de in 1667
Ribca, Morenu Henriquez married to Abraham Morenu Henriquez in 1694
Ribca, Mozes Daalen v. married to Salomon Ricardo in 1787
Ribca, Musaphia married to Jacob Musaphia in 1677
Ribca, Nabarro married to Isaac Nabarro in 1656
Ribca, Nahar married to Jacob Abaz in 1656
Ribca, Nietto married to Joseph Jessurun Henriquez in 1658
Ribca, Nunes married to Abraham Ereira in 1764
Ribca, Nunes married to Abraham Lopes Arias in 1686
Ribca, Nunes married to Salomon Marcos in 1669
Ribca, Nunes Bernal married to Elias Nunes Bernal in 1720
Ribca, Nunes Carvalho married to Samuel Porto in 1753
Ribca, Nunes Costa da married to Isaac Solas in 1754
Ribca, Nunes Ferro married to Isaac Cohen Lara de in 1785
Ribca, Nunes Henriquez married to Mozes Nunes Marchena in 1685
Ribca, Nunes Henriquez married to Abraham Nunes Henriquez in 1695
Ribca, Nunes Mercado married to Gabriel Cohen Sigala in 1731
Ribca, Obediente married to Joseph Lopes in 1641
Ribca, Oheb married to Jacob Ancona d' in 1757
Ribca, Oheb married to Mordechai Hallas in 1662
Ribca, Oheb Brandon married to Juda Milhado in 1747
Ribca, Oliveira d married to Abraham Lopes Colasso in 1700
Ribca, Orobio married to Isaac Milano in 1686
Ribca, Osorio married to Abraham Franco Mendes in 1636
Ribca, Osorio married to Abraham Franco Mendes in 1636
Ribca, Paiva de married to Jacob Pereira in 1651
Ribca, Palacios d married to Benjamin Vaz Martines in 1698
Ribca, Palacios d married to Eliaser Leeuw de in 1783
Ribca, Parra dela married to Jacob Jessurun Pinto in 1722
Ribca, Penha dela married to Mozes Gabay Henriquez in 1719
Ribca, Penso married to Jacob Gabay Henriquez in 1685
Ribca, Pereira married to Mozes Pereira in 1716
Ribca, Pereira married to Joseph Senior in 1678
Ribca, Pereira married to Mozes Baruch Abarbanel in 1664
Ribca, Pereira married to Abraham Teixeira Mattos de in 1725
Ribca, Pereira married to Mozes Leon de in 1694
Ribca, Pereira married to David Capadoce Pereira in 1780
Ribca, Pereira married to Isaac Dias Vaz in 1702
Ribca, Pereira married to Jacob Teixeira Mattos de in 1738
Ribca, Pereira married to Jacob Pinto de in 1651
Ribca, Pereira married to Jacob Nunes Henriquez in 1723
Ribca, Pereira Athias married to David Hamiz Vaz in 1739
Ribca, Perez married to Aron Perez in 1668
Ribca, Pessoa married to Simon Corre in 1659
Ribca, Pessoa married to Isaac Cohen Caminha in 1659
Ribca, Pinheiro married to Daniel Pinheiro in 1684
Ribca, Pinto married to Isaac Pereira Brandon in 1701
Ribca, Pinto de married to Jacob Pinto de in 1737
Ribca, Pinto de married to Jacob Pinto de in 1772
Ribca, Pinto de married to Emanuel Franco Costa da in 1702
Ribca, Polido married to Mozes Alva in 1687
Ribca, Porto de married to Abraham Zuniga in 1732
Ribca, Prado de married to Samuel Pereira in 1668
Ribca, Ribeiro married to Samuel Teixeira in 1708
Ribca, Robles de married to Isaac Garcia in 1747
Ribca, Rodriguez married to Abraham Suzarte in 1674
Ribca, Rodriguez Levie married to Isaac Israel Bernal in 1662
Ribca, Rodriguez Messias married to Abraham Mercado in 1687
Ribca, Romanel married to Michiel Treves in 1782
Ribca, Rosa Costa da married to Juda Pereira in 1761
Ribca, Salom married to Salomon Salom Rocha da in 1648
Ribca, Salom Azevedo de married to David Salom in 1708
Ribca, Sarfaty married to Abraham Curiel in 1763
Ribca, Sarfaty married to Manasse Gaon in 1686
Ribca, Sarfaty married to Mozes Romano in 1722
Ribca, Semach Valenca da married to Mozes Bueno Vivas in 1734
Ribca, Senator married to Daniel Fresco in 1699
Ribca, Senior married to Isaac Semach Aboab in 1699
Ribca, Senior married to Abraham Israel in 1699
Ribca, Senior married to Jacob Fundao in 1656
Ribca, Senior married to Josua Pina de in 1677
Ribca, Sequeira married to Isaac Oliveira d in 1733
Ribca, Sigala married to Isaac Talano in 1682
Ribca, Solla de married to Mozes Aguilar in 1777
Ribca, Solla de married to Joseph Henriquez Pimentel in 1750
Ribca, Souza de married to Mozes Pereira in 1666
Ribca, Souza de Britto married to Isaac Rodriguez Mendes in 1695
Ribca, Souza de Henriquez married to Daniel Henriquez Souza de in 1722
Ribca, Spinossa married to Abraham Miranda de in 1671
Ribca, Sueiro married to David Alfarin in 1700
Ribca, Suzarte married to Abraham Suzarte in 1648
Ribca, Suzarte married to Isaac Gaon in 1698
Ribca, Suzarte married to Isaac Fonseca da Chaves in 1764
Ribca, Teixeira married to Benjamin Teixeira in 1710
Ribca, Teixeira Mattos de married to Isaac Teixeira Mattos de in 1802
Ribca, Teixeira Mattos de married to Jacob Teixeira Mattos de in 1773
Ribca, Teixeira Mattos de married to Isaac Teixeira Mattos de in 1808
Ribca, Teixeira Mattos de married to Abraham Teixeira Mattos de in 1775
Ribca, Teixeira Mattos de married to Abraham Teixeira Mattos de in 1719
Ribca, Telles married to Aron Gabay Faro in 1686
Ribca, Telles married to Jacob Abendana Pereira in 1668
Ribca, Toledo de married to Emanuel Baruch Henriquez in 1687
Ribca, Touro married to David Lopes Leon de in 1701
Ribca, Touro married to Diego Lopes Laguna in 1701
Ribca, Tovar married to Michiel Cohen Lara de in 1801
Ribca, Trevino married to Jacob Lopes Silva in 1772
Ribca, Uziel Cardozo married to Mordechai Salom Valhe del in 1783
Ribca, Vargas married to Juda Costa da in 1744
Ribca, Vaz married to David Musaphia in 1720
Ribca, Vaz married to Philip Alvares in 1651
Ribca, Vaz Faro married to Isaac Costa da in 1711
Ribca, Vaz Faro married to Mozes Vaz Faro in 1657
Ribca, Vaz Lopes married to Joseph Benveniste in 1739
Ribca, Vaz Oliveira d' married to Jacob Vaz Oliveira d' in 1760
Ribca, Vaz Oliveira d' married to Isaac Dias Vasquez in 1750
Ribca, Veiga da married to Isaac Gomes in 1648
Ribca, Veiga da Henriquez married to David Pinto de in 1784
Ribca, Veige da married to Diego Gomes Mendes in 1648
Ribca, Velha married to Mordechai Israel in 1705
Ribca, Vieyra married to Baruch Sarfaty Pina de in 1694
Ribca, Ximenes married to David Pinto de in 1772
Ribca, Ximenes married to Salomon Balabrega in 1735
Rica, Aletrino married to Isaac Aboab Fonseca da in 1726
Rica, Castro de married to David Semach Valensa de in 1681
Rica, Cortissos married to Mozes Manrique in 1721
Rica, Gaon married to Isaac Leon de in 1715
Rica, Gomes Silva married to Mozes Alva in 1721
Rica, Henriquez Souza de married to Daniel Gomes in 1713
Rica, Israel Ricardo married to Samuel Israel Ricardo in 1735
Rica, Jessurun Lopes married to Abraham Costa da in 1705
Rica, Levie married to Abraham Jessurun Oliveira d' in 1712
Rica, Levie Ximenes married to Jacob Abenhacar Bondia in 1715
Rica, Machuca married to Gideon Silva da in 1803
Rica, Medina de married to Mozes Henriquez in 1688
Rica, Mendes Costa da married to Samuel Henriquez Medina de in 1703
Rica, Mendes Silva da married to Abraham Levie Ximenes in 1712
Rica, Monsanto married to Isaac Pacheco in 1637
Rica, Nunes Mendes married to Daniel Israel in 1682
Rica, Penso married to Abraham Levie in 1673
Rica, Rodriguez married to Pinchas Bella dela in 1786
Rica, Toledo married to Jacob Lion in 1808
Rica, Treves married to Azaria Galindo in 1708
Rica, Valk married to Jacob Mendes in 1740
Rica, Vaz married to Abraham Semach Faro in 1705
Rica, Vita Israel married to Emanuel Vita Israel in 1791
Rocque, Leon de married to Maria Pereira in 1694
Rodrigo, Alvares Paz de married to Helena Gomes in 1620
Rodrigo, Alvares Paz de married to Maria Nunes in 1628
Rodrigo, Alvares Paz de married to Helena Gomes in 1620
Roosje, Emmerik married to Abraham Monsanto in 1721
Roosje, Abaz married to Jacob Abaz in 1792
Roosje, Abaz married to David Cardozo Fonseca da in 1785
Roosje, Athias married to David Cardozo Abarbanel in 1729
Roosje, Belmonte married to Raphael Penso in 1769
Roosje, Carmi married to Aron Peixotto in 1722
Roosje, Cohen married to Jacob Mendes in 1807
Roosje, Costa da Pimentel married to Abraham Israel Lorenso in 1728
Roosje, Gomes married to Naphtali Asser in 1684
Roosje, Jochem married to David Coronel in 1809
Roosje, Medina de married to Mordechai Salom Valhe del in 1708
Roosje, Mondolpho married to Salomon Brandon in 1802
Roosje, Mozes married to Mozes Baruch Henriquez in 1798
Roosje, Nunes Almeida d' married to Samuel Touro in 1708
Roosje, Nunes Costa da married to Jacob Dias Motta dela in 1724
Roosje, Provencal married to Joseph Canho in 1786
Roosje, Sephorai married to Jacob Piza in 1727
Roosje, Taboada married to Salomon Balabrega in 1748
Ruben, Abenatar married to Simcha Abenatar in 1754
Rui, Gomes Frontera married to Simcha Bueno in 1645
Ruijel, Pina de married to Barucha Pina de in 1621