Version (3) - November 2009
AKEVOTH (Traces)-Research of the family origins and heritage of Dutch Jewry (A.R.)
Core research of the genealogy by Monique A.F.Peters (research office "Onze Oorsprong" in Purmerend, Netherlands)
Introduction family tree Mok.
The Mok family dealt with in this genealogy has been living already for at least 310 years in The Netherlands. The first 100 years the descendants of the ancestor Michiel Philip live in Amsterdam, thereafter the grandsons the brothers Mok, respectively Machiel and Mozes Philip, move house to Haarlem.
Several of their grandchildren and great- grandchildren return to Amsterdam in the second half of the nineteenth century.
The ancestor is Michiel Philip born around 1690. It is not sure whether he used the name Mok within jewish circles. His son Philip Michiel did use the name Mok however, the evidence is the circumcision document of his son, Machieel Philip,circumcised on 21 February 1751, in which Philip Michiel is mentioned as Liebman Mok.
Except for son Philip Michiel-born around1720 in Amsterdam-there is no mentioning of other children of the ancestor Michiel Philip.
Nearly all the descendants of Michiel Philip Mok were murdered during the second world war.
Persons: 826, families: 310
Surnames alfabetical order: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
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