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Aron Maharim Jacob Moshe-Jokeb de Mets Maarsen, birth Amsterdam, died 26 Apr 1745 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 24 Nissan 5505 - Marim ben Jokeb Maarsen., occupation: printer & publisher, son of Jacob Moshe-Jokeb Arend Maharam de Mets Maarsen and Bele Jochem jochanan to:
Sara Eliaser-Lieberman Metz, died 18 Feb 1762 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 25 Shevat 5522 - widow of Maharim ben Jokeb Maarsen., daughter of Eliaser-Lieberman Metz and Ester
Event: event Jun 1730 Amsterdam on 9 Sivan 5490 appear before the trustees of the jewish community the couples Brendele bat mhor"r Abraham Lieberman z.l. & spouse naaleh Zalman ben hr"r Eizik Pelts z.l. and Sara bat mhor"r Abraham Lieberman z.l. & spouse Maharim ben Moshe Jaco b Maarsen z.l. and Tsimle bat mhor"r Abraham Lieberman z.l. & spouse Jochanan ben Moshe Jacob Maarsen z.l. and appoint aluf torani khr"r Jacob bar Ephraim Zey from Metz to be their emissary to demand their part of an inheritance, which their mothe r-in-law [sic] Ester, widow of the late mhor"r Abraham Lieberman z.l. left behind, according to the purport of the inheritance acts, as seen here by the trustees.
1) Jochem Aron Maharam de Mets Maarsen, birth 1718 Amsterdam, died 5 Dec 1774 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 2 Teveth 5535 - Jochanan ben Maram Maarsen.
Married 1749 Amsterdam, dtb 730/165; witn.groom: m.Sara Worms[?]; witn.bride: m.Sipora Mozes. to:
Leentje Mozes Bendien, birth 1724 Amsterdam, daughter of Mozes Joseph Joseph-Zundel Bendien and Sipora Tsipor Isaac
2) Bele Aron de Mets Maarsen, birth 1720 Amsterdam, died 19 Aug 1759 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 26 Aw 5519 - wife of Moshe ben Chaim Mocher-Yajin.
Married 1745 Amsterdam, dtb 728/97; witn.groom: Zacharias Streek; witn.bride: m.Sara de Metz. to:
Mozes Hijman Chaim Wijnschenk, birth 1718 Schwabach
3) Levie Aron Maharam de Mets Maarsen to:
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