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Abraham Lucas Lekish Visman, birth 1757 Amsterdam, died 23 Dec 1807 Amsterdam, Zeeburg cemetery: Abraham Lucas Fischman., son of Lucas Samuel and N.N. Event: event between 1781 and 1796 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery: on 15 Tammuz 5541 - child of Abraham Lucas [?] on 30 Aw 5544 - stillborn child on 18 Dec 1796 - child on 12 Mar 1797 - child of Abraham Lucas Fischman Married 1777 Amsterdam, dtb 749/356; witn.groom: f.Lucas Levie[?]; witn.bride: f.Levie Hartog. to: Rachel Levie, birth 1755 Amsterdam, died 15 MRT 1821 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations: Rachel Levie, 71 yrs.old, widow of Abraham Lukas. Notifier: Lucas Abraham Goudvis, 31 yrs.old, son. (info courtesy of Dini Hansma) Poorlist 1809 Amsterdam: on the list under nr. 16.29: Rachel wid.Abm.Lucas = Rachel, widow of Abraham ben Lekish, 50 yrs.old, with 2 sons of 22 & 16 yrs. |
1) Samuel Abraham Goudvis, birth 1780 Amsterdam Event: was naturalized 9 Jan 1812 Amsterdam assumption of name Goudvis; then living at Batavierstr. 51, with 1 son and 3 daughters; son: Lucas, 6 yrs.old; daughters: Rebecca, 5 yrs, Belie, 4 yrs. and Klaartje, 3 yrs.old. Event: event FROM 31 MRT 1812 TO 14 OKT 1817 Amsterdam death of children: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations: on 31 Mar 1812 - Abraham Samuel Goutvis, 3 weeks old, son of Samuel Abraham Goutvis, 34 yrs.old & Beletje[?] Isack Rouag. Notifier: Isack David Levie Rouag, 63 yrs.old, grandfather. on 11 Oct 1814 - stillborn daughter of Samuel Abraham Goudvis, 36 yrs.old & Beletje[?] Isaac Ruach on 14 Oct 1817 - stillborn daughter of [Samuel] Abraham Goudvis, 38 yrs.old & Beletje[?] Isaac Roeag. Notifier: Isaac David Roeag, 71 yrs.old, grandfather. (info courtesy of Dini Hansma) Event: event 1839 Amsterdam burial of granddaughter: 'Duijfje/Teipi Lucas/Lekish Goudvis/Levie, daughter of Lucas/Lekish ben Samuel' Married 1804 Amsterdam, dtb 651/258; witn.groom: f.Abraham Lucas; witn.bride: f.Isaac David. to: Marianne Malka Isaac Itsak Roeg Schmalkalden-Levie, birth Apr 1781 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten': in Nissan 5541- birth of Malka bat Itsak ben David Levie [?], daughter of Isaac Itsak David Roeg Schmalkalden-Levie and Adriaantje Mirjam Joseph Danziger |
2) Lucas Abraham Goudvis, birth ONG 1789 Amsterdam, died 16 Dec 1839 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Lukas Abraham Goudvis, 54 yrs.old, spouse of Beletje Machiel Druif. (info courtesy of Dini Hansma) Event: event FROM 7 OKT 1826 TO 30 OKT 1829 Amsterdam death of children: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations: on 7 Oct 1826 - Abraham Goudvis, 8 days old, son of Lukas Abraham Goudvis, 37 yrs.old & Beletje Machiel Druif. on 24 Jul 1827 - stillborn daughter of Lukas Abraham Goudvis, 39 yrs.old & Beletje Machiel Druijf. on 1 Nov 1828 - Rachel Goudvis, 14 days old, daughter of Lucas Abraham Goudvis, 42 yrs.old & Beletje Machiel Druijf. on 30 Oct 1829 - stillborn son of Lukas Abraham Goudvis, 42 yrs.old & Betje Machiel Druif. (info courtesy of Dini Hansma) Married 21 Sep 1825 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam: Lukas Abraham Goudvis, 36 yrs.old, son of Abraham Lucas Visman & Rachel Levie, and Beletje Machiel Druif, 34 yrs.old, widow of Marcus Barend Kopuit, daughter of Machiel David Druif & Arjaantje Levie. (info courtesy of Dini Hansma, Utah, U.S.A.) to: Beletje Machiel Druif, birth ONG 1791 Amsterdam, died 18 Feb 1858 Amsterdam, eeburg cemetery: Beletje/Beile Machiel/Michel Druif/Troib, wife of Lukas/Lekish Abraham Goudvis', 63 yrs.old, pleurisy, widow of Lukas Abraham Goudvis, at Marken 166. 1st marriage 2nd marriage, daughter of Michiel David Druijff Traub and Marianne v.Praag |