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Abraham Liebman Berlin![]() Judith Gitche Israel Event: event Sep 1730 nomination of agent to sue community of Halberstadt on 15 Elul 5490 appears before the trustees of the jewish community gevira rabbanit mrs. Gittele bat mhor"r Moshe Israel z.l, widow of ma'or rav gaon AB"D & R"M [the light, the genius rabbi, president of the rabbinical court, head of the yeshiv a = talmudic college] of our community mohr"r Abraham z.l, and appoints her son aluf torani khr"r Israel m.h.l. from Halberstat as her emissary to demand and obtain the300,- R"T dreitels[Reichstaler ?] which the alufim, ketsinim of the communit y of Halberstat owe her on account of the legal claim of her late spouse mohr"r Abraham z.l. for the payment he made to 'our lord the king of Prussia may his pomp be heightened' on behalf of 'Apzug'[=? representation] money. Event: event Jul 1735 nomination of agent to demand inheritance on 3 Tammuz 5495 appears before the trustees of the jewish community gevira rabbanith Gittele, widow of the late AB"D mohr"r Abraham z.l, and appoints [son-in-law] aluf khr"r Jacob Jokeb ben katsin pum khr"r Samson Hildesum as her emissary to dema nd and obtain the inheritance of her daughter Freidche, which comes to her according to the law of our torah and the rules of SHU"M [Speyer, Worms & Metz]. |
1) Israel Abraham Liepman, birth 1688 Berlijn
Married 1705 Amsterdam, dtb 705/56; witn.groom: f.Abraham Liepman [chiefrabbi of Amsterdam; before that in Halberstadt]; witn.bride: f.Wolf Goldsmit. to: Isabel Bele Wolf Goldsmit, birth 1687 Amsterdam, died 5 Jul 1721 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 21 Tammuz 5481 - wife of Getschlig ben Kosman = Beile bat aluf rosh pum Wolf Kassel halevi, wife of aluf rosh Getschlig halevi shli"t (fisches Frank nr.712) 1st marriage 2nd marriage, daughter of Benjamin-Wolf Simon Goldsmit kassel-Levie and Sara Aron |
2) N.N. Abraham Liebman, died 1732 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 14 Tishre 5493 - wife of Itsak Kijser, daughter of chiefrabbi Abraham.
Isaac Itsak Alexander Ziskind Kijser Bachrach, birth 1693 Amsterdam, died 7 MRT 1750 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 1 Adar II 5510 - Itsak ben Ziskind., son of Alexander Ziskind Samuel Kijser Keizer and Anna Hendele Levie Judaleib Gosler Event: event 1734 committed person in t.r. in Amsterdam In the tnaim rishonim on 8 Ijar 5494 aluf katsin khr"r Itsak ben late pum khr"r Alexander Ziskind Kijser z.l. is committed for the groom bachelor naaleh Arie-Judaleib ben meromam naaleh Samuel Zanwil m.h.l.Goschler from Hamburg, amply authorise d by his father, who engages to be married to the bride Jochebed, accompanied by father aluf naaleh Moshe Mozus ben holy Judaleib, may G"d take revenge for his blood, from Haag; and they will make up a contract before a public notary here in Amste rdam and before the marriage; committed for bride: aluf khr"r Michael bar Netanel Bachoer z.l. [marriage in dtb 720/475 - tnaim acharonim on 28 Cheshvan 5495] Event: event MRT 1735 matchmaker for his daughter in Amsterdam on 21 Adar 5495 appears before the trustees of the jewish community katsin khr"r Itsak ben pum khr"r Alexander Ziskind Kijser z.l. concerning an act of empowerment and authorisation with his signature, sent by him to katsin pum khr"r Jokeb Kats m. h.l, which he wrote onTuesday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, intended to be in that person's possession until Sunday, 5 Adar, and after that, he wrote that this empowerment will keep its value until Sunday, 12 Adar; and in this act some points were conclude d ['Punkten verendet'] concerning the match of his [the addressee's] brother the important bachelor khr"r Hirsch Kats with the sender's daughter Malka, stating that katsin khr"r Jokeb Kats will be the sender's caretaker and committed person ; and this act was not found to be according to expected rules by the trustees of that community; therefore mr. Kijser comes today before the trustees of this community in order to strengthen the act of empowerment and authorisation in hands of ka tsin khr"r Jokeb Kats aforementioned, so that it will have validity as all acts of empowerment used among Israel. (According to the Reminiscenses of David Ezechiel Cohen the groom is Herz Salomon Cohen from Hannover, a reknown banker. The eight children of Isaac Alexander Keijser are mentioned in the Jewisch Chronicle; most of these familymembers moved to London, were financiers, and kept good contact with the family members in Holland] |
3) Lea Abraham Liebman, birth ONG 1709
Married ONG Aug 1732 Hamburg, no dtb; no tnaim acharonim in Amsterdam. Event (family) got engaged Dec 1731 Amsterdam Tnaim rishonim on 26 Kislev 5492; groom: bachelor naaleh Jokeb ben pum late khr"r Samson Moshe z.l, accompanied by aluf katsin pu khr"r Asher Anshil Gendringen bar Meyer z.l, amply authorised and empowered thereto by ketsina Sjeine bat hr"r Chaim Segal, widow of the late katsin pu m khr"r Samson Moshe z.l, mother of the groom; bride: Lea, daughter of the gaon [genius], accompanied by her mother gevira rabbanith Gittele, widow of the late gaon mefursam mohr"r Abraham z.l, who was AB"D & R"M [head of rabbinical court and head of talmudic school] of our community; intende d chuppa about Shabbat Nachamu 5492 in kille kodesh Hamburg; committed for groom: aluf khr"r Samuel ben pum khr"r Anshil Gendringen; committed for bride: [br.-in-law] aluf katsin khr"r Itsak ben late pum Ziskind Kijser z.l. to: Jacob Jokeb Samson Samson-Moshe Herts, birth ONG 1709 Hamburg? |
4) Marianne Mirjam Abraham Liebman, birth 1710 Halberstadt, died 1756 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 1 Cheshvan 5517 - Mirjam, widow of ItsakKijser;
fisches Frank: Mirjam bat gaon Abraham AB"D [chief of rabbinical court] of our community, wife of katsin pum Itsak Kezer. Married 1733 Amsterdam, dtb 720/38; witn.groom: [br.-in-law?] Jacob Samson Herts; witn.bride: m.Grietje Isaac. Tnaim acharonim on 11 Aw 5493; groom: [widower!] aluf katsin khr"r Itsak ben late pum khr"r Alexander Ziskind z.l. Bachrach; bride: Mirjam bat late gaon AB"D [aw beth-din] mhor"r Abraham z.l.[Berlin/Liebman; former chiefrabbi of Amsterdam; before that chiefrabbi at Halberstadt], accompanied by mother gevira rabbanith Gitche bat late mhor"r Israel z.l; and conditions [ho w to handle in case one of the partners] dies, as made up between them before a public notary; brothers groom: aluf katsin khr"r Elieser Leizer Bachrach, naaleh Judaleib Bachrach & naaleh Menachem Manes Bachrach. to: Isaac Itsak Alexander Ziskind Kijser Bachrach, birth 1693 Amsterdam, died 7 MRT 1750 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 1 Adar II 5510 - Itsak ben Ziskind., son of Alexander Ziskind Samuel Kijser Keizer and Anna Hendele Levie Judaleib Gosler Event: event 1734 committed person in t.r. in Amsterdam In the tnaim rishonim on 8 Ijar 5494 aluf katsin khr"r Itsak ben late pum khr"r Alexander Ziskind Kijser z.l. is committed for the groom bachelor naaleh Arie-Judaleib ben meromam naaleh Samuel Zanwil m.h.l.Goschler from Hamburg, amply authorise d by his father, who engages to be married to the bride Jochebed, accompanied by father aluf naaleh Moshe Mozus ben holy Judaleib, may G"d take revenge for his blood, from Haag; and they will make up a contract before a public notary here in Amste rdam and before the marriage; committed for bride: aluf khr"r Michael bar Netanel Bachoer z.l. [marriage in dtb 720/475 - tnaim acharonim on 28 Cheshvan 5495] Event: event MRT 1735 matchmaker for his daughter in Amsterdam on 21 Adar 5495 appears before the trustees of the jewish community katsin khr"r Itsak ben pum khr"r Alexander Ziskind Kijser z.l. concerning an act of empowerment and authorisation with his signature, sent by him to katsin pum khr"r Jokeb Kats m. h.l, which he wrote onTuesday, Rosh Chodesh Adar, intended to be in that person's possession until Sunday, 5 Adar, and after that, he wrote that this empowerment will keep its value until Sunday, 12 Adar; and in this act some points were conclude d ['Punkten verendet'] concerning the match of his [the addressee's] brother the important bachelor khr"r Hirsch Kats with the sender's daughter Malka, stating that katsin khr"r Jokeb Kats will be the sender's caretaker and committed person ; and this act was not found to be according to expected rules by the trustees of that community; therefore mr. Kijser comes today before the trustees of this community in order to strengthen the act of empowerment and authorisation in hands of ka tsin khr"r Jokeb Kats aforementioned, so that it will have validity as all acts of empowerment used among Israel. (According to the Reminiscenses of David Ezechiel Cohen the groom is Herz Salomon Cohen from Hannover, a reknown banker. The eight children of Isaac Alexander Keijser are mentioned in the Jewisch Chronicle; most of these familymembers moved to London, were financiers, and kept good contact with the family members in Holland] |
5) Vrouwtje Freidche Abraham Berlin, birth ONG 1712, died ONG Jul 1735 Altona?
Married ONG MEI 1734 Altona Event (family) got engaged Dec 1733 Amsterdam Tnaim rishonim on 3 Kislev 5494; groom: important bachelor naalehYechiel ben mohr"r Abraham Firde z.l, accompanied by aluf katsin mefursam khr"r Jochanan ben late khr"r Moshe z.l, who comes amply authorised and empowered by gevira Ester bat late pum khr"r Mordechai Kats z.l, wido w of the late mhor"r Abraham Firda z.l. [mother of the groom], as we have seen the authorisation in his hands ; bride: yekara Freidche, accompanied by mother rabbanith gevira Gittele, widow of the late great gaon AB"D & R"M [genius, president of the rabbinical court & head of the Yeshiva] mohr"r Abraham z.l; intended chuppa on Lag Ba'omer 5494 in Altona; committed for groom: aluf katsin khr"r Eli' ben late khr"r Juda Pozner z.l; committed for bride: [br.-in-law] aluf katsin khr"r Itsak ben late pum khr"r Alexander Ziskind Kijser z.l. to: Yechiel Abraham Firde, birth ONG 1712 Firda |
6) Benjamin Wolf Abraham Berlin, died 5 Jan 1760 Amsterdam, Muiderberg cemetery: on 16 Teveth 5520 - R'Wolf Berlin;
fisches Frank: torani mhor"r Wolf ben gaon AB"D [chief of rabbinical court] of our community Abraham from Berlin z.l. |