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Jacob Jesurun Pinto to:
1) Samuel Jacob Jesurun Pinto, birth 4 Apr 1786 Amsterdam, buried 17 Apr 1850 Ouderkerk a.d.Amstel, Beth Haim cemetery: Samuel van Jacob Jesurun Pinto,
son of Jacob v.Samuel Jesurun Pinto (1765-22/1/1811) & Abigael Abendana Mendes (marr. on 7/4/1785; dtb 755/33).
children of Samuel & Klaartje:
Jacob v.Samuel Jesurun Pinto 15/9/1829 - 4/4/1871
Joseph (marr, deceased in 5667/1907)

riatura of Samuel Jesurun Pinto (1827 - 29 Aug 1832)
oses, criatura of Samuel Jesurun Pinto (1832 - 16 Nov 1832)

Event: event FROM 27 Feb 1819 TO 28 Aug 1832 Amsterdam death of children: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
on 27 Feb 1819 - Lea Jessurum Pinto, 9 months old, daughter of Samuel Jessurum Pinto, 33 yrs.old & Clara Jacob Roeper.
Notifier: Isaac Jessurum Pinto, 29 yrs.old, uncle
on 3 May 1822 - David Jessurun Pinto, 3 months old, son of Samuel Jessurun Pinto, 36 yrs.old & Clara Roeper.
on 27 Feb 1823 - stillborn daughter of Samuel Jessurun Pinto, 37 yrs.old & Klaartje Roeper.
on 15 Oct 1824 - Ester Jessurum Pinto, 3 months old, daughter of Samuel Jessurum Pinto, 39 yrs.old & Claartje Roeper.
Notifier: Isaac Jessurum Pinto, 34 yrs.old, uncle.
on 28 Aug 1832 - Isaac van Samuel Jessurun Pinto, 5.5 yrs.old, son of Samuel Jessurun Pinto & Claartje Roeper.
Notifier: Isaac Jessurun Pinto, 42 yrs.old, uncle.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

on the list of victims of the holeric plague:
nr. 324, Isaac Jessurine Pinto, 6 yrs.old, at Weesperstr. 183, father is porter; died on 28 Aug.

Married 1827 Amsterdam, chuppa at Portuguese community on 10 Cheshvan 5588/31 Oct 1827.
[Jessurun Pinto mentioned as son-in-law of Roeper already in 1818, at Roeper's death]
Klara Jacob Roeper Omroeper, birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam, buried 10 Apr 1851 Ouderkerk a.d.Amstel, Beth Haim cemetery: Clara Roeper, spouse of Samuel van Jacob Jesurun Pinto., daughter of Jacob Jokeb Isaac Itsak Roeper Omroeper Sas and Rebecca Salomon Zalman Muis
Event: event 14 Feb 1812 Amsterdam death of son: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
Jacob Omroeper, 10 months old, son of Klara Jacob Omroeper
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)
2) David Jesurun Pinto, birth ONG 1788 Amsterdam
Event: event between 25 OKT 1818 and 26 OKT 1818 Amsterdam death of children: G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:
on 25 Oct 1818 - Jacob Pinto, 3.5 yrs.old, son of David Pinto, 30 yrs.old & Alida v.d.Laan.
on 26 Oct 1818 - Samuel Pinto, 5 months old, son of David Pinto, 30 yrs.old & Alida v.d.Laan.
Notifier: Samuel Jessurum Pinto, 32 yrs.old, uncle.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Married ONG 1818 to:
Alida v.d.Laan
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