Ashkenazi marriages (TIM)
Witnesses - Last name starting with O (43 persons)
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Ockersen, Arnoldus witness to marriage of Isaac and Clara Jong de in 1805
Ockersen, Arnoldus witness to marriage of Lion Cohen and Judith Bon in 1792
Ocks, Jacob witness to marriage of Mozes Fles and Edel in 1744
Oelman, Marcus witness to marriage of Hartog and Aaltje in 1809
Offen v., Abraham witness to marriage of Mozes Offen v. and Alida Fles in 1721
Offen v., Abraham witness to marriage of Mozes Offen v. and Betje in 1802
Offen v., Anna witness to marriage of Barend and Hendrikje Offen v. in 1731
Offen v., Frommet witness to marriage of Matthijs and Eva in 1735
Offen, Mozes witness to marriage of Alexander and Alida Fles in 1744
Olivier, David witness to marriage of Simon and Rebecca Olivier in 1786
Olman, Simon witness to marriage of Eliaser Olman and Duifje Herpman in 1779
Ommen v., Hartog witness to marriage of Nathan and Roosje in 1802
Oogh v., Sara witness to marriage of Lazarus Praag v. and Rijkje in 1657
Oppenheim, Ansel witness to marriage of Isaac and Vogeltje Oppenheim in 1767
Oppenheim, Isaac witness to marriage of Isaac Lier v. and Bele Oppenheim in 1792
Oppenheim, Isaac witness to marriage of Isaac and Allegonda Oppenheim in 1785
Oppenheim, Jacob witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Sipora Oppenheim in 1707
Oppenheim, Mozes witness to marriage of Philip and Martha Oppenheim in 1790
Oppenheim, Mozes witness to marriage of Hartog and Gutele Oppenheim in 1784
Oppenheim, Rijkje witness to marriage of Alexander and Alida Fles in 1744
Oppenheim, Susskind witness to marriage of Levie Oppenheim and Rebecca Cohen in 1790
Oppenheim, Victor witness to marriage of Joseph and Bele in 1784
Oppenheimer, Jacob witness to marriage of Joseph and Anna Jacob in 1798
Oppenheimer, Joseph witness to marriage of Levie Kijser and Frommet Oppenheimer in 1734
Oppenheimer, Lazarus witness to marriage of Abraham Fles and Sara in 1723
Oppenheimer, Sara witness to marriage of Abraham Fles and Ester in 1750
Oppenheimer, Seligman witness to marriage of Mozes Oppenheimer and Anna Levie in 1745
Oppenheimer, Theodorus witness to marriage of Salomon Schoijer and Elle Oppenheimer in 1783
Os v., Abraham witness to marriage of Marcus Os v. and Dina in 1760
Os v., Levie witness to marriage of Joseph Os v. and Vrouwtje Barend in 1792
Os v., Meijer witness to marriage of Mordechai Emden v. and Dina in 1782
Ouderkerk, Jacob witness to marriage of Isaac Praag v. and Lotje Ouderkerk in 1804
Oudkerk, Gabriel witness to marriage of Hijman Oudkerk and Ester in 1768
Oudkerk, Hijman witness to marriage of Gerrit Oudkerk and Ester in 1799
Oudkerk, Hijman witness to marriage of Israel Oudkerk and Eva in 1768
Oudkerk, Jacob witness to marriage of Hijman Oudkerk and Rachel Marcus in 1793
Oudkerk, Jacob witness to marriage of Joseph Oudkerk and Bele in 1800
Ouds, Israel witness to marriage of Levie and Mietje in 1803
Ouerlach, Isaac witness to marriage of Barend Ries and Sipora in 1767
Oukerk, Gabriel witness to marriage of Levie and Trijntje in 1776
Ouseijes, Vrouwtje witness to marriage of Hijman and Bele Ouseijes in 1728
Ouwerkerk, Levie witness to marriage of Salomon and Trijntje Ouwerkerk in 1807
Ovenbach, Abraham witness to marriage of Jacob Roost and Roosje Levie in 1785