mentioned in this article (in the order of appearance):-
Till 1811:- Salomon Jacobs, Alex
After 1811:-
Chief Rabbi A.I. Herzveld,
P.C. Basel ( Amsterdam architect),
I. van Dam, M. Frankenhuis, S. Heymans, S.N. (Sieg)
Menko, D. de Leeuw, I.I. Rozendaal,
Cats, Serphos, Johnny Van Gelderen,
A.H. Menko,
J.Meijer (writer and historian),
Ds. L. Overduin (clergyman), J,Presser (writer
and historian), Gerard Sanders.
A short history
It is most likely that Jews lived
already in Enschede in the 18th century. They
probably held religious services at the home of one of
them. Because of the many restrictions regulating Jewish
life, the group could hardly expand. As a result of
permit problems of Salomon Jacobs –to allow him to
reside in the city – the mayors of Enschede wrote in
1767 a letter to the Most Honored Sir, the bailiff of
the province of Twente. In this letter they advised that
they want to decide themselves if Jews will be allowed
to live in their town. Their arguments are as follows:
“…that there are already three
Jewish families living here, all burdened with children,
8 or 9 of whom are already grown-up and of marriageable
age who, if they stay here…will not be able to make an
honest living. It seems to us therefore that it is
dangerous to enlarge the amount with another stranger,
the more so because we have had this experience when
some years ago four Jewish families came to live here
and one of
them soon fell into the greatest poverty – and another
behaved very badly and unacceptable,
Another Jew,
coming from Delden, was also refused entry into
the city and the letter went on as follows: ‘… the
reasons for this refusal by the erstwhile Sir Bailiff
Bentink were based on a sound foundation’.
The reply by the bailiff has not been
found in the archives.
It is clear that this situation
continued for some time. To settle in a town as a Jew
one needed a permit. Jews were tolerated in the
eighteenth century, but their children were not allowed
to attend schools, they were not allowed to serve in the
army or own land and could not carry out handy work. The
French Revolution and as a result the Batavian Republic
in 1795 put a stop to all of this with the “Human Rights”
proclamation. The Israelite’s were recognized as
citizens and in 1798 this was followed by religious
equality. However, during the first half of the 19th
century there was no question yet of equality. But as a
result of this proclamation Enschede could not keep its
gates locked anymore and thus more Jews came into the
town. Soon there was a need for a Jewish instructor and
in 1809 the community put in a request for one at the
Upper Consistory in Amsterdam. Apparently they did not
reply and so here follows a letter sent to the
Consistory in Zwolle, by the Jewish Community in
It is to our regret that we
have to inform
you of the following – we have already requested from
our Consistory several times by letter: that they should
exempt us
from the sending
of letters to them because of the heavy cost of postage:
because of the poor state of our community; most of our
members live in temporary houses and furthermore they
have to live from funds of the poor so that they are not
even able to pay for the rent by themselves. They even
cannot educate their own children so as
to make
themselves useful; and at the same time it is beyond us
to keep a proper instructor; and we would count
ourselves lucky if from one of the large communities an
instructor could be sent for these unlucky children; so
they won’t be completely lost; we hope that you will be
able to comply, and not
raise any doubts and that
you will see the need and that we cannot pay for the
last letter; and hope that you will understand and will
spare us from further expenses and remain, sincerely,
Your servants
To the order of Same, signed by Alex
P.S. the whole community consists of
eight small families.
Improvement in life style
In 1810 there were about 30 Jewish
families living in Enschede who were not able to meet
their obligations towards the Zwolle province. Their
need was so great that they could not even raise the
compulsory contribution of fl. 10.- per year. The period
of the reign of King William I brought more economic
activity, trade was again flourishing and prosperity of
the Jewish population was rising. The number of members
of the community was growing and
a teacher arrived, an indispensable person in a
The synagogue
From 1813 there was a house synagogue
in Wal Street
as there was a
minyan with 10 Jewish heads of families. In 1826
the number of community members had grown to 42 and the
necessity of a proper house of prayers grew constantly.
The High
Commission for Israelite affairs promoted in 1827 the
auxilliary church in Enschede to be a proper
official synagogue and at the same time appointed
Alexander Mozes Jongbloed as
warden. This meant that the Jewish community was
allowed to build its own synagogue. In 1834 Chief Rabbi
A.I. Herzveld opened the first synagogue of the Jewish
community in Enschede. At that time the Jewish community
counted 110 members. On May 7th, 1862 the
synagogue was destroyed by the great fire in Enschede.
In 1865 a new synagogue was put into use. The community
continued growing, however, and because of the
a larger synagogue was necessary which was built in
Prinsen Street from the design by Amsterdam architect
P.C. Basel. The festive inauguration of the synagogue
took place in December 1928. The Tora scrolls were
transferred from the old synagogue in Stadsgraven
Street; this building does not exist anymore. The new
synagogue has an oriental style combined with a
construction of Dutch bricks and it is one of the most
beautiful Western synagogues. During the war the
building was confiscated by the German SD and this was
probably the reason why it was not damaged. Around the
year 2000 it was decided to refurbish/restore the
synagogue and this was completed in 2004. Today the
synagogue is used for services during the High Holidays
as well as for special occasions like weddings, lectures
and concerts.
An important part of the history of
the Jews of Enschede can be written from the details of
their cemeteries. From the correspondence between the
church council and the municipality of Enschede it turns
out that it was not always an easy task to acquire a
cemetery for the community. Only after four years of
discussions could the second cemetery be inaugurated in
1841. The new Jewish cemetery at Kneedweg was necessary
because the old one at Molen Street was being
squashed inside the expanding town. This was reported in
a newspaper of 1946 as follows:
Already several days they are busy
removing the old Jewish cemetery in Molen Street, so
that it will be possible to considerably widen the
street…. Until now three graves have been uncovered….It
should be noted that one of the stones was situated
under the edge of the sidewalk and only partly on the
piece of land which was considered to belong to the
cemetery. It can be assumed that the part where now
Molen Street is situated, also belonged to the cemetery.
The human remains , four tombstones
altogether (there probably had been 80 persons interred),
were transferred to the new cemetery at the
Noord-Esmarkerrondweg. This cemetery was inaugurated in
1928. The architects, who built the synagogue at Prinses
street, also built a Metaher house which was put into
use in the same year as the synagogue. Both buildings
were built in the same style and show the power and
self-confidence of the Jewish community around the
thirties in Enschede. During these years Enschede was
renowned as
a rich kehilla.
The Church Council: who were its
members and what did they discuss?
From a small, poor community, the
Jewish community of Enschede grew into one of the
largest Jewish communities in the Mediene (Jewish
communities in the small towns and villages surrounding
the big cities).
A Jewish community is governed by a
church council which usually consists of persons
belonging to
its financial upper echelons. The church council had
seven persons, three of whom formed the management. They
arranged membership of the community members, frequency
of meetings, regulations concerning the manner of voting
and the instances in which a meeting should be adjourned,
all this according to established rules. The council
also decided how Enschede should be represented at
provincial meetings. From these rules it is not clear
what tasks
the church council had,
beyond the
holding of meetings. Much clearer is the
assignment of the church council
as to handling
the daily management of the community. Members of
the synagogue management during the years 1930-1940 were
among others: I. van Dam, M. Frankenhuis, S. Heymans,
S.N. Menko, D. de Leeuw, and I.I. Rozendaal.
It appears from the minutes that among others
foreign marriages and the mentioning of
dates on tombstones were discussed.
Some aspects of Jewish life in
Enschede during the thirties
In 1928
the Jewish community in Enschede
could be considered
a rich community. We know this
the tax assessments by the church council. It is mainly
due to this group of around thirty wealthy (mainly
textile) manufacturers, that the Jewish community in
Enschede made this prosperous impression. Some of the
branches of the following families belonged to this top
echelon: Menko, Rozendaal, Cats, Serphos, Van Gelderen,
Van Dam and Frankenhuis. These families set the scene
and determined the management of the Jewish community in
Enschede. They supported the poor through poor-relief
management. There were also physicians. People with
other professions paid
fewer taxes
like shoemakers, piano teachers, commercial
travelers, wholesale traders in sanitary fittings,
traders in chemical materials, female laborers in
textile factories, butchers, plumbers, agricultural
workers, photographers and piano tuners. Young persons
payed much tax, as they were at the beginning of
their career. The Jewish community flourished mostly
around 1928. Whilst in 1892 there were ninety six
families with 488 members, the general population grew
because of the industrial development and this was also
the case
with the Jewish community which in 1930 had nine hundred
and thirteen members. There were kosher butchers, bakers
and grocers in the town. There was a school for
religious education, a choir and there were societies
for theater and sports. In short, there was prosperity
and Jews felt safe there. It is obvious that other
communities considered the Enschede kehilla to be a
prosperous one from a survey made by the Dutch Israelite
Council of Synagogues, because Enschede contributed more
compared to the other communities.
The Dutch Israelite Poor Relief
Although the numbers show that a large
part of the Jewish population in Enschede during that
time could not be counted among the well-to-do citizens,
few were actually poor. Part of the
received money as assistance to pay for rent or
pharmacy costs , sometimes they were given
groceries or fuel. Old people were also given assistance
(Misjngenes Zekeinim). All together there were only a
few who needed assistance. End March 1943 the activities
of the Poor Relief were stopped as by then all Jews had
An open or closed society?
The Jews of Enschede lived in all
parts of the town. There were some more specific Jewish
quarters , there was no
sign of a distinct Jewish quarter. Only after
1850 was there a
really large Jewish community. More or less
coercive rules dating from the 17th and 18th
centuries have never been enforced in Enschede. It was,
however, desirable
for a
minimum number of Jews to live in the same area
so as to make easier to implement the
like attending synagogue services, the use of the ritual
bath, attending religious school, the obligation to have
kosher meat and other dishes in a kosher butcher shop
and a grocery shop under control of the rabbinate’.
Enough Jews lived in Enschede to
comply with these regulations. Also, a certain amount of
money was allocated to the so-called minyanists
so Jewish males could
assist also during week-days to hold religious
services. The distance to the synagogue was never too
long to walk. The
above mentioned matters created
an atmosphere
for Jews to have
contact with non-Jews. As a minority the Jews in
any case had a tendency to shut themselves off from the
rest of the inhabitants and this was not different in
Enschede. Nevertheless, many middle class Jewish
shopkeepers were glad to have non-Jewish customers. As
there also was the same kind of isolation amongst
Catholics, there was little
for antisemitism. Because of the well known
Dutch parochialism (petty mindedness) there
remained a clear separation between Jews and non-Jews in
Enschede. In spite of the fact that the Jews of
Enschede, though in the majority non-orthodox, lived in
all parts of the city,
wide spread assimilation,was, with exceptions,
not a phenomenon. The reason for this is
may be that
until today Enschede is not an open, welcoming
community. Another typical phenomenon in
the city is that until the age of twelve, children of
all faiths played together but thereafter there was
clear sectarianism. In 1888 the Enschede Manufacturers’
Association was established, mainly in order to prevent
strikes. Already in 1897 two Jewish manufacturers
belonged to this association. In 1929 Messrs. S.N. Menko,
A.H. Menko and I.I. Rozendaal were admitted. This
association had a society building that became a social
and business meeting place, but Jews were not allowed to
Instead contacts were made at the adjoining bowling
alley. Slowly, though, this state of isolation was being
breached. There was, however, discrimination. There also
were big financial disputes which led to relations being
broken within the Jewish community. Thus, there were two
Jewish societies, “The Jewish Sports Society of
Enschede”, for the lower middle class and “To Our
Pleasure” for the well-to-do, for participating in stage
plays and for playing tennis. Although efforts were made
to break the Jewish isolation the Jewish community
remained quite a closed group. The big financial
disputes, the differences in social standing in the
already closed Jewish community contributed to the fact
that relations could not be at their best. The distance
between wealth and poverty, between regent-manager and
almost proletariat
could not be bridged.
Orthodox or Liberal?
Members of the church council who
themselves were hardly religious, saw to it that the
community members could perform their religious
obligations without problems. During the High Holidays
the new synagogue was big enough for about half of the
Jewish community. There were a number of Jewish butchers
and bakers who supplied food under supervision of the
rabbinate and a shochet (ritual slaughterer) and shomer
(supervisor) made sure that the food was indeed kosher.
The council made it also possible to hold small services
with the help of the ‘minyanists’.
To what extend were the possibilities
offered by the church council to lead a proper Jewish
life indeed used by the Jewish community ?
Did everybody use the same concept? Did words
like orthodox, liberal, traditional, assimilation,
reform, Jewish and religious have the same meaning for
to these
issues in Enschede
no other source is available
except for
the information yielded from the conversations
with orthodox traditional Jews – before the war more
frequent than afterward.
These complexities made it difficult
to form a
clear insight in the religiousness of the kehilla. It
was clear that the upcoming reform movement of that time
in Germany, England and the U.S. had hardly any or no
impact in
Enschede. In that context one has to think
more or less traditionally orthodox.
impression is then,that during the years before the war
the kehilla in Enschede was just as orthodox as that of
Amsterdam where 90% of the Jews were in favor of
circumcision, marriage and funerals according to Jewish
It was disappointing that few people
attended lessons on religious subjects,
fatal for a religion whereby so much had to be
learned. Thus Meijer says
about the state of the religious education and
its poor results:
‘I still see and hear them sometimes
in my mind, those visitors to the synagogue, some with
their academic education,
getting into trouble with the simple reading of
a small piece in Hebrew’.
From this
description , as well as others, amongst which
the so-called ‘three-day Jews’ (those who only attend
synagogue on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – New Year and
the Day of Atonement) one could conclude that the
kehilla of Enschede was not exactly a bastion of
It is not easy to establish from talks
and scarce sources the measure of orthodoxy or
liberalism of this community during the thirties. In
summing up we could possibly
this community as becoming considerably more liberal and
keeping its relationship to Jewish tradition; at
weddings and funerals Jewish rituals were followed and
male babies were circumcised. Only a small part remained
really orthodox and
those made ample use of the opportunity offered
by the non-orthodox synagogue council, enabling them to
live their life in a religious way.
German Jewish refugees in the thirties
Because of a lack of written sources
it is impossible to review the situation of the German
Jewish refugees admitted in Enschede. One of the reasons
is that the kehilla in Enschede only in small part was
involved in their absorption. Although there was a ‘Committee
for German Refugees’ which wrote reports about its
activities, none of these reports
survived. Another explanation
for the non-commitment of the Jewish community
could be that many of the Jewish refugees entered the
country through Oldenzaal, where the community was much
more active. In the end the activities of the refugees
committee in Enschede were handed over to the
poor-management. In Enschede this committee had special
difficulties because of
conflicts with the authorities, the customs and
the police.
Nevertheless in 1934 the committee wrote ‘concerning the
cooperation of the Lonneker and Enschede police’. The
number of refugees who entered through the ‘Gruene
Grenze’ cannot be estimated. They were offered
assistance. The number of refugees is unknown partly
because some of them, out of fear, were not prepared to
register and those lists that were available were
apparently burnt when tension increased.
The daily management of the committee for
assistance to the refugees was left
in the hands of the Jewish Council.
During the war – the Jewish Council
From a quote
“Ondergang” (Downfall) by J. Presser: ‘There are few
Jewish communities in this country which came out of the
war in such a good shape as Enschede with about 500
survivors. How can this be explained? One community
member attributed this to the decent attitude of the
police, who apparently
warned when dangerous raids were about to take
place. Elsewhere the local members of the Jewish Council
were given highest praise ‘in contrast to other places’
(according to our source) as they propagated going into
hiding and gave centralized financial assistance to
those who
did so. The
clergyman from Enschede, Ds. L. Overduin, headed the
organization that supplied addresses…’
During meetings the activities of the
Jewish Council in Enschede were judged in a very
different way. One
stated that they were not able to do very much ‘because
they were being carefully watched’. Another person
stated in contrast that: “At this point the resistance
was established… I only know that Gerard Sanders (secretary
of the Jewish Council) and Johnny van Gelderen made
great efforts to enable Jews to go into hiding. To tell
you the truth, I have only very positive experiences
with the local Jewish Council’.
This female informant first worked in Enschede
and afterwards in Amsterdam for the Jewish Council and
she could therefore compare both bodies. Another witness
mentioned: “that obviously the Jewish Council got a bad
reputation, but without them it would have been much
worse”. It is known from another testimony
that the Jewish Council had contacts with
non-Jewish organizations. They
prepared the ground, with group-Overduin, for
providing more or less successful hiding places
for Jews in Enschede. In this respect Mr. Sieg
Menko should be mentioned, who established contacts with
non-Jewish manufacturers who assisted in the
organization of funds. “Gerard Sanders supplied the
Jews, the Reverend Overduin supplied the addresses and
Mister Sieg took care of the money, as far as all these
people could not take care of it by themselves,
something that indeed occurred at that time….”
There were people who neither knew
who the persons were who took care of these
matters nor did they notice any of the Jewish activities
involved in hiding the Jews. A small part went into
hiding, by finding addresses
themselves. Obviously the Jewish Council
understood better
than the community members, that only with the
help of contacts with non-Jewish groups something could
be done concerning the dangerous situation of the Jews.
As mentioned by Presser, about 500 Jews from Enschede
Writer and historian J. Meijer states
that actually the real local
Jewish orthodoxy had long ago disappeared; it
were not the Germans who killed Judaism, but the Jews
themselves. The assimilated persons, the mixed marriages,
the liberal council members – all are guilty already ‘before
the hordes from the East sounded the final accords’.
Actually the end begins with the emancipation in 1796 ‘a
history steadily leaving the core/essence of Judaism’.
This could also be applied to the Jewish community of
Enschede, was it not that one should be able to offer
the requisite hard proof. Whilst studying the notes of
the Synagogue council meetings of the period 1930-1942,
one gets an image of the Synagogue council and its
members, but not of the members of the community. The
Synagogue Council was at least as unorthodox as the
community itself, but measures were taken in order to
maintain an illusion of orthodoxy or at any rate, as it
should be, in spite of all signs to the contrary. The
rather remote location as well as the size of the
community enabled the community to maintain some
independence from ‘Amsterdam’ and ‘Zwolle’; the
community wanted to decide by itself in which way
matters should be settled. They shut themselves off,
also from the terrible things that were happening in
Germany. Because of its orthodox attitude the Synagogue
council alienated itself from its basis. Because of its
‘regent mentality’ and
their wealth the managers of the Jewish community
in Enschede found themselves standing rather apart from
the rest if their community. In this way the type of
council member so fiercely criticized by Meijer came
into being, an orthodox manager, who wants the
unorthodox community to be orthodox, completely out of
any proportion.
The Jewish group in Enschede which at
the beginning of the 19th century still was a
rather poor but without doubt orthodox community,
developed into a flourishing community during the
twenties and thirties of the 20th century.
Outwardly she seemed to be prosperous, but after
examination it turned out that between 60 and 70% of the
persons paying church dues, did so from a very modest
income. This
glamor and semblance of prosperity went on until the
arrival of the Germans. It ended then and it turned out
that wealth was not a safeguard. The Enschede community
went into hiding, was deported and a large part was
murdered. Although after the war more people returned
than elsewhere, it still was a small group of 500
persons. Only the synagogue reminds the survivors of the
glorious times of yesteryear, but during the High
Holidays of the Jewish religion this beautiful building
is much too big for the small amount of worshippers.
Because of aging, migration, emigration and assimilation
the number of Jews who paying dues in Enschede and
surroundings amounted in the year 2006 to forty and the
Jewish community consisted of 70 members.
Extracted from source and slightly
from open source Internet information by Yael (Lotje)
Ben Lev-de Jong].
joodse gemeenschap te Enschede:1930-1945/L.F. Van
Hengelo(Ov.):Twentse-Gelderse Uitgeverij Witkam
b.v. (extinct)
Copyright 1983:L.F. Van Zuylen
ISBN 90-6693-006-3]
Translation from Dutch into English:-
Nina Mayer
End editing English:- Trudi Asscher
Coordinating of final version:- Ben
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