Sephardi marriages (TIM)
Witnesses - Last name starting with V (252 persons)
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Val Leon de, Francisco witness to marriage of Emanuel Dias and Rachel Issel in 1634
Valabrega, Rachel witness to marriage of Salomon Brandon and Roosje Mondolpho in 1802
Vale do, Rachel witness to marriage of Abraham Vale do and Rachel Aguilar d' in 1650
Vale do, Sara witness to marriage of Benjamin Israel and Gracia Saraga in 1719
Valenca de, Abraham witness to marriage of Mordechai Valenca and Rachel Valenca de in 1783
Valenca de, Daniel witness to marriage of Samuel Valenca de and Judith Valenca de in 1748
Valenca de, David witness to marriage of Daniel Aboab and Benvenida Cardozo in 1679
Valenca de, Isaac witness to marriage of Joseph Lopes and Ester Valenca de in 1714
Valenca de, Isaac witness to marriage of Simon Meatob and Clara Valenca de in 1728
Valenca de, Rachel witness to marriage of Samuel Porto and Ribca Nunes in 1753
Valenca de, Sara witness to marriage of Salomon Machorro and Rachel Arari in 1667
Valenca, Abraham witness to marriage of Samuel Porto and Rachel Valenca de in 1727
Valenca, Emanuel witness to marriage of Abraham Querido and Judith Valenca in 1809
Valenca, Isaac witness to marriage of Baruch German and Lea Valenca in 1735
Valenca, Jacob witness to marriage of Mordechai Valenca and Rachel Valenca de in 1783
Valenca, Jacob witness to marriage of Michiel Saqui and Ester Valenca in 1771
Valenca, Jacob witness to marriage of Emanuel Valenca and Sara Valenca in 1775
Valenca, Jacob witness to marriage of Abraham Messias and Sara Jacob in 1774
Valenca, Rachel witness to marriage of Joseph Benveniste and Rachel Nabarro in 1759
Valenca, Rebecca witness to marriage of Abraham Habilho and Sara Hallas in 1756
Valenca, Salomon witness to marriage of Emanuel Valenca and Sara Valenca in 1775
Valenca, Sara witness to marriage of Jechiel Messias and Rebecca Vigevano in 1807
Valenca, Sara witness to marriage of Simon Vieyra and Sara Messias in 1805
Valenca, Sara witness to marriage of Elkan Rimini and Judith Messias in 1805
Valenca, Serafina witness to marriage of Isaac Lara de and Rachel Machado in 1692
Valencin, Abraham witness to marriage of Iyob Valensin and Rachel Teixeira in 1721
Valencin, Iyob witness to marriage of Samuel Valensin and Clara Tovar in 1753
Valhe del Serayva, Ester witness to marriage of David Drago and Debora Drago in 1667
Valhe del, Abigael witness to marriage of Mordechai Salom and Ribca Uziel in 1783
Valhe del, Abraham witness to marriage of Antonio Mendes and Rachel Valhe del in 1623
Valhe del, Abraham witness to marriage of Dio Peixotto and Ester Valhe del in 1623
Valhe del, Daniel witness to marriage of Abraham Suzarte and Ribca Suzarte in 1648
Valhe del, Jacob witness to marriage of Mordechai Salom and Ribca Uziel in 1783
Valhe del, Jacob witness to marriage of Isaac Oliveira and Marianne Penha in 1810
Valhe del, Judith witness to marriage of Daniel Mendes and Ribca Mendes in 1671
Valhe del, Mordechai witness to marriage of Sadik Cohen and Ester Valhe del in 1808
Valhe del, Sara witness to marriage of Dio Peixotto and Ester Valhe del in 1623
Valhe del, Sara witness to marriage of Antonio Mendes and Rachel Valhe del in 1623
Valhe del, Simon witness to marriage of Jacob Avila d' and Judith Valhe del in 1662
Valk v.d., Sara witness to marriage of Abraham Querido and Anna Pezaro in 1767
Valk, Helena witness to marriage of Elias Marrebi and Ester Sarfaty in 1728
Valk, Rachel witness to marriage of Abraham Querido and Sara Querido in 1744
Valk, Sara witness to marriage of Raphael Nunes and Simmetje Querido in 1758
Vallero, Anna witness to marriage of Raphael Aro d' and Jael Solis de in 1657
Vallero, Joseph witness to marriage of David Cohen and Anna Aro d' in 1678
Valquir, Sara witness to marriage of Abraham Bassan and Benvenida Cohen in 1695
Valverde, Ester witness to marriage of Joseph Franco and Ribca Gonzales in 1659
Valverde, Ester witness to marriage of Joseph Franco and Ribca Franco in 1659
Vargas, Josua witness to marriage of Simon Avila d' and Ester Vargas in 1739
Vargas, Josua witness to marriage of Juda Costa da and Ribca Vargas in 1744
Vargas, Ribca witness to marriage of Josua Castro de and Sara Palacios in 1778
Vargas, Ribca witness to marriage of David Costa da and Isabel Marselha in 1774
Varicas, Haim witness to marriage of Salomon Molcho and Simmetje Nunes in 1785
Vasquez, Rica witness to marriage of Daniel Vasquez and Ribca Fonseca da in 1694
Vaz Costa da, Joseph witness to marriage of Jacob Costa da and Judith Vaz in 1728
Vaz Costa da, Joseph witness to marriage of Jacob Costa da and Rachel Vaz in 1722
Vaz Costa da, Judith witness to marriage of Jacob Costa da and Debora Mendes in 1747
Vaz Dias Cathan, Sara witness to marriage of Mordechai Abendalac and Ester Vaz in 1791
Vaz Dias, Ester witness to marriage of Mordechai Abendalac and Lea Sarfaty in 1806
Vaz Faro, Aron witness to marriage of Joseph Abendana and Judith Lopes in 1699
Vaz Faro, Ester witness to marriage of Mozes Levie and Rachel Lopes in 1660
Vaz Faro, Isaac witness to marriage of Isaac Costa da and Ribca Vaz in 1711
Vaz Faro, Mozes witness to marriage of Isaac Vaz and Sara Capadoce in 1680
Vaz Henriquez, Isaac witness to marriage of Isaac Alfarin and Sara Vaz in 1679
Vaz Leon de, Francisco witness to marriage of Mozes Cohen and Rachel Spinossa in 1631
Vaz Leon de, Francisco witness to marriage of Jacob Henriquez and Judith Leon in 1627
Vaz Lopes, Ester witness to marriage of David Musaphia and Simcha Vaz in 1726
Vaz Lopes, Ester witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Lea Vaz in 1720
Vaz Martines, David witness to marriage of Benjamin Vaz and Ribca Palacios d in 1698
Vaz Martines, Isaac witness to marriage of David Palma de and Sara Vaz in 1702
Vaz Martines, Isaac witness to marriage of Mozes Rodriguez and Lea Vaz in 1703
Vaz Martines, Isaac witness to marriage of Jacob Martines and Ester Lopes in 1666
Vaz Martines, Rachel witness to marriage of Jacob Dias and Rachel Gomes in 1717
Vaz Martins, Abraham witness to marriage of Isaac Vaz and Anna Nunes in 1711
Vaz Martins, Abraham witness to marriage of Samuel Costa da and Rebecca Vaz in 1748
Vaz Martins, Abraham witness to marriage of Joseph Gomes and Sara Vaz in 1743
Vaz Martins, David witness to marriage of David Belmonte and Ribca Colasso in 1741
Vaz Martins, David witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Ester Vaz in 1716
Vaz Martins, Isaac witness to marriage of Isaac Mocatta and Judith Vaz in 1711
Vaz Martins, Isaac witness to marriage of Jacob Dias and Rachel Vaz in 1715
Vaz Martins, Judith witness to marriage of Jacob Silva da and Sara Vaz in 1737
Vaz Martins, Lea witness to marriage of Mordechai Gabay and Rebecca Rodriguez in 1731
Vaz Martins, Lea witness to marriage of Samuel Suzarte and Rachel Rodriguez in 1733
Vaz Martins, Lea witness to marriage of Aron Rodriguez and Sara Meza de in 1733
Vaz Martins, Rachel witness to marriage of Samuel Rodriguez and Ester Lopes in 1723
Vaz Martins, Rachel witness to marriage of Isaac Lopes and Rachel Senior in 1727
Vaz Martins, Samuel witness to marriage of David Vaz and Anna Belmonte in 1725
Vaz Martins, Samuel witness to marriage of Benjamin Vaz and Judith Belmonte in 1725
Vaz Martins, Sara witness to marriage of Jacob Silva da and Rachel Israel in 1748
Vaz Martins, Sara witness to marriage of Josua Lopes and Ester Vaz in 1741
Vaz Miranda de, Ester witness to marriage of Aron Franco and Sara Pretto in 1741
Vaz Miranda de, Rachel witness to marriage of Jacob Senator and Sara Vaz in 1732
Vaz Nunes, Joseph witness to marriage of Samuel Teixeira and Gracia Alvares in 1707
Vaz Nunes, Mozes witness to marriage of Isaac Vaz and Lea Penha dela in 1806
Vaz Nunes, Rachel witness to marriage of Isaac Oheb and Ester Vaz in 1725
Vaz Nunes, Samuel witness to marriage of Joseph Franco and Ester Vaz in 1769
Vaz Oliveira d', Abraham witness to marriage of Jacob Vaz and Ribca Vaz in 1760
Vaz Oliveira d', David witness to marriage of Jacob Vaz and Ribca Vaz in 1760
Vaz Oliveira d', Ester witness to marriage of Isaac Santcroos and Judith Meza de in 1793
Vaz Oliveira d', Gracia witness to marriage of Raphael Bocarra and Sara Bueno in 1792
Vaz Oliveira d', Gracia witness to marriage of Abraham Jessurun and Rachel Bueno in 1788
Vaz Oliveira d', Isaac witness to marriage of Mozes Vaz and Sara Gomes in 1719
Vaz Oliveira d', Jacob witness to marriage of Joseph Bueno and Gracia Vaz in 1764
Vaz Oliveira d', Mozes witness to marriage of Benjamin Dias and Sara Dias in 1727
Vaz Oliveira d', Mozes witness to marriage of David Vaz and Sara Henriquez in 1734
Vaz Oliveira d', Rachel witness to marriage of Jacob Mendes and Anna Dias in 1776
Vaz Oliveira d', Sara witness to marriage of David Hamiz and Ribca Pereira in 1739
Vaz Oliveira d', Sara witness to marriage of Mozes Pereira and Rachel Vaz in 1706
Vaz Oliveira, Gracia witness to marriage of David Bueno and Sara Lopes in 1796
Vaz, Abraham witness to marriage of Jacob Vaz and Ester Silva da in 1680
Vaz, Abraham witness to marriage of Mozes Vaz and Debora Lima de in 1721
Vaz, Abraham witness to marriage of Jacob Vaz and Ester Silva da in 1680
Vaz, Abraham witness to marriage of David Vaz and Clara Spinossa in 1771
Vaz, Anna witness to marriage of Joseph Vaz and Anna Galaco in 1686
Vaz, Anna witness to marriage of Mendo Lopes and Lea Barzilay in 1635
Vaz, Anna witness to marriage of Mozes Vaz and Perle Obediente in 1692
Vaz, Anna witness to marriage of Mendo Lopes and Lea Barzilay in 1635
Vaz, David witness to marriage of Jacob Levie and Lea Levie in 1702
Vaz, Debora witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Rachel Casseres d in 1717
Vaz, Ester witness to marriage of Joseph Benveniste and Ribca Vaz in 1739
Vaz, Ester witness to marriage of Salomon Jessurun and Batseba Nahar in 1789
Vaz, Ester witness to marriage of Isaac Meatob and Rebecca Vaz in 1684
Vaz, Ester witness to marriage of Abraham Semach and Rica Vaz in 1705
Vaz, Guimar witness to marriage of Aron Querido and Rachel Belmonte in 1628
Vaz, Guimar witness to marriage of Abraham Querido and Sara Belmonte in 1628
Vaz, Isaac witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Ester Vaz in 1716
Vaz, Isaac witness to marriage of Manasse Mendes and Debora Aboab in 1681
Vaz, Isabel witness to marriage of Isaac Senior and Rachel Senior in 1649
Vaz, Jacob witness to marriage of David Vaz and Sara Silva da in 1684
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Mozes Israel and Rachel Gomes in 1622
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Abraham Cohen and Sara Herera de in 1600
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Alonso Herera and Sara Herera de in 1600
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Theodor Alvares and Sara Vaz in 1644
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Diego Fernandes and Ester Dias in 1621
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Theodor Alvares and Sara Vaz in 1644
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Philip Alvares and Ribca Vaz in 1651
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Isaac Israel and Ester Dias in 1621
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Ester Orta d' in 1644
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Emanuel Mendes and Philippa Pimentel in 1612
Vaz, Louis witness to marriage of Philip Alvares and Ribca Vaz in 1651
Vaz, Mozes witness to marriage of David Musaphia and Ribca Vaz in 1720
Vaz, Mozes witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Lea Vaz in 1720
Vaz, Pedro witness to marriage of Jacomo Franco and Rachel Franco in 1620
Vaz, Rachel witness to marriage of Jacob Rodriguez and Ester Rodriguez in 1704
Vaz, Rica witness to marriage of David Musaphia and Simcha Vaz in 1726
Vaz, Salomon witness to marriage of Abraham Vaz and Lea Silva da in 1675
Vaz, Samuel witness to marriage of Isaac Almeida and Gracia Baruch in 1724
Veenendaal, Adriaan witness to marriage of Abraham Hamiz and Sara Hamiz in 1671
Veiga da Henriquez, Isaac witness to marriage of David Levie and Sara Mendes in 1731
Veiga da Henriquez, Isaac witness to marriage of Jacob Veiga da and Anna Chaves de in 1744
Veiga da Henriquez, Isaac witness to marriage of Jacob Chaves de and Rachel Veiga da in 1742
Veiga da Henriquez, Jacob witness to marriage of David Pinto de and Ribca Veiga da in 1784
Veiga da Henriquez, Jacob witness to marriage of Samuel Veiga da and Sara Capadoce in 1793
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Isaac Henriquez and Ester Abarbanel in 1732
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Joseph Veiga da and Anna Lopes in 1796
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Josua Capadoce and Gracia Veiga da in 1784
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Isaac Pinto de and Rachel Veiga da in 1655
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Isaac Sotto del and Ester Veiga da in 1789
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Mozes Veiga de and Ester Meza de in 1729
Veiga da, Abraham witness to marriage of Mozes Curiel and Violante Abendana in 1744
Veiga da, Anna witness to marriage of Simon Serra da and Sebastiana Veiga da in 1662
Veiga da, Emanuel witness to marriage of Jacob Prado de and Sara Veiga de in 1696
Veiga da, Ester witness to marriage of Aron Vaz and Ester Telles in 1680
Veiga da, Gracia witness to marriage of David Spinossa and Rachel Capadoce in 1808
Veiga da, Gracia witness to marriage of Joseph Prado de and Rachel Mendes in 1699
Veiga da, Jacob witness to marriage of Abraham Veiga da and Gracia Veiga da in 1714
Veiga da, Jacob witness to marriage of Isaac Veiga da and Ribca Levie in 1722
Veiga da, Joseph witness to marriage of Abraham Veiga da and Anna Prado de in 1728
Veiga da, Joseph witness to marriage of Mozes Chaves de and Sara Veiga da in 1718
Veiga da, Joseph witness to marriage of Jacob Veiga da and Rachel Henriquez in 1698
Veiga da, Joseph witness to marriage of Mozes Henriquez and Rachel Veiga da in 1725
Veiga da, Juda witness to marriage of Joseph Prado de and Gracia Veiga da in 1693
Veiga da, Juda witness to marriage of Abraham Alvares and Blanca Veiga da in 1689
Veiga da, Mozes witness to marriage of David Jessurun and Sara Veiga da in 1756
Veiga da, Mozes witness to marriage of Joseph Veiga da and Rachel Bueno in 1758
Veiga da, Mozes witness to marriage of David Jessurun and Sara Veiga da in 1756
Veiga da, Mozes witness to marriage of Abraham Veiga da and Rachel Mendes in 1759
Veiga da, Rachel witness to marriage of Abraham Veiga da and Gracia Veiga da in 1714
Veiga da, Sara witness to marriage of Abraham Dias and Rachel Veiga da in 1682
Veiga, Juda witness to marriage of David Cortissos and Rebecca Veiga in 1808
Veiga, Sara witness to marriage of Jacob Prado de and Rachel Pinto de in 1713
Veiga, Sara witness to marriage of Isaac Alvares and Lea Penso in 1687
Velasco, Abraham witness to marriage of Jacob Valenca de and Ester Cardozo in 1724
Velha, Jacob witness to marriage of Mordechai Israel and Ribca Velha in 1705
Velha, Jacob witness to marriage of Jacob Lopes and Judith Velha in 1717
Velha, Jacob witness to marriage of Samuel Anasiar and Ester Velha in 1675
Velha, Samuel witness to marriage of Isaac Gomes and Sara Valenca de in 1658
Velho, Gabriel witness to marriage of Isaac Velho and Gracia Meatop in 1725
Velozinos, Rachel witness to marriage of Gideon Mendes and Debora Lopes in 1751
Velozinos, Rachel witness to marriage of Abraham Henriquez and Ester Velozinos in 1681
Velser, Jan witness to marriage of Joseph Costa da and Clara Vels in 1752
Verrories, Lotje witness to marriage of Juda Cohen and Sara Talano in 1784
Victoria, Emanuel witness to marriage of Rocque Leon de and Maria Pereira in 1694
Victoria, Emanuel witness to marriage of Mozes Leon de and Ribca Pereira in 1694
Vidal, Engeltje witness to marriage of Isaac Carmi and Rebecca Vidal in 1739
Vidal, Paloma witness to marriage of Angel Vidal and Ester Ribeiro in 1713
Viegas, Emanuel witness to marriage of Antonio Dias and Isabel Dias in 1619
Vieyra, David witness to marriage of Jacob Granada and Abigael Vieyra in 1749
Vieyra, David witness to marriage of Israel Vieyra and Naatje Mendes in 1809
Vieyra, David witness to marriage of Simon Vieyra and Sara Messias in 1805
Vieyra, David witness to marriage of Emanuel Vieyra and Anna Orobio in 1744
Vieyra, Emanuel witness to marriage of David Vieyra and Ester Vieyra in 1721
Vieyra, Engeltje witness to marriage of Mozes Dias and Branca Vieyra in 1779
Vieyra, Ester witness to marriage of Jacob Oliveira d and Sara Veiga in 1677
Vieyra, Ester witness to marriage of Mozes Abendalac and Anna Vieyra in 1745
Vieyra, Ester witness to marriage of David Vieyra and Simcha Capadoce in 1732
Vieyra, Joseph witness to marriage of David Vieyra and Rachel Oliveira d in 1715
Vieyra, Joseph witness to marriage of David Vieyra and Ester Vieyra in 1721
Vieyra, Joseph witness to marriage of Salomon Levie and Rachel Vieyra in 1764
Vieyra, Joseph witness to marriage of Baruch Sarfaty and Ribca Vieyra in 1694
Vieyra, Marcus witness to marriage of Jacob Vieyra and Sara Eliaser in 1774
Vieyra, Mordechai witness to marriage of David Vieyra and Rebecca Pezaro in 1777
Vieyra, Mordechai witness to marriage of Joseph Vieyra and Rachel Pezaro in 1783
Vieyra, Sara witness to marriage of Emanuel Vieyra and Ester Abendana in 1695
Vieyra, Sara witness to marriage of David Vieyra and Rachel Oliveira d in 1715
Vigevano, Aron witness to marriage of Mozes Vigevano and Sara Rodriguez in 1808
Vigevano, David witness to marriage of Mozes Vigevano and Gracia Querido in 1792
Vigevano, David witness to marriage of Benjamin Henriquez and Ester Vigevano in 1793
Vigevano, David witness to marriage of Salomon Molcho and Gracia Vigevano in 1791
Vigevano, Mozes witness to marriage of Samson Vigevano and Ester Nunes in 1772
Vigevano, Mozes witness to marriage of David Vigevano and Eva Pezaro in 1768
Vigevano, Raphael witness to marriage of Jacob Vigevano and Rebecca Sotto del in 1806
Vigevano, Raphael witness to marriage of Mozes Vigevano and Ester Saqui in 1806
Vigevano, Samson witness to marriage of Jechiel Messias and Rebecca Vigevano in 1807
Vigevano, Samson witness to marriage of Salomon Rocco and Ester Vigevano in 1794
Vigo da, Guimar witness to marriage of Isaac Vaz and Ester Mendes in 1650
Villa Real, Ester witness to marriage of David Abrabanel and Sara Villa in 1675
Villa Real, Ester witness to marriage of Isaac Costa da and Henriette Pereira in 1700
Villa Real, Sara witness to marriage of Samuel Souza de and Rachel Villa Real in 1650
Villa Real, Sara witness to marriage of Jacob Villa Real and Ester Bueno in 1650
Villa Real, Sara witness to marriage of David Abrabanel and Ribca Carilho in 1681
Vintura, Ester witness to marriage of Samuel Piza and Rebecca Nunes in 1763
Vintura, Isaac witness to marriage of Juda Leon de and Debora Vintura in 1691
Vintura, Juda witness to marriage of Mozes Edrehi and Sara Aboab in 1804
Vintura, Juda witness to marriage of Mozes Vintura and Dina Vaz in 1726
Vintura, Mozes witness to marriage of Sabetay Vintura and Rebecca Lopes in 1758
Vintura, Sabetay witness to marriage of Jacob Teixeira and Debora Vintura in 1733
Vintura, Sabetay witness to marriage of Samuel Baruch and Rebecca Vintura in 1768
Vis, Salomon witness to marriage of Joseph Levie and Marianne Vis in 1793
Vita Hajon, Israel witness to marriage of Joseph Vita and Rebecca Pereira in 1798
Vita Israel, Aron witness to marriage of Alexander Vita and Marianne Mondolpho in 1799
Vita Israel, Aron witness to marriage of Jacob Vita and Sara Machorro in 1761
Vita Israel, Isaac witness to marriage of Emanuel Vita and Sara Vita in 1797
Vita Israel, Ribca witness to marriage of Emanuel Vita and Sara Vita in 1797
Vita Luzatto, Jacob witness to marriage of Leon Vita and Ester Jessurun in 1737
Vita de, Mozes witness to marriage of Abraham Morales de and Sara Morales de in 1745
Vivas, Dina witness to marriage of David Obediente and Dina Delmonte in 1694
Vivas, Dina witness to marriage of Joseph Ferrares and Rachel Jessurun in 1711
Vivas, Dina witness to marriage of Jacob Obediente and Anna Delmonte in 1691
Vives, Ester witness to marriage of Abraham Ferro and Simcha Vives in 1777
Vriend de, Ester witness to marriage of Abraham Bassan and Sara Valquir in 1682
Vriend de, Isaac witness to marriage of Isaac Bassan and Marianne Vriend de in 1683