Sephardi marriages (TIM)
Brides and Grooms - First name starting with L (216 persons)
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Lazarus, Morpurgo married to Rebecca Roca Leon de in 1809
Lea, Abarbanel married to Isaac Templo in 1723
Lea, Abarbanel Souza de married to Jacob Abenhacar in 1679
Lea, Abaz married to Josua Abendana Osorio in 1684
Lea, Abaz married to Daniel Israel in 1723
Lea, Abenatar married to Jacob Ereira in 1801
Lea, Abenatar Mello married to Jacob Meza de in 1693
Lea, Abendana married to Aron Rodriguez Pereira in 1687
Lea, Abendana married to Abraham Meza de in 1699
Lea, Abendana married to Emanuel Cunha da Ergas in 1623
Lea, Abendana married to Mozes Abendana Mendes in 1784
Lea, Abendana Mendes married to David Abendana Belmonte in 1792
Lea, Abenhacar married to Duarte Rodriguez Mendes in 1686
Lea, Abenhacar married to Salomon Blauw in 1752
Lea, Abenhacar married to Jacob Israel Mendes in 1686
Lea, Abensur married to Jacob Peixotto in 1712
Lea, Abiatar married to Nuno Soares in 1651
Lea, Abrabanel married to Salomon Crasto de in 1751
Lea, Aguilar married to Mozes Bassan in 1777
Lea, Albergue married to Samuel Cathan a in 1792
Lea, Alepron married to Aron Rodriguez Nunes in 1753
Lea, Alepron married to Isaac Espinosa in 1737
Lea, Almeida d' married to Israel Botbol in 1721
Lea, Antunes married to Juda Pereira Abaz in 1752
Lea, Antunes married to Aron Antunes in 1707
Lea, Azuby married to Jacob Pereira in 1734
Lea, Azuby married to Eli Azuby in 1720
Lea, Azuby married to Isaac Aletrino in 1722
Lea, Azuby Cardozo married to Jacob Gomes Costa da in 1755
Lea, Baruch married to Samuel Ramirez in 1667
Lea, Baruch married to Isaac Gomes Coutinho in 1688
Lea, Baruch married to Isaac Gomes Coutinho in 1688
Lea, Baruch Castro de married to Abraham Fernandes Henriquez in 1733
Lea, Baruch Rosa married to Abraham Melin in 1679
Lea, Barzilay married to Mendo Lopes Carnero in 1635
Lea, Barzilay married to Jacob Spinossa Cattella in 1728
Lea, Barzilay married to Mendo Lopes Carnero in 1635
Lea, Belmonte married to Joseph Belmonte in 1720
Lea, Belmonte married to David Mesquita d in 1677
Lea, Bernal married to Abraham Bernal in 1693
Lea, Brandon married to David Levie Dalen v. in 1662
Lea, Bravo married to Isaac Prado de in 1742
Lea, Bravo married to Abraham Antunes in 1730
Lea, Canho married to Joseph Blanes in 1780
Lea, Canho del married to Abraham Baruch Henriquez in 1718
Lea, Capadoce married to Abraham Mendes in 1780
Lea, Cardozo married to Josua Senior Coronel in 1745
Lea, Chilon married to Salomon Juda Leon in 1684
Lea, Cohen Azevedo de married to Mozes Solas Silveira in 1731
Lea, Colasso married to Isaac Abenhacar in 1751
Lea, Corre married to Elias Melhado in 1795
Lea, Cortissos married to Benjamin Oheb Brandon in 1802
Lea, Costa da married to Joseph Mendes Costa da in 1648
Lea, Costa da Athias married to Isaac Mendes Costa da in 1767
Lea, Crasto de married to Elisa Henriquez Castro de in 1799
Lea, Curiel married to Abraham Costa da Andrade d' in 1685
Lea, Curiel married to Isaac Silva da in 1710
Lea, Curiel married to Mozes Cunha da in 1722
Lea, Curiel Abaz married to Abraham Costa da Abendana in 1718
Lea, Dias Santilhano married to Jacob Ferrares in 1796
Lea, Ephrati married to Abraham Bassan in 1747
Lea, Fidanque married to Haim Albergue in 1720
Lea, Foa married to Daniel Jessurun Lobo in 1778
Lea, Fonseca da married to Abraham Messias in 1641
Lea, Fonseca da married to Juda Jessurun in 1736
Lea, Fonseca da married to Isaac Costa da in 1804
Lea, Gabay Isidro married to Mozes Mocatta in 1696
Lea, Gabay Isidro married to Antonio Nunes in 1696
Lea, Guedelha married to Jacob Baruch in 1707
Lea, Guedes married to Jacob Leon de in 1700
Lea, Hallas married to David Abinun Lima de in 1699
Lea, Hallas married to Benjamin Aboab Furtado in 1742
Lea, Henriquez married to Samuel Mendes Solla de in 1723
Lea, Henriquez married to Abraham Israel in 1709
Lea, Henriquez married to Isaac Jenes in 1667
Lea, Henriquez Faro married to Daniel Parra in 1772
Lea, Henriquez Souza married to Salomon Porto Leon in 1791
Lea, Henriquez Villegas de married to Mozes Chaves de in 1670
Lea, Israel married to Joseph Uliel in 1780
Lea, Israel married to Daniel Rodriguez Lopes in 1800
Lea, Israel married to Joseph Ariette in 1693
Lea, Israel married to Pinchas Romanel in 1781
Lea, Israel Andrade d' married to Juda Jessurun in 1746
Lea, Israel Henriquez married to David Pretto Henriquez in 1778
Lea, Israel Ricardo married to Salomon Cohen Belinfante in 1794
Lea, Jessurun Lopes married to Pinchas Abrabanel in 1682
Lea, Jessurun Oliveira d' married to David Trevino in 1727
Lea, Leon married to David Cohen in 1661
Lea, Leon Templo married to Joseph Benveniste in 1743
Lea, Leon de married to Jacob Teixeira Tartas in 1763
Lea, Levie Flores married to Jacob Levie Soares in 1702
Lea, Levie Ximenes married to Mozes Nunes Henriquez in 1740
Lea, Levie Ximenes married to Abraham Lopes Salzedo in 1771
Lea, Lima married to Emanuel Crasto de in 1762
Lea, Lindo married to Mozes Pessoa in 1753
Lea, Lopes Veiga married to Gabriel Suares Lopes vega in 1759
Lea, Medina married to Salomon Ailyon in 1717
Lea, Medina de married to Jacob Fernandes Penha in 1681
Lea, Mendes Castro de married to Aron Pacheco in 1684
Lea, Mendes Costa da married to Jacob Garcia in 1765
Lea, Mendes Costa da married to Raphael Abenhacar in 1721
Lea, Mendes Costa da married to Aron Capadoce in 1724
Lea, Mendes Costa da married to Mozes Abrabanel in 1695
Lea, Mendes Silva da married to Joseph Gomes Nietto in 1695
Lea, Meza de married to Aron Prado de in 1738
Lea, Miranda de married to Joseph Levie Flores in 1676
Lea, Mocatta married to David Pinto in 1671
Lea, Mocatta married to Raphael Abrabanel in 1632
Lea, Molcho married to Aron Ferrares in 1774
Lea, Musaphia married to Isaac Pina de in 1753
Lea, Nabarro married to Mozes Penha in 1781
Lea, Nahar married to David Lima de in 1786
Lea, Namias Castro de married to Jacob Uziel Cardozo in 1728
Lea, Namias Crasto de married to Aron Sarfaty in 1712
Lea, Namias Crasto de married to Aron Pina de in 1712
Lea, Nunes Cunha married to Mozes Israel in 1738
Lea, Nunes Henriquez married to Isaac Teixeira Mattos de in 1700
Lea, Nunes Henriquez married to Joseph Belmonte in 1675
Lea, Nunes Nabarro married to Abraham Israel in 1748
Lea, Nunes Nabarro married to Aron Canho del in 1763
Lea, Oliveira married to Abraham Faro Salazar in 1734
Lea, Oliveira married to Abraham Hallas in 1733
Lea, Paz de married to Jacob Paz de in 1647
Lea, Paz de married to Jacob Paz de in 1647
Lea, Paz de married to Isaac Campos de in 1720
Lea, Peixotto married to Josua Peixotto Silva da in 1760
Lea, Peixotto married to Mozes Machorro in 1751
Lea, Penha dela married to Isaac Vaz Nunes in 1806
Lea, Penso married to Isaac Alvares Veiga in 1687
Lea, Pereira married to Samuel Montezinos in 1701
Lea, Pereira married to Samuel Nunes Mercado in 1734
Lea, Pereira Abaz married to Benjamin Brandon Belmonte in 1783
Lea, Pereira Crasto de married to Abraham Cohen Lara de in 1763
Lea, Perez married to Isaac Castiel in 1690
Lea, Pina de married to Jacob Pinedo de in 1774
Lea, Pinto de married to David Haim Franco in 1769
Lea, Pinto de married to Abraham Teixeira Mattos de in 1752
Lea, Prado de married to Abraham Telles in 1656
Lea, Pretto married to Daniel Salom in 1681
Lea, Pretto married to Aron Solla de in 1737
Lea, Pretto Suares married to Isaac Pretto in 1686
Lea, Ribeiro married to Aron Nunes Vaz in 1727
Lea, Ricardo married to Emanuel Corre in 1809
Lea, Rocamora married to David Abendana Mendes in 1745
Lea, Rocamora married to Isaac Costa da Athias in 1691
Lea, Rocamora d married to Salomon Rocamora d in 1741
Lea, Rodriguez married to Isaac Pretto in 1651
Lea, Rodriguez married to Mozes Canho in 1752
Lea, Rodriguez Aguilar married to Samuel Senior Coronel in 1718
Lea, Rodriguez Costa da married to Nathan Foa in 1758
Lea, Rodriguez Nunes married to Mozes Vigevano in 1809
Lea, Rodriguez Nunes married to Isaac Silva Curiel in 1783
Lea, Sacutto married to Abraham Sacutto in 1804
Lea, Sagache married to Diego Netto Paiva de in 1648
Lea, Salem married to Joseph Alvares in 1770
Lea, Samuel married to Joseph Rimini in 1810
Lea, Sarfaty Fidanque married to Mordechai Abendalac in 1806
Lea, Sealtiel married to David Querido in 1791
Lea, Semach married to Isaac Mattos de in 1750
Lea, Semach married to Isaac Mattos de in 1751
Lea, Serra married to Juda Seralva in 1686
Lea, Silva Castro married to Mozes Pinto Pereira in 1753
Lea, Silva da married to Abraham Vaz in 1675
Lea, Silva da Castro married to Mozes Pinto Pereira in 1753
Lea, Silva da Curiel married to Raphael Coronel in 1781
Lea, Simon married to David Hallas in 1776
Lea, Tartas married to Isaac Carilho in 1689
Lea, Teixeira Mattos de married to Jacob Teixeira Mattos de in 1742
Lea, Teixeira Mattos de married to Mozes Henriquez Mesquita de in 1747
Lea, Teixeira Mattos de married to Aron Henriquez Mesquita de in 1802
Lea, Teixeira Mattos de married to David Teixeira Mattos de in 1752
Lea, Teixeira Suasso married to Jacob Teixeira in 1802
Lea, Torres married to Abraham Mendes in 1764
Lea, Touro married to Jacob Mercado de in 1682
Lea, Tovar de married to Isaac Nunes in 1760
Lea, Ulhao married to Benjamin Leon de in 1704
Lea, Valenca married to Baruch German in 1735
Lea, Vaz Lopes married to Abraham Vaz in 1720
Lea, Vaz Martines married to Mozes Rodriguez Nunes in 1703
Lea, Vaz Martins married to David Rodriguez Nunes in 1751
Lea, Veiga da married to Mozes Rodriguez in 1795
Lea, Villa Real married to Abraham Lobatto in 1682
Lea, Ximenes Belmonte married to David Pinto de in 1714
Leon, Ferrares married to Rachel Ferrares in 1802
Leon, Vita Luzatto married to Ester Jessurun in 1737
Leonardo, Seforni Leon de married to Ester Granada in 1710
Leonora, Castro de married to Emanuel Henriquez Barrios de in 1677
Leonora, Dias married to Domingo Lopes Faro in 1657
Leonora, Duarte married to Gabriel Alvares in 1651
Leonora, Duarte married to Gabriel Alvares in 1653
Leonora, Fonseca da married to Mozes Doria in 1648
Leonora, Fonseca da married to Aron Borcha in 1695
Leonora, Paz de married to Gabriel Levie in 1649
Levie, Hartog married to Marianne Eliaser in 1707
Lopo, Fonseca da married to Rachel Messias in 1626
Lopo, Fonseca da married to Rachel Messias in 1626
Lopo, Fonseca da married to Rachel Netto in 1628
Lopo, Ramirez married to Rachel Aboab in 1653
Losia, Fonseca da married to Simon Rodriguez in 1617
Louis, Mendes married to Rachel Faya dela in 1681
Louis, Vaz married to Anna Henriquez in 1616
Lucia, Henriquez married to Francisco Lourenzo Henriquez in 1641
Luis, Mendes Paz de married to Beatris Azevedo d' in 1644
Luis, Nunes married to Blanca Cardozo in 1637
Luna, Ahuby married to Juda Piza in 1723
Luna, Baruch Louzada married to Isaac Aboab in 1719
Luna, Carcassa married to Pinchas Rodriguez Arias in 1700
Luna, Dias Fonseca da married to David Franco Drago in 1681
Luna, Israel Mendes married to Isaac Namias Torres in 1758
Luna, Leon de married to Joseph Hazan in 1679
Luna, Levie Montezinos married to Jacob Oheb Pires in 1773
Luna, Machorro married to Israel Morales de in 1708
Luna, Mendes married to Isaac Franco Drago in 1633
Luna, Mendes married to Jacob Franco Drago in 1673
Luna, Piza married to Mozes Pereira in 1794
Luna, Uliel married to David Tovar in 1754