Juda Isaac Vleeschhouwer

“chazzan”, “moheliem” and “melamed” in Nijmegen (1867-1877)

This book is possessed by the Centre for Research on Dutch Jewry in Jerusalem.

On 24-02-1867 Juda Isaac Vleeschhouwer (born Weesp 10-05-1839), his wife Rozette Frank (born Utrecht 06-02-1837) and three children (born in Zaltbommel) came from Zaltbommel to Nijmegen 1). In Nijmegen another four children were born and one son died.
He moved to Groningen on 27-02-1877 with his family 2). About that he wrote in his booklet : “Now I am designated and moved to the Holy Municipality of Groningen in the year 5637”.
In Nijmegen he was appointed as “chazzan” to the synagoge. At the same time he became “moheliem” too and he started his “moheliem”-diary (1869-1883). This diary is an appendix to another genealogy, made by the great-grandson who possessed the original one, it added to that and in this way it came in possession of the “Ïnstituut voor de Geschiedenis van Nederlandse Joden” (Institute for the History of Dutch Jews) in Jeruzalem. From the 74 circumcisions 17 were done in Nijmegen and 1 circumcision in Bemmel (in the neighbourhood of Nij-megen), the other 55 are happened in the town of Groningen and the province of Groningen and in the town of Assen and the province of Drente 3).
His appointment in Nijmegen contained an appointment as “melamed” in the Israelitish Parish too.
Since his predecessor Saul Jacob Loewenstamm at the same time a lecturer was in the Hebrew language and literature at the “Stedelijk (Town) Gymnasium”, he applied to that position at the municipality of Nijmegen on 14-03-1867 4). He wrote also, that he will give lessons for them who are interested. The on this letter mentioned 3 appendixes aren’t present anymore in this personalfile.
On 15-03-1867 Mayor and Alderman addressed a letter to the Board of Governors of the “Stedelijke Gymnasium” and placed the request in their hands 5). On the meeting of this Board on the 10th of April this request was brought up the table. From that appears also, that he didn’t demand a financial reward and only wished to get an “honoris causa”-appointment 6). On the 29th of April the Board 7) reacted positivily 4). At the meeting of the towncouncil on the 3rd of May 7) was decided to give him an appointment as lecturer in the Hebrew language and literature at the “Stedelijk Gynmnasium” without cost to the municipality 8).
There is nothing found about a possible request for discharge at his departure to Groningen in the minutes of the Towncouncil or the Board of Governors. His appointment “without cost” and the number of those who were interested will be the reason for that. He was only once mentioned, in 1870, in the list of teachers on this Gymnasium 9).
Isaak Elias Monasch (born Gouda 15-01-1855) 1882-1886 was the next Jewish teacher.

  1. Registry-office Nijmegen 1860-1870 part D-8 page 90 (marked A).
  2. Registry-office Nijmegen 1870-1880 part D-9 page 145 (marked B).
  3. See the “mohaliem “-diary.
  4. Old-Secretariat Archive of Nijmegen (O.S.A.N.) 19-24346 (personalfile) (marked C-1 and C-2).
  5. Archief van de curatoren en de rector van het Gynmnasium, de Latijnse school en de Kwartierlijke Academie (Archive of the of the board of governors and the headmaster of the Gymnasium, the Latin School and the Academy) : 38-280 (personalfile) (marked D).
  6. idem 5 ) : 38-3 page 1 (marked E).
  7. idem 5) : 38-280 (marked F).
  8. O.S.A.N. 52 d.d. 03-05-1867 point 7 and “Inhoud der Korte Notulen van den Gemeente-Raad te Nijmegen over het jaar 1867” (Contenance of the short minutes of the town-council of Nijmegen in the year 1867) on the same date (marked G and H).
  9. idem 5) : 38-462 “En dezen zijn de kinderen die ik heb besneden en hier bij hun namen noem”, as Juda Isaac Vleeschhouwer wrote on the first page of his diary.