Ashkenazi marriages (TIM)
Witnesses - Last name starting with J (173 persons)
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Jackson, David witness to marriage of Lion Jackson and Anna Levie in 1806
Jackson, David witness to marriage of Henri Jackson and Lidia Levie in 1807
Jacob, Branca witness to marriage of Salomon and Abigael in 1798
Jacob, Elle witness to marriage of Mozes Polak and Marianne in 1764
Jacob, Jacob witness to marriage of David and Schoontje Cohen in 1791
Jacob, Juda witness to marriage of Samuel and Stijntje in 1798
Jacob, Juda witness to marriage of Marcus Boas and Judith in 1798
Jacob, Koopman witness to marriage of Joseph Polak and Judith Jacob in 1796
Jacob, Levie witness to marriage of Zadok Philip and Vogeltje Meijer in 1765
Jacob, Simon witness to marriage of Gabriel Polak and Anna Jacob in 1723
Jacob, Wolf witness to marriage of Sem and Duifje Emden v. in 1800
Jacob, Wolf witness to marriage of Salomon and Betje Stokvis in 1801
Jansen, Daniel witness to marriage of Israel and Sara in 1777
Jansen, Jan witness to marriage of Matthijs Jansen and Betje in 1810
Jelle, David witness to marriage of Levie and Vrouwtje in 1759
Jerochams, Hijman witness to marriage of Emanuel Oven v. and Sara Jerochams in 1763
Jerochams, Jacob witness to marriage of Hijman Jerochams and Sara in 1727
Jerochams, Meijer witness to marriage of Daniel Simon and Clara Jerochams in 1764
Jerochams, Meijer witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Bele in 1767
Jerusalem, Simcha witness to marriage of Abraham Edam v. and Ester Levie in 1746
Jochem, Isaac witness to marriage of Jacob Mozes and Rebecca Jochem in 1753
Jochems, Rachel witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith in 1721
Jodetrompet, Abraham witness to marriage of Jeremias and Ester in 1750
Jodin, Sara witness to marriage of Zerach and Anna Levie in 1780
Joel, Aron witness to marriage of Joel Levie and Judith Rees in 1802
Joel, Aron witness to marriage of Andries Polak and Anna Levie Joel in 1796
Joel, Elle witness to marriage of Benjamin Levie and Sara Mendel in 1788
Joel, Levie witness to marriage of Joel and Anna in 1777
Joel, Levie witness to marriage of Seligman Meijer and Bloeme Joel in 1787
Joel, Sara witness to marriage of Samuel Levie and Roosje Levie in 1774
Jonas, Anna witness to marriage of Joseph Prins de and Aaltje Godfried in 1795
Jonas, Hartog witness to marriage of Eliaser Jonas and Dauphine Cantor in 1797
Jonas, Reijna witness to marriage of Nathan Voorzanger and Ester Kleef v. in 1782
Jong de, Abraham witness to marriage of Jacob Jong de and Judith Diets in 1748
Jong de, Abraham witness to marriage of Hartog Pree de and Sara in 1787
Jong de, Abraham witness to marriage of Barend Levie and Anna Cohen in 1754
Jong de, Aron witness to marriage of Zadok Praag v. and Mietje Jong de in 1810
Jong de, Asser witness to marriage of Salomon and Rachel in 1719
Jong de, Bele witness to marriage of Israel Berlijn and Vrouwtje Mozes in 1789
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Salomon and Freyle in 1759
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Hijman and Clara Jong de in 1798
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Jacob Emmerik and Betje Jong de in 1805
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara Jong de in 1808
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Marcus and Judith Jong de in 1808
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Samson and Marianne Jong de in 1759
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Andries Schoelhoff and Eva Jong de in 1746
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje Jong de in 1760
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Magnus Jong de and Rachel Jong de in 1757
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Oser Emrik and Branca Jong de in 1806
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Israel Berlijn and Bele Jong de in 1773
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Joseph Jong de and Bele in 1808
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Nathan Jong de and Bele Herts in 1769
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Joseph Jong de and Lea Italiaander in 1766
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje Jong de in 1761
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Jacob Jong de and Roosje Levie in 1766
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Philip Jong de and Clara in 1758
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Benjamin Wolf de and Marianne Jong de in 1800
Jong de, Benjamin witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Judith Mozes in 1752
Jong de, Bregje witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Engeltje in 1735
Jong de, Duifje witness to marriage of Simon Gelder v. and Lea in 1772
Jong de, Elias witness to marriage of Noach and Rachel Jong de in 1799
Jong de, Eliaser witness to marriage of Simon Jong de and Clara Cohen in 1801
Jong de, Ester witness to marriage of Isaac Minden v. and Marianne Emden v. in 1775
Jong de, Gerrit witness to marriage of Jacob Jong de and Betje Alexander in 1809
Jong de, Gerrit witness to marriage of Isaac and Roosje Jong de in 1809
Jong de, Gerritje witness to marriage of Joseph and Judith Prins in 1751
Jong de, Hartog witness to marriage of Isaac and Rachel in 1755
Jong de, Hartog witness to marriage of Eliaser and Bele Jong de in 1753
Jong de, Hartog witness to marriage of Abraham and Roosje in 1733
Jong de, Hermanus witness to marriage of Mozes Jong de and Aaltje Levie in 1698
Jong de, Hermanus witness to marriage of Israel Norden and Rachel Jong de in 1762
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Salomon Lapidoth and Sara Jong de in 1781
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Philip Jong de and Roosje Jong de in 1779
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Ansel and Aaltje in 1695
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Benjamin Jong de and Ester in 1728
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Eliaser Jong de and Branca in 1775
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Levie Gerrit and Rebecca Jong de in 1797
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Philip Minden v. and Rebecca Jong de in 1723
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Magnus and Engeltje in 1744
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Michiel and Alida in 1731
Jong de, Isaac witness to marriage of Marcus Ries and Schoontje Jong de in 1698
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Elias Mozes and Judith Jong de in 1747
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Abraham Philip and Bele Mozes in 1763
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Mozes Trompetter and Marianne Jong de in 1790
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Betje Jong de in 1803
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Aron and Matje Cohen in 1763
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Nathan Jong de and Lea in 1777
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Vrouwtje Benjamin in 1764
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Wolf Jong de and Duifje Polak in 1800
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Salomon Jong de and Schoontje Salomon in 1777
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Roosje Cohen in 1806
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Salomon Jong de and Rebecca in 1736
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Salomon Jong de and Schoontje Jong de in 1771
Jong de, Jacob witness to marriage of Salomon Gets Haas and Roosje Mozes in 1743
Jong de, Joseph witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Hendrina in 1803
Jong de, Joseph witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Judith Cohen in 1772
Jong de, Joseph witness to marriage of Abraham Zacharias and Femmetje Jong de in 1805
Jong de, Joseph witness to marriage of Raphael Mendel and Pes Jong de in 1751
Jong de, Joseph witness to marriage of Emanuel and Lea in 1775
Jong de, Joseph witness to marriage of Jacob Lier v. and Eva Jong de in 1768
Jong de, Judith witness to marriage of Leonard Schabracq and Aaltje Cohen in 1784
Jong de, Kalman witness to marriage of Salomon and Bruintje Mozes in 1788
Jong de, Levie witness to marriage of Eliaser Emden v. and Anna Hartog in 1776
Jong de, Levie witness to marriage of David Emden v. and Clara in 1800
Jong de, Levie witness to marriage of Salomon Emden v. and Bele in 1766
Jong de, Levie witness to marriage of Hartog and Bele in 1723
Jong de, Levie witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1720
Jong de, Levie witness to marriage of Hartog Polak and Sara Emden v. in 1797
Jong de, Marcus witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1728
Jong de, Marianne witness to marriage of Jacob and Ester in 1725
Jong de, Meijer witness to marriage of Isaac and Marianne Jong de in 1758
Jong de, Mozes witness to marriage of Israel Binger and Sara in 1796
Jong de, Mozes witness to marriage of Levie Hollander and Henriette Jong de in 1799
Jong de, Mozes witness to marriage of Adam Levie and Merle Bing in 1744
Jong de, Mozes witness to marriage of Arnoldus Ockersen and Clara Jong de in 1792
Jong de, Mozes witness to marriage of Joseph Jong de and Ester Bas in 1803
Jong de, Nathan witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1777
Jong de, Philip witness to marriage of Samuel Jong de and Sara in 1738
Jong de, Philip witness to marriage of Marcus Jong de and Schoontje in 1800
Jong de, Philip witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1790
Jong de, Philip witness to marriage of Isaac Benjamin and Ester Jong de in 1785
Jong de, Philip witness to marriage of Elkan Jong de and Keetje Ezechiel in 1786
Jong de, Philip witness to marriage of Philip Jong de and Roosje Jong de in 1779
Jong de, Rachel witness to marriage of Abraham and Eva Benjamin in 1782
Jong de, Rachel witness to marriage of Godschalk Jong de and Lea in 1780
Jong de, Rachel witness to marriage of Barend and Zoetje Jong de in 1784
Jong de, Rebecca witness to marriage of Simon Polak and Rachel in 1794
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Jacob Levie and Anna Cohen in 1722
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Salomon Binger and Lea in 1776
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Isaac and Ester Jong de in 1747
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Salomon and Rebecca Jong de in 1775
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Juda Mets de and Vrouwtje Jong de in 1765
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of David and Marretje in 1735
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Barend Cleef v. and Anna Jong de in 1763
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Jacob Marcus and Vogeltje Jong de in 1798
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Hartog and Engeltje in 1739
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Eliaser and Matje in 1776
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Akiva Jong de and Sara Cohen in 1795
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Abraham Jong de and Maria in 1764
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Jacob Jong de and Roosje in 1746
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Israel Jong de and Duifje Meijer in 1751
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Hartog Cohen and Vrouwtje Jong de in 1737
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Joseph Jong de and Debora in 1809
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Levie and Anna in 1727
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Samson and Roosje in 1738
Jong de, Salomon witness to marriage of Samuel Jong de and Rebecca in 1800
Jong de, Samuel witness to marriage of Philip Jong de and Reijna in 1764
Jong de, Samuel witness to marriage of Jacob Jong de and Marretje Cohen in 1746
Jong de, Samuel witness to marriage of Salomon Jong de and Alida in 1740
Jong de, Samuel witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Bregje Jong de in 1694
Jong de, Samuel witness to marriage of Eliaser and Lea Jong de in 1750
Jong de, Samuel witness to marriage of Simon Gelder v. and Duifje in 1753
Jong de, Schoontje witness to marriage of Jacob Jong de and Sara Bendix in 1808
Jong de, Schoontje witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Sara Jong de in 1795
Jong de, Simon witness to marriage of Philip Jong de and Roosje in 1808
Jong de, Vogeltje witness to marriage of Jacob and Roosje Samson in 1804
Jong de, Wolf witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Betje Jong de in 1803
Jonge de, Isaac witness to marriage of Hendrik Levie and Sara Jonge de in 1719
Jonge de, Isaac witness to marriage of Joseph Jonge de and Edel Levie in 1717
Jonge de, Isaac witness to marriage of Abraham Shulhoff and Rachel Jonge de in 1707
Jonge de, Jacob witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1800
Jonge de, Mozes witness to marriage of Mozes and Rachel Israel in 1758
Jonge de, Mozes witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Roosje Worms in 1740
Jonge de, Philip witness to marriage of Noach and Anna in 1747
Jonge de, Philip witness to marriage of Mozes Jonge de and Sara Israel in 1724
Joost, Hartog witness to marriage of David Praag v. and Malka Philip in 1749
Joost, Hendrina witness to marriage of David and Anna Goldsmit in 1740
Joseph, Judith witness to marriage of Meijer and Judith Coenraad in 1802
Juda, Marianne witness to marriage of Mozes and Anna in 1802
Juda, Marianne witness to marriage of Mozes and Seltje Eijdinga in 1802
Juda, Sara witness to marriage of Levie and Sara in 1765
Judel, Jacob witness to marriage of Juda Judel and Roosje Abas in 1795
Junior, Isaac witness to marriage of Jacob Levie and Rachel Cohen in 1797