Jacobus Henricus Kann
Scrupulous Banker, Enlightened Dutchman, Moderate Zionist
Chaya Brasz ©
This article on Jacobus Henricus Kann is the extended text of a lecture held by Chaya Brasz in Beth Dizengoff in Tel Aviv, on 1st June 2009, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Tel Aviv. The event was initiated and organized by the Irgun Oleh Holland in cooperation with the Netherlands Embassy in Israel. [English editing of the article: Rachele Liberman]. Chaya Brasz is a professional historian, specialized in the history of the Jews in the Netherlands and of Dutch Jews in Israel. She studied at the State University of Utrecht and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her thesis on the Jewish community in Culemborg earned her the Hartog Beem prize in 1982. She lives in Jerusalem and is the former director of the Center for Research on Dutch Jewry at the Hebrew University, where she worked for sixteen years. Among her most wellknown publications are: De Kille van Kuilenburg (Culemborg 1984); Removing the Yellow Badge, the Struggle for a Jewish Community in the Postwar Netherlands, 1944-1955 (Jerusalem 1995) and the chapter on the postwar period in the standardwork The History of the Jews in the Netherlands (Oxford 2002).
Jacobus Kann, the banker from The Hague in the Netherlands, is finally recognized as the original purchaser of the land on which Tel Aviv was founded. The approval for the purchase may have been given far away – in The Hague – but in the history of Tel Aviv, there is no more denying that this Dutchman was instrumental in the realization of one of Herzl’s dreams.[1] Moreover, Kann played an active role in the international Zionist Movement for over 20 years, and his influence lasted even longer. The time has come now to share some of his biography with the wider public in Israel and the residents of Tel Aviv-Yafo in particular.
When Kann purchased the dunes known
as ‘Kerem Jabali’, north of Yafo, he had never actually
seen them. But in April 1909, when the famous ‘lottery
of plots’ was held among the members of the ‘Ahuzat
Bayit’ association, he was no longer a foreigner. Kann
visited Eretz Israel for the
first time in 1907, while it was still part of the
Turkish Empire. He arrived in Yafo on a steamship from
Port Said. In those days there was no harbor, and
passengers were brought ashore in large rowing boats.
The sea was rough and Kann was seasick: “My legs failed
me,” he wrote. “I felt so ill that I had to be dragged
out of the boat… Such was my arrival to the Land of my
Kann documented his journey in his book Eretz Israel,
the Jewish Land, which was published in Dutch in
1908 and subsequently translated into German – the then
common language of the Zionist Movement.
Included in the
book was a proposal to establish “Jewish autonomous home
rule” in Eretz Israel, an unprecedented and daring
political plan that even caused some unrest in the
Zionist Movement itself.[3]
It evidenced Kann’s leadership and Zionist vision at
that time. Interestingly, however, the book
opens with the following lines:
Israel, the Jewish Land, was known in ancient times as
‘Canaan’, the meaning of which is ‘Lowland’ or
‘Netherland’. Indeed, the lower part of Judea, and in
particular the coastal region, reminds one of the Dutch
landscape. As a Dutch Jew, I was delighted to observe
this fact; for however much I feel united with the
Jewish People, I also feel a Dutchman and am no less
attached to the Netherlands, a country I love the way
one can only love one’s country of birth.”[4]
In this passage, Kann volunteers a striking biographical detail: his esteem for his Dutch citizenship was as strong as his love for Eretz Israel. He loved both countries and both cultures, with a love still untroubled by the Holocaust.
Jacobus Henricus Kann was born in
The Hague in 1872. He was a talented banker and the
owner of Lissa & Kann, a prestigious bank in The
Hague which served, among others, the Dutch Royal
family. Kann and his wife Anna Polak Daniels were
upper-middle class secularized Jews. However, Kann,
along with his brother Eduard, attended the first
Zionist congress in 1897, and he became the driving
force behind the foundation of the Dutch Zionist
Federation in 1899.[5]
Jacobus Henricus Kann
(Collection Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam).
At the same time, the family
mingled freely with non-Jews, among whom were also
members of the Dutch Parliament and ministers in the
Dutch government. Kann engaged a non-Jewish partner to
his bank – which he kept open on Shabbat – thus giving
himself the opportunity to devote his time to other
affairs: mostly Zionism, board memberships in the Jewish
community and educational matters in The Hague.[6]
The Kanns were closely associated with liberal
Protestant Christian circles, in which the innovative
educational ideas of Jan Ligthart and Prof. Rommert
Casimir flourished.[7]
They were personally acquainted with both.[8]
Jacobus Kann was one of the
founders of the Lyceum in The Hague, the first school of
this type in the Netherlands. Anna Kann was an active
suffragette, who promoted women’s right to participate
in elections and be elected to the Dutch Parliament. The
Hague branch of the Dutch Jewish Women’s Council was
founded in the Kanns’ own residence.[9]
Progressive views on equality, human rights and the
international laws of nations were part of their social
ethos. They were enlightened, modern people. Zionism
probably saved them from further assimilation. It
offered them a positive Jewish identity in a highly
idealistic setting that was very similar to their other
fields of activity.
When Kann heard that Theodor Herzl and David Wolffsohn
were planning to set up a Zionist bank, he offered his
professional skills, and Herzl came in person to meet
with him in The Hague. Kann became a main player in the
foundation of the Jewish Colonial Trust (1899) and
served on its board until 1929. When the Anglo-Palestine
Company (APC) – the banking subsidiary of the Jewish
Colonial Trust – was incorporated, Kann was involved in
the launching of its first branch in Yafo, in 1903. He
also served on the Anglo-Palestine Company’s Board of
Kann’s political ideas were very
close to Herzl’s. They were both bourgeois liberals,
shaped by the 19th century. Both also were
‘political Zionists’, who sought the approval of the
non-Jewish world before embarking on actual projects in
Palestine. Nevertheless, Herzl and Kann did not develop
a working relationship.[10]
Kann as a banker was meticulous and
slow. He would not engage in a venture unless a thorough
research was carried out and a sound budget secured.
Herzl had no patience for this. Consequently, Kann’s
true rise within the Zionist Movement took place only
after Herzl’s death in 1904. Kann, together with David
Wolffsohn and Otto Warburg, constituted the Inner Action
Committee that ruled over the Zionist Movement in
Herzl’s place. He kept that position from 1905 till
1911, and it is during this period that Kann purchased
the ‘Kerem Jabali’, north of Yafo.
The registration of ‘Kerem Jabali’
in Kann’s name, in 1906, had involved a question about
Kann’s religion. It was not until the summer of 1909,
when members of ‘Ahuzat Bayit’ started building on their
plots, that the local Turkish authorities became aware
of having been misinformed about Kann’s Jewish identity.
They realized that Kann’s proxy in Palestine had given
them an inaccurate answer to the relevant question. As
the true purpose of the transaction became clear to
them, they were infuriated, and filed a complaint with
the Dutch delegation in Constantinople. The Dutch
Ministry of Foreign Affairs disagreed with the Turks,
and claimed that discriminating a Dutch citizen on
account of his being Jewish was unacceptable. At that
time, the Netherlands was represented in Palestine by an
Italian delegate, who took the matter quite seriously.
He even called upon the Dutch government to send a
warship to the coast of Yafo in defense of Kann’s
The Dutch Ministry, however, contended that Kann was
perfectly able to attend to his own business, and sure
enough, the matter calmed down. The purchased land
stayed in Kann’s possession until he sold it, in the
years shortly after the incident, to the members of the
‘Ahuzat Bayit’ association.
During that period, Kann’s mind was
bustling with ideas and plans. In financial matters, he
was the absolute backbone of the Zionist Movement. In
1909, he met in person with a young accountant, who had
only just established himself in Amsterdam.[12]
His name was Eliezer Siegfried Hoofien. Kann talked him
into a job with the Zionist Movement in Cologne. Several
years later, in 1912, Hoofien became vice-director of
the Anglo-Palestine Company in Yafo, under Zalman
Levontin. By then, the bank had already established
branches in Jerusalem, Beirut, Haifa, Hebron, Tiberias
and Safed. Hoofien would not only stay on that job, but
he eventually rose to Levontin’s position and became
Director of the APC – in later years Bank Leumi, the
bank he served until 1957. Kann’s initiative had been
the starting point of Hoofien’s brilliant career.[13]
In 1910, Kann founded the first
‘hachshara’ organization in the Netherlands: the
“Joodsche Tuinbouw-,Veeteelt-en
Zuivelbereidingsvereeni-ging”, (Jewish
horticulture, livestock farming and dairy processing
association). That same year he also engaged the
services of a civil engineer of the Dutch government by
the name of A.A. Meijers, who had worked in Java for
many years and was an expert in irrigation systems.[14]
Meijers was charged with the task
to design an irrigation project for the development of
the Audja plain, situated along the banks of the Yarkon
river between Yafo and Petah Tikva. The area’s proximity
to Yafo made it ideal for orange plantations for export
purposes. Betzalel Yaffe, one of the members of ‘Ahuzat
Bayit’, was involved through his activities with an
irrigation company.[15]
Kann further instructed Meijers to
design development plans for Jerusalem, not only in
connection with its water supply, but also with
electrical street lighting and… an electrical tramway.
While in those days Jews were still moving from Eastern
Europe to the United States, Kann rightly estimated that
millions of Jews would eventually immigrate to
Palestine. This, he felt, could only be realized by
providing the scarcely populated and undeveloped Holy
Land with viable workplaces and an appropriate
western-style infrastruc-ture.
In spite of his enthusiasm, Kann also developed frustrations with the Zionist Movement – and those were typical Dutch frustrations. Kann, Hoofien, and later on also Siegfried van Vriesland and Nehemia de Lieme, who all held financial positions, each had their moments of despair about the administration of the Zionist enterprise.[16] Budget transgressions and money wasted on inefficient projects were a constant source of aggravation to them. Kann disapproved of philanthropy and expected projects to become self-sufficient and profitable as soon as possible. He strongly criticized the development projects in Kineret, Merhavia, Degania and other places. In those days, he used to impress his fellow Zionists in the world organization by knowing every single detail on every single project in Palestine. But his strong involvement also took a heavy toll on his health. In 1911, after his close friend David Wolffsohn lost his position in the Zionist Movement, Kann suffered a heart attack and left the Inner Action Committee together with Wolffsohn.
In 1913, Kann presented a
confidential report to his co-members of the Larger
Action Committee of the World Zionist Movement. In this
document he stated that the “so-called practical work in
Palestine” was suffering of “severe malformation.”[17]
He supported his criticism by citing “facts and numbers”
rather than supplying “theoretical explanations”, and
proceeded to describe several projects. He finally
declared that it was “not too late to prevent a total
collapse” and concluded with a series of
“All Zionist projects should be submitted to central
control. Strict order is prerequisite in all our
branches of activity. Budgets must be strictly abided
by, and any excess should entail a penalty. An orderly
bookkeeping should be introduced in all departments, and
money belonging to different institutions of the Zionist
Organization should be kept strictly apart.”
It was a language most Zionists did not understand. It
merely succeeded in arousing their irritation.
Kann became once again very active
during the First World War, when the Jewish National
Fund was relocated to neutral The Hague. With the help
of Dutch diplomatic channels, rescue money for the
suffering Jews in Palestine was transferred to the Yafo
branch of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, whose manager,
Hoofien, had been appointed Dutch Consul. After the war,
from 1918 until 1922, Kann served as Chairman of the
Board of Directors of the Anglo-Palestine Bank. It was
then that he paid his second visit to Palestine, in
1919, together with his wife and two of their five
children. Also accompanying them was Jan Ligthart’s
widow, Marie Lion Cachet, who was a Protestant Christian
of Jewish descent.[18]
Kann traveled to Palestine as
member of the Zionist Commission, a first Jewish
government-like authority in Palestine, which closely
cooperated with the World Zionist Organization in London
and was later replaced by the Jewish Agency. It was not
long after the Balfour Declaration (1917). Those were
uncertain years, in which the League of Nations still
had to decide to whom the Mandate over Palestine should
be handed. As far as Kann was concerned, it could have
been the Netherlands.[19]
Before his journey he had lobbied several Dutch
government officials, including the former Minister of
Foreign Affairs Dr. J. Loudon, but none of them had
shown interest in the job.
During this second journey to
Palestine, Kann attended several sessions of the Zionist
Commission. On one occasion, he tried to convince Dr.
Chaim Weizmann of the need to change the Zionist
Movement’s approach towards the Arabs, who then
constituted 90% of Palestine’s population.[20]
Kann was well ahead of his time
when he raised the issue, and was one of the first
Zionists to recognize it as a problem. In view of his
background and social environment in The Hague, Kann’s
attitude was hardly surprising. Moreover, he was being
true not only to himself, but to Herzl’s legacy as well:
Arabs would form an integrated minority with full civil
rights in a Homeland, in which the Jews would achieve an
overall majority by mass immigration. Kann expressed his
views on the Zionist Commission’s tasks in particular in
the area of education. During the Turkish period, all
inhabitants of Palestine had paid taxes, but Arabs were
the only ones to enjoy subsidized education. Jews and
others were in fact doubly disadvantaged, as they had to
pay for their own education on a private basis. Now that
the Zionist Commission would gradually take over
Palestine – as they thought was soon to happen in those
optimistic days – Kann advised the Commission to start a
public school system in which Jews and Arabs, the Jewish
Homeland’s future inhabitants, would learn together in
both Hebrew and Arabic.[21]
He in fact opposed the development of two separate
nationalistic educational systems. But his highly
idealistic views fell on deaf ears. Most Zionists paid
no attention to the problem. For many years to come,
Kann kept warning the Zionist Movement against the
potential harm of its position vis-à-vis the Arab
Kann arrived to the country for a
third time in 1924, this time not as a visitor, but to
live there with his wife. He had been looking for a
suitable way to make aliya, and was nominated by the
Dutch authorities as Consul of the Netherlands in
In 1925, her Majesty the Dutch Queen appointed him
Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion. However, in 1927,
after spending three years in Palestine, the Kanns were
forced to return to the Netherlands due to serious
health problems.
Kann in his uniform as Dutch consul in Jerusalem
(Collection Kann family).
Life in Palestine did not change Kann’s moderate Zionist
views, even though he was confronted with a British
Mandate that largely built itself upon injustices
inherited from the Turkish Empire. Kann personally
experienced the disadvantage of Arab dominance in
official functions in Jerusalem despite the fact that
Jews had been a majority there for many decades.
As Dutch Consul he became involved
with the inheritance of Jacob Israel de Haan.[23]
Kann’s arrival in 1924 coincided
with the year in which De Haan was assassinated by
Zionist extremists striving to stop the latter’s
anti-Zionist activities. The money left by De Haan to
his legal wife Johanna van Maarseveen in the Netherlands
was in the hands of the Arab family at whose residence
De Haan had stayed, the Aweidas in Mamilla Street. He
had loaned out the money to them. As they had no liquid
funds to repay the loan, they were compelled to sell
part of their property – “a house in the Birket Mamilla
Street comprising two stories of flats, five shops and a
garden”. Kann himself purchased the property and began
collecting rent payments from the tenants. Johanna van
Maarseveen could be satisfied. After a while, the Aweida
family started legal proceedings, and Kann eventually
lost the case in a court hearing that was dominated by
Arab judges and contested only by the British court
member. The sale was nullified on the grounds that
proper enquiry about the annual rent payments had not
been made. As a result, Kann lost both the property and
his money. This all happened on the eve of Kann’s return
to the Netherlands, in 1927. Kann’s successor, Siegfried
van Vriesland, ended the affair through diplomatic
channels involving the Dutch and the British
governments, claiming that the British had been
negligent towards Kann. In the end, Kann was paid
compensation by the British.[24]
Even this episode did not change Kann’s liberal ideas. In 1928, when the Zionist movement became disillusioned about the likelihood of Jewish mass immigration to Palestine, Kann declared:
“Palestine is a country with an Arab majority. For the
time being, it seems improbable that the vision of a
Jewish State or a Jewish majority can be realized. But
we will lose nothing by leaving it to the future to
determine which nationality will finally have the
After the bloody Arab riots of
1929, Kann fiercely criticized the British
administration for building up an exclusively Arab
police force, while leaving the Jews unprotected and
even disarming them.[26]
But at the same time he once again condemned the
“chauvinistic elements in Zionism”, and he voiced his
endorsement of the ideas of Magnes.[27]
Judah Magnes, the first president of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, was a follower of Ahad Ha’Am
and an ardent pacifist. Magnes, along with Martin Buber
and other prominent intellectuals, actively supported
the Brit Shalom group, an organization striving for
peaceful Jewish-Arab coexistence in a bi-national state.
There is no doubt that both Jacobus Kann and Siegfried
van Vriesland sympathized with this group.[28]
Tragically enough, both Jacobus and Anna Kann were
murdered by the Nazis. They perished in Theresien-stadt,
he in 1944 and she in early 1945. Kann did not live to
hear the reading of the Declaration of Independence by
David Ben-Gurion in Beit Dizengoff. But the words
contained in it regarding the non-Jewish minorities in
the Jewish State were completely in line with the
principles of this enlightened, liberal Dutchman, who
was an enthusiastic and yet moderate Zionist.
Jacobus and Anna Kann during the Nazi-regime in the
(Collection Kann family).
[1] Burstein, E., “Was Tel Aviv founded in the Netherlands?” in: Private Banking, no. 75, April 2009 (Bank Leumi). In Hebrew: <www.achuzatbait.org.il> בורשטיים, איתן, "האם תל אביב נוסדה בהולנד?"
Kann, J.H., Erets Israël, Het Joodsche Land
(Leiden 1908), p. 7.
[3] Vladimir Jabotinsky tried to prevent its publication, out of fear that Kann’s statement would cause political harm to Zionism in the Ottoman capital, Constantinople.
Kann, J.H., Erets Israël, Het Joodsche Land
(Leiden 1908), p. VII.
Eliav, M., “Jacobus Kann as a Zionist Leader”,
in: Michman, J. and Levie, T. (eds.), Dutch
Jewish History (Jerusalem 1984), pp.
491-508; Giebels, L., De zionistische
beweging in Nederland 1899-1941 (Assen
Biografisch woordenboek, Joden in Nederland in
de twintigste eeuw,
pp. 163, 164.
Klinken, G.J. van, “Van ‘Land der Vaderen’ tot
‘Erets Israel’, Twee Palestijnse
reisbeschrijvingen uit de familie Lion Cachet”,
in: Broeyer, F.G.M. en Klinken, G.J. van (eds.),
Reizen naar het Heilige Land, Protestantse
impressies 1840-1960 (Zoetermeer 2008), pp.
[8] Ligthart’s widow traveled with the Kann family to Palestine in 1919 (see Van Klinken), and Prof. Rommert Casimir visited Palestine in 1928, CZA A121/114.
Boas, H., Bewust-joodse Nederlandse vrouwen
(Kampen 1992), p. 116.
Eliav, pp. 494, 495.
[11] Giebels, p. 90.
[12] CZA A121/77.
[13] Efrati, N., “Eliezer Siegfried Hoofien, Director of the APC: His Role with the Yishuv during World War I and its Aftermath”, in: Michman, J., (ed.), Dutch Jewish History, II (Jerusalem 1989), pp. 219-234.
[14] CZA A121/1. Java was part of the Dutch colony ‘Dutch India’, now Indonesia.
[15] CZA A121/12.
[16] Brasz, C., “Dutch Jews as Zionists and Israeli Citizens”, in: Brasz, C. and Kaplan, Y. (eds.), Dutch Jews as Perceived by Themselves and by Others (Leiden 2001), pp. 215-234.
CZA A121/12.
Van Klinken, pp. 113-121.
[19] CZA A121/184.
Giebels, p. 129; Van Klinken, p. 115; CZA A
CZA A121/31; See also: Giebels, p. 129; Van
Klinken, pp. 115, 116.
Giebels, L., “De Nederlandse Consulaire
vertegenwoordiging in Palestina van 1918-1940”,
in: Studia Rosenthaliana, V, no.1 (1971),
pp. 71-101.
[23] CZA A121/114.
[25] CZA A121/115.
Kann, J.H., Opmerkingen betreffende het
beleid van de Mandaatsregeering van Palestina
met betrekking tot de Arabische overvallen op de
Joodsche bevolking in augustus 1929 en
betreffende de Joodsche en de Arabische
volksgroepen, (Den Haag 1930).
[27] Idem, p. 60. He referred to a brochure Magnes published in 1930 under the title Like all the Nations?
[28] On Van Vriesland, see: Siegfried van Vriesland, May 2nd, 1886-December 4th, 1939, (Jerusalem 1940).
Aviv, Beth Dizengoff, 1.6.2009