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Hartog Jacob de Vries, birth 8 Jan 1790 Amsterdam, baptised 21 KISLEV 5641, died 26 Aug 1865 Amsterdam, occupation: Logementsbediende, son of Jacob Isaac de Vries and Magdalena Saul Cohen
Married 4 Sep 1823 Amsterdam to: Heintje Oudkerk, birth 24 Sep 1801 Amsterdam, died 5 Dec 1879 Amsterdam, daughter of Joseph Jacob Oudkerk and Beletje Jacobs Tas At their marriage Hijntje declares not knowing to write. |
1) Beletje de Vries, birth 6 Jan 1824 Amsterdam, died 25 Mar 1873 Amsterdam, occupation: Seamstress Beletje was born in The Zwanenburgerstraat Married 3 Mar 1847 Amsterdam to: Eliezer Hartog Duizend(Halevie), birth 1 Oct 1822 Amsterdam, died 15 Jan 1883 Amsterdam, occupation: Diamond-polisher Jewish name: Eliazar ben Hirsch Halevie. |
2) Jacob Hartog de Vries, birth 15 Jan 1828 Amsterdam, died ? Amsterdam, occupation: Diamond-polisher In 1874 he is noted in the housing-books of Amsterdam as moved to Houtgracht (129)56, A'dam Archiv.C8/25. Married ? Amsterdam to: Judith Jacob Aa, birth AB.1823 Amsterdam, died ? Amsterdam Judith had probably a brother Juda Jacob Aa,diamond-polisher,b.1820, who was a witness at marriage of Mozes Joseph Rubens and Magdalena de Vries 450,1862. |
3) Magdalena de Vries, birth 22 Dec 1829 Amsterdam, died ? Amsterdam, occupation: Seamstress
Married 16 Jul 1862 Amsterdam to: Mozes Joseph Rubens, birth 1826 Amsterdam, died ?, occupation: Pedlar/porter, son of Joseph Rubens and Dina Jacob Dekker In Dutch his occupation was "Sjouwerman",or "venter" as was stated by his marriage to Magdalena de Vries,1862. At marriage Elkan 135 he is noted as Mozes Salomon Rubens. |
4) Joseph Hartog de Vries, birth 23 Dec 1831 Amsterdam, died ? Amsterdam, occupation: Diamond-polisher |
5) Esperance de Vries, birth 27 Dec 1836 Amsterdam, died ? NN Esperance may have been married to Marcus Hartog Krost,B.1823, who was witness at marriage of Elkan Hartog de Vries 135 and Schoontje Lissaur,1868, being brother in law. |
6) Leentje de Vries, birth 15 May 1840 Amsterdam, died ? Amsterdam, occupation: Seamstress At Leentjes marriage were witnesses: Mozes Joseph Rubens 450 and this M.J.Rubens: Isaac Samuel Keesing,B.1829 & Mozes Joseph Spijer,B.1805. Connection unknown. Married 27 Jul 1864 Amsterdam to: Mozes Simon Pool, birth AB.1841 Amsterdam, died ?, occupation: Cigar-maker/Conscript "Conscript" in Dutch "milicien",a kind of civil guard. They lived in the Nieuwe Kerkstraat 43. |
7) Elkan Hartog de Vries, birth 25 Jun 1842 Amsterdam, baptised FR.15 ELLUL5682, died 8 Sep 1922 Amsterdam, occupation: Jew.meat-market butcher
Married 16 Dec 1868 Amsterdam to: Schoontje Lissauer, birth 23 Aug 1846 Amsterdam, died 9 Dec 1918 Amsterdam, daughter of Samuel Salomon Lissauer and Marianne Isaac Kleerekoper |
8) Simon Hartog de Vries, birth 7 Oct 1844 Amsterdam, died ? NN, occupation: Travelling Salesman Simon moved to London on 8 Oct.1870 as noted in the Bevolkings-Register of Amsterdam. See also letter of Mr.Aubrey Jacobus, dated March 12,1995. Letter of Mr.Jacobus, 4 August '97: Simon was not living in London in 1881,as he did not appear in th e UK 1881 census. He may have moved to another city, or back to Holland, or to the USA. Married 4 Dec 1872 London to: Sonia Hyman de la Fuente, birth ?, died ? |