Ashkenazi marriages (TIM)
Witnesses - First name starting with L (1364 persons)
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Search by First name : A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
Lammert, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Clara in 1765
Lammert, witness to marriage of Zadok and Anna in 1756
Lammert, witness to marriage of Jacob Switser and Abigael in 1729
Lammert, witness to marriage of Joseph and Rachel in 1787
Lammert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Roosje in 1730
Lammert, witness to marriage of Abraham and Roosje in 1772
Lammert, witness to marriage of Jacob and Reijna in 1738
Lammert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Clara in 1752
Lammert, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sipora in 1798
Lammert, witness to marriage of Jessier and Marianne in 1740
Lammert, witness to marriage of Hartog and Naatje Levie in 1804
Lammert, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Debora Isaac in 1764
Lammert, witness to marriage of Jonas and Anna in 1755
Lammert, witness to marriage of Levie and Sebilla in 1742
Lammert, witness to marriage of Michiel and Alida in 1731
Lammert, witness to marriage of Marcus and Ester in 1774
Lammert, witness to marriage of Hartog and Branca in 1724
Lammert, Beer de witness to marriage of Barend and Ester Beer de in 1742
Lammert, Praag v. witness to marriage of Mozes Praag v. and Mindele Emden v. in 1775
Lammert, Praag v. witness to marriage of Salomon Praag v. and Mietje in 1775
Lante, witness to marriage of Hendrik and Sara in 1727
Lasar, witness to marriage of Meijer Marcus and Sara Hollander in 1806
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Joseph Salomon and Anna in 1726
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Abraham Daniel and Vrouwtje Simon in 1764
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Benjamin Junior and Judith Oppenheimer in 1725
Lazarus, witness to marriage of David Binger and Femmetje Marcus in 1808
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Mozes and Anna in 1785
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith in 1769
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Philip and Bele in 1769
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Isaac and Roosje in 1668
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Mozes and Ester in 1746
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Simon Simon and Judith in 1771
Lazarus, witness to marriage of Daniel Simon and Clara Jerochams in 1764
Lazarus, Abraham witness to marriage of Levie and Judith Lazarus in 1740
Lazarus, Hooning witness to marriage of Levie and Bele in 1777
Lazarus, Oppenheimer witness to marriage of Abraham Fles and Sara in 1723
Lazarus, Roos witness to marriage of Samson Cohen and Roosje in 1735
Lea, witness to marriage of Nathan and Judith in 1740
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac Emmerik and Ester in 1763
Lea, witness to marriage of Philip and Ester in 1778
Lea, witness to marriage of Zadok and Anna Valks in 1799
Lea, witness to marriage of Alexander and Sara in 1726
Lea, witness to marriage of Eliaser Streek and Magdalena in 1798
Lea, witness to marriage of Arend Levie and Anna in 1720
Lea, witness to marriage of David and Aaltje Cohen in 1809
Lea, witness to marriage of Arend and Sara in 1762
Lea, witness to marriage of Abraham and Lea in 1745
Lea, witness to marriage of Mozes and Schoontje in 1737
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Judith in 1722
Lea, witness to marriage of Jacob and Branca in 1778
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Ester in 1790
Lea, witness to marriage of Pinchas and Sara Leeuw de in 1764
Lea, witness to marriage of Hijman and Bele Ouseijes in 1728
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Clara Cohen in 1765
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Rachel in 1776
Lea, witness to marriage of Simon and Duifje Mozes in 1777
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Sara in 1804
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon Swaab and Bloeme in 1738
Lea, witness to marriage of David Swaab and Judith in 1738
Lea, witness to marriage of Joseph and Niesje in 1768
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon Susan and Sipora in 1775
Lea, witness to marriage of Saul Muller and Anna in 1687
Lea, witness to marriage of Nathaniel and Anna in 1687
Lea, witness to marriage of Daniel and Anna in 1687
Lea, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rachel in 1765
Lea, witness to marriage of Simon and Brendele in 1699
Lea, witness to marriage of Mozes and Mietje in 1750
Lea, witness to marriage of Samson and Bele in 1721
Lea, witness to marriage of Eliaser Snoek and Sara in 1767
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Schoontje in 1740
Lea, witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Duifje Cohen in 1771
Lea, witness to marriage of Marcus and Anna in 1683
Lea, witness to marriage of Samuel and Sara in 1719
Lea, witness to marriage of Asser and Branca in 1774
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Roosje Isaac in 1756
Lea, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rebecca in 1657
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac and Ester in 1734
Lea, witness to marriage of David and Ester in 1737
Lea, witness to marriage of Samuel Hartog and Sara Boer de in 1792
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac and Clara in 1657
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie Benjamin and Judith in 1780
Lea, witness to marriage of Benjamin Benjamin and Judith in 1786
Lea, witness to marriage of Jacob Wolf de and Vrouwtje in 1804
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Eva in 1727
Lea, witness to marriage of Hartog and Vrouwtje in 1787
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac and Vrouwtje in 1774
Lea, witness to marriage of Jacob and Judith in 1731
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Anna in 1787
Lea, witness to marriage of Simon and Vrouwtje in 1720
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Vrouwtje in 1794
Lea, witness to marriage of Abraham and Debora in 1798
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac and Marianne in 1807
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Clara in 1791
Lea, witness to marriage of Daniel and Judith in 1763
Lea, witness to marriage of Helman and Lea in 1719
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac and Bele in 1745
Lea, witness to marriage of Alexander Cohen and Sara Cohen in 1734
Lea, witness to marriage of Hijman and Rachel in 1784
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Rebecca in 1738
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Sara Levie in 1778
Lea, witness to marriage of Juda and Sara in 1769
Lea, witness to marriage of Mozes and Bele in 1752
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Judith in 1771
Lea, witness to marriage of Elias and Roosje in 1774
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Matje Rolman in 1755
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Lea in 1754
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Bele in 1727
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Vrouwtje in 1761
Lea, witness to marriage of Mozes and Roosje in 1741
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1761
Lea, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1759
Lea, witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1760
Lea, witness to marriage of Israel and Sara in 1790
Lea, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Vrouwtje Goudsmit in 1765
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Judith in 1738
Lea, witness to marriage of Jacob and Leonora Zurkann in 1773
Lea, witness to marriage of Marcus and Rebecca in 1775
Lea, witness to marriage of Simon Jong de and Anna Prins in 1799
Lea, witness to marriage of Salomon and Schoontje in 1796
Lea, witness to marriage of Levie and Clara in 1739
Lea, Boas witness to marriage of Samuel Levie and Anna Cohen in 1748
Lea, Boas witness to marriage of Simon Levie and Frommet Jong de in 1753
Lea, Cohen witness to marriage of Abraham Ruben and Roosje Aron in 1804
Lea, Fox witness to marriage of Nathan and Eva in 1772
Lea, Levie witness to marriage of David Salomon and Mietje Benjamin in 1750
Lea, Lodas witness to marriage of Barend and Sara in 1734
Lea, Norden witness to marriage of Adam Levie and Merle Bing in 1744
Lea, Polak witness to marriage of Mozes Polak and Bele Hille in 1782
Lea, Polak witness to marriage of Barend and Anna in 1728
Lea, Prins witness to marriage of Meijer and Betje Prins in 1809
Lea, Proops witness to marriage of Simon and Rachel in 1752
Lea, Sargaes witness to marriage of Joseph and Soes in 1749
Leendert, witness to marriage of Arend and Anna in 1740
Leendert, witness to marriage of David and Sara in 1728
Leendert, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Judith in 1805
Leendert, witness to marriage of Abraham Berlijn and Machteld in 1804
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith in 1769
Leendert, witness to marriage of Frederik and Anna in 1797
Leendert, witness to marriage of Hartog and Anna in 1731
Leendert, witness to marriage of Barend and Kaatje in 1797
Leendert, witness to marriage of Jacob and Branca in 1780
Leendert, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Betje in 1808
Leendert, witness to marriage of Isaac and Vrouwtje in 1810
Leendert, witness to marriage of Philip and Sara Meijer in 1779
Leendert, witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje in 1808
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith in 1794
Leendert, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Sipora in 1728
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1732
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Betje in 1806
Leendert, witness to marriage of Jacob Snijders and Mietje in 1800
Leendert, witness to marriage of Meijer and Roosje in 1803
Leendert, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Dina in 1783
Leendert, witness to marriage of Elias and Rebecca in 1791
Leendert, witness to marriage of Wolf and Vogeltje in 1808
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1745
Leendert, witness to marriage of Hijman Praag and Sara in 1734
Leendert, witness to marriage of Leendert and Gracia in 1735
Leendert, witness to marriage of Abraham and Vrouwtje in 1805
Leendert, witness to marriage of Philip and Sipora Meijerink in 1733
Leendert, witness to marriage of Levie and Catharina in 1706
Leendert, witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Vrouwtje in 1803
Leendert, witness to marriage of Jacob and Ester in 1756
Leendert, witness to marriage of Abraham and Barendje in 1753
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Bele Marcus in 1809
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rachel in 1760
Leendert, witness to marriage of Hartog and Rachel in 1720
Leendert, witness to marriage of Wolf and Lea in 1792
Leendert, witness to marriage of Levie and Rachel in 1695
Leendert, witness to marriage of Joseph and Rebecca in 1739
Leendert, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marretje Salomon in 1810
Leendert, witness to marriage of Marcus and Marianne in 1765
Leendert, witness to marriage of Mozes and Anna in 1738
Leendert, witness to marriage of Juda and Betje in 1789
Leendert, witness to marriage of Salomon and Roosje Vries de in 1765
Leendert, witness to marriage of Levie Elias and Eva in 1809
Leendert, witness to marriage of Joseph and Rachel in 1749
Leendert, witness to marriage of Joseph and Marretje in 1778
Leendert, witness to marriage of Hartog and Hilletje in 1789
Leendert, Bamberg witness to marriage of David Bamberg and Marianne Schrijver in 1810
Leendert, Bamberg witness to marriage of Jacob and Naatje Bamberg in 1798
Leendert, Cohen witness to marriage of Salomon and Mietje Cohen in 1777
Leendert, Hamburg witness to marriage of Levie and Bele in 1766
Leendert, Hamburger witness to marriage of Levie and Eva in 1765
Leendert, Snoek witness to marriage of Mozes Snoek and Ester in 1723
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith Swaab in 1739
Leentje, witness to marriage of Louis and Rebecca in 1660
Leentje, witness to marriage of Nathan Levie and Roosje in 1767
Leentje, witness to marriage of Jacob Levie and Perle in 1769
Leentje, witness to marriage of Israel and Ester in 1743
Leentje, witness to marriage of Levie and Duifje in 1751
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham and Roosje in 1791
Leentje, witness to marriage of Simon and Marianne in 1775
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Goudje in 1746
Leentje, witness to marriage of Mozes and Anna Marcus in 1807
Leentje, witness to marriage of Isaac Emmerik and Ester in 1763
Leentje, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Ester in 1780
Leentje, witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith in 1781
Leentje, witness to marriage of Isaac and Clara in 1753
Leentje, witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1759
Leentje, witness to marriage of Meijer and Abigael Cohen in 1789
Leentje, witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Hendrina in 1785
Leentje, witness to marriage of Nathan and Anna in 1763
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham and Sara in 1808
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hijman and Rachel Philip in 1781
Leentje, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Bele in 1802
Leentje, witness to marriage of Gijsbert and Machteld in 1741
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham and Clara in 1779
Leentje, witness to marriage of Leendert and Rachel in 1743
Leentje, witness to marriage of Simon and Judith in 1805
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hijman and Roosje in 1803
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Clara in 1803
Leentje, witness to marriage of Isaac Stokvis and Sara Rood in 1751
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog Cohen and Ester Hamburger in 1805
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hijman and Johanna in 1784
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog Levie and Bele in 1746
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham Cohen and Kaatje Cleef v. in 1799
Leentje, witness to marriage of Isaac and Duifje Polak in 1775
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Leentje in 1743
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara in 1793
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham and Clara in 1779
Leentje, witness to marriage of Alexander Cleef v. and Fijtje Marcus in 1797
Leentje, witness to marriage of Simon Susan and Ester Hijman in 1779
Leentje, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Giertje in 1759
Leentje, witness to marriage of Alexander Polak and Rachel in 1764
Leentje, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Sara in 1722
Leentje, witness to marriage of Samuel and Sara in 1737
Leentje, witness to marriage of Jesaya and Sipora in 1797
Leentje, witness to marriage of Jacob and Abigael in 1754
Leentje, witness to marriage of Levie Spier and Rachel in 1785
Leentje, witness to marriage of Victor and Branca in 1746
Leentje, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1752
Leentje, witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Anna in 1777
Leentje, witness to marriage of Jacob Praag v. and Betje in 1801
Leentje, witness to marriage of David and Anna in 1776
Leentje, witness to marriage of Isaac and Engeltje in 1732
Leentje, witness to marriage of Zadok and Machteld in 1762
Leentje, witness to marriage of Marcus Stokvis and Sara in 1763
Leentje, witness to marriage of Israel and Judith in 1725
Leentje, witness to marriage of Meijer and Bele in 1746
Leentje, witness to marriage of Gerson and Judith in 1766
Leentje, witness to marriage of Simon and Lea Gelder v. in 1793
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham and Roosje in 1772
Leentje, witness to marriage of Simon and Ester Cohen in 1806
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Vrouwtje in 1787
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hijman and Rachel in 1784
Leentje, witness to marriage of Joel and Sara in 1792
Leentje, witness to marriage of Alexander and Machteld in 1741
Leentje, witness to marriage of Simon Wolf de and Eva in 1809
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara in 1772
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara in 1800
Leentje, witness to marriage of Jochem and Marretje in 1760
Leentje, witness to marriage of Mozes and Grietje Hartog in 1802
Leentje, witness to marriage of Abraham and Jannetje in 1802
Leentje, witness to marriage of Salomon and Vrouwtje in 1727
Leentje, witness to marriage of Juda Sanches and Judith Cohen in 1736
Leentje, witness to marriage of Lucas and Bele in 1786
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hartog and Duifje in 1783
Leentje, witness to marriage of Elias Cohen and Roosje in 1770
Leentje, witness to marriage of Gerson Bon and Ester in 1780
Leentje, witness to marriage of Asser and Vrouwtje Zeemans in 1745
Leentje, witness to marriage of Salomon and Aaltje in 1776
Leentje, witness to marriage of Emanuel Michiel and Anna in 1787
Leentje, witness to marriage of Salomon Vries de and Bele in 1735
Leentje, witness to marriage of David and Ester Valentijn in 1724
Leentje, witness to marriage of Samuel and Alida Jong de in 1791
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hendrik and Judith in 1797
Leentje, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Vrouwtje in 1800
Leentje, witness to marriage of Zadok and Trijntje in 1752
Leentje, witness to marriage of Hijman Oudkerk and Ester in 1768
Leentje, Boas witness to marriage of Simon and Rachel in 1743
Leentje, Cohen witness to marriage of Simon Praag v. and Elsje in 1807
Leentje, Koei witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1791
Leentje, Levie witness to marriage of Mozes Benjamin and Matje in 1748
Leentje, Maanvelt witness to marriage of Jacob and Marianne in 1765
Leentje, Polak witness to marriage of Jacob and Marianne Polak in 1779
Leentje, Praag v. witness to marriage of Wolf and Reijna in 1771
Leentje, Pragt witness to marriage of Joseph Jong de and Rachel Gelder v. in 1795
Leentje, Salomon witness to marriage of Salomon and Roosje in 1770
Leentje, Vogel witness to marriage of Barend and Duifje in 1750
Leman, witness to marriage of Benedictus and Alida Aron in 1767
Leman, witness to marriage of Levie and Hitsele Hartog in 1774
Leman, witness to marriage of Mozes Jacob and Anna in 1789
Leman, witness to marriage of Elias and Judith in 1768
Leman, witness to marriage of Salomon Aron and Mietje in 1797
Leman, witness to marriage of Isaac and Betje in 1803
Leman, witness to marriage of Samuel and Clara Cohen in 1770
Leman, witness to marriage of Mozes and Clara Cohen in 1777
Leman, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1778
Leman, witness to marriage of Abraham Cohen and Jochebed Sanches in 1750
Leman, witness to marriage of Salomon and Mietje in 1798
Leman, witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Aaltje in 1766
Leman, witness to marriage of Levie and Clara in 1777
Leman, witness to marriage of Barend Levie and Sipora in 1759
Leman, witness to marriage of Joseph and Ester in 1777
Leman, Haas witness to marriage of Raphael Kitzinger and Judith Haas in 1798
Leman, Haas witness to marriage of Selig Haas and Jannetje Feidel in 1804
Leman, Hanau witness to marriage of Isaac Hanau and Rachel Levie in 1784
Leman, Levie witness to marriage of Asser and Rachel in 1802
Leman, Mossel witness to marriage of Jacob and Hendele in 1767
Leon, witness to marriage of Boas and Rachel in 1748
Leonard, Proops witness to marriage of Joseph Worms and Rachel Daniel in 1793
Leonora, Rijtelinge witness to marriage of Abraham Goldsmit and Iske in 1732
Levie, witness to marriage of Gabriel and Sara in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Samson and Vrouwtje in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Ester Levie in 1796
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Hendele in 1788
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Fransman and Sipora in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Proops and Sara in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Vrouwtje in 1757
Levie, witness to marriage of Wessel and Eva in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob Cohen and Judith in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Vrouwtje in 1756
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Roosje in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Reijna in 1723
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Hendrina in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Bele in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Leentje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Eva Manuel in 1753
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Sara in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith Cohen in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Goudsmit and Duifje in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser Benjamin and Clara Herts in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf and Bele in 1792
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Anna in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Joel and Roosje in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rebecca in 1745
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Vrouwtje in 1746
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Bele Boas in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Schoontje in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Clara in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Willem and Fijtje Benjamin in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Vrouwtje in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Branca in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Johanna in 1742
Levie, witness to marriage of Nehemia and Sara Benjamin in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Marianne in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Sara Levie in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith in 1799
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Cohen and Anna in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Feijtje in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Daniel and Bele in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Duifje in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Juda and Judith in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Cohen and Sara in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Rachel in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin Wolff de and Rebecca in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob Wolf de and Vrouwtje in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1773
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Jannetje in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Barend and Marianne in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Juda Benedictus and Schoontje in 1774
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Lea in 1729
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marianne in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna Gans in 1801
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rachel in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Clara in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Jesaya Spier and Leentje Hijman in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Marianne in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Fokeltje in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Polak and Vrouwtje in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie Furth and Sara Jonas in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Vrouwtje Hijman in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Roosje in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Neeltje Hijman in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Levie and Roosje Meijer in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Ester in 1757
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith Hijman in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Roosje in 1797
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Rebecca in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Spitz and Matje in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sara in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Reijna in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Aaltje in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus Cohen and Michaela in 1739
Levie, witness to marriage of Ephraim and Marianne in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rachel in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Vrouwtje in 1790
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Bele in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Marianne in 1793
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Roosje in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of David Weenen v. and Sipora in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rachel in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Leentje Hijman in 1745
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Mietje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Salom and Rachel in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Naatje in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Hendrik and Abigael Isaac in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Roosje in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Heintje in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Sara in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Schoontje in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Bellegrado and Reijna Lier v. in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Bele in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Trijntje in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Tobias Vries de and Kaatje in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Rachel in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob Rudelsheim and Anna Aron in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Dina Cohen in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Roelof and Johanna in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Clara in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Andries and Anna Cohen in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith Cohen in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Judith in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Eva in 1687
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Rachel in 1682
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Marianne Polak in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Vogeltje Spier in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel and Anna in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Marianne in 1791
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel and Leentje in 1723
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Vogeltje in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Matje Bremer in 1793
Levie, witness to marriage of Jochem and Sara in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Lea in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Rachel in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Leentje in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Sara in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Lammert and Anna Benjamin in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Eva in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Judith Dravers in 1731
Levie, witness to marriage of Ruben Levie and Bele in 1689
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1720
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Bele in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Lazarus and Bele in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Melchior and Abigael in 1721
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Alexander and Engeltje in 1788
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Marretje in 1793
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Betje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Sara in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Judith in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Vrouwtje in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Betje in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Roelof and Marretje in 1732
Levie, witness to marriage of Zadok and Judith in 1732
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Betje in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Sara in 1811
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marianne in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Abigael in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Sara in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Lea in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Sara in 1698
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel Weenen v. and Ester in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Spier and Rachel in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Joost and Marianne in 1754
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas and Abigael in 1719
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Bele Asser in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Batseba in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Lucas and Eva in 1793
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Dort v. and Maria in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Hollander and Marianne in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Boas and Sara in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Johanna in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1794
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Sara in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Sander and Eva Barend in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Hendrikje in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Vrouwtje in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rachel in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Sies and Ester in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Debora in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Menke and Rachel in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Ruben and Betje in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Juda in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Trijntje in 1811
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Sara in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rebecca in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Ruben Levie and Bele in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sara in 1794
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Sara in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Lea in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rachel in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Josua and Roosje in 1743
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Anna in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Sara in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith in 1731
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Leentje in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Geertrui in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Marianne in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Roosje in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob Polak and Vrouwtje Alexander in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Edel in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron Mets de and Anna Alexander in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Anna in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Ester in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1729
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Elsje in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rachel in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf and Rebecca in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Jong de and Vrouwtje Benjamin in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Anna in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Boas and Judith in 1791
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Marretje in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Matthijs and Clara in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Rachel in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Cornelia in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Gabriel and Judith in 1796
Levie, witness to marriage of Lieberman Schultz and Pes Levie in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Gracia Nathan in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog Levie and Mietje in 1797
Levie, witness to marriage of Zadok and Branca in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Cornelia in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Duifje in 1761
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Anna in 1756
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Johanna in 1719
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Bele in 1746
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas Benjamin and Schoontje in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander and Duifje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Roosje in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Anna in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rebecca in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Marianne in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Rebecca in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Rachel in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Rebecca in 1727
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel Hanau and Rebecca Salomon in 1787
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Aaltje in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Soesman and Betje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rachel in 1791
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Sara in 1787
Levie, witness to marriage of Juda and Nagoma in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Bele in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Vrouwtje in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Judith in 1742
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel Swaab and Judith in 1729
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Ester in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Sara in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marretje in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel Walgh and Anna in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Sipora in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rebecca in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Marianne in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Lijsje in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel and Marianne in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sipora in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Sara in 1754
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Bele in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marianne in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Boele in 1709
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Matje in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Duifje in 1729
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Clara in 1753
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Mietje in 1761
Levie, witness to marriage of Johan Manuel and Bele in 1757
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Betje in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Rachel in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Hendrikje Bendien in 1792
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Bele in 1727
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas and Judith in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Marianne in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Clara in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob Fransman and Sara in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias Jerochams and Judith Port v.d. in 1734
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Sara in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Ester in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Gabriel and Leentje in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Branca in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Aaltje in 1774
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Vrouwtje in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Aaltje in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Rachel in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie Koster and Judith in 1788
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel Praag v. and Clara in 1734
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Judith in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander Noach and Betje Zacharias in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer Kleef v. and Judith in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Sara in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Mossel and Sebilla Wolf in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Sara in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Rachel in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Marianne in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Emden v. and Marianne in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Bele in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Judith in 1732
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Clara in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Rachel in 1774
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Marianne in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Grietje in 1801
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Engeltje in 1756
Levie, witness to marriage of Zadok Cohen and Sara in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon Gabriel and Aaltje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Goudje Salomon in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Debora in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Vrouwtje in 1739
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Eva in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Grietje in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Levie and Sara in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan Vries de and Betje in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Zacharias and Rachel Salomon in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Bloeme Joel in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Engeltje in 1799
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander Polido and Anna in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sipora in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Rachel in 1669
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Rebecca in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander and Vogeltje in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Hindele in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Sara in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon Wolf and Bele in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel Levie and Sara Mozes in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Roosje in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Cohen and Engeltje in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Abigael in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander and Vrouwtje in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Marianne in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Betje in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Sara Jonas in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan Polak and Anna Joel in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of David Levie and Sara in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Aaltje in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Frederik and Pieternel in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara Levie in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Rachel in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Judith in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Sara Israel in 1792
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser Cohen and Rebecca in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Lea in 1754
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron Cleef v. and Ester Levie in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Eva in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Ezechiel and Ester in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Anna in 1721
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Matthijs and Eva in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Abigael in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Blok and Alida in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Branca in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Sara in 1789
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf and Branca in 1731
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of David Aron and Vrouwtje in 1797
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara Koppel in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel Polak and Judith Jacob in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Bele in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1761
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Maria in 1719
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Levie and Ester in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Vrouwtje in 1754
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Bele in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser Emmerik and Rachel in 1688
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Judith Levie in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Sipora in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Tobias and Anna in 1725
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Anna in 1753
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Sara in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Hendrikje in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Appelman and Grietje in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Roosje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus Levie and Elsje in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Ester in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Vrouwtje in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Cohen and Rijkje Jacob in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Abigael in 1731
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus Hijman and Marianne Joseph in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Sara Juda in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Lea in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Daniel and Trijntje in 1719
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Ester in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Joost and Marretje Michiel in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Lucas and Engeltje in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Bele in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Anna in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas and Prinsje in 1748
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Polak and Branca in 1756
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Judith in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip Trompetter and Leentje in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Clara in 1669
Levie, witness to marriage of Tobias Levie and Rachel in 1719
Levie, witness to marriage of Leman and Josina in 1745
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sipora Michiel in 1725
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Roosje Mozes in 1789
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Hendrik and Rebecca in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Duifje in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog Isaac and Ester in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon Content and Anna Charleville in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marretje in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Levie and Sara Michiel in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Vrouwtje in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Bele in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Sara in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel Cohen and Trijntje in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Marianne in 1760
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Sara in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Anna in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser Abraham and Marianne in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Joel and Aaltje in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Branca in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Rachel in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Schoontje in 1717
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend Cohen and Marianne in 1793
Levie, witness to marriage of Benedictus and Judith in 1787
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Ester in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Anna in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Rebecca in 1736
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Keizer and Rachel in 1651
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Roosje Jacob in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Rachel in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog Levie and Ester Marcus in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Eva in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon Soesman and Clara in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel Mayence de and Rachel Engelander in 1757
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rebecca in 1760
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Os v. and Lea in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Vrouwtje in 1799
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1790
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus Levie and Rachel in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Naatje in 1794
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas and Geertrui in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Naatje in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Vrouwtje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Betje in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Leman and Marianne in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rachel in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Clara Speijer in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob Nathan and Trijntje Cohen in 1702
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Marretje in 1754
Levie, witness to marriage of Adam Kats and Rachel in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Samson and Engeltje in 1741
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rachel in 1801
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Johanna in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Rebecca in 1760
Levie, witness to marriage of Andries and Roosje Cohen in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Eva in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Prins and Trijntje in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Aaltje in 1690
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Pes in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Bele in 1745
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Maria in 1728
Levie, witness to marriage of Leendert and Judith in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Sara in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Sara Meijer in 1753
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Judith Minden v. in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Betje in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Roosje in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Goedje in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Duifje in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Bele in 1727
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Schoontje in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Rebecca Kijser in 1717
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Sara in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Motje in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Ester in 1734
Levie, witness to marriage of Menke and Rachel in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Maria Cohen in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Elisabeth in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf Presburg and Rachel in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Rachel Polak in 1743
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Branca in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Sara in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Sara Levie in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Dina in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Clara in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Ester in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Grietje in 1734
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sprintse in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Josua and Roosje in 1743
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Vrouwtje Polak in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Neeltje in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Lea Santjes in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Rachel in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Anna in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Jochem and Grietje in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Marianne in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman Levie and Sara in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser Salomon and Matje Levie in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rachel in 1748
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Bele in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Ester in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Marianne in 1741
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Lea in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Leman and Bele in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Lea in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Roosje in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Bele Hekscher in 1743
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rachel in 1732
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Alida in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Eva in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Lea Boas in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Judith in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Naphtali and Anna in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Heintje in 1801
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara Gompert in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sara in 1721
Levie, witness to marriage of Joost and Matje in 1746
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Betje in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph Emden v. and Anna Proops in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Roosje Emrik in 1726
Levie, witness to marriage of Samson and Rebecca in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Branca in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander and Duifje in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Vogeltje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Bele in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Clara in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Gabriel and Reijna Kijser in 1789
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Hendrina in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas and Rachel in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1744
Levie, witness to marriage of Sander and Eva Barend in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Salomon and Rachel in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Manus and Marianne in 1746
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Marianne in 1746
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Israel Salomon and Vogeltje Levie in 1763
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Bele Weijl in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rachel in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Sara in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Fijtje Isaac in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Hendrikje in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of David Salomon and Rachel Sanches in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1745
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Marianne in 1756
Levie, witness to marriage of Salom and Ester in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Kaatje Levie in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Debora in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Josua Lippschutz and Ester in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel Levie and Roosje in 1769
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith in 1764
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Branca in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Naatje in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel Meijer and Rachel Leeser in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith in 1760
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Sipora in 1773
Levie, witness to marriage of Lion and Aaltje in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Rebecca in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Judith in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1732
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Ester in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Vrouwtje in 1783
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf and Vrouwtje in 1727
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Harpmer and Hendrikje Stokvis in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith Alexander in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Eva Kalker in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Rebecca in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Sara in 1788
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Heintje in 1801
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rachel in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1731
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Bele in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Johanna in 1721
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Marianne Drukker in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Grietje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Judith Hanau in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Roosje Cain in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Leendert and Anna in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Anna in 1754
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Roosje in 1746
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Golda in 1749
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Rebecca in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Sara in 1791
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Celia Praag v. in 1742
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Marianne in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Judith in 1797
Levie, witness to marriage of Daniel and Eva Koster in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith in 1790
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Schoontje in 1776
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Rachel in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rachel in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerson and Marianne Jonas in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Giertje in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerson and Eva in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Aaltje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Hendrik and Roosje in 1696
Levie, witness to marriage of Magnus and Ester Salomon in 1811
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Ester Levie in 1772
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Marianne in 1720
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog Jong de and Ester in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Rachel Koopman in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Leendert and Marianne in 1788
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron Bing and Lea Leman in 1793
Levie, witness to marriage of Joel Halberstadt and Betje Speijer in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Samson and Schoontje in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Leentje in 1735
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Ester Nathan in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Roosje in 1782
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Marianne in 1788
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Weenen v. and Clara in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Marianne in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Gompert and Abigael in 1688
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Judith Leeuwen v. in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Sluis and Leentje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Sprintse in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf and Anna in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Dina in 1727
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Vrouwtje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus Levie and Rachel in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Helena in 1731
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Ester in 1725
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Anna Asser in 1761
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Eva in 1739
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Engeltje in 1739
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Judith in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Betje in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Leman and Jannetje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Matthijs and Telsje Hartog in 1789
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon Matthijs and Clara in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Andries Matthijs and Sara Eduard in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Jeltje Cohen in 1800
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Schoontje Elias in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Gracia Nathan in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Gompert and Lea in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Reijna in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Lea in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Hendrikje in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel Junior and Ester Levie in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes Herts and Bele Kijser in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Aaltje Ruben in 1794
Levie, witness to marriage of Coenraad and Marianne in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Rachel in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Sara in 1761
Levie, witness to marriage of Alexander and Judith in 1727
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Sara Abraham in 1790
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Bele in 1794
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Engeltje in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham Elsas and Leonarda Cohen in 1795
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Rachel in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Sara in 1688
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Keetje in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan and Roosje Levie in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Clara in 1753
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron Joel and Bele in 1756
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Vrouwtje Weenen v. in 1771
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Nagoma in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Judith in 1734
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Rachel in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog and Branca in 1751
Levie, witness to marriage of Jochem and Schoontje in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Judith in 1797
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Rachel in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Matthijs and Judith in 1753
Levie, witness to marriage of Jonas and Magdalena Cohen in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Jannetje in 1765
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Vrouwtje in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Samuel and Schoontje in 1747
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias and Schoontje Barend in 1785
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Sara in 1745
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rebecca in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Elias and Rachel Koster de in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Eva Prijs in 1802
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Betje in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog Jong de and Alida in 1708
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Aaltje in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Marianne in 1759
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Aaltje in 1791
Levie, witness to marriage of David Cohen and Bele in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Rachel in 1704
Levie, witness to marriage of Ezechiel and Branca in 1761
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Vrouwtje in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Rebecca in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Sara in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Betje in 1809
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Sara in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Lea in 1760
Levie, witness to marriage of Marcus and Anna in 1758
Levie, witness to marriage of Godfried and Judith in 1807
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Sara Cohen in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Anna in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Emanuel and Judith in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Sara in 1806
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna Cohen in 1737
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Debora in 1810
Levie, witness to marriage of Hartog Levie and Sara in 1804
Levie, witness to marriage of Eliaser and Rachel Cohen in 1801
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Ester Cohen in 1799
Levie, witness to marriage of Elias Cohen and Mietje in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Diewertje in 1774
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac and Anna in 1790
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Grietje in 1768
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Duifje in 1750
Levie, witness to marriage of Koopman and Rebecca in 1762
Levie, witness to marriage of David Bendix and Rachel Levie in 1717
Levie, witness to marriage of Joel and Branca in 1798
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Anna in 1781
Levie, witness to marriage of Arie and Debora in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Anna in 1757
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Matje in 1733
Levie, witness to marriage of Levie and Simcha Gompert in 1724
Levie, witness to marriage of Asser and Leentje in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Andries Asser and Ruchme in 1766
Levie, witness to marriage of Meijer and Clara Aron in 1707
Levie, witness to marriage of Nathan Bendix and Anna Kijser in 1713
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Jacoba in 1738
Levie, witness to marriage of Michiel and Sara in 1730
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Judith Levie in 1740
Levie, witness to marriage of Hendrik and Ester in 1752
Levie, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rachel in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Cassa in 1796
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Sara in 1770
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Clara in 1777
Levie, witness to marriage of Wolf and Anna in 1779
Levie, witness to marriage of Mozes and Sara in 1775
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Sara in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Philip and Anna in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin Voorzanger and Reijna in 1784
Levie, witness to marriage of Joseph and Elsje in 1780
Levie, witness to marriage of Arie and Judith in 1767
Levie, witness to marriage of David and Betje in 1805
Levie, witness to marriage of Hijman and Sara in 1712
Levie, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Roosje Kalker in 1721
Levie, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rebecca in 1778
Levie, witness to marriage of Aron and Schoontje in 1721
Levie, witness to marriage of Soesman and Marianne in 1799
Levie, witness to marriage of Abraham and Elsje in 1722
Levie, witness to marriage of Simon and Grietje in 1786
Levie, witness to marriage of Gabriel and Clara in 1808
Levie, witness to marriage of Isaac Levie and Lea in 1755
Levie, witness to marriage of Joel and Anna in 1803
Levie, witness to marriage of Barend and Lea in 1736
Levie, Abraham witness to marriage of Salomon Abraham and Sara in 1801
Levie, Aron witness to marriage of Aron and Francina in 1780
Levie, Aron witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1783
Levie, Aron witness to marriage of Ezechiel Cohen and Mindele in 1798
Levie, Aron witness to marriage of Barend Engersch and Judith Aron in 1798
Levie, Bakker witness to marriage of Levie and Eva in 1733
Levie, Barbier witness to marriage of Barend Cassel and Judith Barbier in 1743
Levie, Benjamin witness to marriage of Elias and Sara Lagasse in 1760
Levie, Biksteen witness to marriage of Gerrit Samuel and Anna in 1738
Levie, Bing witness to marriage of Gerson Bing and Bloeme in 1721
Levie, Bing witness to marriage of Mozes Bing and Trijntje Cohen in 1712
Levie, Bromet witness to marriage of Hermanus Bromet and Sara Henriquez in 1745
Levie, Bromet witness to marriage of Adam and Giertje Bromet in 1751
Levie, Carsoone witness to marriage of Andries Lier v. and Bruintje Carsoone in 1763
Levie, Cleef v. witness to marriage of Mozes Cleef v. and Bele in 1797
Levie, Coerat witness to marriage of Emanuel and Bele in 1722
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Abraham Cohen and Anna in 1803
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Mozes and Duifje Cohen in 1679
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Samuel Cohen and Cornelia in 1779
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Gabriel Cohen and Bele in 1785
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Wolf Cohen and Judith in 1802
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Jacob Cohen and Sara in 1789
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Lea in 1796
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Daniel Cohen and Sipora Cohen in 1791
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Andries Cohen and Rachel Stokvis in 1786
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Samuel Cohen and Vrouwtje in 1757
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Isaac Cohen and Vrouwtje in 1734
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Clara Meijer in 1806
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Aron Cohen and Reijna Elias in 1798
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Abraham Cohen and Lijsje in 1771
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Jonas and Hendrina Levie in 1764
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Jonas Cohen and Sara in 1771
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Marcus Cohen and Marianne in 1772
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Eliaser Cohen and Judith in 1724
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Samson and Grietje in 1802
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Isaac Cohen and Schoontje in 1806
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Jacob Cohen and Meintje Koster in 1777
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Eliaser Cohen and Ester Cohen in 1738
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Levie Cohen and Rebecca in 1766
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Abraham Salomon and Matje Cohen in 1766
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Salomon and Sara Cohen in 1772
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Levie Frank and Gerritje Cohen in 1808
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Philip and Duifje Cohen in 1788
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Jacob Levie and Ester Levie in 1779
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Marcus Emanuel and Teijntje Sluis in 1789
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Philip Cohen and Branca in 1805
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Hijman and Jannetje in 1765
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Emanuel Levie and Marianne Cohen in 1775
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Levie and Vrouwtje in 1723
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of David and Ester Asser in 1763
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith Cohen in 1774
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Meijer and Rebecca David in 1783
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Jonas and Truijtje Cohen in 1774
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Mozes and Sara Cohen in 1776
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Wolf and Anna in 1779
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Meijer and Leentje Cohen in 1783
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Meijer and Abigael Cohen in 1789
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Mozes and Engeltje Cohen in 1722
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Salomon Cohen and Fanny Cohen in 1797
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Michiel Posno and Rebecca Cohen in 1778
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Josua Polak and Merle in 1775
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Elias and Eva in 1726
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Simon and Anna Cohen in 1803
Levie, Cohen witness to marriage of Samuel and Rachel Cohen in 1800
Levie, Collem v. witness to marriage of Joseph Gelder v. and Marianne Collem v. in 1770
Levie, Corjel witness to marriage of Mozes Denekamp v. and Mietje Corjel in 1781
Levie, Danziger witness to marriage of Nathan and Anna in 1766
Levie, Deijts witness to marriage of Lazarus and Sijtje in 1746
Levie, Denekamp v. witness to marriage of Mozes Denekamp v. and Mietje Corjel in 1781
Levie, Duijts witness to marriage of Samuel Duijts and Ester in 1762
Levie, Duijts witness to marriage of Mozes and Anna Duijts in 1807
Levie, Duys witness to marriage of Salomon and Anna in 1766
Levie, Emmerik witness to marriage of Joseph and Schoontje in 1736
Levie, Epstijn witness to marriage of Levie and Hendrina in 1770
Levie, Ferth witness to marriage of Abraham Levie and Gelle in 1802
Levie, Fles witness to marriage of Liepman and Branca Fles in 1761
Levie, Franken witness to marriage of Levie and Leentje in 1806
Levie, Fransman witness to marriage of Leukje and Ester Bellevis in 1750
Levie, Gans witness to marriage of Hartog Gans and Judith in 1797
Levie, Gans witness to marriage of Joseph and Judith Gans in 1761
Levie, Gelder v. witness to marriage of Emanuel Gelder v. and Clara in 1728
Levie, Gelderin witness to marriage of Levie Polak and Mietje in 1794
Levie, Gescher witness to marriage of Wolf and Johanna in 1774
Levie, Gobers witness to marriage of Isaac and Judith in 1762
Levie, Gompert witness to marriage of Samuel Gompert and Ester in 1782
Levie, Goone witness to marriage of Mozes and Marianne in 1793
Levie, Gosselaar witness to marriage of Salomon Furst and Ester Gosselaar in 1738
Levie, Harres witness to marriage of Jonas and Reijna Harres in 1743
Levie, Hartloper witness to marriage of Eliaser Hartloper and Branca in 1764
Levie, Hartloper witness to marriage of Philip and Vrouwtje in 1803
Levie, Harts witness to marriage of Benjamin Harts and Schoontje in 1739
Levie, Helmsen witness to marriage of Gerrit Oudkerk and Ester in 1799
Levie, Hertzdahl witness to marriage of Aron Cleef v. and Judith Hertzdahl in 1809
Levie, Hijlbert witness to marriage of Jacob and Bele Levie in 1759
Levie, Hijman witness to marriage of Levie and Bele Hijman in 1769
Levie, Hirschel witness to marriage of Eliaser Hirschel and Bele Norden v. in 1809
Levie, Holstijn witness to marriage of Hendrik Bacheragh and Marretje in 1730
Levie, Horsiks witness to marriage of Samuel and Sara Fles in 1789
Levie, Jacob witness to marriage of Zadok Philip and Vogeltje Meijer in 1765
Levie, Joel witness to marriage of Seligman Meijer and Bloeme Joel in 1787
Levie, Joel witness to marriage of Joel and Anna in 1777
Levie, Jong de witness to marriage of Eliaser Emden v. and Anna Hartog in 1776
Levie, Jong de witness to marriage of David Emden v. and Clara in 1800
Levie, Jong de witness to marriage of Salomon Emden v. and Bele in 1766
Levie, Jong de witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester in 1720
Levie, Jong de witness to marriage of Hartog and Bele in 1723
Levie, Jong de witness to marriage of Hartog Polak and Sara Emden v. in 1797
Levie, Karel witness to marriage of Abraham and Sara Karel in 1810
Levie, Karels witness to marriage of Abraham Karels and Marianne in 1802
Levie, Keizer witness to marriage of Gompert and Anna Keizer in 1752
Levie, Kijser witness to marriage of Hermanus Kijser and Judith Cohen in 1764
Levie, Kijser witness to marriage of Levie and Schoontje Schoijer in 1748
Levie, Kloot witness to marriage of Michiel Reenen v. and Rachel in 1765
Levie, Kok witness to marriage of Nathan and Bloeme in 1782
Levie, Kok witness to marriage of Meijer and Clara in 1756
Levie, Korper witness to marriage of Jonas Hamburg and Rebecca Korper in 1808
Levie, Lambert witness to marriage of Juda and Rebecca Lambert in 1724
Levie, Levie witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Jacomijn in 1779
Levie, Levie witness to marriage of Samuel Levie and Marianne in 1797
Levie, Levie witness to marriage of Joel and Schoontje Rees in 1793
Levie, Levie witness to marriage of Elias Levie and Anna Italiaander in 1794
Levie, Levie witness to marriage of Emanuel Cohen and Bele in 1804
Levie, Lima de witness to marriage of Abraham Lima de and Gima in 1759
Levie, Lima de witness to marriage of Elias Lima de and Marianne Norden in 1773
Levie, Lima de witness to marriage of Isaac Levie and Martha Lima de in 1786
Levie, Lima de witness to marriage of Leon Metz de and Ester Lima de in 1767
Levie, Luria witness to marriage of Hartog and Edel Luria in 1719
Levie, Luria witness to marriage of Salomon and Clara in 1722
Levie, Manheim witness to marriage of Aron Manheim and Goedje in 1808
Levie, Mannemer witness to marriage of Jacob Mannemer and Sara in 1804
Levie, Mannia witness to marriage of Marcus and Anna in 1796
Levie, Manning witness to marriage of Zacharias and Rachel Salomon in 1803
Levie, Marcus witness to marriage of Mozes Cohen and Anna Marcus in 1804
Levie, Marcus witness to marriage of Emanuel and Bele in 1778
Levie, Meijer witness to marriage of Levie and Rebecca in 1774
Levie, Mets de witness to marriage of Jacob Mets de and Reijna Levie in 1775
Levie, Mets de witness to marriage of Aron Mets de and Anna Alexander in 1780
Levie, Milder witness to marriage of Abraham and Catharina Milder in 1728
Levie, Milder witness to marriage of Jacob Milder and Bele in 1724
Levie, Mindelen witness to marriage of Jeremias Mindelen and Sara in 1752
Levie, Minden v. witness to marriage of Leman Minden v. and Vogeltje Joseph in 1805
Levie, Minden v. witness to marriage of Salomon Minden v. and Sara in 1791
Levie, Minden v. witness to marriage of Isaac Minden v. and Lea Berlijn in 1810
Levie, Minden v. witness to marriage of Michiel and Rebecca Philip in 1775
Levie, Morisco witness to marriage of Meijer Lipschitz and Romaatje in 1809
Levie, Mulder witness to marriage of Abraham Mulder and Judith in 1726
Levie, Mulder witness to marriage of Daniel and Klik in 1737
Levie, Nathan witness to marriage of Elias Luria and Hendele Nathan in 1728
Levie, Norden witness to marriage of Salomon Norden and Marianne Lima de in 1751
Levie, Os v. witness to marriage of Joseph Os v. and Vrouwtje Barend in 1792
Levie, Ouwerkerk witness to marriage of Salomon and Trijntje Ouwerkerk in 1807
Levie, Pakker witness to marriage of David Pakker and Bele in 1749
Levie, Pakker witness to marriage of Joseph and Anna in 1793
Levie, Parijs witness to marriage of Meijer Ameland and Grietje Parijs in 1760
Levie, Pauer witness to marriage of Emanuel Kalker and Branca Pauer in 1770
Levie, Phaane witness to marriage of David and Judith in 1754
Levie, Pinto witness to marriage of Jacob Pinto and Anna Polak in 1791
Levie, Pinto witness to marriage of Philip Pinto and Sara Levie in 1781
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of Hartog and Ester in 1743
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of Hijman and Eva in 1767
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of Mozes Polak and Judith in 1738
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of Benedictus and Bele Polak in 1809
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of Gerrit and Leentje in 1738
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of David and Branca in 1754
Levie, Polak witness to marriage of Salomon and Bloeme in 1750
Levie, Pool witness to marriage of Juda and Rachel in 1749
Levie, Pool de witness to marriage of Abraham Pool de and Johanna in 1735
Levie, Port v.d. witness to marriage of Nathan and Riksco in 1731
Levie, Posno witness to marriage of Michiel Posno and Rebecca Cohen in 1778
Levie, Posno witness to marriage of Jacob Posno and Ester in 1785
Levie, Pouwer witness to marriage of Joseph Pouwer and Sipora in 1774
Levie, Praag witness to marriage of Hijman Praag and Marianne in 1727
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Joseph Rees and Ester Praag v. in 1787
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Hartog and Vrouwtje Praag v. in 1785
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Joseph Buren v. and Roosje Praag v. in 1786
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Jacob Emanuel and Elsje Praag v. in 1787
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Isaac and Marretje Hamelburg in 1722
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Isaac and Duifje in 1748
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Levie and Sara Lijfers in 1730
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Philip and Rachel Polak in 1740
Levie, Praag v. witness to marriage of Hijman Praag v. and Sara Emmerik in 1752
Levie, Prins witness to marriage of Simon Levie and Judith in 1728
Levie, Rousniet witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1749
Levie, Ruben witness to marriage of Levie Pool and Sara Ruben in 1792
Levie, Salomon witness to marriage of Salomon and Reijna in 1762
Levie, Salomon witness to marriage of Eliaser Cohen and Rachel Hart in 1764
Levie, Salomon witness to marriage of Abraham Salomon and Matje Cohen in 1766
Levie, Salomon witness to marriage of Isaac and Anna Salomon in 1764
Levie, Salomon witness to marriage of Emanuel Kalme and Sara Salomon in 1789
Levie, Salomon witness to marriage of Isaac Emden v. and Judith in 1779
Levie, Samson witness to marriage of Jacob and Roosje Samson in 1804
Levie, Sapson witness to marriage of Benjamin and Schoontje in 1725
Levie, Schaap witness to marriage of Abraham and Judith in 1803
Levie, Schagemans witness to marriage of Joseph and Maria in 1721
Levie, Schrijver witness to marriage of Israel and Ester in 1722
Levie, Sijmen witness to marriage of Arend Cohen and Josina Sijmen in 1724
Levie, Simon witness to marriage of Salomon and Duifje Simon in 1785
Levie, Slijser witness to marriage of Marcus and Sara Slijser in 1786
Levie, Sluijsen witness to marriage of Levie and Hendrikje in 1798
Levie, Sluis witness to marriage of Abraham and Marianne Sluis in 1804
Levie, Sluis witness to marriage of Hartog and Sara in 1804
Levie, Sluisers witness to marriage of Joseph and Bele Sluisers in 1785
Levie, Sneek v. witness to marriage of Abraham Hes and Sara in 1808
Levie, Snoek witness to marriage of Isaac Snoek and Rebecca Mets de in 1736
Levie, Snoek witness to marriage of Jacob Snoek and Grietje Levie in 1754
Levie, Snoek witness to marriage of Abraham Gelderen v. and Sara Polak in 1809
Levie, Snoek witness to marriage of Joseph and Bele Snoek in 1743
Levie, Spier witness to marriage of Alexander Spier and Sara Mossel in 1788
Levie, Spilman witness to marriage of Benjamin and Sara in 1730
Levie, Stokvis witness to marriage of Coenraad and Kaatje in 1762
Levie, Stokvis witness to marriage of Aron and Anna in 1769
Levie, Stork witness to marriage of Jacob Jonge de and Eva in 1753
Levie, Swaab witness to marriage of Meijer Swaap and Rachel in 1780
Levie, Swaab witness to marriage of Hartog and Judith Swaab in 1763
Levie, Swaap witness to marriage of Marcus Cohen and Schoontje Swaap in 1769
Levie, Trompetter witness to marriage of Mozes Trompetter and Marianne Jong de in 1790
Levie, Trompetter witness to marriage of Levie and Roosje Kalf in 1792
Levie, Trompetter witness to marriage of Liepman Menser and Anna Trompetter in 1802
Levie, Voorzanger witness to marriage of Eliaser Voorzanger and Judith Praag v. in 1785
Levie, Vries de witness to marriage of Abraham Prins and Anna Frankfort in 1796
Levie, Vries de witness to marriage of Levie Goetman and Marianne Vries de in 1779
Levie, Vries de witness to marriage of Salomon Vries de and Anna Jochem in 1735
Levie, Vries de witness to marriage of Salomon Vries de and Goedje in 1800
Levie, Waardendorp witness to marriage of Leman Waardendorp and Betje in 1810
Levie, Warndorf witness to marriage of Salomon and Leentje in 1805
Levie, Weenen v. witness to marriage of Aron and Roosje Weenen v. in 1786
Levie, Zeland witness to marriage of Alexander Kleef v. and Vrouwtje Boas in 1795
Liebe, witness to marriage of Philip and Bele in 1730
Liebe, witness to marriage of Israel and Judith in 1725
Liebe, witness to marriage of David and Judith in 1765
Liepman, witness to marriage of Jacob and Bele in 1741
Liepman, witness to marriage of David and Bele in 1746
Liepman, witness to marriage of Joseph Nihom and Bele in 1744
Liepman, witness to marriage of Lazarus and Rebecca in 1739
Liepman, witness to marriage of Barend and Branca in 1755
Liepman, witness to marriage of Elkan and Judith in 1765
Liepman, witness to marriage of Hijman and Dina in 1776
Liepman, witness to marriage of Joseph Cohen and Ester Levie in 1770
Liepman, witness to marriage of Abraham and Anna Metz de in 1808
Liepman, witness to marriage of Benjamin and Vrouwtje Goudsmit in 1765
Liepman, Bronveld witness to marriage of Meijer and Trijntje in 1804
Liepman, Calis witness to marriage of Joseph Thors and Betje Calis in 1802
Liepman, Calis witness to marriage of Isaac Benedictus and Elsje Calis in 1789
Liepman, Cats witness to marriage of Mozes Cohen and Vrouwtje in 1728
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Emanuel Kalker and Bele Cohen in 1693
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Selig Cohen and Anna Cohen in 1805
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1778
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Levie Abraham and Marianne Cohen in 1786
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Meijer Cohen and Sara in 1768
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Jacob Gelder v. and Sara Cohen in 1809
Liepman, Cohen witness to marriage of Andries and Anna Cohen in 1737
Liepman, Gobes witness to marriage of Salomon Gobes and Vrouwtje in 1809
Liepman, Katz witness to marriage of David Katz and Rachel in 1721
Liepman, Levie witness to marriage of Elias and Reijna in 1772
Liepman, Levie witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Rachel in 1767
Liepman, Levie witness to marriage of Joseph and Eva Levie in 1758
Liepman, Levie witness to marriage of Elias and Reijna in 1772
Liepman, Levie witness to marriage of Michiel and Vrouwtje Levie in 1760
Liepman, Levie witness to marriage of Salomon Levie and Sipora Levie in 1757
Liepman, Wolf witness to marriage of Philip Gompert and Malka in 1734
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Simon Mossel and Rachel in 1799
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Isaac and Sara in 1769
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Wolf and Reijna in 1789
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Arie and Debora in 1775
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Salomon and Esje in 1788
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Israel and Reijna in 1802
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Salomon and Rebecca in 1804
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Gerrit Cleef v. and Branca in 1749
Lijsje, witness to marriage of Eliaser Cohen and Mietje Levie in 1793
Lijsje, Polak witness to marriage of Marcus and Bele Polak in 1793
Lion, witness to marriage of Levie and Bele Samuel in 1783
Lion, witness to marriage of Sander and Anna in 1720
Lion, witness to marriage of Isaac and Cato in 1808
Lion, witness to marriage of Salomon and Ester Levie in 1720
Lion, witness to marriage of Salomon Stuttgard and Sara David in 1810
Lion, witness to marriage of Benjamin Cohen and Anna in 1727
Lion, witness to marriage of Joseph Neem and Clara Cohen in 1804
Lion, witness to marriage of Mozes Edersheim and Golda in 1773
Lion, witness to marriage of Barend Gompert and Rachel Isaac in 1718
Lion, witness to marriage of Simon Emanuel and Judith in 1807
Lion, witness to marriage of Mozes Gompert and Bele Mozes in 1733
Lion, witness to marriage of Jacob Aron and Bele Gompert in 1728
Lion, witness to marriage of Kalman and Anna in 1792
Lion, Alexander witness to marriage of Benjamin Alexander and Sprintse Alexander in 1778
Lion, Alexander witness to marriage of Jochem Alexander and Sara Gabriel in 1801
Lion, Alexander witness to marriage of Emanuel Praag v. and Bloeme Alexander in 1794
Lion, Gompert witness to marriage of Joseph Goldsmit and Sara Gompert in 1720
Lion, Gompert witness to marriage of Abraham Rijtelingen and Judith Gompert in 1722
Lion, Kijser witness to marriage of Samson Daniel and Betje Kijser in 1806
Lion, Kijser witness to marriage of Elias Kijser and Anna Kijser in 1803
Lion, Kijser witness to marriage of Hermanus Kijser and Sipora Kijser in 1789
Lion, Kijser witness to marriage of Hermanus Kijser and Anna Kijser in 1803
Lion, Kijser witness to marriage of Benjamin Metz de and Marianne Kijser in 1783
Lion, Kinsbergen witness to marriage of Jacob Kinsbergen and Neeltje Schultz in 1805
Lion, Kinsbergen witness to marriage of Abraham Kinsbergen and Selli Chumaceiro in 1803
Lion, Mets de witness to marriage of Ezechiel and Martha Mets de in 1793
Lion, Mossel witness to marriage of Marcus Boas and Judith in 1798
Lion, Polak witness to marriage of Lion Alexander and Aaltje Bing in 1761
Livinius, Sluis witness to marriage of Abraham Sluis and Abigael in 1721
Lobel, Furth witness to marriage of Mozes Berlijn and Gelle Furth in 1802
Lobel, Furth witness to marriage of Meijer Furth and Goutan in 1809
Lodewijk, witness to marriage of David and Debora in 1766
Lodewijk, Bausoman witness to marriage of David Aron and Batseba in 1771
Lodia, witness to marriage of Mozes and Marianne Swaab in 1740
Loode, witness to marriage of Jacob and Rachel in 1743
Lotje, witness to marriage of Isaac and Lea in 1733
Lucas, witness to marriage of Hijman and Rachel in 1768
Lucas, witness to marriage of Gerrit and Clara Samson in 1781
Lucas, witness to marriage of Jesaya and Judith in 1779
Lucas, witness to marriage of Gerson and Anna in 1784
Lucas, witness to marriage of Israel Cohen and Reijna in 1766
Lucas, witness to marriage of Nathan and Judith David in 1779
Lucas, witness to marriage of Andries and Mietje in 1755
Lucas, witness to marriage of Mozes and Branca in 1784
Lucas, witness to marriage of Levie and Schoontje Joseph in 1809
Lucas, witness to marriage of Salomon and Betje in 1781
Lucas, witness to marriage of Jacob and Ester Polak in 1767
Lucas, witness to marriage of Abraham and Rachel in 1777
Lucas, witness to marriage of Jacob and Grietje in 1789
Lucas, witness to marriage of Michiel and Sara Levie in 1767
Luene, witness to marriage of Levie and Matje in 1769
Lyntje, witness to marriage of Meijer and Judith in 1649