Sephardi marriages (TIM)
Brides and Grooms - Last name starting with J (195 persons)
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Jacob Cohen, Branca married to Abraham Baruch Benavente in 1808
Jacob Cohen, Engel married to Mozes Moresco in 1794
Jacob Joseph, Rachel married to David Lopes Colasso in 1800
Jacob Littau, Judith married to Benjamin Levie Vitoria in 1699
Jacob Valenca, Sara married to Abraham Messias in 1774
Jacob, Anna married to Jacomo Fernandes in 1609
Jacob, Naatje married to Isaac Silva in 1810
Jafe, Abraham married to Abigael Luria in 1701
Jans, Neel married to Emanuel Gomes in 1604
Jans, Neel married to Emanuel Gomes in 1604
Jans, Rachel married to Aron Mendes in 1645
Jans, Rachel married to Aron Mendes in 1645
Jenes, Isaac married to Rachel Abendana in 1662
Jenes, Isaac married to Lea Henriquez in 1667
Jenes, Joseph married to Ester Abendana in 1662
Jessurun Alcobasa, Jael married to Raphael Israel in 1697
Jessurun Alvares, Abraham married to Rebecca Senior Coronel in 1756
Jessurun Alvares, Anna married to Jacob Dias in 1724
Jessurun Alvares, Emanuel married to Rachel Lopes in 1712
Jessurun Alvares, Ester married to Jacob Jessurun in 1749
Jessurun Alvares, Judith married to Juda Salom in 1747
Jessurun Alvares, Rachel married to Juda Rahamim in 1799
Jessurun Alvares, Salomon married to Simcha Israel Mello in 1696
Jessurun Aro d', Raphael married to Jael Jessurun in 1609
Jessurun Aro d', Simcha married to David Gomes Ergas in 1702
Jessurun Barzilay, Jacob married to Ester Henriquez Ferreira in 1750
Jessurun Barzilay, Sara married to Emanuel Vaz Nunes in 1776
Jessurun Cardozo, Raphael married to Rachel Jessurun Jong de in 1795
Jessurun Cardozo, Rebecca married to Mozes Dias Santilhano in 1807
Jessurun Cardozo, Sara married to Mozes Santilhano in 1802
Jessurun Cunha da, David married to Rachel Nabarro in 1705
Jessurun Cunha da, David married to Sara Cunha da in 1714
Jessurun Cunha da, Debora married to Abraham Semach Ferro in 1749
Jessurun Furtado, Benvenida married to Samuel Gomes Corre in 1716
Jessurun Furtado, Josua married to Anna Juda Leon de in 1683
Jessurun Furtado, Rachel married to Isaac Rathom in 1700
Jessurun Henriquez, Abraham married to Ribca Henriquez in 1662
Jessurun Henriquez, Abraham married to Debora Abendana in 1699
Jessurun Henriquez, Joseph married to Ribca Nietto in 1658
Jessurun Jong de, Daniel married to Sara Souza da Pimentel in 1758
Jessurun Jong de, Rachel married to Raphael Jessurun Cardozo in 1795
Jessurun Jong de, Sara married to Ephraim Mendes Costa da in 1725
Jessurun Lobo, Benjamin married to Ribca Costa da Andrade d' in 1681
Jessurun Lobo, Daniel married to Sipora Franco Mendes in 1704
Jessurun Lobo, Daniel married to Lea Foa in 1778
Jessurun Lobo, David married to Anna Trevino in 1737
Jessurun Lobo, Isaac married to Ester Rodriguez Costa da in 1750
Jessurun Lobo, Joseph married to Abigael Rodriguez Costa da in 1750
Jessurun Lobo, Rachel married to Benjamin Baruch in 1782
Jessurun Lobo, Rachel married to Mozes Levie in 1684
Jessurun Lobo, Rebecca married to Abraham Coronel in 1787
Jessurun Lobo, Sara married to Jacob Lopes Suasso in 1783
Jessurun Lopes, Abraham married to Rachel Henriquez in 1731
Jessurun Lopes, Jael married to Samuel Semach in 1679
Jessurun Lopes, Lea married to Pinchas Abrabanel in 1682
Jessurun Lopes, Raphael married to Simcha Obediente in 1679
Jessurun Lopes, Rica married to Abraham Costa da in 1705
Jessurun Lopes, Samuel married to Marianne Calo in 1784
Jessurun Oliveira d', Abraham married to Rica Levie in 1712
Jessurun Oliveira d', Anna married to Abraham Dias Guttieres in 1744
Jessurun Oliveira d', Anna married to Aron Abendana in 1707
Jessurun Oliveira d', David married to Rachel Palacios d in 1709
Jessurun Oliveira d', David married to Abigael Abendana Mendes in 1783
Jessurun Oliveira d', Gracia married to Jacob Mendes Costa da in 1774
Jessurun Oliveira d', Jacob married to Anna Gaon in 1709
Jessurun Oliveira d', Lea married to David Trevino in 1727
Jessurun Oliveira d', Rachel married to Sabetay Cohen in 1762
Jessurun Oliveira d', Raphael married to Judith Alvares Vega in 1739
Jessurun Oliveira d', Sara married to Daniel Azevedo d' in 1774
Jessurun Pinto, Gracia married to Abraham Parra dela in 1718
Jessurun Pinto, Jacob married to Abigael Abendana Mendes in 1785
Jessurun Pinto, Jacob married to Ribca Parra dela in 1722
Jessurun Pinto, Jacob married to Ribca Abendana in 1671
Jessurun Pinto, Joseph married to Rachel Sotto del in 1695
Jessurun Pinto, Rachel married to Jacob Henriquez Medina de in 1718
Jessurun Pinto, Ribca married to Samuel Henriquez Medina in 1725
Jessurun Pinto, Samuel married to Rachel Torres in 1762
Jessurun Rios delos, Sara married to Isaac Rios delos in 1655
Jessurun Rodriguez, Anna married to Jacob Lopes Sespedes in 1736
Jessurun Rodriguez, Debora married to David Henriquez Souza de in 1736
Jessurun Rodriguez, Emanuel married to Ester Capadoce in 1715
Jessurun Rodriguez, Joseph married to Abigael Campos de in 1680
Jessurun Rodriguez, Sara married to Isaac Rios delos in 1660
Jessurun, Abigael married to Jacob Jessurun in 1735
Jessurun, Abraham married to Ribca Castiel in 1709
Jessurun, Abraham married to Rachel Bueno Mesquita de in 1788
Jessurun, Abraham married to Ester Jessurun in 1612
Jessurun, Abraham married to Ester Sotto del in 1669
Jessurun, Anna married to Elias Rodriguez in 1730
Jessurun, Anna married to Aron Alvares in 1799
Jessurun, Aron married to Reina Sacutto in 1722
Jessurun, Aron married to Anna Barzilay in 1724
Jessurun, Aron married to Sara Palache in 1720
Jessurun, Benjamin married to Rachel Lamego in 1717
Jessurun, Benjamin married to Ribca Henriquez in 1664
Jessurun, Benvenida married to Abraham Mendes Chumaceiro in 1693
Jessurun, Daniel married to Reina Campos in 1735
Jessurun, Daniel married to Rachel Crasto de in 1672
Jessurun, David married to Sara Jessurun in 1624
Jessurun, David married to Sara Veiga da in 1756
Jessurun, David married to Marianne Pardo in 1770
Jessurun, David married to Sara Veiga da in 1756
Jessurun, Elias married to Rebecca Abendalac in 1741
Jessurun, Emanuel married to Judith Lopes in 1709
Jessurun, Ester married to Abraham Jessurun in 1612
Jessurun, Ester married to David Mercado in 1656
Jessurun, Ester married to Isaac Jessurun in 1683
Jessurun, Ester married to Jacob Pinto in 1727
Jessurun, Ester married to Leon Vita Luzatto in 1737
Jessurun, Ester married to Jacob Munhao in 1671
Jessurun, Ester married to Jacob Jessurun in 1618
Jessurun, Ester married to Juda Siprut Gabay de in 1722
Jessurun, Gracia married to Saul Pezaro in 1704
Jessurun, Gracia married to Abraham Vaz Martins in 1749
Jessurun, Gracia married to Daniel Pereira in 1746
Jessurun, Isaac married to Rachel Costa da Athias in 1690
Jessurun, Isaac married to Gracia Alvares Sotto del in 1706
Jessurun, Isaac married to Ester Mendes in 1688
Jessurun, Isaac married to Ester Vaz in 1746
Jessurun, Isaac married to Reina Abendana Britto de in 1760
Jessurun, Isaac married to Simcha Jessurun in 1762
Jessurun, Isaac married to Ester Jessurun in 1683
Jessurun, Jacob married to Ribca Barzilay in 1658
Jessurun, Jacob married to Abigael Jessurun in 1735
Jessurun, Jacob married to Sara Rodriguez Dias in 1737
Jessurun, Jacob married to Sara Roque Leon de in 1745
Jessurun, Jacob married to Sara Pinto in 1642
Jessurun, Jacob married to Ester Jessurun Alvares in 1749
Jessurun, Jacob married to Judith Obediente in 1690
Jessurun, Jacob married to Judith Jessurun in 1655
Jessurun, Jacob married to Ribca Leeuw de in 1700
Jessurun, Jacob married to Ester Jessurun in 1618
Jessurun, Jael married to Raphael Jessurun Aro d' in 1609
Jessurun, Joseph married to Sara Jessurun in 1656
Jessurun, Juda married to Anna Israel Andrade d' in 1745
Jessurun, Juda married to Lea Fonseca da in 1736
Jessurun, Juda married to Lea Israel Andrade d' in 1746
Jessurun, Judith married to Jacob Jessurun in 1655
Jessurun, Judith married to Juda Piza in 1793
Jessurun, Mozes married to Simcha Jessurun in 1761
Jessurun, Mozes married to Rachel Souza de in 1725
Jessurun, Rachel married to Joseph Ferrares in 1711
Jessurun, Rachel married to Mozes Gaon in 1618
Jessurun, Rachel married to David Spinossa Cattella in 1752
Jessurun, Rachel married to Mozes Sarayva in 1689
Jessurun, Rachel married to Abraham Gaon in 1688
Jessurun, Rachel married to Isaac Munhao in 1671
Jessurun, Rachel married to Mozes Morenu in 1680
Jessurun, Raphael married to Rachel Saportas in 1708
Jessurun, Ribca married to Abraham Pinto Sotto del in 1726
Jessurun, Ribca married to Daniel Abiatar in 1694
Jessurun, Salomon married to Batseba Nahar in 1789
Jessurun, Salomon married to Sara Aboab in 1680
Jessurun, Samuel married to Abigael Luria in 1713
Jessurun, Samuel married to Rachel Munhao in 1679
Jessurun, Sara married to Abraham Sequerira in 1713
Jessurun, Sara married to Jacob Israel in 1780
Jessurun, Sara married to David Jessurun in 1624
Jessurun, Sara married to Joseph Jessurun in 1656
Jessurun, Simcha married to Isaac Jessurun in 1762
Jessurun, Simcha married to Mozes Jessurun in 1761
Jochebet, Donne married to Joseph Rios delos in 1717
Jochem, Roosje married to David Coronel in 1809
Jona, Jacob married to Sara Fonseca da in 1736
Jonas, Simcha married to Abraham Sacutto in 1742
Jong de, Isaac married to Ester Mendes in 1688
Jong de, Isaac married to Rachel Costa da Athias in 1690
Jong de, Jacob married to Ester Bueno Vivas in 1770
Jong de, Ribca married to Mordechai Palache in 1750
Joseph, Ester married to Benjamin Paes in 1769
Joseph, Rachel married to Mozes Brandon in 1774
Joseph, Vrouwtje married to Jacob Penamacor in 1787
Juda Leao de, Elias married to Ribca Leon de in 1656
Juda Leon de, Anna married to Josua Jessurun Furtado in 1683
Juda Leon, Abraham married to Eliseba Juda Leon in 1673
Juda Leon, David married to Debora Chilon in 1664
Juda Leon, David married to Rachel Juda Leon in 1673
Juda Leon, Elias married to Rachel Chilon in 1676
Juda Leon, Eliseba married to Abraham Juda Leon in 1673
Juda Leon, Ester married to Isaac Penamacor in 1683
Juda Leon, Isaac married to Ribca Juda Leon in 1636
Juda Leon, Rachel married to David Juda Leon in 1673
Juda Leon, Ribca married to Isaac Juda Leon in 1636
Juda Leon, Salomon married to Lea Chilon in 1684
Juda Leon, Salomon married to Ester Rodriguez in 1679
Juda Leon, Samuel married to Ester Gaon in 1681
Juda Rodriguez, Benvenida married to Hija Cohen Lara de in 1764
Juda Rodriguez, Isaac married to Rebecca Baruch Rosa in 1708
Juda Rodriguez, Isaac married to Violante Monteiro in 1769
Juda Rodriguez, Jacob married to Rachel Perez in 1669
Juda Rodriguez, Mordechai married to Simcha Cohen in 1670
Juda Rodriguez, Salomon married to Reina Cardozo in 1778
Juda, Sara married to Mozes Leon de in 1662
Justa, Jochebet married to David Casseres d in 1651
Justa, Joseph married to Judith Bueno in 1629