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Salomon Shlomo Jonas elchanan Gutkind, birth 1700 Amsterdam, son of Jonas Elchanan-Gutkind Salomon and N.N.
Married 1722 Amsterdam, dtb 713/227; witn.groom: f.Jonas Salomon; with.bride: f.Salomon Spier. to:
Judith Salomon Spier, birth 1700 Amsterdam, daughter of Salomon Shmarya-Zalmona Joseph Spier shapiro and Vrouwtje Frumet Salomon jesaya
1) Nathan Neta Salomon Shlomo, died 7 Feb 1787 Amsterdam, Zeeburg cemetery: Nathan Salomon Shlis. to:
2) Sipora Tsipor Salomon Bokkie, birth 1747 Amsterdam, died 5 Jul 1825 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam - death registrations:

ipora Salomon Bokkie, 98[?, =78] yrs.old, widow of Isaac Levie Stijsel.
Notifier: Salomon Isaac Bokkie, 48 yrs.old, son.
info courtesy of Dini Hansma)

Poorlist 1809 Amsterdam: on the list under nr. 17.49: wid.Is.Le.(Stijsel) Enkhuizen = Tsipor, widow of Itsak ben Leib Steisel, 70 yrs.old, in vegetables.

Married 22 OKT 1773 Amsterdam, dtb 747/317; witn.groom: f.Levie Isaac; witn.bride: uncle Simon Spier. to:
Isaac Itsak Levie Leib Stijsel Enkhuizen, birth 1744 Enkhuizen, died 7 Aug 1796 Amsterdam, Zeeburg cemetery: Isaac Levie Stijsel., son of Levie Isaac Itsak Stijsel enkhuizen and Judith Eliaser Lazarus Epsteen
Event: event between OKT 1774 and OKT 1777 Amsterdam Zeeburg cemetery:
on 19 Cheshvan 5535 - child of Isaac Levie Stijsel
on 13 Cheshvan 5538 - child of " " Stijselman.
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