Family Trees Family Trees A to G Family Trees H to N Family Trees O to U Family Trees V to Z

The Family Tree collection

The Family Tree Collection is maintained by volunteers of Akevoth.
Final inspection of new material or updates is executed by:
Sara Kirby-Nieweg, Kees Kinneging, Ben Noach and Dirkje Bobbe.

This section contains genealogies submitted digitally (in gedcom format) by others to the Dutch Jewish Genealogical Data Base, some are digitalized by Akevoth with the consent of the people who handed them in. As a rule, details about anyone born within the past 100 years whose death has not been confirmed, are not included in the date base.If we are asked for such details, we provide them only with the express written consent of the person who submitted the genealogy.Responsibility for completeness and accuracy of the data rests fully with the people who submitted them. Nevertheless, the staff of Akevoth does check each genealogy for logic and reliability.Links to personal genealogical websites are not included in this section, but shown in a separate section. However, in certain instances and as agreed upon with the person submitting the genealogy, some of the genealogies appear in both sections.