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Family page
Joseph Levie Leib Savelson Levie-Segal(son?), birth 1732 Amsterdam, died 12 OKT 1811 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Joseph Levie, 81 yrs.old, jewish teacher, spouse of Branco David, son of Levie Samuels.
Notifier: Levie Samson, 24 yrs.old, grandson.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
, son of Levie Judaleib Samuel Zanwil Segal and Tissele Titsel Ruben Hekscher
Married 1757 Amsterdam, dtb 735/356; witn.groom: m.Tissele Ruben; witn.bride: f.Salomon David.
Tnaim acharonim in act 5517/78 on 4 Tammuz 5517;
groom: Joseph ben deceased khr"r Leib Segal z.l;
bride: Sjeine, accompanied by father Betsalel ben David Weisner;
brothers groom: Ruben & Samuel;

Event (family) got engaged 1756 Amsterdam Tnaim rishonim in act 5516/40 on 14 Adar I 5516;
groom: Joseph ben deceased mhor"r Judaleib halevi z.l;
bride: Sjeinche, accompanied by father aluf meromam khr"r Betsalel ben David Weisner;
committed for groom: torani k"h Hirsch ben khr"r Koppel Pos;
committed for bride: [husband of sister of stepmother bride] Koppel ben David Hartsfeld.
Schoontje Sjeinche Salomon Betsalel Weisna, birth 1735 Amsterdam, daughter of Salomon Betsalel David Moshe-David Weisna and Vrouwtje Freidche Abraham
1) Vrouwtje Fraadche Joseph Segalson-Levie, birth 1759 Amsterdam, died 7 Dec 1826 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 8 Kislev 1826 [8 Dec 1826] - Vrouwtje/Fraadche Joseph Sawelson [=? Segalson?], wife of Moshe [should be?: Samson] Knoek/Knuch.

G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

n 7 Dec 1826 - Vrouwtje Joseph Sawelson, 67 yrs.old, spouse of Simson Salomon[?] Knoek.
Notifiers: Salomon Samson Knoek, 38 yrs.old, son and Levie Samson Knoek, 40 yrs.old, son.
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married 1783 Amsterdam, dtb 754/85; witm.groom: Mozes Hijman [Knoek?]; witn.bride: f.Joseph Levie.
Tnaim acharonim in act 5544/17-box 11 on 29 Kislev 5544;
groom: Samson ben David z.l;
bride: Fraadche, accompanied by father torani hr"r Joseph ben hr"r Leib Levie z.l;
brother groom: Mendele ben David z.l.
Samson David Knoek Knuch, birth 1755 Amsterdam, died 26 MRT 1833 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 7 Nissan 1833 [27 Mar 1833] - Samson David Knoek/Knuch.

G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
on 26 Mar 1833 - Samson David Knoek, 84 yrs.old, born in Elburg[?], widower of Vrouwtje Joseph.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
, son of David Mozes Knoek Knuch and Eva Emanuel
Event: event between 1789 and 1800 death of children Zeeburg cemetery:
on 2 Oct 1789 - child of Samson David Knuch
on 26 Aug 1793 - " " " [?]
on 26 Feb 1800 - " " " [?].
Event: was naturalized 2 Dec 1811 Amsterdam assumption of name Knoek; then living at St. Anthoniebreestr.74, with 5 sons and 1 daughter;
sons: David, 27 yrs, Levie, 25 yrs, Samuel, 21 yrs, Emanuel, 19 yrs, and Abraham, 10 yrs;
daughter: Schoontje, 14 yrs.old.
2) Levie Joseph Savelson Levie-Segal(son?), birth ONG 1759, died 24 OKT 1829 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 28 Tishre 1829 [25 Oct 1829] - Levie Joseph Sawelson[Segalson?], unmarried.

.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

n 24 Oct 1829 - Levie Joseph Savelson, 72 yrs.old, son of Joseph Levie Savelson & Schoontje Salomons.
Notifier: Salomon Samson Knoek, 39 yrs.old, nephew.
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
3) Samuel Joseph Segal(son), birth Aug 1767 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 28 Aw 5527 - birth of Zanwil ben Joseph ben Leib, son of Zanwil Segal
on 5 Elul 5527 - circumcision of Samuel Zanwil ben Joseph Segal

Family page
Joseph Levie Leib Savelson Levie-Segal(son?)
Married 1772 Amsterdam, dtb 746/402; groom widower of Schoontje Salomon; witn.bride: f.David Mozes. to:
Branca David Knoek Knuch, birth 1744 Amsterdam, died 10 Jul 1815 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 3 Tammuz 1815 [11 Jul 1815] - Branca/Brein David Knoek, wife of Joseph Sawelszon [Segalson?].

G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
on 10 Jul 1815 - Branco David Knoek, 78 yrs.old, widow of Joseph Levie Sawelszon.
Notifier: Emanuel Samson Knoek, 23 yrs.old, nephew.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
, daughter of David Mozes Knoek Knuch and Eva Emanuel
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