Family Tree CollectionMain index A-Z Total index Names Index placesCOHEN (Descendants of Salomon Eljakum Cohen)

Family page
Salomon Eljakum Cohen, birth ± 1640 Norden, Ost-Friesland?, estimated, died 3 Jul 1718 Amsterdam, Muiderberg Cemetery: 3 tammuz 5478 old Zalman Kohen, his father in law Jaakov Norden, son of Godert or Eljakum Cohen and NN NN
Salomon Cohen was one of the 159 people who on 7 March 1670, in front of Notary Jacobus Snel, signed for the financing of the building of the Great Synagogue. His name in the list appears as Salomon Cohen, he signs as Salomon Eljakum Cats (confirm ation of the Hebrew name by employee of the Joods Historisch Museum).

D.E. Cohen, in his history of the family Cohen writes (summary):
Salomon son of Eljakum Cohen was registered as a member of the Hoogduitsche Gemeente (Ashkenazi community) in Amsterdam on 13 Tamus 5454 (1664), The sum he paid shows his father probably didn't live in Amsterdam (at least he wasn't a member of th e community). Salomon must have married before 1668, probably not in Amsterdam. He became the owner of two seats in the Synagogue in 1671 and bought several more, one of them in 1681 from his friend Abraham Levi Victoria (Italiaander family).

Besides Salomons sons Ezechiel, Isaac, Jacob and Philip he mentions
- Two daughters whose names he didn't know, but who married Simson Hannover (a son Joseph) and Jacob Levi Goslar. These turn out to be Trjntje and Vrouwtje, daughters of another Salomon Cohen with wife Sipora. In the registration of the marriag e intent the father is named as Salomon Cohen de Jonge.
- Daughter Ester. Born too early to be the other couple's daughter? In 1687 she married on the same date (father not "de Jonge"), and living in the same street as Bele/Bonele. She had a daughter Catharina ("Caatje") a daughter Judith, sons Phili p and Godert, all typical family names. At the circumcision of her grandson Moses Levie Snoek in 1724 the sandak was Philip Ezechiel Cohen. These facts convince me she was a daughter of Salomon Eljakum Cohen.
- Daughter Judith, she married Philip Andries Schnapper who later lived in Frankfurt. In 1712. Philip authorizes his brother in law Jacob Levi to sell some seats in the Synagogue. Philip died in 1740, Son Godert died in 1762, son Meijer died in 17 68.
The names Judith and Godert strongly suggest a relationship. was Jacob Levi a brother in law or had D.E. Cohen just assumed it was Jacob Levi Goslar?
On in the Schnapper-2 family tree: Feibelman Amschel Schnapper, grandson of Meier Schnapper, and sons Gottschalk and Meier, the same years of death. The source may have been one that D.E. Cohen used.

Like the van Emdens, Italiaanders, van Mindens and van Rees the Cohens were tobacco merchants. They owned tobacco fields in Amersfoort, Nijkerk and other places, processed and exported the indigenous tobacco, especially to the Nordic countries.
Aron Joseph (Moznum), one of the forefathers of the De Jong-Rintels was also a "tobachoer". Ezechiel de Jongh (Rintel) claimed in 1785 he himself had brought the tobacco trade to Oostende.
Egla Jacob Norden, alias: Engeltje, birth probably Norden, Ost-Friesland, died ± 4 Jun 1728 Amsterdam, Muiderberg Cemetery 27 si 5488 Egal'e widow of Zalman Kohen, daughter of Jacob Norden and Jetchen Isaacs
1) Belitje Salomon Cohen, birth 1668 Amsterdam
Married 28 Dec 1687 Amsterdam to:
Samuel Meijer Sijmons, birth 1661 Recknitz, died 20 Aug 1705 Amsterdam, Muiderberg Cemetery: died on 30 aw 5465 Sjimon, son in law of Zalman Cohen. The impost register calls him Samuel Salomons.
Muiderberg: burial on 5 ni 5451 (4 Apr 1691) son of Sjmoe'el, son in law of Zalman kohen,
ditto on 17 ad II 5464 (23 Mar 1704), on the impost record: Child of Samuel Happel? Kappel?.
2) Ezechiel Salomon Cohen, alias: Jechezkel Zalman Cohen, birth ± 1670 Amsterdam, died 21 Apr 1744 Arnhem, Buried at Muiderberg: Jechezkel Kohen died 9 Ijar 5504 in Arnhem
Ezechiel came from Amsterdam to Amersfoort in 1690. He planted, processed and traded tobacco.
In 1704 he was granted civil rights in Amersfoort, with his wife and children:
Stadsarchief Amersfoort inv. nr. 1847, Burgerrechtverlening Ezechiel Cohen - geaccordeert, 5 mei 1704 - wonende binnen dese stad. Bijzonderheden joods, met Marretje Cohen (zijn vrouw) en hun kinderen met namen Philip, Jacob, Isaacq, Jonas, Lev i en Godschalck, soonen en Veronica, dochter.
He was a man of importance in Amersfoort and the tobacco trade, when his son Godert applied for civil rights in Nijmegen and the opportunity to trade tobacco there, the authorities of Amersfoort sent a letter of recommendation,

In 1726/27 he was one of the founders of the synagogue in Amersfoort, with Abraham van Minden, Adolph Abarahams, Abraham Levi, Cosmanus Gomperts and Abraham Italiaander Benjamins (all of them Parnassijn, Source: Transportregisters in het oud recht erlijk archief, Amersfoort).
On his grave the title Morenoe.

Ezechiel owned several properties in Amersfoort. In 1718 he bought a large house (which is now Muurhuizen 101-107), with huge attics suitable for the drying of tobacco, and large cellars for storage. He moved back to Amsterdam in 1737 where his wi fe died later that year. He sold the large house to his son Samuel in 1742. He also sold a warehouse in Amersfoort and 6 seats in the synagogue in Amsterdam. (Book: Amersfoortse Muurhuizen by Sandra Siemers-den Dulk, Uitgeverij Toth, Bussum)
He may have moved to Amsterdam a bit earlier: he withdrew from the company he had with his son Samuel abt 1733, evidence for his return to Amsterdam: he stopped being an outside member of the Amsterdam Hoogduitsche Gemeente and starts paying fo r the full membership again (Geschiedenis van de familie Cohen by David Ezechiel Cohen, 1932, unpublished).

He died 21 Apr 1744 in Arnhem, at the house of his son Jacob, and was buried at Muiderberg.
After his death his properties were divided amongst his heirs: Philip -, Jacob -, Ysak -, Jonas -, Godert -. Samuel -, Vrouwtje -, Caatje -, Eva -, and the children of Judith Cohen (Boedelscheiding 1746 Esegiel Cohen, widower of Meerle Cohen, Arch ief Eemland). Levi and Judith had died earlier.

Married ± 1690 Amsterdam?, no dtb in Amsterdam to:
Marritje Meerle Emanuel Cohen, died ± 6 Sep 1737 Amsterdam, Buried at Muiderberg: died 16 Elul 5497 wife of Jechezkel Kohen from Amersfoort, impost register 6 Sep 1737 15.-, daughter of Emanuel Jacob Norden and Chava NN
3) Ester Salomon Cohen, birth 1671 Amsterdam, died ± 30 Aug 1753 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 29 Aw 5513 - the old wife of Levi Karfeld. In the impost-register the name is written as Karpel, buried pro deo (30 Aug 1753).
From "De geschiedenis van de familie Cohen" by D.E. Cohen:
- Guardians of her three children (one of them named Jacob) with Hendrik: their grandfather Salomon Cohen, their uncle Marcus Levie Drukker (his wife was Hendriks sister) and the family-friend Joseph van Embden. 17 Jan 1714 Ester hands over 500 gl d to her (still minor) son from her first marriage, Jacob Hendrik, his share of his fathers inheritance. Ester was then about to marry Levi Karpel (from Prague).
- The children from her second marriage were Rachel, Abigael, Isak, Hartogh, Philip and Judith. Their share in their fathers inheritance was 1000 gld each.
Cohen writes that he didn't know anyting about the oldest four; Philip went to Suriname. Judith and her husband Jacob Hartog received her part of the inheritance from Levi Karpel and Levi Fles on 13 December 1729.
(Rachel and Abigael turn out to be children of Joseph Hartog from his earlier marriages, I don't know about Isak).

Married 28 Dec 1687 Amsterdam to:
Hendrik Mordechai Hagenou, birth ± 1666 Amsterdam, died ± 25 Sep 1695 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: buried on 16 Tishre 5456 - Chaim ben Mordechai Hagene
4) Isaac Salomon Cohen, died ± 16 Dec 1706 Amsterdam, Itzek Zalman kohen buried at Muiderberg on 11 te 5467, Impost: 16 Dec 1706 Isaacq Salomon Cohijn 3.-
Was part of the tobacco company of his father Salomon and his brothers Ezechiel and Jacob.

According to D.E. Cohen, De geschiedenis van de familie Cohen Isaac was active in Wageningen. He married Hester van Bentem, and had children Moses, Salomon, Godert, Judith and an unnamed daughter. The three sons sold their late father's seat in th e synagogue to their uncle Ezechiel. Both Judith and the other daughter received a marriage gift of 350 gld from their uncle and guardian Ezechiel when they married.

D.E. Cohen also devotes a large, detailed chapter to the "English Cohens". This is what he writes:
Isaacs son Salomon married abt 1718 and was the father of Barend, who married abt 1740. His sons Salomon and Levy Barent Cohen went to England around 1770. Levy Barent Cohen first married Fanny Diamantschleifer, later her sister Lydia (Liebe), dau ghters of Joseph Diamantschleifer, merchant from Amsterdam. One of his daughters (Hannah) married Nathan Mayer Rothschild, another daughter (Judith) married Sir Moses Montefiore.
In the book "Nathan Mayer Rothschild And The Creation Of A Dynasty: The Critical Years ..." by Herbert H. Kaplan, Benjamin Cohen from Amersfoort (Benjamin Jonas Cohen) is mentioned as "an older cousin". If they were related, he would have bee n a second cousin once removed ....
Akevoth's Ashkenazi Amsterdam in the Eighteenth Century shows different facts, and no relationship at all: Levi Barent's brother Chaim (he and his wife Sjeine in Amsterdam are mentioned in Levy's will) was born in 1734, too early to be this Isaac' s gt grandson.
Ester Mozes van Bentem
See Ashkenazi Amsterdam in the Eighteenth Century
5) Jacob Salomon Cohen
6) Sara Salomon Cohen, birth 1675 Amsterdam
Daughter of the right Salomon? Husband may have been from the tobacco-family Mulder.
Levi Abraham Mulder, birth ± 1666 Amsterdam
7) Judith Salomon Cohen
Married Amsterdam? Frankfurt? to:
Philip Andries Schnapper, alias: Feibelman Amschel Schnapper, died 1740
Family tree
8) Philip Salomon Cohen
Like his father and brothers Philip too was in the tobacco trade and dealing with (local) legal restrictions:
0193 ORA Overbetuwe Inventaris 2. Civiele rechtspraak 2.2. Bank van Elst Civiele procesdossiers, 1640-1810 182 1714 I. Datering: 1714 Procesdossiernummer: 9.
Eiser: De pachters van de import op tabak Gedaagde: Philip Salomons Cohen. Feit: Overtreding van de ordonnantie op de impost van tabak. Inventarisnummer: 182 (Gelders Archief )
1087 Ambt en dijkstoel van de Overbetuwe 2. Inventaris 2.1. Ambtsbestuur 2.1.5. Belastingen Impost op tabak 815 Stukken betreffende het proces tussen de pachters van de kwartiersimpost op de tabak Jacob Sterck en Willem Verkroeg h en de jood Philip Salomon Cohen uit Utrecht wegens vermeende fraude door laatstgenoemde, en het request van pachters aan de Staten van het kwartier betreffende de actie te ondernemen tegen Anthonis Goris borg van gnd jood
Datering: 1714-1716:(Regionaal Archief Rivierenland)
Bloeme Abraham van Minden, died Arnhem?, daughter of Abraham Eliasar van Minden and Judith Voorzanger
The death of Bloeme on transcriptions of burials in Amersfoort: Blieme van Minden died in Arnhem 24 Jan 1770, also written as 5530.10.27. Father Abraham, spouse Feiwel ben Zalman hacohen. Arnhem as place of death and Amersfoort as place of buria l are not so strange, with Philips tobacco trade, but the date is wrong.
The (youngest?) daughter was named Bloeme, which suggests the mother died at childbirth in abt 1725?
Her parents will of 17 Dec 1738 shows she had already died.
9) Rachel Salomon Cohen, birth 1683 Amsterdam
Daughter of these parents? When she married she also lived at Uilenburg, like Bele and Ester did and her father was not named Salomon Cohen de Jonge.

Married 10 Mar 1697 Amsterdam to:
Levi Philips, birth ± 1675 Leeuwarden
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