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Benedictus Pinchas Levie Liepman Cohen-Schnitsler, birth 1736 Amsterdam, died 18 Aug 1799 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: Pinchas ben Liepman Cohen., son of Liepman Nathan? Cohen-Schnitsler and Rebecca Benedictus Pinchas
Event: event OKT 1777 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery: on 14 Cheshvan 5538 - child of Pinchas Liepman Cohen-Schnitsler.

Married 1768 Amsterdam, dtb 744/271; witn.groom: m.Rebecca Benedictus; witn.bride: brother Joseph Jochem.
Tnaim acharonim in act 5529/6 on 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan 5529;
groom: Pinchas ben Liepman Cohen;
bride: Egla bat Jochanan z.l, who brings fl. 725,- with her as dowry; and all other details will be as specified in the marriage contract made up before notary Philippus Zweers.
Engeltje Egla Jochem Jochanan, birth 1742 Amsterdam, died 5 OKT 1808 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: widow of Pinchas ben Liepman Cohen.
1) Levie Liepman Benedictus Pinchas Cohen, birth 6 Jan 1770 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 9 Teveth 5530 [6 Jan 1770] birth of Liepman ben Pinchas Cohen
on 16 Teveth 5530 - circumcision of Liepman ben Pinchas ben Liepman Cohen
, died 9 Aug 1812 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 3 Elul 1812 [11 Aug 1812] - Liepman ben Pinchas Cohen Schnitsler.
G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Levie Benedictus, 42 yrs.old, spouse of Rachel Isaac Muller, son of Benedictus Levie Cohen & Engel Jochems.
Notifier: Jochem Benedictus Collet, 38 yrs.old, brother.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married 1799 Amsterdam, dtb 646/33; witn.groom: m.Engeltje Jochem; witn.bride: m.Rachel Michiel.
Event (family) got engaged 1796 Amsterdam Tnaim rishonim in act 5557/8 on 11 Kislev 5557;
groom: Liepman Cohen, accompanied by father Pinchas ben Liepman Cohen z.l;
bride: Rella, accompanied by brother k"h Michel ben Itsak z.l;
committed for groom: his father;
committed for bride: Abraham ben Jacob Levie-Miler z.l.
Rachel Rella Isaac Itsak Muller-Levie, birth 1772 Amsterdam, died 7 MRT 1819 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Rachel Isaac Muller, 52 yrs.old, widow of Liepman Pienas Collet[?].
Notifier: Jacob Isaac Muller, 44 yrs.old, brother.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
, daughter of Isaac Itsak Jacob Mulder-Levie and Rachel Michiel
2) Judith Jetche Pinchas Cohen-Schnitsler, birth Sep 1772 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
in Tishre 5533 - birth of Jetche bat Pinchas ben Liepman Cohen.
3) Jochem Jochanan Pinchas Collet Cohen-Schnitsler, birth 1 Apr 1775 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 1 Nissan 5535 - birth of Jochanan ben Pinchas Cohen-Schnitsler
on 8 Nissan 5535 - circumcision of Jochanan ben Pinchas hakohen ben Elieser Liepman Cohen.
4) Aron Pinchas Cohen-Schnitsler, birth 21 Jun 1777 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 23 Sivan 5537 [28 Jun 1777] - circumcision of Aron ben Pinchas hakohen ben Liepman hakohen.
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