Family Tree CollectionMain index A-Z Total index Names Index placesHaringman

Family page
Joseph Abis, birth ± 1880 to:
Sophie Isaacs, birth ± 1883, daughter of Simon Isaacs and Betsy Alexander Haring

(Date was given in record as AD.)
OBJE: D:\FAMILY TREE\Photographs 00-Sophie Isaacs.jpg
1) Sonya Abis, birth ± 1905

OBJE: D:\FAMILY TREE\Photographs19-Sonia Abis.jpgSonia Abis 0219
Larry Bakarofsky, birth ± 1905

Description: BAHAR

(Date was given in record as AD.)
2) Alan Abis, birth ± 1907 to:
Myrna NN, birth ± 1910

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Abis
Main index A-Z